after being awakened, the ancient evil complains about it and goes back to sleep

> after being awakened, the ancient evil complains about it and goes back to sleep

>after awakening, the ancient but sexy, "experienced" evil seeks a spouse

>Ancient evil is a fucking thrallherd with powerful phermones that he used to cuck entire deific pantheons, ruin marriages, and sodomize unwilling participhants if they hit the cues for his xenophilia fetish
>Coined the Book of Nymphology and Tome of Forbidden Carnal Lusts
>If released he will cuck everyone to death

We can work with that. We only need an explosive tantrum. Then we conquer the ruins.

>the ancient evil only wanted to take out some trash


>the ancient evil is from a time when heroes were a lot weaker and less common and is B-list at best.

>the ancient evil can't fall asleep, is desperate, begs PCs for help

I think this is the perfect anti-climax for a long and difficult campaign.

Yeah, I read Call of Cthulhu too.

>The ancient evil is senile, deaf and won't shut up about 'Nam

>Ancient evil slept for so long it forgot it was evil and ancient to begin with

This happens in The Witcher 3 with an Elder Vampire.

>the ancient evil is actually a baby from a race of gods throwing a tantrum and the mcguffen that can seal its power is basically a pacifier.

>the ancient evil awakens
>is a traumatized weakened mess because the isolation drove them mad
>summoner now has to care for an almighty geriatric wreck with tremendous abandonment and codependency problems

>ancient evil awakens and realizes it grossly overslept
>heroes are hired not necessarily to slay the foe, but collect its exorbitant late fees on library books and rent.

>ancient evil is actually just cranky because people keep waking him up with offerings he didn't ask for
>if people would just let him sleep for a full 8 millennia, he'd feel fresh and usher in a new age of peace and prosperity

>Campaign where the heroes WANT to wake the ancient evil as fast as humanly possible, since then it'll be weak enough to destroy, compared to the celestial ritual happening in a year which is the waking equivalent of a cup of espresso, a tab of Adderall, a quick slap to the nuts just to make sure you're paying attention

>Ancient good awakens
>heroes attack him since up till now anyone who has re-awoken after millennia has been evil.

>ancient evil awakens
>morals and ethics have changed so much in the last 10,000 years that the ancient evil is considered pretty moderate by todays standards.

>ancient good awakens
>ancient evil awakens
>ancient apathy awakens
>turns out the PCs are sick to dogfuck of this shit and have begun a grand quest to forcibly alarm clock every sleeping asshole on the planet to force them into a ring to go get a GODDAMN JOB YOU LAZY FUCKS, IT'S AFTER NOON ALREADY! GET YOUR *LIVES* TOGETHER

>Ancient Evil awakens
>It has 180 HP, DR -/+3, -15 AC, and it takes a full minute to resolve its entire allotment of attacks (which do 2d10 damage).

>ancient evil is narcoleptic

Veeky Forums's first born is the ancient evil. Will you quest against your very own flesh and blood?

Of course, who else is going to do the job?
>I brought you into this world, I can damn well take you out of it as well
>Now go to your room, you're grounded for another 1,000 years

>Final bossfight is against your own female party members.

There's actually a template based around this in 3.5, was in the same book as that Moose Demigod of spite, was also in Citscape as a Dread necromancer.

My current character? He'd probably raise him to try and be good, despite the evil nature inherent in him, because he knows what it's like. It'd probably turn into an anime-esque "Help me dad, kill me, I can't fight it's influence for much longer" sort of fight, knowing my DM.

And it'd wrench my fucking heart in two

That would be kind of sad

> the ancient evil was sealed by the most powerful magics of the ancient world, for it could not be destroyed
> 2000 years of magical research has happened since then
> your options are to just fucking destroy it, seal it away FOREVER, or bully it into submission

"Finally, about two thousands years I am FREE! Time to take over the world!"
"Not if I can help it!"
"A fighter? how quaint. No mortal weapon can h- OWWWWWW OW OW OW what the fuck IS that?"
"Its a +3 longsword."
"A what?"
"A weapon forged with magic."
"You can do that now?"

