How would you do a Space China setting?

How would you do a Space China setting?

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Take China
Put it in space

What he said.
It's that fucking simple. It's like you never saw any Star Wars movie.

That's like asking for a German Space setting. Which Germany? Modern eurotrash poop fetish germany? 30s Nazi Germany? 300ad barbarian germanics fighting romans?

So which China? The dynasty kind in your pic?

I'd be a United Planets of America agent fighting with New Nippon Space Pirates in order to provoke Celestial Republic China into attacking New Nippon so UPA can justify invading Celestial Republic of China planets for their resources and strategic value.

Damn, that sounds bitchin'.


>the space station turns out to be styrofoam painted to look like metal

>Implying this would work
>Implying Celestial Republic China and New Nippon don't own already 3/4 of United Planets of Third Rate Power
Oh the Eternal Burger...

The dynasties differed GREATLY, so it's still not precise at all when saying "Imperial China". Especially since most of the things nowdays considered as "typical Chinese" and 'backbone of entire culture" literally didn't exist before mid-Tang.

But, like, what kind of space china are we talking about here? Like chinese cliches applied to a parallel space setting? Actual Earth China but relocated into space? What era of China, like modern China, or some kind of projected future China based on current economic and cultural trends, or Maoist Cultural Revolution China, or totally fictional mythic China, or just a bunch of erroneous Western cliches about China? And, like, all of China or just the parts that might reasonably hypothetically be able to afford space travel? Or are there special circumstances like a particular space colonizing program that only sends the willing, i.e. desperate into space? Or like if China just gathered up all its unwanted surplus population and launched them into space. What about Hong Kong and Taiwan and Tibet?

A lot of those things didn't exist before the 1950s.

>Hong Kong develops their own space program and colonizes a small planet themselves
>Chinese Space Federation still insists on claiming Neo Hong Kong as part of their territory

China Mountain Zhang, moon colonies.

It doesn't work because China can barely into space. Hell, China can barely into Modern boat. China would trade all of its UPA debt for a third rate puddlejumper just to settle on one of the Terra System moons.

Holy shit, Chinese Space Bureaucracy with tons of different agencies, all geared towards incredibly specific tasks in an effort to produce efficiency but which only creates thousands of miles of red tape to get even mundane things done.

"You need to register your spaceship? All right, that's under the Board of Revenue's jurisdiction. You'll have to start out at the Underbureau of Licensing Affairs, which will give you the paperwork to take to the Office of Spaceways Management in order to seek permission for an audience with the Magistrate in charge of Ion Fuel Management for your sector. Only once he gives the official OK can you proceed to the Consumer Affairs Collective and be routed through their system, eventually arriving at the Sub-Unit of Space Vehicle License Provision, which will give you your government registration.

This is beautiful.

Dat Tang Dynasty

Imperial Space examinations

> Single unified empire that cyclically expands to a fixed border and then falls apart into several factions before assembling again and again with wars
> Alien hordes always attacking
> Thriving trade with foreign aliens

Every galactic empire is china.

everyone is ugly
everyone is racist
everyone is eating the brains of living monkeys

China and Japan together own about 20% of US debt.

It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

It already is technically.

Need more Chinese character art. Any era, any setting.

>Implying this is how Chinese bureaucracy ever worked

Twenty years ago it was 4%, so go fucking figure where you are going to be by next few decades

user, Chinese. Not Indian. Chinese.

>where you are going to be by next few decades
Both are dropping, to around 16% last I checked.

Debt levels, and their sources, fluctuate quite a lot. It's really irrelevant.

>China becomes earth super power
>doesn't know what to do
>creates space fleet to navigate solar system
>story takes place on these ships and their travels
>cynical internal politics at home destroys the fleet once they return

I think you're confusing Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taiwan is the one that does not actually belong to China.

Taiwan are seperatists that never fully committed to separatism.

>"Taiwanese" nationalism
> not wanting to return to the bosom of Dai Nippon Teikoku

Star Wars based its empire off of Rome, but honestly a better fit for the rise of the Empire-era is Qin China.

Also Jin Ping Mei in space would be baller.

