>tfw first casino on the moon

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i told you fags. i've been shilling this coin for WEEKS

unlike the other shitcoins, FUN actually has a really lucrative niche (online casinos), it already has products developed (online gambling games using FUN), and it's dev team is refusing to push news that would cause a pump--they're going to let the release in January do the talking for them.

FUN is a diamond penny coin, really. think about how bad you want to gamble on this coin... that's how bad people want to gamble ALL THE TIME and they'll be using this coin

hory shet its over 300 sats


One of the best things about this coin right now is a normie can understand it in one sentence. They also have demonstrable product. Everyone understands gambling. All this new money in the market and FUN is ready to blast off.

i am glad i bought 25k last week when i learned about it from a friend. Been shilling since then but everyone just calls you a pajeet when you do it, so eventually i thought why bother.

I bought it earlier today before the boom after doing some reading on the archive

Seems the really good coins to get in are the ones that are rarely mentioned or shilled by 1-2 people over the course of a week

Bought some yesteday.

i hope you guys bought when i shilled this yesterday, and the day before, and the day before.

remember to buy more when it levels-out for more guaranteed gains.

My dumb ass bought near ATH. Am I stuck holding for a few weeks to get back out clean?

I've only made $4k after a month of holding. I'm about to dump this if it dips below 275 sats again.

Nah itll go back up by the 20th easily.

dump now, it will go down more.
i sold everything rght now,
this coin cant move more

Which Wallet should i use to store/exchange FUN?



I literally shilled this even though I hadn't bought it. Hoping it dips today and I can pick it up where it was yesterday or close to it

10cents by xmas

Lol what type of logic is that pajeet? You're supposed to FUD the coins when you don't have any so price will come down.

Is it too late to buy?

Short term, probabaly. Mid-Long term not at all.

Nope, its a good buy in period


>6 cents

fuck off, this needs to go back to 4 so people can actually buy.

The TA god at called fun months ago.

I thought it seemed like a good idea, but I had also read others say that and price hadn't budget at all in a very long time. I figured it was going to stay low at least until the announcement tomorrow. Now I wake up and see it did what I thought it would eventually do

Whats the best exchange to get this & where do I keep it?

bought it at 240 sat yesterday after i saw it here, ty for your service

Binance and your ledger nano s

Cheers bro. I'm a total noob with this. I have to buy it with bitcoin, right? doesn't that mean the transaction fee will be high as fuck right now?

Buy with ethereum.

Bitcoin or Ethereum.

I suggest ETH since it only takes a couple seconds for it to transfer

Cheers pals!

>this coin cant move more
It's not going down. Been a sleeper for too long.

just went in on this, such a great coin. Anything under 10 cents is a steal

this thing is a good hold, will probably be up to 20 cents by March

wow it's fucking trying to dip but can't lol, EVERYONE HODL