Moon when I’m sitting on 130k. I need this

Moon when I’m sitting on 130k. I need this

burning coins is good ?
>please ELI5 to me
>i hold trons too !

thanks OP, just bought 100k

jeez, a coin where you can actually say that

this coin basically has it's own hypecaster on the mic
hyping nothing real
it's pretty blatant
it's working too, wow

im in!

what else we should get that going to moon

>50% of supply locked up
>takes out lighter
wtf is wrong with this person

>people complaining about the best crypto CEO in the buisness

This dudes project started in september and he's already getting big chinese companies and the chinese crypto market engaged into buying and funding his project

enjoy your 1 year stagnant crypto projects with programmers that have now idea how to do actual buisness.... just a reminder that one of the largest companies in the world (Apple, if you don't know who i'm talking about) is complete utter bullshit built on top of hype as well

>actual buisness
sounds like what the people said about trump

practice ur english

Be very careful with Tron, bizanons. It's a whale's game right now.

Read this whole thread from last night:

its like real money. The value of a currency is dependent on its supply. Less money floating around, the more valuable a single unit of that currency becomes.

Burning half the supply makes the value of a single unit more valuable and increases it cost.

Amazing coin or shit coin, this dude seriously knows how to keep a steady media presence. Goddamn.

People on this board think hype and expectations are a bad thing, it isn't... If you spin your product well enough, it can be complete utter bullcrap and people will buy it. Happens in any market for any product.

who would be dumb enough to buy this atm...

I just went all in

nigga stop shilling your god damn FUD it's almost as annoying as that "you can't cash out" meme

I am...

Facts are not FUD you fucking twat.

God what a time to be alive I put 60$ into this shit 5 weeks ago and im already at 1k


pajeets need money too user.



i'll hire you to do my engrish pajeet

now is the time to go in

You shills are truly fucking awful.

Where do you get Tron?

Why is buying TRX dumb rn??


binance nigger

wait until it hits U$0.10 to buy in... even better, wait until U$0.25

How am I a shill? Just because I did my research and got in early and want this coin to succeed it makes me a shill?
I guess being rich means you're a shill, I'm cool with that.

just bought 40k

What was that GIANT dump just now?

just bought X with Y. are you feeling the desire to join me user? will you take my heavy pajeet bags?

some dumb whale
bags were getting heavy i guess

Hes going to regret that. I wonder what time announcement will be tonight.

it's binance, if you plan on creating account I would really appreciate if you would use my referral code: 12215680 costs you nothing and we both can gain from it, thanks

Why do I feel like I heard this before, it was right before they announced the last airdrop. Hmm... Wonder what this is about.

Apple may be that now, but the reason is because they created proprietary software that was user friendly. Plain and simple, you plug it in and it works. Something Veeky Forums hates because it makes them feel less special when everyone can do something they can do. Worked in the music and movie industry and headaches were cut by 99% by moving to high end apple products and you could spend more time editing instead of fixing compatibility issues, defragging, or rebooting because of internal hardware compatibility glitches. It is what it is... but don't act like they didn't earn their market share. Now it's all about marketing, but that's only because the products are already solid.

the fuck is going on?

electronicgulden = tron @ bittrex?

fuck me now I'll have to sit watch this shitcoin closely



Sorry man i already made an account :(

>not dumping 15% of your stack into this shitcoin

Im a massive tard i can't find Tron on Binance or Bittrex. Can someone plz help me out?

>God what a time to be alive
i'm so glad i chose this time to come back

Look for trx


This shitcoin is run by subhuman FOMO greed, whales and bots. Whale walls and bots control the price. Whale p&d's keep the poor and the stupid involved, hoping to find the next moon. They never will. The poor and stupid are being harvested. Even if these scam artists burn 30 bil, there is still 30 bill left. The only difference is that this scam grows in magnitude.

Get out now and put your weekly allowance in something else.

This is the comfiest of shitcoins. Going to liquidate as soon as I can

If i can make a coin suggestion go with Burst it may go 10X