Nu-Games workshop

I fucking love this company again now. They're doing a fantastic job at redeeming themselves.

Kek'd hard at the deep strike, and all the rest. This is gold

it feels amazing tho - when i got into the hobby around a year ago this was just starting. so to me this is "Just as any other company anywhere" to the older hobbyists this must be worlds apart from the GW they were used to. i love them anyway.

That deep strike gave me "let's fly to the castle" flashbacks.

I started collecting during 2nd ed and started playing properly during 3rd and 4th. Things were good, but not perfect. When 5th dropped it started to take a turn for the worst and when 6th arrived I quit altogether as it was just getting too much. Bloated ruleset, expensive kits (still the case but at least you're getting good looking models inseaf of shitty finecast) and their general powerselling demeanour alienated a lot of the older players such as myself. But to now see them engage the fans as they do, release the models that they have and generally do a good job at clearing up Kirbys mess, I feel they can have all of my expendable income again.

b-but, no! we are supposed to hate gw, aren't we? isn't the one constant in all of tabletop is how evil GW is? isn't it?

i'm questioning everything now...

The plastic thunderhawk box is what interests me.

They're fully embracing the memes user

Shame they still haven't a good fantasy wargame. I'd throw lots of cash at them.

A good sign, that means they know both of those things are wanted.

Age of Sigmar is good though. Sure its not Fantasy-tier good, but desu Fantasy was dead in the water. I fully respect them for giving it a double tap and injecting some new life into it.

It's pretty shit ngl. The rules are ass, the gameplay is boring and the lore is awful. There isn't a lot of wargames worse than aos.

I tespect your opinion, but the sales figures prove that you are in the minority. Whilst I agree the lore is dogshit, the rules and gameplay are anything but.

To each their own user. You don't like it, others do.

Where are the sales figures even ?

>They're doing a fantastic job at redeeming themselves.
How exactly?

Play Kings of War you faggots.

Please, no one plays it :(

>fantasy gets round bases
>40K gets square bases

Its like pootery.

>This topic comes up almost as often as Sisters of Battle... so we're going to bring them back
>unlike Sisters of Battle

>someone who likes aos and someone who doesn't in the same thread without a massive sperg out
It's like GW becoming less cancerous is having an effect on Veeky Forums.

Can't wait for weapons that aren't grav or melta to matter again. Everyone's favorite weapon to paint, plasma will be viable, and MLs and maybe even heavy bolters too.

Have a look at games workshops profit reports since AoS was released.

Engaging the fan base. Creating better looking models. Actually focussing on the hobby and game aspects instead of 'WE SELL TOYS TO CHILDREN'.

ML? Marker Lights?

Its a well known fact Warhammer Fantasy wasn't making much money at all compared to the other games. AoS changed that.

Grav was a mistake.
Fuck, do I hate grav.

>but desu Fantasy was dead in the water.
Yeah and who mostly killed it with 8th edition, prices and shitty releases?
>injecting some new life into it.
lolwut? I mean AoS is kind of straight opposite to everything what WHFB was. From something which has at least sparkle of individuality (because let's be honest there weren't a lot of settings in 80's and 90's with rennaissance humans and melnibone elves instead of Noldor) they turned into setting who tryng to catch all modern popular fantasy trends among the largest audience.
And I am sayng it as not as some kind of ultimate evil, just to prove my point that AoS is totally different.

Seriously? I figured AoS would be flopping.

>Heavy Bolters

Oh god, my Imperial Fists heavy bolters are going to be rape machines

Finally, my marines can stand in parade formation.

Missile Launchers. You know, that thing that shoots either a Str 8 AP 3 Heavy 1 shot or a Str 4 AP 6 blast, Heavy 1 at 48" that no one uses.

>Have a look at games workshops profit reports since AoS was released.
2016 annual was bad, they starts fixing it after massive marines releases (Prospero, Wulffens, Deathwatch, Thousand Sons etc)
>Engaging the fan base.
How exactly?
>Creating better looking marines
>Actually focussing on the hobby and game aspects
Yeah that's why rules are still shit.
Also, how they are focusing on hobby, or how it's different from Kirby?
That's what they are doing that's why all new releases focusing around some big box with model who looks like action figure.

J-just you wait and see! Heavy Bolters will be the new meta!

>S1 AP- Salvo 10/15

It wasnt selling well even before 8th. People were dropping it in favour of simpler games. I can fully understand why they did what they did. I agree the setting and lore pale in comparison. But you have to look at them as they are... a PLC. They need to make decisions that pay their shareholders, and if dropping a dying game and changing it so it sells better gets them more money that's exactly what they'll do.

Instead of being salty about it i just got on with it and played it. I still play 7th ed fantasy too, its not like they've been squatted from existence.

Are you fucking dense?

>engaging the fanbase.
>how exactly?

Warhammer TV
Warhammer Community
Posting regularly on social media

I'm fairly certain regimental standard is GW sanctioned.

They literally turned a limited edition model to a permanent release because the fans kept whining for it.

