Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Alchemist Edition:

What sort alchemic equipment do you ALWAYS get? What do you wish got more use?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: (embed)

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
PS: Avowed is getting big changes soon(ish).

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Old Thread:

The implication seems to be to me that she fucking lost it.

Alchemist's fire, to mix with my booze.

Alchemist's kindness for the next day.

Alchemical Power Components are always nice

Seriously, the big changes to the Avowed are done. Please remove that line.

Ok. Lyra Ivytongue.

>Be born halfelf

>Get kidnapped by fey

>shitty childhood, be a slave, be humiliated and treated like shit, tortured too.

>Eventually learn how to work in the system, sneak, backstab, ect

>get so good at it you get to the top

>dump your old master on his ass now that he’s penniless from your fuckery

>Plan to be a rich noble bitch in Cheliax cause fuckit, you’re good at this shit

>but first you have to cavort with -PEASANTS-, like a lowly adventurer!

So I have to say I find Lyra mostly solid. There are places to improve no-doubt, but this is a mostly passable application. I like the idea of her personality being that of kind of a stuck up bitch.
I think she needs a bit of expansion on what her personality actually is, and as the eternal wailing of all reviews go. Names please. At least of her former master. NAMES.

If I had to say I want anything, it'd be an expansion on her personality, just more insight.


Rolled 1 (1d4)

Appeal 4/5 – Lyra is nasty and it seems like she’d be interesting to watch interact with a party, like her attitude towards peasants and such. She also seems fairly attractive as a character, and she comes with a built in motive for the entire adventure, MORE POWER.
Backstory 3/5 – Honestly I feel this is the weakest thing, the little glimpses of her personality and her insecurities are the most interesting part, but her story just needs a bit of fleshing out. How did she upend her master. Who was it. None of this is necessary but would be nice to see. It seems sparse, but it’s mostly fine
Compatibility 5/5 – A super-diplomancer bard brain controller with combat utility cause of rubato. She seems like a one-in-all skillmonkey. Super useful. I like the gestalt a lot
Evilosity 3/5 – Solid evilness, but it doesn’t tickle me that much. It’s a solid variety that fits her character, but I don’t get a sense from the app that she would do anything particularly super mega evil, something fucked up. I just don’t see the REAL EVIL SHIT. She’s evil, but she’s bitch from highschool evil.
Shlock Factor 2/5 – She doesn’t quite tick the femme fatale boxes, and while she has a bit of that going on, I’d like to see it referenced a lot more. She just seems like a queen bee, which isn’t very shlocky.

Ok, here we go. More dice to roll. Remaining we have

1. Lucius
2. Fluer
3. Talathel
4. Zeno

its 1s all the way down.

Lucius it is.

Yeah, and that's dickish in itself. Rape As Backstory isn't just boring and cliche, but using it as a VILLAIN origin is just saying fucking awful shit about survivors.

>tfw working as fast as I can on my backstory
I feel like I went the other direction from Breiik. Brejik's was short but sweet. This one feels like I'm writing the fucking Silmarillion.

No, it doesn't. It says that she, alone, got shattered by the experience, which certainly isn't unheard of. It's not the default, sure, but then again you don't play Level 1 Commoners either.

Personally I'm not sure what the fascination of names is. A note in a backstory not likely to return doesn't need one as I see it, and if they do, it can be helpful for a DM to have extra room to play with them, name and all.

It feels lazy.

But hey, its just my dumbass opinion.

Gauging interest:

Does an e8 initiators-only mythic game sound mechanically interesting?

Because I'm seriously contemplating running some shit here.

do yori and dierdre to complete the ORIGINAL APPS portion


No! Keep rolling.

I also feel like names are something that can come out in character-to-character interactions and don't really need to be the purview of an application. The same is true of certain character details as well.

>want to make something that gets reviewed
>don't want to apply to any currently recruiting games


yoris isnt actually incomplete (she actually played in the game), she just doesnt have her weapon listed for some reason

also deerders thing got posted

if it says incomplete she's probably refactoring shit, i don't wanna get in there and fuck around with that

And Deirdre's thing literally got posted a few minutes ago.

I mean I can review her later if people want, but i'm pushing into the rest of the new apps

>having a fuck of a time finding character art
>absolutely nothing fits
>finally find something
>discover it's an established character
>it's an established character a ton of people know about

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh why does this always happen to me

who is it

Who cares? If it fits, it fits.

Unless you mean it's a character from Pathfinder?

