Modern General

Good Reprints? edition

Hopes for MM3?

Opinions on MM3?

Thoughts on the current meta?

Thoughts on Wizards bannings of late?

Anything that needs to be ban/unbanned?
Current Modern Metagame


Still Couldn't find anything worth reading desu

Other urls found in this thread:




Hopes for MM3?
Cavern still, also Voice of Resurgence
Opinions on MM3?
Seems good so far
Thoughts on the current meta?
It's alright. Death's Shadow is showing up a lot but I think the meta and players can adjust. I'm sure someone will complain that blue control isn't the number one deck as always though
Thoughts on Wizards bannings of late?
Not as awful as they once were

Remember this product has to:
- have a lot of good reprints in all rarities without cluttering dogshit like Comet Storm or Kamigawa Dragons
- be available in huge quanities
- 36 packs per box
- have regular MSRP

If all these conditions, then it's a steaming pile of fucking shit and you should be ashamed for buying it and perpetuating this cycle of shit Masters product. This product line has historically been the most anti-consumer relative to its purpose, which presumably has been to make Modern more accessible, and they make no effort to change their shit design this past five years because people keep fucking buying it.

If you're going to flame me back, justify why you think this product isn't allowed to be better than it is. inb4 phoneposters poorfag/u mad

Im hoping for Craterhoof Behemoth. My green edh decks and my modern elves deck could use a copy each.

I know it wont happen but Snapcaster being rare would be great. So would be Noble Hierarch reprint but I also doubt it.

Do you think Goyf and Bob will make the cut?

>only a few cards shown
>everyone already circlejerking about how awesome the set is

For some reason I feel like this has happened before...

>Being against phoneposting
It's 2017, grandpa, people have places to be

Phoneposter and legacyfag here, master sets suck.

When you say regular MSRP do you mean like standard boosters or actually being sold at the MSRP wizard's currently has for it (e.g. not the first modern masters)?

>tfw landfall rallier deck

>Kamigawa dragons

Despite them being shit, I'm still glad i sold my foiled Kokusho for 100$ when he was used in standard.

Shit was so cash.

If voice gets a reprint, what does that do to Dragon's Maze packs? Is it possible for packs to achieve negative value?

I felt I was drawing the wrong half of my deck too often when I played it

Go and look at the rares in MM15. What we've seen today already kicks the shit out of that garbage set. It may be trash in the end, but signs point to it being slightly less trash than the previous MM. And some people are just going to buy singles, and are happy these reprints might make a dent in their prices.

>tfw not investorfag
>tfw have no idea what repercussions this set will have
>but it probably means I'll be paying more for a modern deck if I want to play.
Didn't shit like Infinity cost about half the price it is now?


Did you mean Affinity? Yes, it used to be way cheaper but prices increase when new players want the deck and you dont reprint cards.

These reprints mean that their price will decrease but they have the effect of creating an increase in demand later on, which will push back prices up or even higher. This wouldnt happen if this wasnt a limited print run set.


>lets reprint zen fetches in a limited run
>but khans fetches were reprinted in a regular block
>lol who the fuck cares buy more packs goyim

I've tweaked it from the original list but I find most matches you just have to Mulligan if you can't put pressure on. You really don't wanna be the control

Don't worry user, the single prices actually drop for a spell and do stay lower than they would without these reprints, it's just some Jewing around with some cards like Tarmogoyf that fucks things around, and the fact that some much needed cards didn't get the reprints they needed last round on grounds of the fact that MM15 was utter dogshit.

About a month or so after the set drops is when the singles should be at their all time low, as I recall. Then they'll rise slightly, but supply generally beats out demand unless you're Mox Opal and some idiots popularized Lantern Control.

>but it probably means I'll be paying more for a modern deck if I want to play.
That's not how reprints work bub, you'll see a window where you can get everything for cheaper and make money too

That's not how economy works in mtg either apparently though, I mean has anyone here ever had any trouble getting any of the modern cards they wanted? Because I never had a single problem getting any of the original legacy/vintage dual lands either yet apparently there is a scarcity of them that makes them worth 100€+/card.

What are you talking about? After reprints most of the modern cards see a dip in price aka the window I was talking about and then start rising afterwards. Don't know why you even replied to me desu

>green limited archetype is token based

Id jizz my pants if they reprinted doubling season

>After reprints most of the modern cards see a dip in price

In the last modern masters they didn't see any significant price drop.

