Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Don't take the bait Edition.

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>no grey knights in that image

Are they getting squatted?

first for eldarki eldari

>no emperor in that image

Is he getting squatted?


They just got a new character and a joke formation that's 1880 points, so I highly doubt it.

>no mechanicum in that image
Are they getting squatted?

Chaosfags did nothing wrong.
Tyranidfags won't quit being cancer.

Is it true Space Marines are getting updated models?

Possibly. GW did have "big announcements" coming soon

Makes me wonder: Does GW release/update stuff based on fan appeal, cynical profit motive, game balance, or something else?

Reminder that chaosfags need to post about their superiority every day or else you'll forget about all the times they're called superior in the fluff.

What's the best way to run Terminators in an Emperor's Children force? I plan on picking up pic related once the separate kit come out, and I want to sort out what weapons to give them.

Hi all, my 1850 for casual games how does it look? I think it seems fun and fluffy but im hoping my friends orks don't table me

Fenrisian Wolves x40

Wyrdstorm Brotherhood
Rune Priest [Bike, Mastery Level 2, Relic: Helm of Durfast]
Rune Priest [Mastery Level 1]
Rune Priest [Mastery Level 1]
Rune Priest [Mastery Level 1]

Lion's Blade Strike Force

The Inner Circle [Azrael]

Battle Demi Company

Assault Squad, Flamer, Drop Pod

Devastator Squad, Razorback

Tactical Squad, Razorback

Tactical Squad, Razorback

Tactical Squad Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod

Battle Demi Company
Company Master

Assault Squad, 2x Flamer, Drop Pod

Devastator Squad, Razorback

Tactical Squad, Razorback

Tactical Squad, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod

Tactical Squad, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod

10th Company Support
Scout Squad

What's gonna end society first, terrorists, nukes, or powerlevel shitposters?

They've said that part of it is the sculptors choosing what they want to make. Thinks like reviving guilliman were after a group discussion on which primarch to bring back.

Releasing shit that will get you the most money is the only smart business decision, hence more SM shit than DE.

Nth for Carnac :)

>cynical profit motive

This plus whatever the design team/Jes Goodwin wants to do, I imagine the team holds brainstorming meetings and throw ideas around to see what sticks then make it into a model and then write a codex/rules for it.

Tolerance, the price of tolerance is death.


Complete intolerance is also death tho

You called?

Guilliman has wings now? He's becoming all the primarchs. Truly, he is the one spiritual liege.

Someone needs to write a letter directly to Jes Goodwin, not GW but Jes, asking him to show some mercy to the lesser updated Factions. He's a good man, he might listen.

So what we learned from the new fluff is that the veil that separated reality and the warp was shattered a long time ago for some reason. The Necrons built pylons and spread them across the galaxy. These pylons separated real space from the Warp and isolated it. However, they were forced to sleep before they could complete their work but their incomplete work assured the continued existence of the galaxy as the pylons are the only things preventing the galaxy from sinking permanently in the Warp. The peace that followed was wrought by Necron cold hands.

However, as the Necrons slept, the pylons got neglected. The passage of time damage the pylons or outright destroyed them. As the galactic pylon network was whittled away by time, the power of the Warp that it kept in check started to get stronger and expand its hold on reality. But the Necrons have foreseen this and programmed the pylon network to reassign the work load of destroyed pylons across the network. It put stress on the remaining pylons but disaster was prevented this way. However, the Necron did not foresee the Eldar's great folly that resulted in the Eye of Terror bursting into reality. This put tremendous stress on the pylon network but the Eye was shackled into its place rather than annihilating the galaxy.

Years later, the HH happens and then the Black Crusades commenced afterwards. Having been told about the pylons, Abaddon seeks out and destroys the pylons across the galaxy increasing the power of Chaos dramatically until it reached the final boiling point in the 999 41M with the destruction of the Cadian Pylons. The remaining pylons in the galaxy are too few to prevent the Eye from growing and consuming the galaxy but their existence is buying time for the races of the galaxy to find a solution.

So what that said....how can you guys call Necrons "Bad Guys" when it is their work that kept the galaxy safe for 60 million years?

I see, do you think this is in part a symptom of the fans having very freewheeling spending habits: IE, they just mindlessly buy up whatever new thing GW makes?

>See this on your bed

What do


why didn't they just make scarabs and tomb spyders to maintain them?

wash my fucking sheets

>Find vacuum
>Give bed the succ

Because they're mindless robots bent on killing or taking over every body in the galaxy?

Because the Eldar would detect them and destroy them?