If mechanically and personality wise the characters don't match I just use the picture.
A lot of my characters use art from the Witcher games because I like the art style, nobody's been bothered yet.

ReviewAnon here, just did Aurelian Mopatis.

This Sargavan hunk has a complicated backstory and smoulders like a romance novel protagonist, with his feelings of never fitting in, a life of constant betrayal and dusky, muscular looks.

One of my favorites so far!

Next is Ulfric Shinescale!

People'll care a lot less than you might expect.


Iktf, and it kills me inside. Kills motivation too, since I flip flop between wanting to meme hard and feeling like I'm eating everyone's time.

>my backstory is already this long, and I'm not even halfway done.
Yeah, Saelonu's backstory is definitely the polar opposite of Brejik's.

Lucius Nacht


Hoo lord

>Be born human

>but you’re better!


>wait what harpies?

>what the fuck do… Someone fucked a harpy and that makes you better

>suddenly wings from the back, even though the rest of your family doesn’t have them

>now I fuck off to Longacre for my family

Oh jeez. This one

This one is rough. I got problems with you my dude

I got so many problems.

Alright let’s start.

Bitch why you be using a Nodachi

You’re chelish, not Tian. Where the fuck did you even get that shit. What the fuck. Justify this shit. I know it’s for mechanical reasons but fuck it’s lazy. Where the fuck did you get a nodachi

Whats with the weird harpy shit? Where the fuck? It just sort of shows up out of nowhere. It just seems misplaced. It also feels like something that would get you shunned as fuck in cheliax. Like It just doesn’t seem to fit.

His personality is pretty bland. He’s just a knight. A stubborn, pretty emotionless knight. I don’t get it.


Appeal 1/5 – Honestly this guy just seems like a boring guy. He’s not a hardliner, his art and appearance are relatively uninteresting. I just… No appeal at all to me.

Backstory 1/5 – This looks like a character built around mechanics and a haphazard backstory thrown around it. Apply yourself my dude

Compatibility 1/5 – Frontline striker. He uses the word ‘tank’. Claims to have face potential and he has a decent diplo score but… I don’t want my party face being an emotionless hunk of steel

Evilosity 0/5 – Not even evil. Not even Lawful and hardline enough to have it make sense that he would ally with some truly awful people.

Shlock Factor 0/5 – WHERE’S THE SHLOCK. It’s not even there. If this guy was in a pulpy movie or a shitty action anime he’d be a rando that gets cut in half, not a character.

If I seem harsh, its because I care. This is a -bad- app. It needs serious work. So. Cont.

I accidentally took my name off. Herp.

Ok. Here's what you can do

Build a real story. A noble scion is an interesting start, but is he maybe a spurned son for the mutation? Was he exiled? What made him the ULTRALAW he is?

What about the personality. If you're gonna be LN in a party of EVIL I think you need to be an ultra hardline JUDGE DREDD tier law guy. Like ultra-law. I need the draw. I need the fix to who this guy is and why i should want to watch him fight.

Justify your shit. As annoying as i find unjustified reactionaries (Current reactionary count for those who care, 0, shockingly), I find unjustified stuff like Nodachis just as annoying. It just smacks of laziness and a focus on optimization

And please find a more interesting picture. There's gotta be cooler black knights out there.

Why the fuck do 3rd party and homebrew things even exist?

They're just bait for autists to have special snowflake characters outside of the core rules, what's the fucking point?

I guess Nacht surprised me

Surprised me with how shit he was.

Lets roll.

1. Fluer
2. Talathel
3. Zeno

>caring about trait fluff
Does anyone actually do this besides for campaign traits?

Rolled 3 (1d3)

fuck the anger-sharks made me retarded

actually rolling


>Veeky Forums
>/tee gee/
>/pee eff gee/
>not being autistic about literally everything

I care.

Zeno it is.

This happens all the time for me in the games I run. I often need lots of random images for NPCs, and I just hate it when half the players start making references about some character I have no idea about, and it turns out I've used their image.

I also hate anime character pictures, which half my players pick.

Hey, it's cool if you care, I just haven't actually seen a game yet where it was brought up. Honestly it's something /pfg/ doesn't seem to be autistic about at all, and we have 2hu fucking posting.

I don't take anything if I'm not going to roleplay with it. Thankfully, power attack is very mundane.

Not feats you dumdum. Traits.

Personally I care. Having weird out of place traits is kinda shit, understandable at times, but kinda shit.

