EDH/Commander general

Hatebears edition

Old thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Topic:
Who's your favorite hatebear?

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>Who's your favorite hatebear?
Does Rest in Peace count?

That's pretty much Anafenza so sure

>Favorite Hatebear
Nominating 8.5 Tails as an honorary hatebear for services rendered. Saved important bears and pushed guys carrying Swords and Jittes through more times than I can count.

So there's this guy in my playgroup who has 1 mana crypt, and he's proxied it and put it in each of his decks. Every time he casts it he takes his real copy and puts it on the battlefield while putting the proxy away. When randoms at the LGS criticize him for it he always says "I could also swap in the crypt when I want to use a different deck but that'd just waste time I could have been using to shuffle".

Yay or nay for this behaviour?

if he plays fast mana that isnt sol ring in edh then hes a sweaty tryhard either way

I love all my hatebears equally so I'll just pick the one that leads my hatebears deck.

Seems fine by me. No point in spending a fuckload of money on multiple copies of one expensive card.

I see nothing wrong with it. He has the original and he even takes the effort to use it instead of just saying he has it.

pic related

Seems fine.

Dude's honestly just a lazy fuck. Then again, I don't proxy shit so I'm in the nay.

>Favourite Hatebear
I think it's Thalia.

He pulled it during a draft and just calls it his second sol ring. Besides that his decks aren't really competitive.

Yay. If the mana crypt is important enough to his decks that he'd take the time to switch it in every time, then I'd much rather he run a proxy and not waste everyone's time. He owns the card, he puts the actual card on the battlefield when he plays it, it all seems fine.

Think of it like people running those checklists for flipcards and reaching for their deckbox to put the proper card in play when necessary.

I'm fine with it, because there's nothing stopping him from just pulling it out of Deck A and putting it into Deck B each time. This is effectively the exact same thing, it just saves a lot of time.

As long as his proxy is indistinguishable from other cards (IE, he can't tell "That's my mana crypt proxy" without looking at the face of the card, and it is VERY OBVIOUSLY not another card somehow) I would have absolutely no problem with it.

My opinion is biased because I do something similar.

The only choice

I dunno man, all of gA's decks have Mana Crypt

He makes an effort and actually has the card. Better than the dude who has 4 baby Jace checklist cards in his deck but only owns 1 copy.

lazy, but that is fine by me.

Follow-up question. What would you say if someone wrote "Gaea's Cradle" in sharpie on a basic forest and when confronted about it, pulled it out of his elves deck to show he owns it?

Except RiP is good. Anafenza only hits reanimator, RiP hoses all graveyard strategies.
I dunno if this counts but it sure is one of my favorites

My favorite hatebear costs 3 mana, is a 2/1, has flying and is actually not a bear at all.

Jesus I've never seen him before
How much would you get targeted if you made him your general?

its no different.

Honestly at most you could ask them to put it in their deck, and make them spend the 30 seconds or so doing it.

I think that'd be fine, too. "Proxying a card that I own, but is in another deck and bonkers expensive" is fine.

A lot.

I have a foil of that and it's so fucking gorgeous

The difference is I wouldn't take it out of my elves deck. It's already in SP condition, I'm trying to not cause any further deterioration to the card by switching sleeves all the time.

Put it in a toploader and print proxies for every deck you use it in.



>Krenko, mob boss
my baby. First EDH deck I ever made, never been dismantled, probably never will be. Exactly what youd expect from a krenko deck

>Momir Vig, simic visionary
Lots of weenies that are both U and G so i can search as many times as possible. Not very degenerate, commander can really switch between him, Ezuri, Edric, Rashmi, or Thrasios/Kydele whenever

>Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Dragon tribal. Very durdly but can win out of nowhere, thanks to commander damage

>Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
Mix of snake tribal and voltron, the snake half being super shitty and the voltron half being way too fast sometimes. Probably my least played deck right now

>Polukranos, World Eater
Lots and lots and lots of ramp, and every monogreen hydra I could get my hands on. Simple and easy to play, my main loaner deck for new players, as well as krenko.

>Show up to a legacy GP
"No it's cool I have the real thing in a toploader"


This is why I don't give a flying fuck about card value.

I enjoy playing to have fun with my friends, not carding about the value of cardboard and ink.