Doubling Season is more or less useless in typical constructed.

Just print out a copy for non-sanctioned play. If people are giving you shit about proxies in a non-sanctioned format tell them to fuck off.

What are the chances of blood moon and chalice of the void reprint?

0 and possibly but I doubt it

3-rounder shop weekly today

>UW Jerks!

>2-1 Merfolk
>2-0 UTron
>2-1 Lantern

>$16 in credit for 1st

What would modern have been like if these votes had gone differently?

>No Bridge
>No Blood Moon
All around improvement

But what if Blood Moon was reprinted in 9th edition even if it lost the 8th edition vote?

Blood moon is one of the few answers to greedy mana bases and tron. As ridiculous as the card is

Then it would be shit and nothing would be different, why even ask?


>Blood Moon
>Answering Tron

Well you've really got to build your whole deck around blood moon if you want to use it, so if tron ever becomes too strong people can just build more aggressive decks rather than blood moon decks anyway. Cards that keep decks in check don't really work unless you can slot them into your deck without major changes.

>Well you've really got to build your whole deck around blood moon if you want to use it
Tell that to legacy Jund.

>Well you've really got to build your whole deck around blood moon if you want to use it
doesn't Affinity run Blood Moon?

I will when they're using it

Post your list, sounds close to my white hatebears with Judge's Familiar and other blue shenanigans?

Yeah but affinity happens to be already built such that they can cast nearly everything through blood moon anyway, so that's a notable exception.

this is a good joke
only playable deck that runs Blood Moon in Legacy is Sneak and Show, as a sideboard card

the card really needs to be build around. Sneak and Show doesn't give a fuck about the drawback because it needs 2U and force backup (someitmes) to nearly win the game on the spot
and it's secondary wincon requires all R to cast and use anyway

>Implying Miracles doesn't run Blood Moon

Last MM wsa generally regarded as trash since everything was mythic and the set had no little to no value outside the mythics.

But just to prove you wrong here are some cards that dropped in price
>goyf dropped 20 and is on a downward trend currently
>dark confidant
>karn dropped for a little bit but rose around ogw
>same thing with bitterblossom
>emrakul fell but is on the rise right now
>v clique fell
>all is dust fell
>Cryptic command fell after it's mm2 printing
Noble heirarch fell but is seeing some action right now

And before you ask for source you can check mtgoldfish on the price history of paper cards.

>inb4 the amounts aren't significant because they didn't nuke the value of a card

Are you implying it doesnt you scrub?

>Reading through lists from Modern Open Indy, check out the Abzan decks
>a single Overgrown Battlement

Sylvan Caratyd seems like a better option if you want a Bolt-proof dork, all Battlements does is get around Anger of the Gods, unless I'm missing something

Also blocks nacatl I guess

He probably plays a deck with no clock

With the bant angel showing up hierarch getting another reprint wouldn't shock me in the slightest. Plus I need 3 of them along with caverns to finish off bant eldrazi so I'm optimistic that both cards show up at rare.

>fetch lands
>guild gates and tri lands

They can fuck off with their limited excuse this time. Nobody is gonna have fun with mana fixing that doesn't grab fuck all

Isn't this exactly the same mana fixing as khans? Fetches, tapped tri's, tapped (untyped) duals?

At this point if we get an artifact answer card I expect it will be engineered explosives with the multi color theme suggested by the lands spoiled thus far. Which sucks because chalices are way to goddamned expensive.

chalice seems more like an eternal masters card desu.

Even though it should be reprinted along with blood moon and explosives

Doesn't big red run blood moon main? Or is it too much of a meme to count?

fuck i forgot about miracles
oh well
my point was that Blood Moon can only be run in decks that don't have really strict color costs and can afford to fetch basics
Jund does not fit in to that category at all

>blood moon
I'm convinced the price spike not too long ago was due to insider info saying CotV is not in

Or maybe the spike was the fact that Eldrazi Tron runs 4 in main/side, coupled with the cheerios and Baral Storm memes?

>Magic insider trading

Holy fuck I never even thought about this.

Is this a thing? Are there documentrd instances of it?

rate my meme build

Even if there isn't insider trading in the sense of people knowing about reprints beforehand and using that info to do buyouts etc(though I assume there is) the fact that starcity and the like consistently buyout cards(standard/modern fringe cards) to artificially inflate prices and restrict availability is criminal and would be heavily prosecuted in the "real world".