They aren't mindless though. They have feelings and goals.


then why didn't the eldar just kill the tombs over millions of years?

since when

If an HQ has a defined warlord trait do they have to take that trait or can you still roll for them?

only a few individuals

The higher-ups surely. The warriors too, but they are supressed by programming.

combimelta and claws are pretty swell.
dual claws on them all if you're a real man

>find this on bed

What do

Because the Eldar eventually forgot about them, there's only one Craftworld that remembers the Necrons.

Since maybe 7 years ago.

Because the Necrons weren't a threat to the Aledari.


The worst tau players are the ones that use GW's mono-pose for their suits

Burn it


>Chaos literally relies on the materium to feed it
>now for some reason Chaos wants to destroy it
Who writes this shit?

And who leads them? The Nobility and Cryptek caste. So the Necrons are not a mindless army.

Who wrote the Codex imperialis? Yeah, Rick Priestly.

It's locked, if they are your warlord, they have that trait, no ifs or buts

so I play eldar and dark eldar and with the new ynnari faction has me crossed should I join up or stay stuck in my eldar/dark eldar ways?

How to make this list fluffy? maybe robo-stormtroopers?

what difference does it have to you

I feel like half of wasn't present in Priestly's design.

That's annoying, ORLY's is trash for basically anything. Guess he's good against Guilliman though.

Who is Carnac? New hero??

I'd take them to a shooting range

Carnac is the name of the Chaplain in the Warhammer 40k movie Ultramarine.

Use the models for parts, try to kitbash Robby in to Sanguinius

I always feel like people at GW who write Chaos as their villain don't ever actually read any of the existing fluff about Chaos and just make it up as they go along.

Oh wait just kidding he's terrible for that too.

If 40k was going full anime, I think Imperial Knight would be the way to go. You can make the rider a moe girl unlike Space Marines, plus shill that sweet mech. Plus the standard dark end for mecha won't be so off putting.


Post the shit I'm genuinely curious

Prefered enemy against independent characters, and by proxy, the unit they sit in
>tau players everyone

It's not canon any other way, fuck off, loser.

Or do a Sister of Battle kinda like the Claymore anime, fighting demons n shit.

It specifically does NOT apply to ICs joined to units.

Because I was asked here is proof of Tyranids being capable of hate and petty vindictiveness. Tyranidfags try to keep your triggered levels to a minimum.

>Yriel plunged his spear deep into the rearing serpent. It keened terribly, and Yriel salivated as his weapon drank. Since the day he had lost his eye due to the spear feasting on the limitless hive mind, he had managed to control its fell power and its obscene appetites, but at this final pass he no longer had the strength, and the spear’s murderous soul overwhelmed him. He could not stop it feeding, drawing upon the infinity of spirit the Great Devourer possessed. Yriel felt the hive mind, heard it howl. It thrashed about, and Yriel was battered by its anger. Its thoughts were utterly, unimaginably alien. But one thing came through strong and loud. Hatred, hatred for this creature that had for the first time in untold aeons wounded it.

-From "Valedor" by Guy Haley

I have to admit 40k went to shit when they started writing about the setting from a non-imperial point of view.

Back then it was all short stories from humans writing about happenings and xenos, and the lore was kept grim and vague, based on speculation.

im really into the lore and my black heart kabal cant be a part of the ynnari since vect already said he no like them. on the other hand my eldar are good to go. I just feel like the sense of difference in the craftworlds and dark eldar is lost in a mixing pot. Also why are the dark eldar so ok with working with eldar and mon-kiegh I mean the imperials have been a source of souls for them for a while now.

The warriors, who make up the bulk of the necron armies, do pretty much only what they are ordered to do. They have no free will, it was lost in the transition to their new bodies or whatever may be left is supresssed via their programming.
And the nobility usually sees them as just that: robotic slaves waiting to serve their masters wishes. Pretty grim desu

>Something was wrong. A sensation at the back of her mind. The sensation grew teeth, became pain.

>Her soul was gripped by agony.

>Iyanna screamed, falling from the edge of the couch. The pain abated, then squeezed her anew. She vomited.

>The dead were dismayed. The blow against her raced out across her attack group, leaping from mind to mind. Wraithbomber engines guttered out. The Wraithborne’s sleek cruisers turned viciously, wallowing in psychic swell.

>Bright light burned at Iyanna’s soul. A long tunnel telescoped away, encompassing infinite distance. A tube stabbed through the fabric of the world. She felt its ripples in the warp. She felt its ripples in the webway.

>She had the sense of an eye, slave to a great power. An intellect that dwarfed the Great Wheel of the galaxy. She opened her second sense, to find the Dragon looking at her with terrible regard.

