Why are more than half of all female PCs gay?

Why are more than half of all female PCs gay?

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Oh, this thread won't be complete shit.

Diversity in gaming is good, and people breaking the stereotype of playing straight white males is to be encouraged.

I knew you trolls would show up. Fuck off and stay out.

Because everyone loves boobs, and most female PCs are played by straight white dudes.

low quality bait

Because many straight dudes feel awkward playing characters that are attracted to their own sex.

Because Yuri will conquer the world.

Alternatively, some people have trouble playing characters that don't share their sexual preferences so when it comes up they just roll with their current one regardless of whatever.

Because more than 90% of female PCs are played by horny males who enjoy porno lesbians.

Lesbian fantasies.

Guys think playing a straight girl makes them gay. Or if they're more deviant, they just wanna live out some of their lesbian waifu fantasies.

My last female PC had extreme daddy issues. Namely, her parents were abusive fucks, and a female friend was the only one to show her any kindness.

Current PC just doesn't give a damn.

>female adventurers
>adventuring is hard, strenuous, dangerous, physically draining
>why are the women who do this gay?

You've...you've never done a martial arts/HEMA, etc have you? Majority of the women who do those kinds of activities are lesbians, I mean not anything stupid but yea I'd give it a 60/40 split.

I have no idea

Most of the players I end up running games for play futa's if its justifiable in-universe.

Because male PCs are just that insufferable

Because yuri is pure

Well, in my case it's because the DM said she was


Because we need Shit to argue about because we're retarded like that.

Because men are a dying concept for both adventurers and romantic partners.

I thought it was because everyone loves girl booty.

What is this? And where do I find it?

Booty is just butt boobs, minus the milk.

As a man who has played a woman, I have never done it gay. I have played a gay man. So... No idea, because most players can't role play? Is fucking your male DM playing a woman any more or less gay if you are playing a woman too?

Basically these

>My first dyke was an edgelord and I didn't bother justifying the second

Habitual lesbian players are cancer.

Bullshit. The majority of women I've met in martial arts are moms. Don't talk out your ass you lardbucket.


Ashamed of his masculinity

That DM.

I second this

If Veeky Forums really believes this, the hobby is dead.

because women are more likely to engage in experimentation with their sexuality than men. It's a side effect of patriarchy that adversely affects men: you're always expected to be an uber-macho heterosexual tough guy and if you don't you're a faggy faggot fag fag why don't you suck my cock faggot.

>he doesn't know about buttermilk

You're both wrong to conflate the hobby of martial arts with a career as a wandering murderhobo. Martial arts as we know them are not really all that dangerous and do not preclude a quiet family life in the same way as living as a traveling bully who might die at any moment, unmourned, on the side of the road or deep in a forgotten dungeon.

The adventuring life really would attract people who, for one reason or another, don't have a family life. In that line of work you don't want someone to be waiting for you to come home, if you even have a home. Adventurers probably would be more likely to be sexual misfits in one way or another.

>being gay is not a choice it's all genetic #bornthisway
>women are more likely to be bisexual because of environmental factors caused by patriarchy

Pick one for me. Please, go on.

I didn't say they were more likely to be bisexual, I said they were more likely to experiment with their sexuality. You twit.

No, my second has no interest in sex at all. There are bombs to build and corporations to topple.

Maybe I should play as a futa elf.

Not him, but you're avoiding the point by being nitpicky.

I can't believe there was a developer out there who felt the need to type out, "You get to decide your character's sexual orientation."

Fucking duh, it's an imaginary character. Was there anyone actually retarded enough to have to have this spelled out, except, evidently, these developers?

It's right next to "You can decide your character's height and weight", so I guess they did need to spell out everything.


Well, there's systems where you roll for height and weight...

Those sound like awful, awful systems.

There have been a research where men and women were shown pornographic material of four different natures: man-on-man, woman-on-woman, man-on-woman and bonobo-on-bonobo. The results for the male test subjects were predictable: straight and lesbian porn aroused them, gay and bonobo porn did not. The female results are a lot more interesting: they were aroused by all four, including bonobo-on-bonob sex.