>the ancient evil awakens. Hungover as fuck.
>are you players bad enough dudes to find a hangover cure for a eldritch star god?


>new goodness is going to take a nap. It promises it will be half an hour max.

>Teen apathy angsts about the place.

Middle aged neutrality is woke af

>Retired Evil has gone to the everglades to be racist and constantly ask to speak to the manager of any store it walks into

>Samurai Jack Season 5

I love it. Make the seal, like, a level 5 spell. "That took 4 Wizards and a really skilled Sorcerer at the time!"


Fuck this, I'm going to bed

>ancient evil, destroyer of countless worlds
>defeated by friendship and love

>Bloody Mary full of Mary's blood.

>After this is discovered, friendship and love are locked away and banned from the land by wizards, fearing its power.
>Newborn babies capacity to form relationships is magically locked away
>Land turns into a dark and paranoid hellscape where none can co-operate
>Ancient evil won in the end anyway.

> the ancient evil is off its meds again

>the ancient evil is awoken, prepare your an-

>the ancient evil has to be coaxed down gently from a tree, lest it hurt itself.


well it did say retired.


pick one

>the ancient evil is actually a elf wizard who was put under a really effective sleep spell
>has to experience loss like humans do of losing people

you mean like imprisonment?

I've always thought this exact thing whenever an evil awakens after "10,000 years" or something.

They were literally sealed away by Cavemen; by humanity when it was in the neolithic, I'm not sure they'll do much better now that it's the modern era and there's computers, nuclear armaments, and 7-11's.

......Unless it's a ferngully kind of situation and the lack of industrialization was impeding their power and the modern age has and will in fact make them exceedingly powerful than we could ever possibly imagine.

gotta relative in jail?

>ancient evil awakens and tries to restart its old evil empire
>however modern evil is so well established that it cant get started
>ends up becoming an object of worship for a small sewer dwelling cult and dreams of its glory days

I meant the spell but sure.

>After awakening, the Ancient Evil immediately spends the next six months in the bathroom since there was nowhere to go in its prison.

>ancient evil

>doesn't awake

Could still be effective if it's sheer passive evilness leaks out into the world around it, and a bunch of lesser evils are motivated to be more active by the prospect of either waking it up or keeping it asleep and stealing its power.

This positively needs to be further developped

>ancient evil awakens
>falls flat on it's face as it's legs give out from not being used for so long

>ancient evil awakens
>passes out from the blood rush

>ancient evil awakens
>needs 20 mins to fap because it hasn't done so in centuries
>you have 20 minutes to prevent its spread

what do?

>ancient weevils awaken

>The ancient evil wishes its cultists would sacrifice some real food instead of virgin blood
>It keeps telepathically sending them pizza recipes, but the cultists think these are cryptic metaphors

That may be the only time "I roll to seduce" is acceptable.

>Ancient Evil God of Lust and Degeneracy Awakens
>Is immediately berated for slut-shaming and using wrong pronouns

>ancient evil awakens
>takes a 20 year long piss


>A group of people who somehow were born with the ability to feel compassion and love become the new "villains"of the setting, going from town to town, spreading love and joy wherever they go.
> They're all so sweet and sappy about it too.
> Their ultimate goal is to undo the seal on love and friendship, so that everyone can be friends and all that fluffy crap.

>ancient evil awakens
>spends an awful amount of time to learn the new customs and technology of the day

>the ancient evil was only really "evil" because the people who sealed him were holier-than-thou cunts that sealed him for eating meat when they were vegetarians

>the ancient evil awakens
>however it was the "ancient evil" to a race of sentient sheep, so really it's just a dire wolf

>Ancient vegan awakes
>PCs have to stop it from activating all of the world's almonds


>the ancient evil awakens
>it instantly dies of old age

>ancient balance is jealous of all those sleeping faggots while she's still at work

Almost exactly this happens in Buffy at some point. Bitch blows away an "undefeatable ancient evil" with a goddamn rocket launcher.

>An ancient Ennui awakens- immediately regrets waking.

>the ancient evil awakens
>He is really reasonable, makes you tea, and ask you for what happened the past thousand years.
>You drink together, and become fast friends.