Taiwanese are actually incorrigible weebs who look rather fondly upon both the Japanese colonial era and modern Japanese soft power.
The Chinese ones, I mean, the aborigines are still butthurt about getting exterminated like pests.

>Nah man, 16 or 20% is irrevelant
>All that early 90s craze that Japs are just going to buy everyone and everything, because they've controlled 3% back then
Oh the irony

Make it Han, that is arguably considered the best dynasty in its heyday. But you can't just up and make it Han China in Space, you gotta build up the backstory for the nation, and the surrounding belligerents.

Let's give it a go
>The Middle Empire is a collection of smaller kingdoms, united under a common language, philosophy, and loyalty to the Emperor all instilled by the very first Celestial Emperor Huangdi. Boasting a burgeoning military might, the most advanced tech in the know galaxy, and a thriving economy, the Middle Empire is a nation everyone wants to be on friendly terms with.
>However not everything about the Middle Empire is a grand utopia. The Emperor's court is rife with corruption as nobles and officials bicker with each other over control, and the distance between the Emperor and the subjects grows ever wider. More and more, people ignore the laws of the Divine Court, tithes and tributes are 'delayed, if they ever arrive at all. Armies are more loyal to their CO than to the Emperor, making some officials think maybe they don't need to listen to the Emperor anymore...

>The Neo Shogunate is the Middle Empire's closest, and strangest neighbor. A collection of isolated planets hugging closely to the few yellow starts in its sector of space, the Shogunate swings between slavering adoration and sneering disgust of the Empire. Their government is based loosely off the Imperial Court, though the Emperor is more a figurehead with all power given to the Shogun as opposed to the Middle Empire's Prime Minister sharing power with the Emperor(and thus sharing the blame when something goes wrong), their technology and art are mimics of the Middle Empire's earlier periods, though they have pursued these to such a fanatical degree that it's become a joke in the Middle Empire. They have the largest military force this side of the galaxy, all modeled off the Military Theory of the Middle Empire's oldest sages, and they have used it regularly, fine tuning their military power to utter perfection(according to the Neo Shog, the Middle Empire's official stance is that their a bunch of suicidal loons)

>As the borders of other powers encroach into their space, and trade begins to flow, the Shogunate begins to fracture. There are some that think they no longer need to kowtow to the Middle Empire. Maybe it was time for a new Empire to grow, with the Shogun at its head...

By dropping the "space" part and just running a mythic semi historic China game.

>The UPE, or United Planets of the Expanse, named after their section of space, are an up and coming super power on the galactic stage, breaking away from their mother Empires a scant few millennia ago. Their resource rich territory means they have plenty of raw material to develop a rapidly growing industry set to spread its influence to every corner of known space.

>Recently, it became clear that they had become something of a buffer and intermediary between the Old Empires and the Middle Empire. The UPE is determined to be more than a stepping stone between two ancient powers well past their expiration however...

>tfw no Northern dynasty gf

>A common misconception, the Old Empire is not infact a single Empire, but multiple nations that squabble and bicker with each other over territories and resources. Their core worlds starved for material, they have blindly sent out colonial pods to the farthest reaches of their known space, intent on bringing the riches of the galaxy to them. What they didn't anticipate was the distance between them and their colonies would see the rise of dissidents and separatists, discontent to following the rule of a government they'd never seen nor will ever see. By the time word had reached the Old Empires that the colonies in the Expanse had broken away, the UPE had already formed, forming its first Congress and electing its first President. By the time their ancient warp cores brought soldiers to suppress the rebellion, the UPE was firmly entrenched, the Imperial troops dashed upon the UPE's guns, the PoWs rounded up by the UPE were used as a bargaining chip to guarantee their independence from the Old Empires. The reply instead was "Keep them. If aren't willing to die for their Kings, then they don't deserve to come home."

>This defeat came as a wake up call. The Old Empires began a series of reformations, throwing out much of what was old and trusted, replacing it with new and dubious. It was time to extend their reach outside their arm of the galaxy, with ruthless application of force.

They recently had a show based in the Tang Dynasty and the cleavage got so out of control the Chinese censors made them cut off the bottom of the screen to edit it out for broadcast.

