Is pinocchio a cyborg or a golem?


He's an animate object (puppet)

A cyborg would be a human who was modified with the addition of mechanical and electronic parts.

Pinochio was a carved wooden object, and from the start was never human, never contained any mechanical or electronic parts, and thus could never be a cyborg.

Under some definitions of golem, he might qualify, as he's a human shaped, magically animated object crafted by human hands, but even then, he doesn't really fit the classic definition of a golem, since they are not self willed, and can only follow the instructions they are created with.

This is sort of like asking if Dumbo the elephant was an automobile, or a plate of spaghetti.

The answer, as says, is neither.

t-800 not a cyborg?

First, "cyborg" is short for "cybernetic organism".

While I now it's painful for you, I'm now going to ask you to THINK. Keeping the definition of cyborg in what passes for you mind; prior to the Blue Fairy making him a real boy, is any part of Pinocchio LIVING TISSUE?

Second, a golem is made of clay and brought to life by a holy word written on paper and placed, usually, in it's head or mouth.

Again, knowing that thinking is painful for someone with limited capacities like yourself, is Pinocchio made of CLAY and did the Blue Fairy bring him to life with a holy WORD?

Pinocchio is neither a cyborg or a golem. Now that you've been spoonfed your answer, the staff wants you to put on your helmet so you can ride the short bus to the petting zoo with the rest of the group home.

Run along now.

To be fair, the definition of golem in fantasy has become much more general than what it was in the original folklore.

>Fuck OP's retarded question

What IS Jiminy Cricket?

I'm not sure a simple Awakened Animal cuts it as an answer.


It's a mishandled and unfocused social satire. Even the author thought that Disney did a much better job than himself.

The fleshy bits of a t-800 are cultured and grown from what was originally a human source, so I don't see why it wouldn't qualify, though old-school purists would have said that no, it's the opposite of a cyborg. (Electronic brain and guts controlling a fleshy body instead of fleshy brain and supporting guts controlling robot parts)

>To be fair...

To be honest, the OP is too fucking lazy to bother to think before posting.

A thread died so he could ask this "question".

He has living tissue over his cybernetic endoskeleton. Come on user, they even explain that in the movie

>What IS Jiminy Cricket?
Not even slightly a cricket of course. More likely some kind of spirit guide that resembles a cricket on a visual level, or a spirit that possessed the body of a convenient cricket rather than looking for something else.

He's a real boy.

Wood golem turned homunculus

Could be a Grig. Fae creature often looking like a half cricket.


To be honest, you're a condescending bitch on a Venezuelan vuvuzela scalping board in which most people don't automatically assume people only mean the jewish folkloric monster when they say Golem, since in popular media the name is generally used to mean "magical construct."

It's a wooden humanoid powered by magic, for all intents and purposes about 95% of people who aren't nitpicky asses would call it a Golem or construct.

Technically an android

Cyborg is a human who is moving towards machine

Android is a machine who is moving towards human

Thinking is HARD and you're a meanie for telling me to do it.

Per Wikipedia, a golem is "an animated anthropomorphic being that is magically created entirely from inanimate matter " which would leave him definitely in that category. However, he has free will. In most definitions of golem a lack of this is implied. So it depends on how you define "golem"

But he's definitely not a cyborg you retard.

He is a cyborg made out of wood.


>He is a cyborg made out of the Bone's of Gepetto's murdered Wife.


Tree computer construct

What was the social satire supposed to be? Pinocho is one of the movies I didn't rewatch as an adult and it's all a bit fuzzy to me.

is actually a carved treefolk that will never become a human child

So he's a Jurian robot?

Is he a cybernetic organism? Um. No. Not at all. He's a golem friend.

trees are not an organism?

He still lacks any mechanical or electronic modifications, even if he was made from living wood, which he was not - it was carved, dead wood made into a puppet, not a live tree. So no, still not a cyborg, under even the loosest definition of the word.

Trees are. Lumber isn't.

Cows are. Hamburger isn't.

Try thinking for a change.

lumber = dead tree
hamburger = dead cow

pinoccio = undead cyborg

Still no cybernetics, still not a cyborg.
Just a plant zombie.

>trees=dead wood
>dead wood=boards
>dead cows=burgers

hamburgers are bored burgers because they're not having any fun at all

Absolutely a wood golem.

>Body shaped and created from wood
>Gets animated by magic
>Able to move and interact independently


Isn't that from Promethean: the Created?

He's a robot

If you killed a few humans, skinned them, dried their skin, formed it into a vague human shape and animated it with magic. Would you say that's a cyborg?

Not him but what makes me doubt OP's intelligence is he thinks anyone would call a wooden puppet a cyborg.

Pinocchio is a real boy.

To be fair that image looks like a grasshopper and not a cricket

Are the T-models even sentient? I guess skynet kind of is(?) but there's not proof of that either.

Did you just get smug explaining Pinocchio to a nigga?

Had to tell.

The Terminator in the first movie was basically just a force of nature. It didn't seem like it had any more sapience than a lawnmower and it went about it's task exactly as you'd expect a robot to act.

But Arnold in T2 and the T-1000 act a lot different. Arnold obviously acts much more human and develops an appreciation for human life. He even gets something of a sense of humor. But that could be a side effect of the reprogramming.

The T-1000 also acts like it's got some agency and awareness. It just kind of acts more like a normal human being. It even taunts Sarah at one point, which is a weird feature for a killbot to have.

He's closer to a golem(wood) than a cyborg. He's absolutely not a cyborg.

Glad to see someone has an even moderately working brain around here. Unfortunately, the existence in fantasy of all types of golems including stone, clay, wood, iron, blood, bone, fire, etc. (and from supernatural sources other than rabbinical runes) suggests that you may have fucked up royally when considering whether or not Pinocchio could be a golem.

He's a sentient magic item

Are flesh golems cyborgs is what you're asking? no theyre flesh golems.

nothing this guy is gull of shit.


wait, wait...

If I'm a real boy...

But I was once a wooden golem / construct / animated object-

If I get hit with something like release curse / undo transmogrify / disenchant, do I turn back into the golem? Does it go through all the layers and just return me to the puppet?

In which case am I NOT actually a real boy?

if pinocchio goes from golem to real boy then he can become a cyborg


I'd think it wasn't a curse, so Remove Curse isn't effective. I'd reason Disenchant only applies for non-living objects, and thus not valid. Undo Transmogrify might be the only one which is an actual hazard, and even that might not work assuming it wasn't a regular polymorphing spell, but the effects of a Wish or Limited Wish.

Pinocchio is an awakened animated object, set to a mockery of life by some incomprehensible being, a Great Old One, out in the void -- Geppetto didn't pray for Pinocchio to come to life, and he certainly didn't cast the spell that did it ; he wished upon a star. And the star heard.


Pinocchio is an innocence elemental.

Wasn't it traditionally based on an Alraune?

>this whole thread

Never change, Veeky Forums


Jesus, what an insufferable douchebag you are.