WIP - Work In Progress General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

Work In Progress - painting, converting, and sculpting.

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!

>Previous Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup WIP, i have a question-

I was in the last thread asking about stripping a X-wing ship after a less-than-stellar repaint.

I poured the Simple Green I had into a bucket and put the ship in, but I have 1 issue-

The ship floats.

I could get around this by stripping it one half at a time, but I was wondering if simple green can dissolve plastic after a long period of time.

So /wip/, tell me- Does simple green deteriorate plastic after a long period of time?

It shouldn't, but why not weigh the ship down with something?

What kind of questions?

Have you tried deflating it's ego by insulting it?

Tie it to a washer or a bolt to weigh it down.

Pardon for the Australiaization. Only have a phone camera.

This is my quasi-Bretonnia knight. White is definitely not an easy color to paint. My painting skills have been improving (I'm very good with blues and darker colors), but I'm mostly pleased with how the knight turned out. He is the standard bearer for my knights in whfb 3rd, and a normal knight in my song of blades and heroes warband.


Last pic was actually horrible. Lance is bet btw because it is molded to the Knights legs, which had to be stretched so he could fit the horse.

I tried calling it a piece of shit, but it has enough shields/hull to protect it's inflated ego.
I don't have any of that in my apartment on-hand, and it's 2 AM.

Does simple green damage plastic?

Simple green does not damage plastic. It's largely pretty good at getting paint off.

Protip for painting white, you want to start with a grey (a dark one is good for building up to high contrast if you want) rather than just paint it 'white'. Second pic looks better but you need to crank up the shadow/highlight contrasts in your red and white.

I actually do grey undercoats in general. Right now my goal is to get a warband or three on the table for SOBAH. Overtime I'll def be coming back to improve on what I have done so far.

My general method for painting white has been: Grey undercoat > Grey base coat > white/grey layer > white. Obviously not a very nuanced way of doing it, but I'm open to suggestions

Here is another miniature I painted. Unfinished horse.

Try starting with a darker grey as your basecoat as you work up to white then, I think a little more contrast will really help your details come out.

I'm trying to paint up some flawless host and i have no real idea what I'm doing (this is my first time painting anything). Any idea what paints i could use for the pale pink on their armor? I can't find anything in the GW store that looks like it.

WIP a warlord titan...

I am using oil paints for washing, weathering effects.

Nice shoulder weapon choice. I like the long guns and QUAD GUNS GUNS EVERYWHERE BARREL DRAGON option but the missiles just look more refined.

Is there a better alternative to Purity Seal?

I enjoy the Satin finish but it's sucking out some of my edge highlighting. I'll do a 9-10/10 on a model only for Purity Seal to pull it down a bit.

Is that Z's recast?

Noob painter here. how do I paint a guardsman's squinty eyes? Other criticisms appreciated.

Squints look better by just leaving them as shadows. Put some extra wash in them.

What sort of primer should I use as a beginner? I used pic related back in the day but got subpar results.

I literally use rustoleum flat black primer from the local home improvement store.

Hey guys, just finished a game of table top 40k with my girlfriend. Trying out these converted grotesques I am currently painted. First time using them and they are pretty bad ass. What do you guys think of the paint scheme? It is supposed to look like there flesh is ripped off and the muscle under is exposed.

You MUST use a spay primer. They go on the thinnest, easiest and streak free. Krylon and rustolium are good, any flat matte spay, black, grey or white. If you have an army scheme in mind the gw or army painter spay cans will save you a lot of time. I would suggest them, they are worth the price in the time they will save you.

Guys, what's the best place to buy bitz online?

eBay seems like a bad place if you want specific parts and not just a big bag of random bitz.

>You MUST use a spay primer.

Wrong. There is nothing wrong with priming by brush if you can't spray outside because of the climate. Vallejo Surface Primers intended for airbrush use work perfectly fine if applied by a regular brush.
Yes, spraying is faster, and yes, spraying is usually smoother (especially with a beginner in mind) but that doesn't mean that its impossible to get good results with a brush.

It really depends on what you are looking for.

In the past i had a good experience with "bitzstore dot com" in france, but there are plenty others too.

>plastic bits with mouldlines attached to painted models
>flat skin
>unpainted elements like the rings on the legs

I hope they're unfinished user. The idea is fine, but the execution really needs more.

it's a potent surfactant (ie. it removes the paint by breaking up its surface and letting other active ingredients get under it), but none of the ingredients in simple green are strong enough to damage plastic.
It's mostly soap and pine-oil.

Yes I am currently painting them. I am still working on them, it is like they are a work in progress, a wip if you will. I did the muscles but I have not finished the details,

Elf flesh + some grey, then shade with purple.

>>unpainted elements like the rings on the legs

Check your eyes IDIOT they're a beautiful red flesh color.

when the climate gets bad I have a cardboard box setup in my garage where I spray my minis.

