Is your character a big girl? four thou?

Is your character a big girl? four thou?

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No. I don't like -4 STR.

Was getting an erection part of your plan?

he could be.

No but his love interest is.

I played a paladin lady that was 6'7" and 325 pounds once. She was an ass paladin instead of a tit paladin though because I'm a degenerate.

As long as they were hips that could side check and tip a mini cooper.

There's no cars in the setting but yes.

6'9" is pretty big I think. She also weighs considerably more than she looks because she's stuffed full of bioware and cyberware.

Fucking lanklet

She has no style, she has no grace. This cyborg has a funny face.

If I take off your bra what would happen?

Do you have inspiration pictures?
Lewd stories?
Lewd interactions?

I need to know.

Good then. Very good. Wider is better.

Extremely rude. Though, not entirely inaccurate. She's really not supposed to be attractive.

I think this pathfinder PRC might be pertinent to the conversation.

She got stuck in a tunnel once and she needed the party to use aid another to make the escape artist roll to get through. The bard also helped with inspire competence and sang a song about her ass and she got all ticked off about it. The wizard kept making jokes about remembering to prepare grease whenever they expect to be indoors for the rest of the campaign. I hit my dick with a hammer and jerked off 100 time

It would be extremely painful. ..

No seriously! Do you know how much H cups weigh?

and what if I do find her attractive?

This. Only his is a Gaira Dragon.

Though I have played a 9'4", 840 lb Bishonen Viking before.

Nah, thick is shit.

>Wider is better.
Damn right

You're a big girl

She was a burly, scarred motherfucker of a barbarian Conan genderswap.
Then the GM decided he didn't like that and it wasn't anime enough, so due to reasons she now looks slimmer, younger, lost half her scars and generally looks like an effete caster- while still being able to chip and crater solid rock with bare fisted punches.


Then you're in the same boat as my team's decker. At this point though, she might not even have genitals and she barely remembers what not being a murder machine is like.

Fun fact: if your female character has a strength higher than 8, this is what she looks like

It's grim, and it's lame, and it's self-centered.

But I would love to play at a table with a couple of big girls.....

Would be kissing the underside of the table with my boner all night.

I'm a dreadful person

Post more big adventurer pics

Just a bit

Play with new people, meet cool people, and maybe you'll be attracted to some of them...but don't be a dick.

Also, like 75% of plus sized women I've gamed at table with have played lithe elves or svelte cat girls of some kind.

LARP on the other hand, well most big girls play big girls. And sometimes they've gotta be large and in charge.

Played a big buff fighter lady approaching 7ft (2.3 meters I think?) once. Not really fetish so much as "How do I make my big dumb human fighter slightly more interesting?". That campaign lasted about 2 games.

Later played buff womanlet, somewhere around 5ft. Bloodrager (pathfinder "Barbaian with a small handful of spells") with necromantic bloodline flavored as a curse/taint she has to hide. Felt like playing a girl, DM wanted low-magic campaign, did what had to be done.

I played a bloodrager once. He was average size but since he was abyssal bloodline he turned into a big gribbly demonman.

but did he die if you took the mask off?

He didn't wear a mask.

I came in here to make fun of you for a perceived typo, but then I realized.

Ya bastid.



Halflings ain't big

Smart move. Almost fucked her shoulders up but good.

Not mine but one of the other characters is a pig mutant lady, quite huge on her own but also constant pregnant. She's gotten so big and fat that in a recent game, she swallowed a traitoir subordinate whole.

Honestly it's kind of gross.

>Not mine but one of the other characters is a pig mutant lady, quite huge on her own but also constant pregnant. She's gotten so big and fat that in a recent game, she swallowed a traitoir subordinate whole.
>Honestly it's kind of gross.
Yeah there is no way she's not a horrifying chimera of all the player's darkest fantasies

>The Ancient Evil awakens
>It's a tall, Veeky Forums tomboy christmas cake

Maybe the player herself. I feel bad for the DM though since the player took what was supposed to be some body horror warning (post apoc game so like, "Stay away from radiation!") and she went down the rabbit's hole with it.


>The friendly giant guards a human settlement against huge monsters the humans can't hope to defeat on their own
>(S)he only demands outrageous amounts of food in return
We need more of this in fantasy

>>The Ancient Evil awakens
>>It's a tall, Veeky Forums tomboy christmas cake
Go on...

Also source?

Giantesses should be more common in fantasy


Walk it off Nancy

There was a thread some months back with a similar idea. Some kind of setting where every village "birthed" a giant that would protect that village. A writefag even wrote this for the thread:

A player of mine is Pacted to the Drake of Erebus... It's hilarious

>Draenei are 7-8 feet tall on average

>tfw when you will never be a healer for a strong, tall and beautiful draenei waifu


These two things are not the same thing, get your ham planet fetish out of this thread

Not currently.
I've played one though in past. Goliath barbarian.

This. Fatthicc a shit, musclethicc a best.


OP here, I was actually the guy that first pitched it. Shame it died because people don't want to learn a new system


>Having superior tastes

You are a good person, user, and I want to be your friend

Stay salty kid.

Although I do find the bigger fatties attractive, they're a bad fit for adventuring and fantasy in general (unless it's a demon of gluttony or something). "Plump" or "muscular and well endowed" are probably best.

Now I want her to give me a Nursing handj


Why do cows enjoy /ss/ so much?

It's a common misconception.

I don't believe someone that size would be able to squat all that often.

>wearing a skirt while the church is givig a sermon about chastity below between your legs
What a hoe

I feel your pain. But, for whatever it's worth, the setting had some pretty neat ideas.

What about both?



Musclefat is fine, but it's rare.




Awww yiss, best thread on Veeky Forums rite now heah



>that thing
>a dark elf

what if that was part of their character?
a dark elf who gets mad gains and everyone confuses with "a strangely attractive orc"

>Throwing a pillar

>Dark Elves dwell deep underground alongside and often antagonistically against dwarves for seemingly no reason beyond blind elf hat
>Also have wars with the surface dwelling elves who accuse the dark elves of some evil or other
>This one just happens to posses the wide warrior frame of a dwarf with the height and grave of an elf

Dark Elves confirmed for perfect beings trying to shrug off the jealousy of their progenitors.

My father was a Space Marine of the Salamander Chapter and my mother was a very very brave woman.

>Muh 6ft tall humanoid woman not being dainty rail-thin waifu


Waifus can be muscular and remain somewhat aestheticly pleasing. I'd say some definition makes women better and our culture is shit for making weakness a virtue among women. It's a shit culture that produces shit women.

The ideal woman is large in stature, girth, muscularity, personality, and heart. I'll never find a bride because I refuse to settle for any girl that isn't at least 6'5", 300 pounds, great at deadlifts, and full of kindness. But that's okay because I can always jerk off after hitting my own dick with a hammer.


My statement was not to be taken seriously. Rather, I was making fun of for apparently believing in what I was mockingly saying.

I keep wanting to run a character that is a freakishly tall, strong, and durable lanklet. Looks rail thin, but once you get close the arms are as thick as regular people's thighs.



>the porn rarely ever gets the troll, night elf or draenei height right
>tfw small dom big sub fetish


>this doujin

Goddamn, it is so hard to find proper giantess content that isn't like, skyscraper sized woman.

I just want more porn of giant woman of a roughly 2x-2.5x size ratio.


Here you go, user.

You're a gentlemen and a scholar.


Once the giantess can pick you up in one hand it's just lost me. At that point you're less dealing with a woman than you are a titanic wall of flesh.

Raiding Blazbaros' deviantart because this thread needs more content.

exhentai org/g/995161/cbade21a45/