The conclusion, though controversial, is obvious: female sexuality is flexible and adjusts to whatever's favorable given the circumstances. You can imagine that this is quite a useful trait for the gender that has only survived for most of human history by glueing their lips to the dicks of the cavemen with the biggest piles of meat rather than hunting for themselves (hunting is dangerous, they might chip a nail!).

What I'm saying is that there's some truth in fiction. Half of female PCs being gay may have roots in female sexuality being all over the fucking place.

I know the concept of impulse control is foreign to you fatties, but it's the difference between wanting an ice cream cone and eating an ice cream cone.

Only the ice cream is someone's junk.

Where did he mention genes?

Woman need to learn to keep it in their pants and control themselves like men do. Fucking bonobos? baka

Fuck you talking about? I want to know what manga this is.

See, its shit like this that makes me want to agree with the SJWs even if they're trash.
>not aroused by bonobo on bonobo
What are they, gay?

>being this mad
I don't even disagree with you, I just feel you're explaining it poorly.

But were they sexy bonobos? Female on female bonobo sex is the best

>Not killing goblins to protect your village and feed your kids

Sexual misfits are more likely to become villains because they're feeling "ostracized".

Best adventuring party is a group of straight bros fucking wenches and smiting monsters.

>A fucking AntiFa/terrorist

Even worse.

These studies were conducted by liberal universities where the goal of destroying women's role in society is well documented. They want women fucking other women and foreign men for their own political goals, anything they produce outside of STEM is suspect.

I won't lie, that's a good portion but they either stay for their kids or flake. Now the ones that stick around and get their Dans are mostly scary lesbians (or at least 4/7 that are in my area). Don't get me wrong, they're drop-dead gorgeous all of them, but those lesbians are maneaters and the straight ones are married to other blackbelts

Explain this post.

He supports female liberation so as to encourage the normalization of the fucking of bonobos.

If Veeky Forums believes there's no point in playing male characters because they aren't sexy, the hobby is just a fetish.

I should have added that if men are a dying choice as romantic partners humanity is finished, or rather any civilization that buys into the Western liberal democratic (not in the American political sense) paradigm, and humanity will be ruled by cultures that crush that kind of sentiment, like the Chinese or Muslims.

Also 99% odds that manga is generic yuri trash.

>nature OR nurture only!
>there's no way that someone's preferences could be influenced by both genetics and social environment!
You're argument is stupid and so are you.

>Why are more than half of all female PCs gay?

Well, even straight women tend to be very gay.

the study that you are referring to is in STEM
how is neurology not STEM

Thank god then that this sentiment isn't even close to true, despite what both tumblr and /pol/ would like you to believe.


Would you prefer that female adventurers be on the lookout for hot monsters to fuck them?

Attend a real fucking dojo and stop ERPing. All of the black belt women I know, including my mom and aunts, are family women.

Your embarrassing fucking hot lesbo fantasy belongs in the trash.

The poster you were replying to was trying to say that due to the social environment, what may be a heterosexual/bisexual/homosexual spectrum is pressured into a binary straight(acceptable)/gay(nonacceptable) dichotomy for males whereas females can be accepted as long as they will have sex with males.

Heterosexual: acceptable
Bisexual: non-acceptable
Homosexual: non-acceptable

Heterosexual: acceptable
Bisexual: acceptable
Homosexual: non-acceptable

I like to play a healslut and get cocksleeved by the party myself.

Nailed it.

In principle they could just be attracted to dudes of their own (or similar) races.

I don't remember the name but it's a recent manga about a female knight saving a thicc highschool girl from a molester on the train. There's only one chapter.

>blackbelt martial artist
>drop dead gorgeous
>all of them

I completely believe every single word you're telling me merchant.

Can't hear you, sorry.

Literally. Character's deaf.

I'm conflicted between my "woman in plate" fantasies and my opinion that yuri is garbage trash for fags

> the hobby is just a fetish.

Sex and death are the bookends of the human condition and there's nothing unreasonable or dissatisfying about it being the main motivating factors in RPGs, and its not new.

because more than half players are male and would end preferring to lewd a female rather than a male regardless of whether hes lewding as a female or a male

In the WNBA, it's closer to 70/30, and there is actually a very real problem with the sport bullying not-gay women who play

That is one determined skinny wicked freak wrestler.