The first of my Minotaurs. It's far from perfect but I like how the scheme came out.

Mix it with paint and mixing medium, plain white gesso often gives subpar results, especially with that brand.

Its a possibility, but for that you have to have a garage. I used to go out on my balcony, but in my new apartment i don't have one. I have a cellar though, but its kinda moist and it gets super moist during winter so that option is off the table for at least 3-4 month per year.

The best thing would be an airbrush i guess.

I've had decent results with Reaper's brush on white primer, although looking at a just primed model you would not think so.

How to paint black metal?
leadbelcher + nuln oil washes isn't just cutting it

If you don't want to prime by hand and don't want to get an airbrush, you can make a cheap spray booth. Get a big plastic storage bin, duct tape, 10' of collapsible silver ring ducting, a small 3-5' fan, a large fan and some cardboard. Cut a hole in the plastic, attach the small fan, then attach the duct to to hehe fan. Apply duct tape liberally. Point large fan to bin at lowest setting. Place end of duct out open window, seal rest of opening with cardboard.
Congratulations, you have a cheap spray booth!

Either mix the Leadbelcher with Abaddon black, or paint straight black and edge-highlight with Leadbelcher. Depends on how black you want it to get.

Stop thinking so hard.

Finished up my Cawl. Still trying to figure out how to get the best quality photos using an iPhone.

His robes are shiny because my AdMech are the Brotherhood of Blessed Oils, pretty much AdMech Oil dowsers.

Any good sites for making bases? The list above didn't show any base sculpting/crafting that I saw.

I was wanting to make the ground look like it had been struck by thunder on some bases but not sure how to go about it. I was also thinking about Lava bases for some other minis as well. For that one I was thinking maybe a thin layer of green stuff then using a tool to make little lines in the grren stuff then painting the top black/grey and the lines ri look like fire/lava below it.

What legio?

eons of battle channel on youtube has a lot of basing tutorals. playlist is here youtube.com/watch?v=VnxC47YI3-8&list=PL_-8gAsUyIUVu4QQeLL-18Gl9PR4yvWIL


Thanks. Have a Tau Pin Up for your troubles.

Lead belcher, 3 nuln washes and then a soft drybrush with mithril silver

Sorry bro, this thing looks awful.

very lurid and interesting scheme

Do you recommend I just get both retributor and liberator gold? They complement each other I think. Had posted in the previous thread that I have some Vallejo Game Glorious Gold but the Vallejo Game metallics tend to be really shit. Could save this for dioramas and terrain and get a good tub or two.

Also a question because some the vallejo game paints I have are so watery that they're a borderline wash, so it got me thinking. Is there some additive I can mix with regular paint to create a wash? I understand if I just put water, I'll create a glaze at best.

Wacky, but cool.

Tested out a forest camo patter on one of the side panels of a trukk. Undercoated with Chaos black, the left started with Dryad bark and the right with Waaagh flesh, the inverse are their second colors, third is Ushabati bone, and the fourth is Abaddon black. It's a bit slopping but it's an Ork vehicle so whatevs. I personally feel the right looks better but a friend preferred the left.

>retributor and liberator gold

I've been painting my Thousand Sons with those golds and they are fucking amazing.

Retributor and liberator are pretty damn good.
I'd recommend getting stomhost silver as well to pick out the hardest edges with

Oh sorry, I forgot to take of the massive file size syndrome.

Don't listen to this guy. Listen to this guy. That's the most unique and cool Crawl I've seen without heavy converting. Well done.

>not paintin' et purple.

But then I wouldn't be able to find my model.

Why did you get lazy with the bone?
"orky look" =/= letting your toddler fingerpaint your models

anyway i like the pattern

Meaby a thin gloss coat on the muscles to show they are bloody? Or even a very thinned down blood for the blood god, but I would test it first.

Sounds amazing, got any pics? I plan to use them mostly for my TS as well!

Awesome! I have the Vallejo Game Silver which I admit is pretty nice. Considering you'd use so little, would it make a difference if I just used it?

Honestly I have no idea why the bone looks so crap compared to the rest. Maybe it needs a second coat or something?

Not exactly Veeky Forums mini, but a /wip mini nonetheless - the face and hair atm, the rest isn't even basecoated yet

I've probably posted my dudes too often already, so here's a pic of my current /wip/.

Also, what said. Stormhost silver for highlights is certainly worth it.

>Not exactly Veeky Forums mini
We don't discriminate in here

Where'd you get a Ciri mini? etsy?

Whats a good colour to highlight khorne red? Tried Evil Suns Scarlet but was way too orange.

Nah, it's legit mainstream, Scale75 (they have Geralt too, they just name them silly, prolly due to copyrights. That one is a "witch hunter", and Big G is "White butcher" or something

That's real fucking badass, mate. Y'all sold me on both pots. Nice to see the sphynx being used, using two regular ones for my maulers, though converted one to be more bestial.