Ghave and Sek'Kuar will be here in just a few days, so they've moved up to the 'built' folder.

>Still no Gix Commander

Well you need to take the toploader with you. Also, if you have 4 copies in a deck you do need 4 real copies too.

And here's the Works in Progress.

You're missing the point.

If you showed up to a sanctioned event with 'proxies' in your deck, and said "No it's okay, I have the real things in my binder/other deck/a toploader", you would get a Game Loss.

It naturally depends on the power level of your meta, but he honestly doesn't have that big of a target on his head. Max you should be taking like 10 damage from him over the course of a game, and you can stop making land drops at any time if you are in danger.

Played with a guy that ran him before, ran him and used lots of symmetrical damage effects trying to make the game quicker. Worked pretty well and he won a few games, but zozu itself isn't the problem or how he could win.

He is pretty funny with basilisk collar though.

From nicest to dickest

>Ephara Flash
Casual shitdeck, just for fun, not quite sure if it's control or tokens or what. Very unfocused.

>Anafenza Hatebears
Hatebears in EDH. Why not.

>Maelstrom Wanderer, Edric
Pure cancer, both of them.

>Aurelia MLD
Mass land destruction makes my pee pee go all stiffy

>Grenzo Value/Combo
Combos with anything

How many jokulhaups and jokulhaups-like effects can one person run in a casual format?

And that's why you shouldn't do this in a sanctioned EDH event. :^)


>Sanctioned EDH event
Not a thing.

Second, "if you have 4 copies in a deck" clearly excludes Commander.

>>Sanctioned EDH event
>Not a thing.
That's the joke.

>Korlash, Heir to Black Blade
Just the best Black cards I had lying around. Mostly just board wipe and play big creartures

>Maelstrom Wanderer
Not as gay as it sounds

Work in progress, not really efficient yet

>Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
Bear Tribal. Sucks, but is super fun

>Gwafa Hazid

>Bear Tribal

We're talking about edh you retard, nobody's advocating showing up at the protour with proxies.

Right, that's what it started as- and I'm fine with using a 'proxy' of a card you own during EDH to save time.

If you look, I was specifically calling out for saying "if you have 4 copies in a deck you do need 4 real copies too", which made it seem like he thought you could do that at an actual, sanctioned event.

>Erebos Control
How many mass removal can you fit in a black deck? let's find out! my favorite deck because I'm an asshole and I love making everyone feel miserable for 4 hours. I also removed every combos from it for extra suffering.

>WB Daxos Enchantments
Pretty obvious deck. That lack of ramp annoys me to no hand and it's probably my least played deck.

>Pia and Kiran Nalaar/Slobad/Daretti Artifacts
A mono-red artifact deck while we're waiting for that fucking UR artificer. Pretty straightforward. Wincon mostly is recurring Spine of Ish Sah multiple time per turns until you destroy everything on the board.

>BR Wort Goblins
A deck I built for my girlfriend, which still is her obvious go-to when we play. Bunch of Goblins, half aggro, half-midrange, Surprisingly effective, since it goes from 0 to 11 in pretty fast.

>Wydwen the Biting Gale Faeries
A fearie deck I also built for my girlfriend, but it's pretty boring. I'm contemplating removing the faerie theme and just going straight up Control with bunch of removal from black and bunch of counterspells from blue with Wydwen as a wincon.

>Meren Graveyard
Typical Meren deck. almost Out-of-the-box. Still pretty fun.

I'm all ears


He's a cunt, and don't listen to the Veeky Forums apologists. You can proxy any card under $10 without hassle as many times as you like, as long as you own the card. You should limit your proxies that are $20-$50 to decks that absolutely need them.

Running a manacrypt in every deck while you only have one copy is a prick job. I get it, he has the card, blah blah blah, only a complete dick needs a card that expensive in every deck, unless you're playing legacy/vintage-lite and everyone is running mana crypt.

So you tell this guy he can no longer run proxies. He sits down to play, finds the deck that had the Mana Crypt in it, and switches it into the deck he's going to play tonight. Do you still complain about this? Do you refuse to play with him?

