Punchin', Stabbin', Stranglin' Nazis

So, in light of recent political events, and my own personal desire to hear the guts of Nazis splatter the floor as they get gutted with their own knives, I have a question for you Veeky Forums

What are some good system light games that strongly support slaughtering Nazis, and are flexy enought that I could add crazy Superscience/Occultism to them without too much crunch. The player's don't need to be walking gods like Blaskowitz, but violence and asskicking to the level of Inglorious Basterds is always good.

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Killing Nazis is more of a setting thing than a mechanical thing. Any system would work really. Personally I'd recommend Savage Worlds. It'll lend the thing a pulp feel. Also
>recent political events
Such as?

>light of recent political events
Like what?
This reminds me, one of my friends asked for a system to play WW2 with MAGIC. I have no idea how to work that so I'm curious to see what Veeky Forums has to say.

doesn't pathfinder literally has a weird world war 2 setting?

Someone's an edgy antifa.

I'd suggest GURPS, use the Deathworld setting if you wanna kludge it a bit.

What recent events?

I've never worked with that so that explains why I never heard of it.

>Recent political events
Muh neonazis.

Use that ww2 supers game, what was it again?

I mean GURPS

There's an AP where you hunt down Rasputin, son of Babba Yaga, all the way to Earth. Trench fighting, modern weapons and a crazy Russian proto-tank with wheels the size of buildings.

If you like skirmish games, Two Hour Wargames has a WWII RPG/wargame hybrid called Nuts!, which has a Weird War II supplement with werewolves, vampires, big clunky mechs, rocketmen, zombies, and other shit in it.
A plus is that THW supports gm-less co-op (as well as solo play) so you and a friend can be on the same side in your gunfights with nazis,

I have their stuff up here:

Learning their system can be a bit of a chore at first, so you may want to read Chain Reaction 2015 first -- it's the core set of rules that all their systems are based around.

Thanks! Though I must ask, what's the advatage of this system if it's rules are a chore to learn? Are they easy to use in play? Adding more tactical variance? What makes it awesome?

I'd rather be killing gook fascists instead of white ones DESU

BJ is the saint of Nazis killing. Where he walks lays the ruin of them.

Good goy. Your race is evil and you should let Jamal fuck your wife while you take her son to his hormone reassignment therapy

When u angery but u don't know why so you just put words on a computer

Praise be

>Are they easy to use in play? Adding more tactical variance? What makes it awesome?

Yes, Yes, and it's a great system for gunfights IMO. THW just has some poor layout, especially in their older books. (The more recent printings are better set up)

Chain Reaction uses an activation/reaction system rather than a traditional turn-based initiative. You take turns for activation more or less like traditionally, and then you can activate some of your guys and move them.
When they come into LOS of an enemy, though, then the reaction system kick in and can get interrupted by the enemy. Usually you both start shooting at each other, until either somebody breaks for cover or somebody gets shot. It makes things pretty dynamic.

I want antifa thugs to go.

I'm gonna limit myself to supernatural nazis, because regular nazis are nothing more than ordinary human opponents, so there's nothing hard in putting them in your games.

>Achtung! Chtulhu
>GURPS Weird War II
>Weird Wars: Weird War II
>Gear Krieg
>Operation: Fallen Reich
>Hollow Earth Expedition
>octaNe: Against the Reich
>Office for Special Occult Intelligence
>Cold City
>La Brigade Chimerique

Also WarsaW, the Day After Ragnarol and Sine Requie, for post-apoc set in ww2.
And there's Charnel Houses of Europe - The Shoah for WoD's Wraith

Got a few miniature games as well, if someone is interested.

>So, in light of recent political events
You're a flabbergasting nincompoop, even by this site's standards.

I've started playing characters that are openly supremist or even Nazi's recently. I enjoy it.
Also Nazi's look cool.

>not white supremist
What are you doing

Also remember that only their soldiers were stylish. Neonazis are just white trash but with less personal tattoos and shitty tastes

Hah, yeah. Pic related.

>recent political events
It's funny cause you think America is in the least bit comparable to what europe went through with real nazis, for shame.

I assumed he was talking about the neo-nazi violence thing that was in the news recently. I'll admit I don't pay much attention to the news, though.

There was the Wierd Wars splat books for D&D 3.0, had an SS werewolf on the cover if memory serves. I ran a short game of that it was....memorable. Turns out flamethrowers can kill werewolves by brute forcing damage to overcome regeneration/damage reduction.

Antifa power fantasies that'll never come true because they're all a bunch of cucks

Hey reddit!

reminder OP is a little pussy who could go out on his own and challenge a 'nazi' to a fight but doesn't because his rage is impotent and he'll be a scrawny little bitch

I've been out of the loop user. Care to point me in the right direction?

My face when I don't have to fantasize, I just read a history book.


