When was the exact moment your campaign jumped the shark, Veeky Forums? Get it off your chest

When was the exact moment your campaign jumped the shark, Veeky Forums? Get it off your chest.

In an old West setting, the party made up of mostly good characters who'd been collecting bounties and fighting bad guys decided to hijack a steamship and become pirates.

When the GM introduced the Deck of Many Things

Midway through the first session.

Dinner party murder mystery where the murderer was the victim, who overdosed on a new drug in the bathroom, saw another patron's pet bird in the windowsill and hallucinated it as a demon, pulled a knife on it, slipped, stabbed himself in the chest, and bled out due to his accelerated heart rate and inability to respond logically

When we started launching our Space Marines out of railguns. We weren't even Angry Marines.

When we established 1984 style communism in a forgotten realms based setting.

This sounds hilarious.

The Orwellian 1984 or how the Union was in mid-80's ? Because both are terrifying but each for different reasons.

I'm completely inexperienced with intoxicants but I work at a pizza place, so I had a VERY experienced coworker help me with it as well as accurate descriptions of one party member's trip when they sniffed the vial they took off him

Just totalitarian communism, with a mix of "big brother" and "DIE FOR YOUR MOTHERLAND, DRINK GLORIOUS MOTHERLAND POTATO ALE!

I fudged a fight to let my players kill a dragon because it would have been disappointing if they lost after all the buildup, but the group collectively realized they're were invincible so long as they didn't act outright suicidal and the last five months have been devoid of any and all tension or stakes since they just keep attacking things head-on

When our monk chained a wall run into 2 sword swipes and spinning back kick with stunning fist. It stunned a sea serpent long enough for us to chain it down, kill it and throw a feast for the local village.

He literally jumped the shark.

You should've let some of them die, not all, but some.

Kill one, allow them to go on a major quest to bring him back.
Have the dead player run an npc of your design in the meantime.
If you let him make a new one, he might get attached.

Gordon Freeman showed up.

When my apparent love interest told me she had a fiancee, and said she'd never fuck a commoner.

>implying this is communism

Spoilers for CoS:
The windmill hags in the CoS campaign I'm in turned into Triceratops when we stepped onto their turf. They polymorphed into God damned dinosaurs.
>Don't think, just accept.
Sometimes I think my DM is even more insane than I am. But I've sort of nailed my disbelief to the wall.

About 2 hours into the first session. New GM has us roll up 5th lv characters for 5th ed- We congeal in some massive dungeon thingy that apparently we have been dealing with for ages, right as a climactic fight starts. No time for character drama or even a hint of roleplaying- Just dumped us at the boss, as it were. Essentially our GM timeskiped us to the climax of a dungeon. (We have not jumped the shark yet, but it approaches). So we have our climatic struggle with some big undead lava orge thingy but defeat it in the end. Then like its fucking zelda does a chest pop into existence in the center of the room, Party rogue decides to open it up, not bothering to check for traps or anything. So the chest pops open and there is some orb in it (In the hastily given introduction to our session it was offhandedly mentioned that we were to go retrieve some orb from this dungeon).

Here is the shark.

Dipshit rouge grabs orb- were all blinded by a bright white light, when a voice states "Soul Transference Complete." Light fades and our characters are gone, in their place are ourselves- the actual players.

Now my personal issues with this aside the DM has ruled that given that we do not "inherently" know how any of our characters can do what they do- we have to roll to figure it out. We have to do this for essentially anything more complex than walking or talking. We need to roll roughly a 16 out of a d20 to do anything.

Its fucking bullshit of the highest caliber and even worse still is that this is meta-gaming so hard it's not even funny.

>start campaign in media res at the end of an intro dungeon
Alright, that's kind of cool!
>an actual boss chest appears out of nowhere
>forcing the players to self-insert
abandon ship
>4/5ths chance of failing to know how to do anything.
Uh, okay, how could anyone possibly think that was a good idea?

Talk to your DM. Tell him this is stupid. In a nice way. Then if nothing changes, abandon ship or abandon hope.

>Campaign focuses on our group being pirates in a world flooded by high elves, who are now an endangered species.
>Starts off with us waking up on a boat and meeting a golem with a tiger companion.
>We sail around for a bit and reach an island.
>We fight another pirate ship
>We even have a thing where the golem rotates who the captain of the ship is after an indeterminate amount of time.
>A bit rail-roady but whatever, it's the first session so obviously things are going to be a bit dicey.
>Then we reach our second island...