Forgot pic

Just make RotTK in space.


How about using the non-romanticized version of it: the grimdark war that all three kingdoms lost and which killed off more than half the population of the Empire, with the eventual winner promptly destroying itself in a big old intrafamily civil war that depopulated northern China and resulted in the conquest of the Empire by filthy steppe peoples.

>Which Germany? Modern eurotrash poop fetish germany? 30s Nazi Germany? 300ad barbarian germanics fighting romans?
Bad example because all of them are the exact same: savages which only exist to destroy civilization. The only thing that changed over the course of history were the methods they used: from mass migration to religious strife to mass warfare to genocide to mass migration. It's like a cycle, and within the next 500 years the German Caliphate will create a new form of Islam that splits off from mainstream Sunni Islam.

This could've been prevented. All we had to do is let France take the Rhineland.

But user, there's the beauty in it.
You can be playing Space Lu Bu with his crazy robotic death machine one session..
And then realizing that Space Lu Bu caused a whole lot of terrible the next.
Juxtaposition is great

That works too.

Ground China, but in Space.

You took and made it good.

Sure is The Expanse in here.

Firefly without the cowboy bits I'm guessing.

Haha bonjour

It's been done already. Hunt some episodes and that's that.

I agree with the previous anons, Star Wars is almost a Space China setting.

And don't bother with Firefly.

I half unironically believe we will be dealing with some kind of Islamo-Turkic-German expansionist state in the future (+100 years or more). Conquest and hegemony is baked into the cultural genes of Turks and Germans and Islam and if you combine all those you aren't going to suddenly get a bunch of Sufi Franco-Persians who sit around writing poetry, going on strike, drinking wine and snubbing their nose at everyone else.

Coupled with a historical role of using your expatriate countrymen or religious kin as fifth columns or casus belli (British did it to the boer with their British and coloured citizens, France Britain and Russia did it with Christians in the Ottoman empire) and Turkey attempting to re-assert itself and the Turks trying to use expatriates in Germany to harass anti-regime or pro-Kurdish groups and a Germano-Turkic affinity isn't out of the question. German economic strength and stability preclude this right now and for the foreseeable future, but even if Germany were to greatly Allemangize their Turkish immigrants it would guarantee a sizable voting block not be advocates for the Turkish state (see the Irish in the US). Now if that expat community is mostly emigree opposition it won't be an issue.

Not trying to be /pol/, just that a sci fi Turko-German power in the next few centuries isn't as infeasible as say, a Bolivo-Chilaean space empire or commonwealth of West African states suddenly being a superpower.

It would not guarantee*

Though if Russia is on the other side it'll be christmas day. A chance to fight Turks and Germans at the same time? The only way that could be better is if Poland was caught in the crossfire.

>I half unironically believe
So 150% retarded, I take it.

they're all autonomous nations in different degrees but at the bottom line they're all only "officially" chinese territories because no other country wants to piss china off by formally saying otherwise, but every country other than china treats them as their own countries in every other possible sense. Right down to the same legal entities that refuse to say they aren't china also recognizing their own GDP and refusing to count it as part of China's.


>Sufi Franco-Persians who sit around writing poetry, going on strike, drinking wine and snubbing their nose at everyone else.
Suddenly the future doesn't look so dark anymore.

>Bein such a cuck that you don't already know to make them evil communists.

Bolivians have a hate boner for Chileans we don't go to war due to the terrain and Bolivia being shit.

The fucks are so lazy that even with that many natural resources they are poor. We have to at least pretend to work in order to survive.

Palestine-Israel empire is more likely than that.

It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.

- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

>Trying this hard

Have it ever fucking occured to you that being a land-locked country might cause a HUGE problem when trying to export metal ores that Bolivia is so rich in? Or you just never realised something so obvious?

Not an argument

I find your taste questionable, fampai.

Clearly 420-589AD is the best era for Chinese women looking fancy as fuck!

Bolivian detected. Being land locked never hurted other countries.

The every option Chile has giving Bolivia for ocean access they turn it down for some absurd demand. For some fucking reason the fucks never bug Peru with thier sea bitching and moaning.