>Warhammer TV
>Warhammer Community
>Posting regularly on social media
Since when usual PR became "engaging"?

You're a fucking idiot.

What model was that?

Interactive PR by default is engaging.

That dumb SoB shit

Sure wish they'd fuckin make the plastic Chaplain Terminator not require $200 of purchases or bring back other marine limited editions back but nope

Where? They just posting news on their FB page and launch forum for that.

I know its an overused meme at this point but are you actually autistic?

Quints confirm, sir. The user is autistic.

>smashed a model they charge $50AUD just for a joke
Even games workshop knows their plastic ain't worth shit.

>paying australian prices in the first place
You know, for 50AUD I can get a Drop Pod and a ten-man Tac squad at my LGS.

Because I am not found anything "Interactive" in their PR on facebook?

When you comment on something, and then games workshop relpy to said comment, thats 'interaction'. When people send questions to Duncan and he makes a video tailored to one of said questions, thats 'Interaction'.

I know you're a lonely autist who doesnt actually get to meet people but jesus christ.

>When you comment on something, and then games workshop relpy to said comment, thats 'interaction'.
Usually it's a lie.
>When people send questions to Duncan and he makes a video tailored to one of said questions, thats 'Interaction'.
Yeah because DUncan makes video by viewers questions.
>I know you're a lonely autist who doesnt actually get to meet people but jesus christ.
Says Warhammer manchildren who thinks he is part of some elite hobby-club?

You can ask for tips in painting, for example, and there's a good chance Duncan will answer with a youtube video.
They got together with fans and tournament organizers/players to create the Generals Handbook for AoS (If I'm not mistaken)
They have an active twitch channel to stream games, interviews with their designers and such.

It may not be perfect, but it's a huge step-up from "Here are new Space Marines, go buy that fucking plastic and deal with it."

>Yeah because DUncan makes video by viewers questions

Haha mate, that's literally what he does. Watch one of his videos, infact the one about drybrushing space wolves. He makes that video because someone asked him to.

You're either a troll or an idiot of the highest fucking order.

>He makes that video because someone asked him to.
>shill asks about something
>Duncan makes video about it
>look guys GW interact with us!



Does anyone here have a nice paint scheme for light grey or white buildings? Dark grey always seems to swallow up the miniatures so much and makes everything so dreary or just looks fake when you increase the lighting in your room, so I'd like to go for that "white stone and gold filligree" look and make a city on some Ultramar planet for my Nids to ravage, however I have no idea how a paint scheme would look like for that.

Ah, sorry. I just started playing and started with Tau since a friend wanted to split the cost on a kill team box for more Space Marines. Only missiles I know are my own.

>meme pictures instead of arguments
nice denial

Mate your argument was refuted multiple times. Just because you're too autistic to understand what interaction is isn't our problem.

You forgot your tinfoil hat

>our problem.

>thats not interaction
>interacting with the general public is interaction
>no, muh shills, muh conspiracy

I mean, I kinda agree with the other guys mate.

>They are not interactive
They started video to help people paint, answering question on fb. FFS, given the past GW, anything would be called an interaction given the lack of communication before. Sure, it's tailored, they are a company, but it's very nice.
Serious question: What do you call "interactive" then?
> Focusing the hobby
Well instead of only giving you miniatures, they start giving you constant tips (that you can ask for specifically). They make announcement about the changes in fluff, they work with the community to put together rules.

No disrespect mate, but you really look like a bait to me

>new deep strike rules
Holy shit I'm dieing

It's a shame that the games themselves are dogshit and they are pushing the MOBA aesthetics farther and farther. At least they have funny advertisements.

Stop answering him user. It's Ivan, he just shitposts.

Who's life must be that shit that they would shitpost this much?

>It wasnt selling well even before 8th. People were dropping it in favour of simpler games. I can fully understand why they did what they did. I agree the setting and lore pale in comparison. But you have to look at them as they are... a PLC. They need to make decisions that pay their shareholders, and if dropping a dying game and changing it so it sells better gets them more money that's exactly what they'll do.
During 6th edition WHFB was over 50% of their sales. For the entirety of the edition.

I mean, it's a bit sad to see them doing all this new PR, while still having shit games and stores being still one-man dreary caves

God knows my dude.

How long ago was 6th though. Thats like saying a car that was made years ago doesnt sell as well as it did back then. When they start dying they get redesigned and released in a new guise.

>but it's very nice.
Defending company for free in internet?
>They make announcement about the changes in fluff
To push forward new overpriced boxes with triumvirates and force their larget fanbase (SM players) to restart their armies with Guillimarines release.
>they work with the community to put together rules.
You mean "we release broken and ot tested rules, please fix it for us"?

>MOBA aesthetics
What is this even supposed to mean.

>What is this even supposed to mean.
LoL, DotA, WoW etc.

>How long ago was 6th though.
Two editions ago?

>that one salty dude denying that gw is getting better

Maybe their games would get better if they stopped paying their game designers minimum wage.