Thalia guardian of thraben. Fuck your shit, she comes in turn 2 when she's the commander

Alright, so you tell him he can't proxy a single 50 dollar card, while 3/4s of your deck is proxied because the cards are all 10 dollars or less.

He then takes the Crypt out of the toploader and puts it into the sleeve that used to have a proxy, and does this every game. He still has the ability to play Mana Crypt in all of his decks, it just takes extra time to facilitate.

Are you gonna throw a fit about that and tell him he's "not allowed" to do that?

Cry more faggot
It's ok. Fuck buying multiple copies of expensive cards

What I do is all of my decks have some number of empty sleeves in the box with them. When I want to play that deck, I pick up the box that has 1 copy of every Shock, Fetch, and Dual, as well as one Mana Crypt, all in Perfect Fits. I take the appropriate lands out of that loadout box, and slide them into the appropriate sleeves for the deck.

Not even a little bit. The tedium and inevitable card damage are by-products of his dickitry, and I would tell him as much. If he refuses to swap the proxy for whatever reason, he needs to run something else.

Why? Fun. I don't care what you run, as long as you're using the actual cardboard. If you're running something as gamebreaking and stupid as manacrypt in every deck, because you can and own a single copy, then clearly your a dick, unless your playgroup has manacrypt as the expectation.

He can run proxies, just not expensive retarded proxies like mana crypt in each of the decks he runs. I'd let him get away with one or two proxies, but it depends on the degree of bullshit he's pulling.

>I'm a contrarian who fundamentally misrepresents arguments on the internet because I lack basic reading comprehension
He can swap it if he wants, I literally don't care, but to assume 3/4ths of a deck are proxies is egregious and fundamentally opposed to the idea of running proxies in the first place, price point or not. Reasonable limits user, put your hyperbole elsewhere.

I think you're on the wrong board friend. Smug pokemon pictures have their own dedicated board. I bet you got banned for pirating whatever that pokemon game was that got leaked.

What's the once thing that other players do that annoy you?

put cyclonic rift into their decks

You literally said that you're fine letting someone proxy any cards they want for as long as they want, as long as it's under 10 dollars.

By YOUR statement, you would allow someone to proxy their entire fucking deck if each individual card was under 10 dollars, but you wouldn't let someone proxy a card THEY ACTUALLY OWN because it doesn't meet your personal bullshit metrics.

Oh, plenty.

>Not paying attention to the game, and then wanting to respond to something that happened ten minutes ago
>Making legal but stupid plays and then wanting a takeback, repeatedly, every game
>Sore losers
>Sore winners

So you're upset with the mana crypt more than you are with the act of proxying. I get that. It's a broken card and I wish I didn't have to play against it. I feel the same way about sol ring. But I think that's a lousy argument bring when the subject at hand is proxying. Would you feel the same way if the card was some shit like Doubling Season instead of Mana Crypt?

Can you post your Erebos list?

>Sore winners

That's such a bastard card. I love it.

People that are insufferable assholes when they win.

Like, I'm fine with losing a game. No problem at all, I'll do my best to suppress any saltiness about the game- let's shuffle up for another. But if you're being a dick about things (IE "GOD I can't believe you let me assemble that combo! You're so stupid!"), then fuck you.

>objective standards for a children's card game
Look, I guess in theory you could, but it would take a heck of a lot more effort than it would to actually use the cards. The spirit of the statement is so that you don't need to buy 10 format staples, like sol ring or swords to plowshares, for every deck you run. If you have 10 blue decks, but only 3 copies of gitaxian probe, you shouldn't have to buy 7 more if you want to run them, regardless of how broken it is, because it's a card that's accessible to anyone. Mana crypt is not accessible to everyone and shouldn't be proxied to the same extent. That shit costs more than some decks I run.

>doubling season
To be fair, that's another card that would be a sticking point. I guess the issue is cards that are disproportionately powerful should be run in actual cardboard, if you want to run them at all. Proxying in general is a tough subject, but I understand proxing staples that you're going to use in every deck simply to save time. I don't understand proxing gamebreaking nonsense so you can shit on your friends at your flgs. If you want to run 4 mana crypts, buy them and run them. Otherwise, just play it in one deck and be happy, unless the expectation is that everyone is running mana crypt.