The End

>"ancient evil" awakens
>first thing it says is "Where's my daughter? I won't let you take her!"

>you quest to aid the ancient evil, bringing bbq and assorted other meats to the land.
>Entire campaign is basically dungeon meshi from then on.

I've gotten to the point where it takes me 40 to 60 minutes to fap
Because I fap twice a day every day.

> after being awakened, the ancient evil complains about it and tells you to go away
> find out ancient evil is really just a big neet now
> the entire mile long underground corridor to his sealing room is lined with old piss bottles

>>Ancient Evil God of Lust and Degeneracy Awakens

>What's this...internet thing?

>you question the ancient NEET
>It tells you, after being a Virgin for 30 years millenia ago, it unlocked wizard powers, slew a village and was locked away by the chad knights.
>Has spent the time since shitposting on a cosmic imageboard
>Has made memes more powerful than 9th level spells
>You beg to know more
>He inscribes an image in your mind so funny and relevant you immediately die laughing.
>He goes back to astral shitposting.

>eating meat
Yeah nope, prepare for smiting.

>the ancient abomination is disturbed just long enough to wipe out most of the world as it rolls over and goes back to sleep

I fucking loved The Secret World.

>ancient evil awakens
>the job market is a lot more competetive
>newer evils took his job while he slept
>can't get his old job back
>has to get a degree

>Order of Vegan Paladins
>They were strong in their glory days because they were only Vegetarians
>Now they're all too weak to even lift a sword because their faith has driven them to eat less and less.
>Their gaunt, skeletal forms are easily knocked over
>Seeing this, their god begins to softly weep.

>Will you quest against your very own flesh and blood?
My main character quested against his own father and aunt, grand-parents, cousins and brothers. It's complicated.
Questing against his child would not be surprising

>a band of goody two-shoes disturbs a tomb/crypt/evil burial ground while hunting undead
>ancient evil awakes
>cleric sweats profusely then begins to turn undead
>ancient evil turns 360 degrees then slays the party and moonwalks back into the coffin

> Fighter Hero just can't make himself finish off the Ancient Evil, due to how pathetic it is
> Ancient Evil demands that the hero finish what he started, if only to salvage what little pride it has left, but is ignored by the hero
> Ancient Evil proceeds to follow the hero around, so that it can either get the hero to finish it off, or learn more of the world it has awoken to
>Shitty light novel/anime mode: the AE is actually a girl, getting into all sorts of wacky shenanigans with the hero, with her eventually discovering she wants the hero's D, not that she'll admit it until late in the season, where some true AE appears, somehow causing the fem AE to raven her feelings, hero reveals his feelings to her, and that utterly destroy the villain with the power of love/bullshit/something

>realizing potential profit, the party steals the ancient evil casket and goes on a worldwide tour playing songs using turn undead
>GM has a fit and refuses to play with group again

Does turn undead make skellys roll around in their caskets? It could be like ribcage xylophone pina colada. A single cleric using turn undead on boxed skellys. Who needs a bard anyway

Some goth artificer making a really edgy pipe organ out of hollowed out skellybones and the souls of the damned escaping through them makes sound.

>Some bard finds it and only uses it to play jaunty circus music

I would totaly watch that anime

>has to get a degree
>has to become the underling of a modern evil if it is ever going to pay back the loan it had to take to get that degree

>Ancient evil, afraid and confused of the world it no longer controls, hangs itself in its shitty one room apartment.
>As it can't actually die, all this does is make it cry harder
>It's boss, Modern Evil, stops by in a Ferrari and laughs

Okay this is too fucking much, lay off the ancient evil.

There's an old isekai manga about a school girl who's the ancient evil of the fantasy world she's spirited away to. The brooding beau who's protecting her from various assailants is the destined hero who's supposed to kill her.

She and the readers only find out about that very late into the series because she doesn't speak - or even understand - the langauge spoken by the natives for an equally long time.

>ancient evil awakened a while ago but layed low and became a law abiding citizen because it didn't want to get back in that damn hole for another 10,000 years

>The ancient evil awakens
>The plot she has been brooding on for thousands of years has been trivialized by modern technology, to the point of being less a humanity-ending event and more of a harmless prank