>We dock in a random island and disembark to resupply and enjoy some downtime.
>I'm a cavalier with a giant eagle mount, so I'm flying around while everyone else is checking into a hotel or exploring the city.
>The following happened within one hour of play.
>I'm shot down by a genie but manage to escape (barely)
>The people who went to a hotel were almost seduced by incubi
>The group that explored the city are almost killed by a gorgon hanging out in a library
>Also, the city is an illusion
>Our ship is being boarded but we kill everyone but the cook and the captain.
>Also, the wild mage kidnapped some chick.
>Cook turns out to be a high elf and dominates our golem.
>Golem turns out to be a high elf too.
>Also, the ship turns out to be a draco-lich and turns into a flying skeleton dragon.
>Also, the random chick the mage kidnapped turned out to be an angel.
>High elf cook and angel duke it out as we're holding on for dear life.
>We're level 5

>players want booldborne
>prepare a grimdarkan gothic fantasy, say fuck It, prepare Le Pacte des loups movie the rpg
>people are supposed to die left and right, shit is miserable and stuff
>second session in, due to the ridiculously lucky rolls, party becomes a bunch of local superheroes
>ie. Punching and staggering a werewolf into the burning oil while having broken leg and holding a child

>the game is now about overcoming tough problems and tragic fates through grit, guts, heroic speeches and HOPE

The first 3.5 game we ever played involved PCs that were escaped slaves that stole the most epic ship of the evil empire and became the most bad ass pirates on the sea. It was awesome and the pirate nation they built required a ledger we had so many NPCs involved with it. It jumped the Shark when one of the PCs basically had an American Idol/Survivor type contest to find a new secretary just tp try and top another player basically having an NPC that helped manage his affairs

When I was younger, I was in a campaign where the DM let us make wishes of a genie. This bored genie granted me the deck of many, many things and from there, our group spent much too long drawing cards. Later, I thought it would be "funny" to draw while we were on the plane of death. I summoned the death card. There went that session.

>Golem manages to resist the domination later on.
>Together, the golem and the angel defeats the high elf.
>Ship is in tatters from the transformation but it's still in one piece
>Meanwhile, we're feeling shitty because we basically watched a cutscene for the past hour or so of play.

>Next session, ship gets taken over by another high elf
>Kill elf and end up in a spaceship with modern ammenities based off an old D&D module.
>Everyone gets high tech weapons just because.
>Also there's a Xenomorph

At this point the game disintegrated. We were level 6.

> Be DM
> Playing 1st/2nd Ed. AD&D (Houserule: If the mechanic is found in both editions, then it's a non-negotiable rule). Game is heavily prepped outside of actual play, with minis for every expected encounter, including random encounters (yes, this can actually be achieved).
> Traditional party, and yet they still become special and unique in their own way, regardless. Half the group has combined 20+ years of RPG experience.
> Players are in a traditional OSR-type dungeon, where lower floors become progressively more difficult, so PCs play it cautiously. They scout ahead, map, and gather intel before opening doors. Door-kicking for this group? No thank you.
> The party ends up "making their own plot" over time, getting into intrigues with NPCs and such. Thus, the most epic encounters are permanently avoided.
> Shark now thoroughly jumped.
> DM is pissed: "WTF am I gonna do with all these fucking minis?!??"
> Players: "No thank you, we're playing it safe."
> Everyone reaches 5th level after a year of play; having earned no substantial treasure, and no epic magic items or anything.

cucked by the DM

You know what they say. Too much of a good thing, and all that. Cautious and thoughtful players are usually a good thing, but these dweebs were cautious and thoughtful to a fault.

Agreed. Every session I was completely astounded by it. But then again, it was a sandbox, and I would have hated myself if I resorted to railroading it.

Pic very related

>Magical Girl game
First session when they redeemed the evil, soul-eating dragon girl because I stupidly let them have a redeem evil spell.

It threw a massive wrench in the works that got slowly worse as they continued to befriend the villains until I realized that to an outside perspective it looks like the girls were running a con with the villains.

Now the greater Mahou Shoujo community is wary of them and won't lend them support.
There has even been two skirmishes, though they ended with little more then bruises for now.

How is that sharkjumping in any way?

>magical girls befriending the villains

Nigga what? how is that sharkjumping? there is literally a series where little girls beat the hell out of eachother to become friends.

If anything, the rest of the community should be giving these girls a medal for doing their fucking jobs right.