Here's another (You). I hope you liked my pokemon reaction image, I put a lot of effort choosing it. Fuck buying playsets of cards that are expensive. I'll use that money for food, bills, etc

>That shit costs more than some decks I run
What I'm reading here is "I can't afford one so you shouldn't be able to use it".

And I'll call you a dick, then refuse to play with your proxied FoW or what have you.

If you need money for food and bills, buying a single mana crypt is retarded in the first place.

Cool, and we'll tell you to fuck off with your mile-long list of extra 'rules' about what is and is not permitted in a game with you, ninety percent of which boil down to "don't play cards I don't own".

>On Phones
>Mana rocks with lands
>Messy board
I always try to stay level even when my opponent is sperging out or gloating, but some things really push me.

Who's to be the judge of what is or isn't gamebreaking nonsense? Even the rules committee can't get this right.

>The tedium
Lol, it's just as tedious for you, you have to wait for him to do all this stuff, and the alternative is that he could just be playing a deck you hate to play against all night.

>and inevitable card damage are by-products of his dickitry

He could be the guy that quadruple sleeves. Then you are the one that has to wait forever every time he shuffles after cracking a fetch.

There are no drawbacks specific to the man proxying. What is good for him is also good for the group.

Other than the entire part afterwards that literally said:
>" I guess the issue is cards that are disproportionately powerful should be run in actual cardboard, if you want to run them at all."

Wrong. It's actually "don't play with cards I don't own, and other people wouldn't reasonably own, unless you own the cardboard and are using it in that deck."

Is switching sleeves really that tough?

Is letting people use proxies really that tough?

>You're not allowed to proxy a card unless I deem it 'weak enough'

You are not the High King of what people can and cannot do. If you don't wanna play with someone who's trying to save a little time by proxying a card -they fucking own- but you're okay with someone proxying their entire deck, that's your prerogative, but don't be surprised when people ignore you and tell you to fuck off with your bullshit rules that exist only to force YOUR budget onto other people.

Mana crypt is disproportionately powerful, hence the price tag.

I guess sol ring is as well, but since it's at a lower price point, you could reasonably throw $5 at it and acquire one if you want to. It's all about intent and accessibility.

>Doubling Season
>Gamebreaking nonsense
I get the feeling that your group's banlist consists of "every card that has ever beaten you"

The price tag is a mixture of "is very powerful" and "is scarce".

Sol Ring is weaker than Mana Crypt, but still very strong. Does it cost less than a dollar because it's so much weaker? No, it costs less than a dollar because it's very available.

>Is switching sleeves really that tough?

Please read
It's a hassle for the whole group, not just the guy.

>Mana crypt is disproportionately powerful, hence the price tag.
Sol Ring is disproportionately powerful, that has nothing to do with the price tag.

A shitload. I played against a Zo-Zu MLD deck once and it drew so much hate.

>Player tries to do something
>Forgets I have something on the board to prevent and/or soften the blow
>"Oh, well never mind then"

I'd make a point of it every fucking time, too.

"I'd like to remind everyone here that we would already be playing Magic if it weren't for user's insistence that I swap my cards between decks every single time."

>>You're not allowed to proxy a card unless I deem it 'weak enough'
Wrong. You're not allowed to proxy a card like that unless it's the group's expectation that everyone is to use mana crypt, and you only own one.

Not really, I don't care about most proxies, but proxying an expensive card into every deck to wave your dick around is clearly and objectively a dick move, unless it's expected that you should be running it.

Doubling season is gamebreaking nonsense. Ult-ing planeswalkers the turn they come out is retarded. That being said, feel free to run it if you own it, that's part of fun. Don't proxy it into every single deck you own just to show off.

Please read the entire post if you're going to green text.

This man gets it. If a card is accessible and powerful, feel free to proxy it. If it is not accessible and powerful, you're a dick if you proxy it into every deck, unless it's the group's expectation that you need to run it to have fun.

Yeah, but you're not seeing the key difference!

Sol Ring is in his budget, so it's a fair card. Mana Crypt isn't in his budget, so it's disproportionately powerful, unfair bullshit.

I'm "allowed" to proxy whatever I fucking want, because you're not the boss of me.

