Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

What does your character dress like when dressed casually or formally/fancily, not in armor or gear or anything? Your character DOES dress casually or formally/fancily from time to time, right?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Current Playtests:

Newest DSP Playtest: Highlord:
It's a psionic battlefield leader with a collective! It's written by a /pfg/ regular, our very own Deimosaur.

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!

>implying I have a character at all.

Just report and ignore. Wait for a better thread when the old one gets to page 8.

Has anyone here ever played Cerulean Seas? I want to hear about some underwater adventures!

The only clothes she owns are Uniforms, currently.

I'm just gonna leave this here.

Oh yeah, you're that asshole on the Discord who mentioned making a dual app game to encourage bullshit in the thread right?

>alex a
>pic is a fursuited cuck with dyed hair streaks
not even once

Awe man, already someone blaming the discord cabal, I haven't checked the thread in like a week, is that a common occurrence now?
That's the joke user.

No, but I know who you are and that seems exactly in your portfolio.

And the fact that you've actually said in the discord.

>implying people will take the risk that "is just a joke"
Nope, not looking at it anymore.

Nah, if I were rusing you I'd include Everyman Gaming/Rogue Genius Games in the allowed material.

>Member since 03/20/14 / G GM of 5 games / 2063 Hours Played / 212 Forum Posts
looks legit to me

How would you describe a woman with 17str and 14 dext at lvl 1? What's the right adjective?


That's how.


And Augunas could have done that too. I won't take the risk.

So why is the Highlord so shit to you, anons? I know someone said that we've already got a TON of collective-using classes, but what else?

Also, is anyone interested in an Akashic-themed homebrew Discipline? High emphasis on mobility, defense, but only middling/okay damage potential? I can post some stuff from it if folks are interested


My character is working on 25 PB.

These are what his level 1 stats are looking like:
>Str: 18
>Dex: 14
>Con: 18
>Int: 10
>Wis: 12
>Cha: 8

How built does such a guy look? He's probably massive. For reference the character is a barbarian so he jumps to 22 Str, 22 Con for a little while each does. Does his appearance change when he rages?

No, his appearance does not change- but this guy probably looks fucking /ripped/ as hell. Like Arnie or Charles Atlas in his prime.

Hey /pfg/, so I just found out DHB made an initiator. Can someone give me the run down on it. Is it any good?

Big. Not just muscular like bodybuilder, but actually thick like a heavyweight wrestler or weightlifter.

Appearance doesn't change when you add buffs, no. Of particular note is that Barbarian rage is a "Morale" bonus, suggesting that he's just hyping himself up and pushing harder with what's already there.

As for how ripped he is... well, it's something similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger back when he did the Conan movies.



Song Lilin ;_;

Athletic and muscular.

overrated girl

We never did find out how big her boobs were!


Who is that?

Did Song Lilin have a good concept overall?

'singing samurai'

it was ok.

Early RotJR meme queen alongside Onryou.

The proto-Valeriya, a tough badass from Tian Xia who journeyed to Sandpoint for reasons. She was cute, very Asian and nobody knew how busty she was!

I actually reworked her backstory a few times. By the end of it she was a half-Ulfen Aasimar who started out as a bully and became a sheriff's deputy after getting her uncle killed by Chopper.

And thus we mourn the death a kitsuneposter thread that was full of "discussion" (read: people talking about whether or not a bait game was posted by a discord disruptor or not).

She was also a super strong Bard (Rubato)|Warlord who would wreck the fuck out of everyone with Fortissimo on a Strength based strike!

At least we got another busty asian samurai art-girl girl out of HV

Sell me on the Highlord when I could be playing a tactician instead and get full manifesting.

Or a zealot and get full initiating.



Mesmerist (Vox)||Warlord (Bushi). And she's actually a single class Oradin now in my saved sheets.

Bard samurai that was pushed REALLY fucking hard to catch up with other meme characters. She was...okay. I feel she was kind of lost in all the rewrites, but still, I really do like her better than what the player went with.

The fuck even IS a highlord?

The fuck's it do?

Is it homebrew or what? I've only heard about it from someone bitching about its placement in the OP.

>Voidborn and heavy-worlder.gif

This thing. It's a 6/9 manifesting battlefield leader with, drumroll

A collective

DSP's latest playtest.!

Who were other meme characters from RotJR? Why were they not picked? I was busy with school until a while ago and couldn't follow threads.

I don't even know who the PCs that are in RotJR are.

why do you care

It's just not the same! Busty singing kind-hearted Samurai > Heartless cruel self-harming Samurai!

Myht-Weavers happened. All the data was lost. Like tears in the rain.

I think its less self-harming and more harming things and being harmed is gets her mega wet

The most popular character who didn't get in was Shizuka, who was kept out purely because of timetabling issues.

Was sad.

The most heavily memed characters either made it in (Onryou, Casimir, to a lesser extent Valeriya though I attribute most of her popularity to Casimir) or were not submitted due because their players submitted another character (Amalthea, and Song Lilin).

I like hearing about other peoples characters, it's fun to hear.

Wow, that fucking blows. Any chance of recovery?

Let's see if I remember.