Can you or anybody else help me with my second question please? The paint -> wash idea. If I could, I can make any colour wash I desired.

Hello /WIP

What do you think of my little green friend ?

Thanks, dude. Shouldn't have asked. That just cost me €100.

I saw him last thread. I like him, solid work man. Next pic of him back the camera out a little and make the file size smaller.

So, as to pick up the thread a little, what's everyone working on this beautiful Sunday morning? Even if you don't post a picture, lets hear it. I'll go first.

Currently hunting mouldlines on a box of Mk3 Marines I picked up last night and am partially assembling so I can prime them later in the afternoon along with Kharn to start a 30K WE army.

> Any ideas on what to equip them with? Literally just have the 10 marines and Kharn right now.

Tanks, i'll try for the next pic.

Protip: massive file sizes turn people off of opening pics here for some reason. Don't compress it so we can't see detail, and don't keep it xbox hueg.

Does anyone have any idiotproof method for painting flesh? I want to play Khorne Bloodbound in Age of Sigmar but painting all that flesh is intimidating.


Ffffuuuu...! Made the same mistake with Ciri pic. Here's the proper size, disregard the big one

fucking about with new airbrush

Going to paint up a drone and a stealthsuit to set a colour scheme for my army, and finishing up 2 crypteks.

Might make a list of paints I'd need to get for when i update my Thousand Sons and get a Magnus. I want to give it my all for it.

What do you use your airbrush for? The only reason I can see getting one is for tanks/big flat areas and priming. I enjoy painting with the brush too much to give it up I think.

That's an awesome model. Keep us updated, and if it's a set/collection, I want to see all of them when you're done.

>all those layers of highlights

this has done the opposite of reassuring me

i am not a good enough painter

So far not much beyond what you mentioned but even that's enough justification. Zenithal priming especially seems piss easy for nice results.

The army painter colour primer not completely matching the'warpaint' despite their claims though is what pushed me over the edge.

don't let layers and highlights intimidate you user. you will have to learn to do it eventually. You have to get over your fear of fucking up.

Hhmmmm. A friend got one as a gift for Christmas I think. Maybe next time I go over i should take a tank and spray it down and see if I like it.

With thinned paints you can do that without problems, losing definition, etc, I used to be afraid of it too, user, but a little bit of water in your palet is like magic

how would i paint these alpha legion hydra heads, i also have shoulder pads with the same design

Pretty solid bruv. Keep it up. Take a better angle next time though.

first guy in seven years, painted on top of the old paint I couldn't get off

result is pretty bad but I had fun making it

anyway. you can't see shit from the pic, but what would be a better color scheme to go with the albino skin?

right now it's dark leather for leather, dark grey for pants and black metal for metal

blue or purple maybe.

If you're new to doing skin, do the same steps in that video, but stop after applying reapplying the base layer after you shade.

So the steps go:
Base color >> Shade >>highlight with base color

See how it looks, and add another highlight if you feel the need.

Odds are, for most models, this can get you a surprising good result. Not great, but good enough as you work to get better.

Word of caution... if you're going with my suggestion, don't use Bugman's glow. Your flesh will look VERY dark, start with either a mix of cadian fleshtone and bugman's glow, or just cadian fleshtone.

Don't forget that shades can be thinned as well. For some faces that don't need a lot of definition, i'll thin whatever shade i'm using down a little to get softer shadows

Assblasted out some Dire Avengers

Wish I had a better camera that didn't brutally murder every highlight

Still an awful, low res picture.

Hey whats the best brand of spray can primer that isn't too thick? Preferably cheap and can be bought at Home Depo

rustoleum or krylon.

I've been working on some plastic Warzone Imperials. I have 20 painted now--one third of the guys I picked up! And I've been converting them more. My second veteran sergeant is a simple rotation of the left hand and the addition of a chainsword.

Another trooper, this time with an easy swap: his usual backpack for a Cadian voxcaster.

Anyone got any good Grot/Gretchin/Gnoblar replacements or alternatives? I only need a handful, and GDubs' posing/equipment on them leaves soemthing to be desired. And I'm not buying a Mek Gun just to get the crew figures.

Really I just need something small, sci-fi/Post Apocalyptic and cheap.

For the 10 guardsmen, I've been getting bolder in my conversions.
This trooper is pulling the pin out of a grenade--a pose I blatantly stole from a Forge World Krieger.
I cut away the gun from his left hand and had to green-stuff the butt of it back on. Both his hands are swapped out--the right is the Cadian grenade hand, and the left is the flamer/grenade launcher bracing hand. The gun's handle is from a Cadian lasgun.

I used the least dynamic pair of legs on this guy, and I think that the leg pose on both the sergeant model AND the other trooper model (see the above vox caster for reference) give a better "about to throw" pose.