>If a card is accessible and powerful, feel free to proxy it
Why the fuck would I need to proxy a 50 cent card? If I want to run Sol Ring in all my decks, I can go buy ten copies for the price of a McDonald's lunch. The issue is that my options for running Mana Crypt in all my decks is to either drop several hundred dollars, proxy it because I own one, or swap the one card between decks every single game. Proxying the expensive card you own is the situation that makes sense, because "go buy more" isn't a feasible solution.

You're doing an insane amount of mental gymnastics to justify "Nobody should have cards I can't afford/don't like".

shut up kid i fucked youre mom call me dad and go to your room

i know you masturbate to mana crypt proxies you deviant little shit

That's why you don't stop them from TRYING to do something, and instead let them try, and then describing the softened/nullified effect it has.

I have no problem with people proxying cards if they own a copy.

>this guy
Come on user, read your post. You can proxy whatever you want, doesn't mean you aren't a dick.

Objectively wrong. Like I've literally said a million times, you can run whatever you want at whatever budget you want, assuming you have the card. If you must proxy a card into every deck, don't pick mana crypt.

Is that why you've been repeatedly throwing a fit about someone proxying a Mana Crypt that they FUCKING OWN so they don't have to swap it between decks every game?

Either you're (poorly) lying because you realize how stupid your stance is, or you've been arguing against something nobody was FOR in the first place because of your shit reading comprehension

Here's an exact situation

>Opponent cast wrath of God
>I use Soul of New Phyrexia's ability to make my permanents indestructible
>"Oh, well forget that"

user, if you must run mana crypt in every deck, go buy more. Why? Because it's an expensive card, and unless it's your group's expectation, you're spiking your FLGS like a complete mongoloid for self validation.

You can run whatever you want, regardless of whether I can afford it or like it. If I don't like it, and it's something on the same level as mana crypt, everyone is in their right to bitch if you're proxying it into every deck, unless it's required to play with your group. What's so hard about that?

I'm a different guy, dawg. I agree with you.

It's ok to admit you can't afford a mana crypt. I'll go ahead and proxy my grim monolith and mox diamond while enjoying the satisfaction of eating good food and bills getting paid on time. And there's nothing you can do about it except bitch and whine in the internet, trying to shove your retarded rules down my throat.

And like I've literally said, you are not in charge of what people are allowed to do. You are not the Consul of Proxying. You are not the chief authority on what people are 'allowed' to proxy. I understand you have your metrics of "It has to be so cheap and accessible there's no reason to not just go buy another one, but also it can't be any card that I've arbitrarily decided is OP or gamebreaking, or that I just don't like, or that has ever been used to beat me, or that I don't personally own", but your metrics mean jack shit.

If they "FUCKING OWN" it, then they can swap the sleeve on it and put it in whatever deck they want, particularly if it's something expensive, dickish and powerful. You're throwing a fit because someone spends money on their hobby and has the expectation that you should do the same if you want to run turbo dickish nonsense like mana crypt.

>If you must proxy a card into every deck, don't pick mana crypt.
I disregard your rule and I pick Mana Crypt. If the group allows proxying, then someone proxying mana crypt is just as much in the right as the guy who just wants to proxy a bunch of shocklands or fetchlands.

I don't want people in my group proxying mana crypt, I hate that fucking card, it's a load of bullshit, but if we open the door to proxying, I'd have no ground to stand on to forbid this card because my only argument would be "I don't like it and you playing it hurts my fee-fees." Kind of like what you're basically saying in this thread.

Unless of course the groupe has some kind of budget restrictions on proxying but those can be sort of bullshit as well.

>but proxying an expensive card into every deck to wave your dick around is clearly and objectively a dick move
you sound like a jealous poorfag

What's "hard" about it is that there's literally nothing stopping me from just taking the Mana Crypt out of Deck A and putting it into Deck B. If I own one Mana Crypt, I can play it in every deck I own, whether I'm proxying it in 9 decks, or just moving it between each deck each time.

Proxying it in those decks and putting the real thing on the board (like you do with checklist cards) is just a way to facilitate exactly that, but save time. All you're doing by screeching "NO NO NO NO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO PROXY THAT BECAUSE I SAID SO" is wasting everyone's time by making me unsleeve it from Deck A and resleeve it for Deck B. You're not stopping me from playing my cards, you're just wasting time.