Not that user but a quick rundown is that an asshole (he sure loves his white people and he wants the death of us colored folk but to call him a nazi is an insult to the men who fought Hitler and his army) got punched on camera and now pretty much tumblr wants to start punching anyone they call nazis

You seem to have a cast an abiding knowledge of these things. Since you do, which ones of that list do you prefer, and why?

No need to start a thread like this on tg so I'll help you for next time.

"So, my own personal desire to hear the guts of Nazis splatter the floor as they get gutted with their own knives, I have a question for you Veeky Forums

What are some good system light games that strongly support slaughtering Nazis, and are flexy enought that I could add crazy Superscience/Occultism to them without too much crunch. The player's don't need to be walking gods like Blaskowitz, but violence and asskicking to the level of Inglorious Basterds is always good."

In 50 years I swear this world is going to feel mighty fucking dumb over current 'muh fascist orange president'

Antifa is just as cringey as Neo-nazism. Be careful where you tread with that user.

>"Recent political events"
>Thread about killing Nazis


Back over the wall with you.

There's always Star Wars: Age of Rebellion (or its sister games) if you're not set on killing literal Nazis.


>Trumpfags so triggered they immediately assume he means Trump

I get that you dummies think Trump's election is the only "recent political event" to happen in the entire world, but jesus, curb the autism.

Reminder that the mistake Bomber Harris made was not torching the entirety of Germany. But I'm sure he'd be happy with how fucked the place is now too


I thought goy was what you alt right incels called yourself in defiance of evil jew masters?

It just means you're not a jew. Chill out broseph, you'll give yourself a heart attack before the nazis get to you.

Frankly I'm more concerned about MAGA Red Hats marching down the streets. We've already killed the nazi's

>MAGA Red Hats
>capitalising it like it's a legitimate thing
>trying to subtlety reference the Brown Shirts

Oh please, MAGA people aren't even remotely comparable to fucking brown shirts, give it a rest. You're talking about grandpas and grandmas and a few miserable neets on /pol/ not a fascist paramilitary. Stop being so hyperbolic

Try Godlike by Stolze or Wild Talents in a WW2 setting.

>implying any of the red army soldiers actually gave a crap about the communist ideology, and werent just doing it because mr commissar would execute them and their family if they refused to fight

>Stop being so hyperbolic

Ironic considering that's the trait the MAGAs love about Trump

I'd second the Savage Worlds or GURPS suggestions, they both have a Weird WW2 supplement.

I guess we need our own catharsis, really...


You stormed Normandy yourself or are you using the royal We?

Irrelevant to what I said

Slightly unrelated but what's the aesthetic style of wolfenstien the new order called. With the early steel machines but not steampunk. Like the style of this short film as well



Or maybe he realizes that violence isn't a solution to the problem but still occasionally likes to fantasize about it in his RPGs.

You know, like a sane individual who is capable of actually examining his base desires

No tears for krauts.

I'm still not sure whether the antideutsche people are sincere or not, but god bless 'em anyway

Everyone you don't agree with is a nazi so it's okay to beat people you don't like

Pretty sure the first person to even mention that name. It's pretty telling.

Oh nice cheers
Do you know if there's any subcategories to differentiate between the grimy dark dieselpunk and the more hopeful "tomorrow land" kind?

Not that user, but I honestly just go with Dystopian and Utopian and iron out the details in the fluff.

>Haha I hate violent Fascists! >Time to use justified violence because I believe your views are dangerous!

Dude trump is german and doesn't suck jewish cock
Do you know who the last German in power who didn't suck jewish cock was? HITLER
I think the term you're looking for is "Raygun gothic".

Fantasizing about influcting violence on real people is mental illness.

It wasn't said, it was >implied

You just put your own foot in your mouth retard

What sci-fi aesthetic would you say replaced raygun gothic? The pseudo-realistic, but used look you see in Star Wars and Alien?

Agree that Savage Worlds is suffeciently pulpy, plus it handles npc followers, large combats and even mass battles quite well.

My next Savage Worlds char is going to be Spruce Wayne, pic related.

Comrade your tone is too elitist, I think you should spend some time in the Gulag to sort that out.

>libertarian with an Asian wife who beats up communists trying to kick a man on the ground is a nazi

>wants the death of us colored folks

In the interests of keeping things factual, the guy who got punched on camera is Richard Spencer, who definitely loves his white people. On the other hand, nothing he's written or said that I'm aware of has involved calling for the death of coloured folk.

And it should be noted that he was talking about Pepe when he got punched.

Frogposting in public: a punchable offense.

Yeah, Spruce is fighting in an insane timeline... literally. Gonna need to brush up on my Lovecraft but the idea is that a bunch of Cultists hatched a scheme where they would enter into academia and mental health fields, then create a shift in thought. Where once someone claiming to something they clearly weren't... say Napoleon, would have been locked up the new strategy is to force the world to go along with other people's delusions. This will eventually create a world so alien, so insane, that the Cultists god will be able to fit right in, and manifest in all it's glory for only a fraction of the effort it would take to do so in a more sane world.