So, more than 16 years ago?

>disliking how GW turning the whole production into childrens-friendly

Nope since it's still was in top-5 in NA near at 2011-2013

>But you have to look at them as they are... a PLC.
I already consider GW a festering turd, nothing would change.

>The Warp! It's... It's calming down, sir!

One last time just to be sure. He does try to put arguments, and seems to not understood/agree the counter-arguments.

>Defending company for free in internet?
T'is not a conspiracy you know, some genuinely believe GW trying to get a stronger fan base (not constantly complaining about GW)

>To push forward new overpriced boxes with triumvirates and force their larget fanbase (SM players) to restart their armies with Guillimarines release.
For the first one, well yeah, but everything is overpriced, what did you expect (Nescafé)?
For the second, well can't say shit, I only play for fun with friends so don't really meta game much.
>You mean "we release broken and ot tested rules, please fix it for us"?
Never understood this argument. It's like the beta in video games, you don't say to the game maker, just hire more people to test it. I mean you have a more efficient method: give the player a glimpse of the game in exchange for free testing on a large scale. It's a WIN-WIN,.
Not everything is a scam you know. Testing does cost money (a freaking lot) and you can do it, for free + involve a community even more into your game. That's a no brainer (almost, ei: secrecy...).

>He doesn't seel to understand
I sure wonder why a shitposter wouldn't understand logical arguments user. Stop giving him (You)s you silly.

I don't really understand the "whfb wasn't selling" memes. As long as there were releases it was constantly on top, and even with the horrendous 8th edition ruleset at that. If GW stopped to release anything for AoS the sales wold drop below paints as well.

What cant you understand?

Not enough people were buying it so they changed it to a format that would sell better.

WoW is not a MOBA, LoL and DotA are not very aesthetically similar.

Who are the bigger shitposters: GW-can-do-no-wrongs OR GW-can-do-no-rights
Explain your reasoning.

But it sold a lot, even better than 40k as long as they were still releasing new content.

It's the same for AoS. If tomorrow they stopped releasing minis it would crash and burn.

>but everything is overpriced, what did you expect
In UK?
>It's like the beta in video games,
Not an argument, because in beta after someone found bug developer still should find it and fix it, GW just adding fan made fixes as they were their own
>It's a WIN-WIN,.
For GW, not for community (ask orks and nids players about it)

>WoW is not a MOBA
Yes but shares same visiual design

Extremes of all kinds are shitty viewpoints to hold, including this one.

it's almost as if miniatures need to be differently proportioned so that they can be identified at a glance.

I dare say the GW haters are more vocal than the GW fanboys. Pretty much everyone agrees that AoS's fluff is shit for example. I haven't seen a fanboy in along time.

GW can do no wrong obviously. The other side is just individuals complaining about issues but GW fanbois act like their mlady has been insulted.

GW fanboy here (i am also OP).

Whilst its fine to have different views, the GW haters havent yet give any decent arguments as to why they continue to hate GW. Of course AoS has left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths, its nothing compared to fantasy. But if you cant understand the logic behind why they did what they did, or acknowledge their recent efforts to appear more human then you're gonna have a hard time on a Pro-GW thread.

>In UK?
Well in France, it's quite costly.

>Not an argument, because in beta after someone found bug developer still should find it and fix it, GW just adding fan made fixes as they were their own
So for you, it's different because the fan can propose a solution instead of just finding the issue. That doesn't change the fact that you're not forced to do it, and that it's both easy and free for GW to better the quality of their product in a way that would reasonably be too costly (just like paying as much tester as player in a beta (ratio wise))

>For GW, not for community (ask orks and nids players about it)
The argument is: that player can voluntarily help GW and get a better hobby (in principle) and that GW can have a humongous tester base to add to their professional one, for free.
The fact that GW is not listening to the suggestion is sad, but it's not worse than if they did not had the open test, so at worse it's a NULL-NULL at best it's a WIN-WIN, not so much to cry about.
And again I am forcing the fact that you, as a player, is not in anyway, forced to do that.

Anyway, nice talking to you, but you indeed seems to be very much angry against GW. They are a corporation, them doing things to get money is not something you should be angry at.
You should be angry if they fuck you over while doing so. And as far as I can see, them doing open test, them doing video tips, and opening canal to voice concerns can only lead to good things (or at least, not bad/worse things). So I don't understand your hate towards GW for doing those things.
So try to be more lenient, not everyone is here to get you. Again the fact that corporation are making money is not bad, it is if they fuck you over while doing so.

>Whilst its fine to have different views, the GW haters havent yet give any decent arguments as to why they continue to hate GW
But we don't hate GW, it's just that they are lagging behind in PR and in rulesets compared to all their competitors.

It's actually a good thing that they are shitting up their fluff, their stores and their model range as well, so they are destroying their own monopoly.

>But if you cant understand the logic behind why they did what they did
Why it should be relevant if you aren't working in GW?
>or acknowledge their recent efforts to appear more human
You mean how they refocusing on more larger audience?
