How pathetic are your parents

>mom is working christmas day because she needs the time and a half pay

Shes 51

She busted her ass her whole lifefor you, you piece of shit

The only reason she has to is because youre a fucking piece of shit mistake who ruined her life. Kys

pretty ungrateful her worst mistake was she didnt abort you

>being this much of a piece of shit
Kys m8. She should have aborted you.

if you're such a winner you should look after her you fucking leech scumbag NEET

you'll regret this insolence when you no longer have a person to call mother you god damned idiot

how the fuck do you listen to brockhampton and still want to shit on your mom
they are literally on the 'love your parents' tour right now

Ultimate state of newfag

Apparently momma didn't raise you right.

at least she's not a homeless crackhoe

fuck you, cunt. I hope collective curse of anons will get you and leave you with nothing.

>tfw my parents worked so hard every day for what I can make in a few clicks

My crypto gains are bigger than my parents' retirement fund. I'll never let them know that though.

you shouldve been aborted and your foetus flushed down the toilet idiot

that song was supposed to be called faggot and thats what you are

Fuck your mom op how else is she supposed to get money to pay for gigolos? Your dad is impotent.

Why is everyone attacking OP?
My mom is disabled and my dad is nearly 70 and does the same. I come here trading memecoins in hopes of giving everything I can to them once my dad can no longer work.
It feels like the only chance I have to make up my shitty existence to them. I owe them everything.

my parents live on a commune and literally dont give a fuck about money. they would disown me if they saw how much i think about this stupid shit

Kill yourself

y'all niggas postin' in a bait thread
go back to le reddit faggots

Fuck you too. It's Christmas, pajeets like you and OP wouldn't know how to be human and civilized.


I'm her manager and she gives great blowjobs mate

Because he's shitting on them for it

top kek

Respect your elders, son.


What a Fucking ungrateful turd you are.

The impression I got was he is upset they need to do that to get by, and the picture was implying how stupid it is they need to do that.

>Both parents were engineers and my dad owns his own company

They're pretty cool

Lol you spoiled piece of shit. Probably American right? No wonder your country is collapsing

It is sad for a boomer though. They had it on ez mode unless op fucked everything up

>Projecting your mommy issues

Your parents are as perfect as you are, get over it.

I love my mother but damn is she bad with money

>Maxes out credit cards on knick knacks and appliances
>Thinks she can pay them off with extra hours
>She doesn't understand interest
>Runs to the rest of the family with woe-is-me stories
>Goes on a "its my money" tirade when we try to talk sense into her

because he said mum and not dad and most men are spineless white knights that are licking the womens foot and wouldnt even bat an eye if it was a man suffering

i like how people in certain contexts will defend or crucify mothers. Some peoples moms are pieces of shit you guys.

Where did he imply that? What am I missing?
He's a
>1 post by this id
faggot, so I could see his attitude going either way at this point.

Some peoples parents don't even qualify as the word user.
These fags who wine about their parents don't actually hate them though, take it from me the people who despise their parents don't even discuss them if they don't have to.

Dont be ungrateful user. They brought you in the world, and in my book if children is smarter, happier and more succesful than parents, thats a great parent SUCCESS. Its the definition of good parenting.

And that is the thanks for her sacrifices right?

Went to high school with that blue nigger OP. Ill get you his autograph for a small fee

Bad handling of money probably shows depression.

Agreed. What parent doesn't want their children to be more successful than themselves?
This is usually true.

Op are you literally me ? I use tidal too kek rich nigga shit

the title is how pathetic are your parents.


>credit she can't pay off
>it's my money
holy fuck

Fucking hell how did I miss that.
Nevermind, OP is a massive cunt.

>my parents are perfect
yes goy

I can honestly say they tried their best to provide for me, and sacrificed everything for me. They were poorfags, but that doesn't matter. They've supported me throughout everything, no matter what I did.
I'd love nothing more than to give them what they deserve.
I still have memories of what a shitty, entitled, demanding child I was. It eats away at me at night, and I want to make up for that.