Foreward: As much as I've joked about wanting to fuck Ulfric, I'll actually try to make this review as objective as possible.

We must hurt the things we love, after all.


>be son of Ulfen Guard veteran and a dragonblooded merchant
>be given up to demesne kobolds
>be upset, family is very nice but you realize that you're adopted
>be a bit of a dick because koboldad isn't your real father
>be a huge dick and fuck up your studies
>be self-aware enough to realize you have no future if you just fight and act like a dick
>leave home to become a better man and fighter
>learn lots of lessons and mellow out a lot, also become a super strong fighter but you're modest and keep that on the down-low
>decide you want to become the king of fighters and also set aside the split between your wiser self and your kung fu greatness
>come home to re-reinvent yourself and reconcile these two personas

Whew lad. Ulfric is a bare-fisted martial, which we've seen lots of in the apps. By a count I did earlier something like half the girls and one quarter of all the guys who were posted were bare-fisted martials. I still have more bare-fisted martials to review. I should be sick of bare-fisted martials, but the combination of spunky art, a good description and the general emotes of his backstory and personality make it hard not to like the guy.

He's a reformed thug who enjoys domestic life and has a lighthearted personality, makes jokes and tries to lift spirits. There's no dissonance between his toughguy persona and his other goals, because real tough guys don't need to front. He's also good with kids, so you know.

I wanna fuck that dragon.

But seriously, he's endlessly likeable and my actual favorite of the fistifuccbois so far.

I meant anything and everything. If I really want certain traits or feats then I pick them first then build my flavor around them. I don't take superstition unless my Barbarian is superstitious, I don't take Reactionary unless my character is prone to running, I don't take Iron Will unless my character is going to be stubborn.

What is it with Dragons2 and all the punchfags.

I want to fuck that dragon too

Geb and Nex are pretty damn cool and there's sadly very little information on them that I am aware of. Like do we even know which was founded first? I know Geb was a Osirion colony until Geb, the dude, showed up and made it his own little kingdom, but what about Nex? Has Paizo mentioned any plans to do anything with these two places in the future? Do any of the modules touch on them at all? I think there's more written about Vudra at this point and that's not even Inner Sea, while Geb is technically the cut-off.

>I lock myself into a single fluff-interpretation of mechanics

So what I'm thinking of doing, is putting Saelonu's backstory into a pastebin and making a TL;DR version. Cause like I said, it's already stupidly long and I'm not even half way done yet.

Golarion is a setting where most of the really big players have left center stage, particularly the great Wizard Kings.

Geb, Nex, and Tar-Baphon are good examples. Old terrors are mostly gone from the world. At least in their central figures. The World Wound is much less a great villain and more a natural disaster.

As should everyone else!

well this makes three of us who wanna fuck the dragon. looks like a trend.

I meant the nations not the dudes. They named their countries after themselves because Wizards.

Rolled 7 (1d8)

For the bad, well. Okay. I don't like a lot of the formatting of paragraphs in his backstory and some of the prose rubs me the wrong way. I kind of wish there was more in the parts detailing his maturation from delinquent to strong leading man, since traveling around and experiencing an epiphany reading a book feels kind of weak overall. I also find it hard to believe that a boisterous and personable dude like Ulfric wouldn't have any friends at all- he's clearly the type to at least have some gang flunkies following him when he's younger.

As a lawful character, I also want to see more about his morality and the things he cares about. Unlike the last LN character I reviewed, Ulfric has familial relationships and attachments to the setting that mean it'd be unrealistic for him to be as self-centered as say, Aurelian.

"Hell-Drake" Ramirez is a silly name that feels just a touch tryhard, and the Book of Manly Action only works because this is a game about serving your tittymonster dragon queen great-grandma on her goals of world domination. I know NAMES NAMES NAMES was my meme lately, so this is a minor gripe.

In many ways Ulfric resembles some of the other martials similar to him, but lacks some of the problems I had. He feels like a holistically assembled character.

For my final grading:

>Appeal 4/5, a genuinely likeable guy.
>Backstory 3/5, a nice little story that puts him at the start of his real journey as a man. There are some unbelievable bits that took me out of it, but it all works.
>Compatibility 4/5, warlord is a strong buffer/healer and monk ensures good saves and durability.
>Dragonality 4/5, a strongly dragonblooded character with strong ties to the setting and fun interractions with other dragonkind. His stooped posture caused by growing up in a kobold home is an adorable detail.

what can I say, hotblooded dudes are nice, and they're rare in the land of PFG traps n tits.