Is the white for just PtE really worth it or is there a bunch of white in the sideboard? Because splashing a third color for just one card seems wrong.

Needs dismember for shadow synergy/10

Why would you play Death's Shadow without Street Wraith?

Did you missed Unmaking?

Get rid of meme pushes and throw in Dismembers + one more Unmaking instead of maybe one visions.


Yeah totally missed that my bad. However Unmaking seems so meh, like with all the counters, pushes and paths do you really need a "catch all" in the main that bolts you and doesn't hit lands?

Best Sideboard cards against Jund in white?

In esper DS deck it'sactually good, lowers your health and removes everything except for lands.

But for that you can even sideboard fulminators + surgical.

saw a grixis death's shadow list(Ryan overturf I think?) that had no street wraith and what could go wrong by making something that might actually be good into something that's probably not good

Anguished + sideboard potential

I like the push because I fight a lot of colonnade decks, I don't actually know how many life-loss effects I need for death's shadow to be at it's best but I like the dismember idea



That list was more so a grixis delver running death's shadow and thoughtseize as opposed to a grixis death's shadow list.

This kills the Sun Titan.

>Ahh, it's over…
>My sun… is setting…

That is a spicy UW death and taxesesque deck. Is it any good? And are the maindeck revokers actually worth it, feels more like a sideboard card in modern.

>when she has a dick

I always liked terminate

Molten Rain is in as well, but they only revealed the art and confirmed an upshift to uncommon. Actual card tomorrow.

I thought it was a downshifted dreadbore, completely forgot terminate was a card, I need sleep.

What are the best cards for a Whir of invention toolbox?

Ensnaring Bridge, obviously. But what else?

What sleeves should I get for infect? What goes well with blue/green cards?

so would it be better to shift more towards a normal DS plan as opposed to delver+DS since I don't have access to bolt in esper?

That would make some sense since Dreadbore is from RTR. I'm glad it's Terminate though.

>tfw doing well with The Fae
Soon we shall ascend from meme status friends

I'm no expert but, torpor orb, chalice, relic, grafdiggers cage, engineered explosives all seem good

>death's shadow jund
>only threats are 1 and 2 CMC
unleash the secret kamigawa tech

>Threads death's shadow
>have more than 13 life
>it dies
>wait until after I have less than 13 life
>it never happens, he kills me in a 17-0 burst

I just don't see why you'd run this over fatal push, which isn't sideboard material.

>Implying you're not dead befor they can cast that
>Implying if your life total is high enough for a deaths shadow to live you're not about to die anyways
>Implying that didn't get inquisitioned 4 turns ago

>they actually reprinted guildgates
Wow wotc has no respect for the secondary market at all. Us investors help keep the game alive and this is how they repay us? I've put thousands of dollars into guildgates and this is just a slap in the face. Might as well start reprinting storm crow at common now, no need to account for the people keeping the game alive and how their wallets take a hit every time you decide to "help the players" with stupid charity like this.

>Current Year

You cannot 1 for 1 against Jund if you're a full turn behind, and not even draw-go'n. Bad tech.

Better sell your maze ends before the bubble bursts user

I know you're b8ing, but how is it that investors keep the game alive?

they don't that's the point of the post

expedition map
my superion
thopter foundry
ethersworn canonist/trinisphere
welding jar
mindlock orb

what's the highest X you can get with Whir in such a deck

cause Mindslaver, Plat Angel, Wurmcoil, Sundering Titan are all mono-U tron artifact wins that are pretty good

I don't know. But all of those seem like extreme win conditions. I'd like to keep the CMC low, because I've already got a win condition built into the deck I'm brewing.

>Turn 3 Karn on the Play

In 2014 a really good affinity deck was 600 bucks (no foils or fancy shit, just a tuned list). Hasn't changed alot since.

>when you gq + surgical extract tower and set up the crucible lock 5 turns later to rub their face in it
Only thing that feels better is cryptic command bounce + esper charm shenanigans desu

BTFO burn player

as far as what decks are on here, am i missing anything important?

altar of the brood
liquidmetal coating

those plus saheeli rai are an infinite mill combo that win on the spot

as far as utility artifacts, tormod's crypt, grafdigger's cage, any of the lifegain aftifacts against burn and aggro, staff of domination, witchbane orb if you can get that much mana, or thopter foundry and sword of the meek.