Not him, but allow me to present you with a different dilemma
>Women are more likely to be gay because of the patriarchy
>You can shock the gay away
Pick one.

Go to bed, Masahiro Ito. It's 3 in the morning in Japan.

I love women more than it should be legally allowed but even I'd admit that if I was actually born a woman I'd be attracted to men instead. It's all chemicals in your brain and hormones.

That being said I don't generally play female characters , and when I do romance doesn't come up. If I wanted to ERP I'd do it on steam or some forums, not at my weekly dose of murderhobo adventures.

>Sex and death are the bookends of the human condition

Yeah but it's good manners to not try to fulfill them both at the same time. Leave eros with eros and thanatos with thanatos.

Except that's exactly the opposite of my argument?
That doesn't change the fact that those two statements are mutually exclusive.

>Yeah but it's good manners to not try to fulfill them both at the same time

Nah, that's bullshit. People are gonna play avatars that make them feel good, and there's nothing wrong with it at all.

>Leave eros with eros and thanatos with thanatos.

Because it's ankward as fuck to play as a straight female in a table full of horny guys, specially if your friends are as edgy and fucked up as mine.
Even if the character is lesbian it's still quite ankward actually.
I once played as my fetish a barbarian medic in Runequest. She was tall and strong, she wanted to be a good mom and wife and she was pure, a virgin.
After two or three sessions i couldn't take the jokes and the flirting anymore, so i turned her into a lesbian.

>there is actually a very real problem with the sport bullying not-gay women who play

Non-gays are bullied everywhere, welcome to 2017.

ITT: Anecdotal evidence from a bunch of neckbeards

Explain why most lesbians refuse to take part on experiments referring to their sexual orientation while men and straight women are mostly equally represented.

It's because lesbians don't exist in the end all of them want the D

Good goyim... Good...

>Nah, that's bullshit. People are gonna play avatars that make them feel good, and there's nothing wrong with it at all.

If roleplaying kinky sex at a gathering of traditional D&D is your definition of nothing wrong then you're probably in in the "right" company, so carry on.

The rest of us will keep bed affairs in bed. Or the computer.

>Non-gays are bullied everywhere, welcome to 2017.
>the vast majority of populace is being bullied by a minority that wants parity

and when two guys hold hands it's "shoving it in your face" right?

Because it's difficult for a heterosexual man to role play a character that is sexually attracted to men.

Also if pornhub is telling the truth the majority of women are actually lesbians.

>If roleplaying kinky sex

Not much for ambiguity, are you?

Those statistics are a bit skewed.

Lesbian women consume a metric ton more porn than normal women.

I mean if we go by pornhub, the only ones who like dicks on their women are straight men.

Just ignore. The post was created by a /pol/tard who turned to anti-intellectualism in order to protect his ego from either being unable to get into higher education or flunking out of higher education.

Because that's what the topic is about. I don't have problems with PCs having fade to dark sex or romancing NPCs for one or two short lines. Sex is clearly not a focus in these sort of scenarios.

When you mention sex as a focus in normal roleplaying instead of erotic roleplaying, that's when my jimmies become a bit rustled. I don't want to hear all about how you slowly strip the bar wench you've seduced of her underwear and what sort of things she was moaning as you quickly thrust into her, slowly building up for your climax. At least not when Alzael is nearly revived and I'm aching to try the enchanted mace we've just looted from the previous battle.

Because we only have one girl in our group and she's a lesbian outside the game too

Bisexual females are surprisingly common IRL, even if they don't act on it.

I'm a guy and all the female PCs I've played have been heterosexual.
It also never comes up that they're straight, because I play games about killing monsters.

There's some shit about how there are more abusive lesbian relationships than other relationships. This could be due to lack of resolved cases, though.
I know it's wikipedia, but Veeky Forums is not giving me college credit, so fuck it.

Memeing aside, if I were to make an inference, I would say this is because of either a) cultural factors that restrict male sexuality or b) females are mentally more flexible when it comes to associating pleasure with things, as well as enhancing tolerance.

What the hell is a bonobo?