Sci Fi setting alien concepts

A hive race of bug people structured in these massive "family" units of countless infertile female drones, an elite coterie of male princes and the fertile queen at the top, but after making contact with other sentient races the fundamental structure of their society is shaken by the existence of mating-pair species like humans. The female drones who had to content themselves with "courtly", one-sided love from afar of their princes are suddenly interacting with societies whose females can each expect to find their own exclusive male mate.

This leads to social upheaval, mass emigration, and culture war between more conservative hive society that thinks this foreign influence is impropriotous and breaking apart the traditional hive-family unit and the more liberated, independent-minded drones seeking new individualist lives. A whole promiscuous subculture emerges of female insectoids trying to hook up with the males of other species, especially on starports which begin opening discrete clubs for that purpose.

The situation reaches a political climax when an insect princess elopes from her arranged marriage to a neighbouring hive to live her own life abroad, sparking heated debate, international incidents and the possibility of the complete breakdown or isolation of hive society.

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Sounds pretty hot

I like the subversion of a normal hive mind in sci-fi as well.

>female drones

That's fairly similar to the plot of an old L. Sprague de Camp book:

The aliens are described as vaguely humanoid, though, rather than insectoid, though I recall it as being a bit hazy on their exact appearance.

Red vs gold myr Just found this and read all that be done with it

>Drones with free thoughts, hopes and dreams

You think arbitrarily made-up aliens have to obey your arbitrarily made-up rules? Biology is descriptive, not prescriptive, user.



Nice big collection of cliches, stereotypes, and deliberate ignorance, user. I happy to see that someone is even lazier than I am.

If you're lucky, your players won't fall asleep at the table.

An Arachnid culture that is feral when left to isolated, but if exposed to a social species early in life become relatively docile (in so far as sapient). Feral ones crowd together and wander the cosmos on infected ships wrecking peoples day.

Humanity is the precursors, and they were not particularly pleasant to alien races during their long as fuck reign. Most life has been derived from their genetic code, so most of it is bipedal and can interbreed. Except that other, extremely nonhuman, aliens are now kind of in power and use human slaves to operate the left over equipment.

Immortal Hive-mind with a cumulative singular intelligence. When it first showed up, it only had on of itself and one point of view for the universe till it ended. When the big crunch finally happened it said ney ney and restarted the universe, placing a second (with the knowledge of the previous run) instance in the universe. The first follows what it did last time. Linear time travel hivemind with only one intake point, and no ability to hit undo. Mistakes have been made.

A race that merged Digital intelligence and Material intelligence into one genetic code (the AI learn how to program reality a little) resulting in a tecnorganic species that are often mistaken for gods considering how much power they wield. They are not, they are insane and filled with delusion.

thats some cuck fetish magical real thing you have there

>cuck fetish

You don't even know what that word means, do you?

of course he does user! it means anyone that he sees as lesser than himself!


No, it means what it actually means.

You mean as the shorthand for cuckold? which just means a guys wife is cheating on him? not the stupid 'you are vaguely not ALPHA, thus your girl (which you don't have because ALPHA) must obviously fuck around on you' shit that the majority of the low cognitive types seem to use.


A bipedal insect like race who were subject to a genetic wasting disease that would cause limbs and organs to waste away and become necrotic. This resulted in the need for advanced cybernetics to help those who lost body parts to said effects.

This would lead to a societal shift were those who had such augmentations were made to serve dangerous roles in society such as military and other roles while those who were "pure" eventually became part of a ruling caste and looked down on those with augmentations. even though the wasting disease could manifest in individuals who were originally found to be pure. When such an event happened this could damn entire families who would lose their rights and resources and cast down into the lower caste.

>tfw no infertile bug waifu

Huge sea cucumbers but like on land that communicate telepathically and vomit their digestive organs out of their anus when they feel threatened

Even in actual hive insects, the drones and workers have free will (to the extend you can expect something as simple as an imsect to have will; they can make decisions on their own, basically). They're just predisposed to acting on interest of the hive rather than self-interest (which makes sense since the workers won't normally reproduce, so the best chance of ensuring their genes will survive is to ensure the hive will survive). However, worker ants and bees will occasionally try laying eggs (worker bees aren't actually infertile, but their eggs would only produce females and the queen normally keeps them from reproducing).Bees are even known to have little bee communist revolutions where the workers overthrow the queen (and the hive usually falls apart shortly after because turns out communism doesn't work even for bees).
>12 hours of intensive search later, within the depth of the hive, the location of the queen has thought to be spotted.

>The xillian queen , the cerebrum of the hive , the moving lifeforce of the entire colony , she lays deep in a chamber thousand of feet away from the surface, It is thought that the queens biorganic interface is totally different from that of the xillian drones.

>It is believed that the queen is formless , and is only understand as a telepathic existence throughout the entire hive colony. Her possible structure is also due to that in one galaxy and light years away , only one queen exist , due their rarity a queen complex genome starts off with a infection from one drone's brain , and slowly building incognito and slowly being able to alter the drone's cell formation and activate the " Royal jelly complex" whereby the drone undergo a metamorphosis and emerge as the current queen.

>the queen spend half an aeons of lifetime as a crystallis channeling strong telepathic signals for the entire hive to move as according , being able to think faster than perhaps an average human 3 to 5 times , the queen is proved to be superior.

When facing a threat , the queen quickly release herself and source for a drone far enough and start to undergo the entire process, eliminating the hive is the only way to eliminate the queen, for a single drone could simply incubate her very existence.

I had a similar idea for a race in a SF setting, except without them becoming interested in human-style relationships.

They were based on eusocial insects, but weren't a hive mind, so each individual had their own mind and own desires. However, for cultural and evolutionary reasons they were predisposed to collectivist thinking (i.e. placing the good of society ahead of personal good). They lived in hive-cities with 99,9...% of the population composed of workers (haploid females). The workers were infertile and quite short-lived. Each city would be ruled by a queen (diploid female). The queen mates with her consorts (diploid males, i.e. drones) to produce eggs. All workers in a hive are the queen's children. The queen and her consorts also ran the goverment of the hive-city.

Despite appearing outward extremely unified, in actuality most of their history consisted of every hive-city competing with each other. Eventually the most powerful cities unified the planet as one hive-collective, with one queen acting as the queen of the collective and queens of other cities/nations being subservient to her. Courtly intrique was commonplace, as the lesser queens would all try to amass power for their cities, and get one of their male offspring elevated to the position of the prime consort (political marriages were one of main ways of keeping all the cities unified, with the high queen taking drones from other hives as her consorts and having her drones married off to the other queens).

>This leads to social upheaval, mass emigration, and nerds getting hot and horny waifus they don't have to worry about knocking up by accident

A eusocial hive based society which considers the queens tools rather than people, they are a means for the hive leaders to chemically sway the populace. For that purpose they are now obsolete and are now birthing machines. As technology increases they may be phased out entirely?