>For aeons it seemed it held her in its gaze. And there was fury in that examination.

>The Dragon was angry, and it was angry with her. Not with the galaxy, or this sector, or her species. But with her personally. The promise of endless torment came from it, her very being enslaved to its ends and used against others, her body rebuilt over and again so that it might suffer the Dragon’s revenge.

>Terror of a kind she could not have conceived of flooded her mind. She screamed again, and this time every eldar in the fleet screamed with her.

-From Wraithflight (short story) by Guy Haley

WTF I'm a Necron Cybermissile now.

>could make it like Tank Police


Or are they?

>Just finished reading the Rise of the Primarch.
>The ending suggest that Cawl is making new weapons for the Imperium

Is techno-heresy afoot?

Nothing is heresy if it's a revelation from the omnissiah.

New weapons doesn't necessarely mean techno-heresy

I think it's the opposite way around, making chaos want to destroy everything even though according to its own fluff that would destroy itself is more a sign of writers being unfamiliar with non-Imperial fluff.

>Also why are the dark eldar so ok with working with eldar and mon-kiegh

Firstly, when have they not been okay with working with other Eldar? Secondly, having a patron God to save your soul is pretty big motivator. Up until now Deldar have been getting anally raped by Slaanesh post-death. Now, they can buy Ynnead insurance.

As per your own picture: Yes, everyone but the Thokt dynasty (and maybe the Silent Kings forces)

>For all his early life, Dante had been taught to mistrust the alien. It was true the least offensive xenos harboured a deep perfidy. Lenience towards xenos species bought a bounty of betrayal. But in all his long years, he had never truly hated them, not as some of his brothers did. Non-humans strove only to survive as mankind strove. Dante had gleaned enough of the galaxy’s history to know that more often than not, folly and hubris had undone the great civilisations of the past, humanity’s first stellar empire included, and not external threat.

>>Mankind had more in common with other sentient species than the adepts of Terra would admit. He supposed that was why aliens were so easy to hate. Not for him. Besides the treacheries and atrocities he had witnessed by xenos hand, he had seen nobility, honour and mercy. Twice recently, he had been forced to fight alongside the necrons against the tyranids. On neither occasion had these most arrogant of aliens betrayed the alliance. Flashes of the virtues and the graces were in all living things.

>In the tyranids, he had finally found something to hate, and powerfully. His loathing for them was the strongest emotion outside of the thirst he had felt for centuries. There could be no accommodation with the tyranids, only war. They had no redeeming features. When he had seen them as beasts, he had regarded them as a problem. When he had learned of the existence of the hive mind, he had come to view them as an existential threat. Now that mind was proving to be as vindictive as the cruellest man, he had grown to despise it.

-From "Dante" by Guy Haley

There is more but that is all I care to post now.


fuck yeah samurai army

Anything that isn't from guy Haley?


true but I love dark eldar for the sadistic society and evil fucked up shit they do.
>I play slaanesh as well
I don't want them to lose that aspect. I like their vampiric and awful selves. without slaanesh eating at their souls I don't want gw to pussyfi them.

Silly user, don't you know? Chaos has already won and could end the galaxy within a second, and it wouldn't even hurt them in any way because Chaos spans the whole universe and every dimension and is invincible.
Now that you know how truly fucked [your dudes] are, why don't you buy a few books from Black Library© that deal with such interesting topics like "Horus did nothing wrong", "Chaos is best stepdad" and "How to please mighty Abaddon the great orally".

That screencap though is literally word for word what Priestley wrote at the start of 2nd Edition. The only edition it's missing from is 4th, though Codex Chaos Daemons 4th Edition has a similar statement.

You could do that, but the sensibilities of West vs East clash heavily. Especially when it comes to female aesthetic.

The original post last thread about this was about how any books that give nids personality are usually from BL authors who don't understand how the bugs work, Guy Haley clearly is in that party

Probably not, but it's canon unless you want to get into a "not muh canon" argument. Which I have as much interest in as an equally futile religious or political argument.

>Don't take the bait Edition.
>everyone takes the bait

>Chaos is given backstory that gives them some motivations for fighting a continuous war for 10,000 years other than CAUSE WE EVIL LOL
>this is bad

Guy Haley's books are the only time I've been semi-interested in Nids. They actually came across as intimidating for once, though they still had less depth than a puddle.

Correct. Now find the other half of the problem.

That's fine though, as long as you aren't insistent that your particular tastes are what everyone else should follow.
From my perspective Tyranids are interesting and that's that desu