The Perfect Chapter

Just mix:

-a toned down version of the Space Wolves' aesthetic
-the batshit insanity and bloodthirstiness of the World Eaters in combat
-the humanitarianism, love of knowledge, and psychic power of the Thousand Sons
-the beauty and perfectionism of the Emperor's Children
-Creed as their chapter master for his tactical genius

Prove me wrong.
You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not mixing Bood Raven, Dark Angel, Salamander geneseed.

>tainting Blood Raven and Salamander geneseed
>those spineless faggots can't even kill off a handful of Fallen loyalists

Add Black Templar geneseed to balance out the faggotry then.

>Not including the logistical prowess of the Ultramarines

Have fun running out of bolt shells then.


Jesus Emperor Christ!

Sounds like you listed the Iron Warriors.

What did the Ultramarines ever do other than being on the other side of the galaxy during the Horus Heresy so they were unscathed in the aftermath?

In fact, isn't the current state of the Imperium evidence that the Ultramarines are unfit to organize anything? Their Primarch set up this mess, and the result has been 10k years of decline.

Given that he successfully created an organization that endured millennia after his interment, despite everything from [suddenly fanatical theocracy] to a madman usurping control to being besieged by the literal hordes of hell I'd say it held up pretty well. Certainly much better than anything in our world. The Emperor's Imperium lasted about 200 years before Horus brought it down.

Guilliman created a system for sustaining an empire on a galactic scale that not only held up after his passing, but endured through a takeover by religious fanatics and through just about every kind of shit the universe could throw at it. It's pretty much unprecedented.

Not to mention Ultramar itself is one of the nicest, best-managed places in all the Imperium.

>Not to mention Ultramar itself is one of the nicest, best-managed places in all the Imperium.
That doesn't really say a whole lot though.

...Except that the Ultramarines are the best at managing shit, which is a skill you'd want in a perfect Chapter.

And that's why they have Creed. Though if you really wanted a tactical chapter then the Raven Guard are superior to the Ultramarines. If Corax hadn't gone emo and fucked off to Emperor-knows-where, he probably would've rebuilt the whole damn Imperium by himself.


>Never had big Legion to begin with
>Had no space empire
>Failed to recoup his losses post-massacre
>To the point that the Raven Guard still use shittier marks of armor
>Randomly fucked off into hell out of sheer emo
>Supported the Codex Astartes anyway

I know some people have massive hateboner for boys in blue but that's just getting ridiculous. Management is their thing, and they've always been portrayed as the best at it.

>The Legion was small before he ever took control of it, and was one of the last primarchs to be recovered
>He didn't give a shit about making a space empire
>Not even the Emeperor could have recouped those losses
>Mechanicus are dicks
>Okay yeah he's a melodramatic shit
>Supported the Codex because it made sense

Management may be the Ultramarines' thing, but superior stealth and battle tactics is the Raven Guard's. If you were looking to make the Imperium great again, you would look to the Ultramarines. But for a chapter of marines, doing typical marine things? Management doesn't matter, you want tactics.

I have no idea why everyone hates the Ultrasmurfs. Is it Ward? He's not nearly as bad as people make him out to be.

Hey guys whats going on in this thre-

If you want perfect Marines, you'd logically include the ability to manage systems effectively outside of battle to enable maximum force projection and minimal recovery time. Even SM spend most of their time not in direct combat.

Also Fulgrim started with only 200 and his Legion was bigger than Corax's.


Though Fulgrim was also the third primarch to be found, basically at the very start of the Crusade.


So basically this.

holy fuck I read that in his voice an everything. 10/10 well played, you even had the exact grammatical syntax

Who is that guy?


David Attenborough.

1:20 for the lulz

There isnt a need to mix to get the perfect chapter. The Salamanders already exist. The most effective and humanitarian and complete and total bros

>-a toned down version of the Space Wolves' aesthetic


>-the batshit insanity and bloodthirstiness of the World Eaters in combat

Cool, but not for the perfect chapter

>-the humanitarianism, love of knowledge, and psychic power of the Thousand Sons

Super fucking shitty like holy shit you fucking cucknerd

>-the beauty and perfectionism of the Emperor's Children


>-Creed as their chapter master for his tactical genius

Ultrashit meme garbage


>Perfect mix
>No White Scars
Are you even trying OP?


Thank you user.

>burn everything alive with zero remorse

I always assumed it's because people feel they're a little too perfect. Cato Sicarius being one example of this.


What, you mean you've never heard of a Norse man who was beautiful, an artisan, psyker, scholar, and humanist, who also abandoned this completely and went into a berserk rage once the battle began?

This macro would've been so much funnier if it said Aaaaangron Thallllll'kir