Rate my folio


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not gonna lie, i am also holding most of this shit

Planning on dumping the IOC for ICX. Haven't been able to since the wallet has been down on trex

why are you guys bying shitcoins?

Stick to what works, unless you just want to gamble.

pic is from a couple hours ago.

XVG and Ripple are the definition of shitcoins, granted they've done great recently so I can't really say shit. In any case, I'm gearing up for the great alt run of 2018.

I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

XRP is will be 4 bucks a coin in the next 18 months because its so quick and easy, let alone the psychological barrier of 800 dollars for one losey coin. It's a bad plan to try and make "1 coin" something the masses view as worthless for even getting a soda, worth 5000+ dollars.

Verge will become Monroe 2.0, my target is 1.20 in 2018 and 2.40 in 2019.

Bought the dip, let's see how this works out.

everything in the reds and still has 64k+. i hate being poor.

Soo many shitcoin projects in top 30 list either not working, broken or years away from real world use. Only legit ones that will make it are ones like ETH, ICX, XLM, LISK

when is ARK going back to 11k satoshis ;_;


Should I hodl or just move on?


Ayyyy someone else on Veeky Forums is a BLOCKhead. I've been running a node for about 3 months and made about 10 grand so far. EZ fucking money senpai hope you bought the dip a few days ago.

10 grand from running a node? How senpai?

Since this is a rate thread, how is mine

Ah, yes. A poorboi like me :^)

Are you 13

18 soon to be 19 in 9 days

I have a service node that cost 5000 BLOCK. Worth about $160,000 at the moment but I went all in for a total of $40,000 at the time. Making a total of $3,000 but IDGAF after the DEX launches I'm quitting my job and living off the projected $10,000 fees I'll receive.

The Ark has departed.


>why are you guys buying shitcoins?
>owns xvg
imao at your life


It's going back to 20k next week


>owns litecoin

>Verge will become Monroe 2.0
Its Monero and no it won't. Verge's meme protocol still shows transaction sizes and privacy is optional. Verge is a fucking meme.


Monero is good. Bitcoin has one more pump left in it, everything else is probably shit. Buy bch on a dip.

You aren't wrong

I'd send you a $1 worth in bitcoin, but its too expensive to use. Should have bought bitcoin cash instead.

What the fuck are you expecting to gain lmeo

Everyone starts somewhere :)

How much BCH do I need to buy right now for an easy $10k gain minimum?

w/e 5k in bch is.

I just bought that for fun, I don't care if it goes up or down its just fun to have besides coinbase's fees total 2.48 so I would need Bitcoin to be 21K to be more than what I paid for my .001.

>expecting to gain
Nothing at all like I said it was just for fun
I doubt ill ever make more

Hi I'm an idiot and just bought my first bit of Bitcoin yesterday. I'm not memeing, I'm just late to the party. What should I do to learn about all of this shit? I want make money so I wait my job and jerk off all day.

Thanks. Now I know I picked the right ones. Bch lol. I'm not falling for that scam coin. I got this btc sitting on a fat buffer so it'd need to go sub 10k for me to start losing on it. Bitcoin is dead to me.

>tracking value and change in total usd
A new boatload of normies have arrived
Thanks coinbase

I still cannot bring myself to care about Satoshi value. Seems pointless.

>using shitfolio

rate mine lads

you should, its what you're trading with.

Satoshi values are everything. Its how to know for sure if you're beating the market. Everything has gone up in USD.

I only tend to flip to it when I'm having a red day. Flip to sats, see green, must be doing something right. But it doesn't feel right. Maybe cause I have no clue how much btc I started with but I do know that in $. I broke 100% yesterday but then btc shat the bed again. Looking for a long term ETH hold as well but unsure if it'll ever go sub 7 again for my buy order. I'd like to hold 1 full one still as I think it'll go to 1k and hover there as it did three fiddy for so long.

You know, I thought that too but I changed my mind. It is a very important factor though. But considering your profits in the time should consider the usd values. I mean, what if you lost 20% sat in 2 months if your doubled your money. Sure, it could have been better if you had btc, but in the long run it doesn't matter that much if your still making profits.

Yes, but you're still under performing the market. If that doesn't bother you then that's fine. I however am looking to maximize gains.

Sure but if you are holding lots of altcoins a litte variation in price does make a difference. Besides even if it's not optimal leave me with profits and I don't have to check it for a while.

The thing is, I am not underperforming the market at all, I double the bitcoin gains with my trades. Just buying altcoins from new and promising projects, most of them chinese.