What do you think of that for an Arch Enemy?

>Frogposting in public: a punchable offense.

What is this dumbfuckery? have /p/oltards invaded every board? Spencer is a legit nazi. Who wants "peaceful ethnic cleansing". Dudes a lunatic, alt-right nazi.

It's fact-checking.

On "peaceful ethnic cleansing", if you read up for yourself you'll find that he's referring to division of territory along lines of ethnic self-determination as seen after the first world war.

That is to say, not genocide.

It's totally fine for you to critique or disagree with a political position, just not to misrepresent it.

BAIT THREAD. He's just trying to stir shit up. Why can't people just obvious bait

>using violence against those who are expressley calling for violence
>fascists will complain that this is wrong
This just in, prisons = fascism, all murderers will be released within the hour to keep our democracy.

Oh wow! he is not shouting for the killing of all "non-whites", what a progressive position! He just wants them to leave, so his white master race can rule america. So enlightened.

Spencer said, and i quote. “America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity,” Spencer said. “It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.” To obfuscate the truth and shroud his political positions as not nazi and evil, is disingenuous.

They use nazi terms, they use nazi ideas, that desire nazi goals. If it quacks like a duck......

I'm dating a black women. The only time whites have given me any problem was some antifa faggots in Seattle who wanted to fight because she was breeding with whites. After I punched the first one they started screaming about nazis and ran away. So fuck you nigger, literal nazis have given me less trouble than leftists and niggers for dating a black woman.

Please, do go on telling yourself that.

Why slaughtering Nazis instead of playing AS the Nazis? It makes for a much more interesting (if slightly cliche, as playing as the ragtag bunch of heroes against a hostile world is overdone) narrative.

Except his quote is true. Immigration laws were heavily skewed to europeans and northern ones at that. Only a small amount of non europeans were allowed (besides the blacks)

What part of that is incorrect? Nonwhites were not allowed to immigrate to America until the late 19th century, at which point Asians were allowed to immigrate (but heavily restricted). Until the 1965 immigration reforms, America literally was a white country. Granted, there were many black people, but whitey treated them like shit. It clearly wasn't a "black country" any more than biblical Egypt was a Jewish country.

In short his historical assertion is correct. I'm not very familiar with Spencer but I read up on him after the punching incident and I didn't see anything indicating he was an ethnic supremacist. Rather, he seems to be an ethnic separatist. There have been many black ethnic separatists in the US, for obvious reasons, most prominently during the 1970s. Were they Nazis too?

I don't think he uses Nazi terms since he seems to be discussing these matters in English. Even allowing for translation, I have never read anything indicating that Mr. Spencer has stated, for instance, that "debt slavery" and "Judeobolshevism" must be demolished. He has not once, so far as I am aware, referenced the works of economist Gottfried Feder. I am not entirely certain that stating "this country belongs to [ethnic group]" is in any manner exclusive to the national socialist worker's party; it seems to me that Mr. Mugabe in Zimbabwe recently kicked out all of the whites for the same reason, and yet he is explicitly Marxist-Leninist.

tl;dr I get the feeling you are not actually very familiar with Nazis

>ITT: things that have definitely happened, for real you guys

yep, leftists are the same assholes as the nazis, but in the opposite direction. and they are more numerous

I'm excited for that guy. I plan on voting for him.

Holy shit antifa being as fucking cringe-worthy as /pol/. Here's a thought, all of you take it to the appropriate boards, or kill yourselves.

Fuck you nigger you leftists are all talk and no game. I've never seen antifa fight without a number advantage

Of COURSE this is a bait thread. I don't know why the rest of these assholes are here, bet me? It's 4:30 in the morning, I've been up all night, as I have been for the past five nights, because the chronic pain from my TMJ has flared up pretty badly. I've put so much asprin in me I'm surpised you can't hear my livers sobs from where you are, I've been gagling orajel like it's going out of style, ice pack and hot water bottle on the tense part of my neck and double dipping on my perscription painkillers, all to reduce my pain to bearable levels.

I WANT a good internet fight right now.

That fair, but you should head to /pol/, whatever side you're on I'm sure you'll find someone who disagrees with you

Nobody here said Actung Cthulhu. What the he'll is wrong with you all?

In strictly historical terms is he wrong? No, but that's not the context he was using it in. He was using it in a positive, political one.

As for not using nazi terms, dude. He said “Hail Trump! Hail our people!", and riled by some supporters against the “Lügenpresse,”

Source: nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html

I'm surprised to learn that killing Nazis has become a controversial topic.

Clearly this means we need to go kill some nazis.

Its not so much killing Nazis as labelling anyone you don't like a Nazi and then kicking their teeth in.

Killing actual Nazis is fine, but when the only criteria for being a Nazi is "you disagree with me" then it's not so fine anymore.