There was Song Lilin, the singing samurai of the ambiguous chest. There was Crocodile Cook, whose claim to fame was entirely "MUH dick." There was some quiet huge armored guy that was stoic all the time, came across as generic but he got memed.

Onryou got memed to legendary proportions, and Corwin got the unsavory reputation of being "that guy that popped Ameiko's cherry REEEE"

No, the Myth-weavers holocaust destroyed so fucking many sheets user

so many.

The most heavily meme'd character was NToRacle.


Aranha was the true dark horse of RotJR.

>Friday actually cares about making characters
>Saturday trades on memes and /pfg/ celebrity

>Not saboten

So basically "We're trying Tactician again"

God, a fucking collective makes the 'battlefield coordinator' concept so much less fucking interesting.

Inspiring Commander was good. You're just a super inspiring dude who makes people around him better and always has something helpful to say.

"MY MIND POWERS" is way less interesting.

NToRacle and Dwarf.

RotJR was ground zero for DHB.

What is Inspiring Commander from?

Saturday didn't actually fill theirs out, so what you see if Friday's impression of Saturday's characters based on memes and /pfg/ celebrity.

Nah, it's more like if Lifeleech/Sadist tried leading.

It seems like it plays as a mix between 4e warlord and 4e enchantment wizard. It's about buffing allies, while mind controlling enemies or crushing their minds.

Creepy fluff all around, honestly.

Not Anti-Mori.

What NPCs should we try and push for LoBaF?
Hard Mode: No gnolls
Nightmare Mode: No husbandos for the women
Infinite Climax Mode: Must actually use GM's half-assed Al-Qadim ripoff

More like friday had one player who was willing to go around and bug the others into editing and checking over their character entries and giving it the okay

that player was me

Saturday made their own thing.

>So basically "We're trying Tactician again"

The only reason the Highlord exists is because that asshole Deimosaur submitted his homebrew based on Starcraft (he literally took the name HIGHLORD from Starcraft, for fuck's sake) to DSP.

And DSP, in their infinite wisdom, decided that it was soooooooo good it had to be published.

Seriously, DSP?

A fat, faceless spice merchant with an insatiable sexual appetite and overpowering Charisma.

Being fair, that's sort of what gave us Fool's Errand, and Fool's Errand is the shit. It's a much better unarmed discipline than Broken blade.

>MFW Paizo actually does have a walking Capcom reference

It's a Cavalier archetype made by Rite.

They get (Ex) bardic performance, better Tactician (Not having to wait until fucking 17 or whatever to use any teamwork feat), and are SUPER good at Aid Another, being able to do it at range and adding their Int to the bonus given.

>Shizuka was your favorite girl
>she didn't get in, but her fat sister did
>your favorite characters didn't get in
>none of the interactions you were hoping to see will happen
>your third-choice picks that DID get accepted didn't even make it into the same days

Even as a spectator to this, it is pain.

>implying anyone would know who friday's PCs were if they didn't do a summary sheet
Saturday just coasts on their dank memes and name recognition.


>Better than Borked Blade

That's not exactly a high bar.

Senpai will notice you some day, salty user.

How should a cossack-like character act?

This is a terrible idea, but here goes nothing.

I'm thinking I'll run a Fire Emblem game for /pfg/. Yeah, yeah, there are Fire Emblem tabletop homebrews floating around, but they're all dogshit, so Pathfinder isn't THAT much worse.

It won't really be Fire Emblem in mechanics, but in overall feel, I guess. And large scale grids.

Anyone interested? Should I do a homebrew setting or one of the canon FAIA EMBUREM continents?

I still think FotJR had some cronyism with QANON.

>TFW Corwin goes to the Old Light to seek out more information on runewells from the cute, bookish girl who studies Thassilonian junk and has a crush on him

Not this guy, I was honestly prepared to never get in.

Didn't she end up in the pbp that started up after picks were announced? I remember her being mentioned when those were briefly talked about.

Didn't like half of the FotJR team pall around with QANON and the DM?

Maybe not, but what we did get out of it is pretty fucking sweet.

Homebrew setting! Large maps! Cavaliers being relevant!

Do a homebrew continent, and I will apply instantly.

Why didn't Quinn bang on the door or open the door at the first sign of trouble?

Upon missing her first turn of attacks, why did Quinn use her next turn to lie down and offer herself up to be raped, instead of... you know, attacking again?

It's like Quinn was TRYING to get herself raped.

Why did the gnoll even think, "Hmmm, this girl has some magic blasts. Better take her bait and rape her"?

If that were the reason for the team choices, I'd have been part of Saturday team instead of Friday

I think 2 of the apps were brought in at the request of QANON.

>MFW Shizuka becomes another forgotten SotJR NPC cameo, just like Amalthea


>it's a continent of nothing but kitsune, wolfskins, laguz, and manaketes, except for like 0.001% humans

Would this be perfect for /pfg/?

I still remember how the the twins and quinn were panned super hard. FotJR in general felt like it just came out of left field.

Yea, she did, as did Shanna, but Pbp game is slow and is never talked about. Have they even gotten to the first goblin encounter?

>Seht marries Shayliss
>Onryou hooks up with Aldern
>Casimir and Valeriya never get together
>Corwin actually marries Ameiko
>Aranha remains smol