Can you post the list again?

>I find unjustified stuff like Nodachis just as annoying
Fuck off m8 I'm not spending an extra feat on Weapon Group adaptation instead of Stupendous strength for a fucking scimitar just to deal 2 avg less damage and lose piercing damage.
And cooler black knights with not-demonic wings? Yeah, I spent a while looking for those (And that sword looks pretty baller imo).

I just want to headpat Rory and say he's a good girl.

use a Falchion you DONKEY.


Sounds like a lot of potential to be fantastic or pure garbage. You should be careful of what mythic elements you bring in. Take a look at Legendary Games's mythic stuff, too.

>Still need to spend an extra feat on top for Weapon Group adaptation to grab Piercing Thunder plus Stupendous Strength to one-hand it
>.5 less average damage, still no piercing

Now, back to the critique
>spurned son for the mutation
No, this is family stuff. And need justification to take Mixed Blood (Monstrous Humanoid) and Vestigial Wings to go into Aerial Wings.
>Emotionloness knight
Nope, he isn't emotionless. He's just smart enough to know that you shouldn't fucking wear your heart on your sleeve in fucking Cheliax.

>player asks if he can use 3.5e shit for his character
>bonus points for 3rd party
>bonus points for homebrew off some awful wiki


Another half elf. Sounds good.

Lets begin

>be born in cheliax

>kuthonite orphan


>100% soft femboi that cries easily. Ok.

>said he grew up to be handsome but I bet he prefers the company of men and he is definitely a bottom

>learns alchemy and such to torture, but does it all out of self-preservation, is basically constantly afraid he’s going to be found out to not take pleasure in it, not a true kuthonite, always feeling guilty

>Basically made into an honor student even though he didn’t get the blessing, has to go do the most awful of tasks.

Fairly interesting, solid backstory. I like that this is a person who could be good, but is in such an awful situation that to survive he has to do evil and awful things. It’s twisted. It’s weird. I like it. He is a prettyboy though.

If I could improve on this I’d like more insight into who Zeno is, the backstory is very solid, but I’d like some insight into his character. Is he skittish? Or is he grim about his duties? I want to know MOOREE

Perhaps reviewers should start doing these only on request. Though all those stuttering wallflower anons might suffer for it.

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Appeal 3/5 – He’s got an attractive look and some interesting story, I like him, but I could crank him higher if I knew about his personality more. I think he could be interesting to see develop in game as well

Backstory 5/5 – Strong, believable, and functional, I don’t even need names because it’s clear there’s nobody important to his past there. Fuck yeah. It feels complete, and it makes sense that he is where he is. I’m a big fan is what I’m saying

Compatiblity 5/5 – Investigators are skillmonkey kings, and slayer backs that up pretty well. This guy will be useful to almost any party and should be able to offer a wide variety of buffs. He also offers some backline firepower, which I don’t think I’ve seen in a single app yet. Approve.

Evilosity 4/5 – I find his evil… Interesting. Self-preservation can push someone far into doing some fucked up shit, and I like that he does it because he’s a coward. Its an evil I haven’t seen in any other app

Shlock Factor 1/5 – There’s pretty much no shlock here straight up. Not that there can’t be, its just without a more defined personality its hard to rate. But the rest of the app is so strong.

I liked this one a lot desu.


Talahiel is heads (1), Fleur is tails (2)

No. I'm going to do them for whoever I damn well please, if someone doesn't like my opinion... Then good for them? Its just one asshole's opinion.

It's easier for people to request to not be reviewed, meaning anyone with strong opinions will speak up.

Well well well.

Its the one everybody was probably waiting for.

The DHB app.


>be hobgoblin ironskin monk
>be fucking good at what you do
>be so fucking good at shaping your body with exercise you can goddamn shapeshift
>be so sent to infiltrate taldor and the demesne because holy shit you're good
>be accepted as a child of culdranth, because she's a little bit slutty and has tons of kids she's kind of forgotten about
>be conflicted because you're really enjoying the place
>be in trouble because you've settled in and yet nobody knows that you're a hobgoblin yet

Kabouite is a tough girl who fights with her fists, with tooth and nail and slams of her transformed body. She was extremely devoted to the cause of the hobgoblin legions, but not being treated like shit and getting a little motherly love (and sisterly love, and brotherly love, and some other degenerate love configurations /a/ is into) does a lot to sway a heart. So as of gamestart she's holding onto a secret identity and still playing the part of master for her own people.