With Dune super kung fu as baseline powerlevel

I'm Polish, you stupid cunt.

And being land-locked means you can't haul large quantities of bulk materials abroad, unless you want to lose half of the profit on just transport, tarrifs and shit like that. Just ask Chechs how it works for them when we take 1/3 of all their profit just because they need to transport their manufactured goods through Poland (it would be half if they went through Germany)

>For some fucking reason the fucks never bug Peru with thier sea bitching and moaning.
Last time I've checked history books, your country fucking conquered the tiny strip of Bolivian coast. Just why Bolivians moan to you to give it back, I wonder?

All Chileans are this stupid, or is this just you?

>Absurd demand
So let me get this straight - it's "absurd" when a country wants back the land it was stripped off and when they are not willing to pay for it half of their GDP
Or it's absurd when they want all those phosporite mines back that got stolen in the process?

Peru and Bolivia Zerg rush Chile and lost.

Stay mad

Mad about what? Three third-world countries on the other half of the world, one trying to best another and thus pretend they are anything else than resource-exporting shitholes?

The only thing I'm really mad is that Americans destroyed CyberSyn in Chile to install their figurehead to get cheap copper. That's what I'm mad about. Because no government will try shit like that for next generation or two, while we could already have all the data half century ago.

If you want them back, try winning instead of losing.

poop fetish isn't Germany, that's Austria

Between the soviets pushing their shitty System and the USA pushing theirs it is a miracle SA is not another Middle East or Eastern Europe

This, exactly like this.

The real question is, what is the wall made out of, and who is it trying to keep out

>tang dynasty
>most open to foreign influence
>She's the only one showing off her tits
This is undeniable proof that multiculturalism turns women into degenerate whores

>Everyone who is not siding with me must be Bolivian spy
It's called delusional paranoia. And it's mostly curable. You should see your doctor about it.

Eastern Europe is pretty much entirely under Russian control and within borders of the federation or strong influence anyway, so it's not the same.
Unless you define Central and Baltics ad "Eastern", but that doesn't fit the assumption it's a shithole.

Either way, SA isn't THAT bad. I mean it's the least fucked up place that got rekt during Cold War. And it's just too big to be entirely fucked. The worst offenders are in fact the countries where all sort of right-wing military nuts took over, which fucked up all the countries under such "rulers" considerably. Chile, Argentina and Nicaragua are probably the worst offenders here.

>I have no idea what multiculturalism is
>But I didn't shitpost anything for last 5 minutes
Back to the /pol/ you go

Actually it was because the reigning emperor was a horny bastard that wanted his concubines dressed as sluts so he could shoot one off whenever the need to seed came.

In the defense of the ignorant, "national debt" is complex and is basically nothing like personal debt whatsoever except for the fact that money is involved.
It's just people assuming the same words mean the same things in what they assume to be similar contexts.

>That being said the Old Empires are a fractious lot. As likely to fight themselves as a common enemy. Of the squabbling kingdoms, the most notable are the Londiium Consortium, the Novaya Rus Confederacy, and the Zuerst Sternreich

>The Consortium of all the powers boasts the largest, strongest navy, their Line Ships the bane of pirates and marauders throughout Old Empire Space, the approved Press Policy which drafts captured officers and pirates into the navy only serving to bolster their numbers.

>A necessary force as the Consortium must deal with its own unruly members on a regular basis, the two largest members in a constant struggle for supremacy. If one side was ever to gain true dominance, the surplus of war material and manpower would be enough to tip the balance of power and allow the Consortium to dominate the Old Empires.

>The Novaya Rus Confederacy is a central kingdom buffered by countless member systems all serving, voluntarily or otherwise to the reigning Tzarina.

>Ancient by most standards, they have in their posession the largest land based military force in the galaxy. A great boon if their technology wasn't woefully outdated, a lack of a standardized system making any hope of modernizing the vast juggernaut that is its body military a pipe dream.

>Nevertheless this has helped them on a defensive front as it has rebuffed countless invasions from other powers, the grinding attrition as the Confederacy drowns their enemies in a sea of bodies and the unforgiving space around its systems taking a bloody toll on any invader, regardless of how well equipped they are.