Her personality is "militant and stoic" in her player's own words, pretty go-to for a monk. She's slow to make friends and not very good at it, because she's a hobgoblin and a spy. Works very well.

Being totally unprepared for the excesses of the demesne is a major charm point, particularly the bit where she drinks herself silly (and this is very expensive).

Rolled 1 (1d7)

This is the definition of a short and sweet character that lays out the beats effectively. From a description, a few paragraphs of backstory and her personality I feel like I know a lot more about her than many of the more labored applications. I again, wish for some names and personalities to make these phases of her life more than just periods or timeframes. Her teachers. Her comrades. People she cares about at home, and in the demesne. It feels a bit like she grew in a vacuum.

>Appeal 4/5, a cute girl who is totally a dragon. Her quirks are charming, and her conflict is compelling.
>Backstory 4/5, it's short and competent. Just like the character. I have nothing I dislike,
>Compatibility 3/5, her main weakness is the potential conflict she introduces by being a spy.
>Dragonality 2/5, pretending to be a dragon and her backstory doesn't really tie her to them except for her espionage.

Gonna do one last before bed.

Surprised Zeno rated so high, not because I dislike him but because he's a half-elf leather pretty boy in daddy/g/. Thought he'd score lower on backstory and evilosity since he seems pretty harmless for an evil campaign.

Fuck. Another Empiricist.

And we end the night on Aurora. This is going to be a long one.

His evilosity is unique and his backstory is rock solid, its short, sweet, gets the point across, and explains basically everything i need to know about his past.

Every Investigator is an Empiricist user. It's just such a ridiculously good trade and it doesn't shut off any of your build options except other archetypes. Makes yours anyways.

I am, just didn't realize there was another one.

>making a gestalt and still only have d8 HD and 3/4 BAB

Uhh, how bad of a move is this?

How many good saves you got senpai?

depends what you're making.

If they're a caster/back liner it's whatever.

All of em


eh. You could be fine.

We're all gonna be fine senpai.

Ehh I just realized it won't really work anyway, some of the mechanics I want to use are actually charisma based


I mean

This guy

This fucking guy

Here’s his story in brief

>Be born a total piece of shit

>find out you get hard as fuck seeing beauty be destroyed

>do it

>holy fuck I can’t stop

>like jesus he just never stops being a piece of shit

>endless shittery

>become a noble

>still a piece of shit

>become a counterfeiter


>get elf cancer

>decide to go REALLY make some petty evil shit left while you last

>pretty funny that I’m gonna die tho

Like I can’t do this justice. It’s worth reading. Like this guy is such a fucking piece of shit. Just a massive total piece of shit. And he’s not like murdering people. He’s just breaking shit. For giggles. It’s the pettiest of nasty evil on the largest scale. Can you guess that he’s gonna get a 5 in evilosity for a unique and totally awful kind of evil? He is. Spoiled. Spoiler on that guys. Now you know.

He’s got the egomaniac thing going too. I have to say this is the rock solid DHB app people seem to fear. He would definitely be fun in the campaign, because he’s a fucking Saturday morning cartoon villain. That’s the level of petty shit.


I find it hard to really critique this, so let’s just give him the scores.

Appeal 5/5 – Saturday morning villain, that’s actually an elf with cancer. It’s got an element of tragedy to it as well, and I have to admit, the interactions of a perfectionist who wants to bring more beauty into the world with Shizuka, and a guy that loves to destroy it, have got to be fascinating.

Background 5/5 – Dude has got a great story, its super long yes, maybe overly so. However, it all serves to enhance and build upon just what a total piece of shit this guy is. Things are named n stuff. It’s good shit. This exhaustive backstory wouldn’t work for every character, but it works for the super-petty Talathel.

Compatability 4/5 – I mean… DHB is really good at optimizing. We all know this by now. This guy is probably gonna optimize tea ceremony though. This is a very wide gestalt, 9th level spells, full bab, decent combat potential… I find it hard to rate though because I’m sure I’m missing some of it. He’s described as a backliner buffer though, which seems good.

Evilosity 5/5 – He is the pettiest piece of shit ever. We know why this is where it is. Holy shit so petty

Shlock Factor 3/5 – So he’s not super shlocky, but I can definitely see such an extreme piece of shit fitting into something in this genre. It’s not his strong point, but he’s less pulp fiction, more Saturday morning villain.

Once again, this is all just my opinion, and i'm just a random asshole.