>Lately there has been talk of revolution in the lower ranks of the Confederacy. The lower classes, fed up with being treated as slaves, and the outlying colonies demanding recognition, are growing more ambitious as word of the UPE reaches their ears. Granted the UPE isn't a bastion of freedom, but by the time news of this new power reaches Novaya Rus, it has become so changed and overblown, the average citizen imagines a paradise, a utopia that can be theirs if only they tear off the shackles of their tyrant...

>Despite its rapidly growing position, Zuerst Sternreich is perhaps the youngest of the Empires. Originally a collection of smaller Kingdoms, Republics, and Empires, they banded together into a single nation at the heart of Old Empire space, the combined economies and militaries turning them into a veritable powerhouse that makes the more venerable nations pause.

>As such, the Sternreich has no outlying colonies of its own, but its need for expansion burns as strongly as any other old power. And as they continue to advance their fleets and and infrastructure, the Old Empires plot and strategize, girding themselves when this upcoming Empire will turn its guns on them...


Jeez, put a spoiler on that, this is a blue board!

>The only way that could be better is if Poland was caught in the crossfire.

Isn't this the same show that had her having sex with a guy on the back of a galloping horse?

Sounds difficult.

Not if you're a Tang Dynasty Girl.

>The Middle Empire has 56 different races officially recognized by the Imperial Court, with who knows how many unacknowledged.

>In the Solar Northern territories the most notable of these races is the Zhuang: a loose collection of species that have developed and evolved alongside each other on the same homeworld, their planet an agriculture paradise producing surpluses of food that gets distributed throughout the Middle Empire. Be it the Lanky Tai-da, the stocky Xiao-mian, or even the descendants of Human and Zhuang, the Zhong-han, the Zhuang people are the second largest group in the Empire, behind Human.

>Closer to its borders lies the Ri-pon, descendants of Shogunites that settled in the Middle Empire generations ago. Originally part of diplomatic missions, these families and refugees keep their old culture alive by blending it with Middle Empire traditions until the two become indistinguishable. They are shipmasters, with an understanding of ship travel that no other group in the Empire has. Despite this talent, they are often looked down upon, in many cases forced offworld to live in junks that are more like agile space stations than starships.

>Further inward is the Yingmao, descendants of a lost Londiium colonial pod. Crash landing right in the middle of Ulger territory, the humans intermingled, and eventually interbred with the local Ulger until both races became one. By the time the Middle Empire absorbed their planet into their territory, the descendants of both reigned supreme on the planet. They stand upright like the Londiium humans of old, but they exhibit the feline traits of the Ulger that were native to the planet. These 'Cat-people' as known through the rest of known space, are notorious for being flighty, flirtatious, and manipulative. The most popular image of them have been popularized in Neo-Shogun entertainment fiction that portrays them, quite wrongly, and sex starved, wide-eyed attractive girls that will faun over any man they find.

>It has lead to an influx of immigrants to the MIddle Empire, looking to score themselves, as the Shogunites call them, a 'waifu'. While the Imperials grumble about the increasing number of foreigners flooding into their cities, they cannot deny the skilled labor they bring. All thanks to the Yingmao.

Every day you're in space you roll a d6.
If it lands on an even number the ship you're on has a catastrophic failure and everyone in it dies. But that's okay since you have 40 more premise characters

this thread was extremely disappointing, and all because OP didn't specify that he meant pre-modern, medieval-era china

>pre-modern, medieval-era china

Thus precluding participation by people who only know about Communism and QUALITY, which is not a bad thing.

Lol'd too hard to make coherent response while drunk. Zhuong-guo catgirls alive and well.

Greatest dynasty indeed

1. What is that show called
2. Is it possible to find the unedited version.

I have a massive hardon for the Tang Dynasty.

>which is not a bad thing
actually its the best thing

get rid of 99% of all the shitposters, edgelords, polfaggots, all in one fell swoop

And time, too.

Are you serious?
Because people insecurity of the other people they believe is taking everything they believed they deserve due to their race and nationality will not go down just because the fashion and culture is changed when the race they feel bitter to is still there.

3-5 are best girls 9 is horrible