Ok. One more. Fleur. Lets do this shit.

>Fleur is is following up the two highly positive ratings
Being a cute girl probably puts her in a completely separate bracket though.

Man could stop spacing this shit out so much? It isn't entertaining or funny, it just bloats your post.

i prefer how it looks.

Really going to go the 2hu route, huh?

Sure whatever.

And it makes you look like a fucking tool instead of actually being helpful like you used to be. Congratulations, you're officially a namefag, now fuck off unless you're doing something useful.


>be white dragonblooded
>be named after the lights shining above at the time of your birth
>be destined for greatness
>be disappointed by the fact that white dragon blood manifesting strongly means that you're smol
>be smol and flat in a city of tittymonsters
>life is pain
>but at least you can fight gud
>fight very good
>in fact, be really happy by how good you fight and focus your whole being into mastering your awesome power
>be empowered by your resentment of all these towering tittymonsters
>swear to some day rise to the top

I feel like I may have been unfairly generous to Ulfric and difficult to Mercy, because we have yet another fisticuffs character who wants to be the best. Now I'm not saying that these are bad traits or the backstory is the lesser for it, but I'm just less impressed with it as a trope now than I was when I started reviewing.

Starting with the basics, Aurora has a charming concept and a very understandable set of quirks and motivations. She's been proclaimed as a powerful descendant of dragons and wants to live up to that. She's not as grand or beautiful as her relatives but she's strong, and she's milking that (unlike her slutty cousins who milk other things, the sluts).

That said, I wish there was more to her than "I envy large breasts and overcompensate by being strong". The interview fic was a cute little bit of work that personalized her a bit.

I wish that some effort was put into describing her teachers, formative years, parents, etc. Otherwise it's passable.

>Appeal 4/5, a smol dragon girl in a big breasted world.
>Backstory 3/5, despite being prophesied there's less meat than I wanted. Lacking meat (hah hah hah).
>Compatibility 3/5, as far as I can tell she's another brawler. I don't have access to akashaic content but I expect high optimization and damage output, enough to solo.
>Dragonality 4/5, a very thick-blooded dragon who suffers for the smol nature of white dragons. Charming.

Cool I will after I finish off this last review.

And that's it for now. I'll try (but don't expect to) finish these tomorrow.

Good luck to the other reviewer taking a crack at those HV characters!

I'll keep doing this for as long as I can, since there's agonizingly many days before Eagle closes apps.

Debating revealing myself after reviews, but I said enough mean things that I almost don't want to.

Not doing the existing PCs? I find the spacing annoying too to be honest but I like reading reviews.

I don't really see the use.

There's no point unless you're Eagle in disguise, 2hu or DHB, in which case they'll be enough shit flying around that no one wants to see it.

How many more are left?

>tfw last to be reviewed

I don't follow reviews for any practical use, I just like green text. Do it for my personal enjoyment.

I read DHB's app. I think a few exerts emphasize how fucking evil he is.

>At the age of 41 Talathel witnessed an old friend of his, Galio, get kicked in the head by a horse. Galio had trained all his life as an artisan, honing his craft into a thing of beauty. Clay came to life in his hands. The flower of his life had been crushed not two weeks into the season. Galio died three days later, delirious from the wound to his head. That afternoon Talathel drank tea from a set Galio had gifted him for his 40th birthday.

>At the age of 100 Talathel realized he held the only copy of a series of journals written by a man who considered him a dear friend. They described a harrowing journey through the Land of the Linnorm Kings and detailed out complicated etiquette and customs, information one hardly saw in Chelish lands, so far from the ice and cold. Talathel burned them. Afterwards he laughed until he was nearly ill.

>Once he spent several hundred gold pieces on a tapestry, purchasing it from a Chelaxian noble desperately in need of money. The last of his line, and with a terrible gambling addiction. He promised that he would keep it safe until the man got back onto his feet. Talathel unraveled it slowly, giggling to himself with each strand gone. Oh and when the man returned, to Talathel's surprise, truly reformed, an idea struck him. An image of the tapestry was crystal clear in his mind's eye. He had stared at it for hours, and knew every inch likely better than the man himself. He wove a new tapestry and gave it back to the man, accepting his coin. The ecstasy when he did. The elation when the man accepted. It was almost comical. Something that had been given unto generations now was gone, replaced by his impostor.

I like the idea of a villain who just can't stop his willy from going hard at the thought of something particular like this. Being such an evil villain while not actually killing anyone is hard, and without turning on hyper edge.