Which one of you autists did this?

Which one of you autists did this?

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This is lukewarm bait. I doubt anyone will be dumb enough to take this seriously, but then again there's a few trolls that seem active here tonight who are only too willing to pretend to be retarded.

Literally female version of r9k

This same thing happened to me, only replace the Veeky Forums aspects with 'go to the bar and play poker with us', and the video game with a bottle of my favorite bourbon. Same shit. Except for the the Bourbon worked.

It's just coworkers who like you in some respect, not necessarily romantic, and are trying to get involved with you socially. It seems like their workplace is pretty tight-knight, and she comes off as a little stand-offish and they're probably trying to make friends so working isn't so awkward.

Girls don't post on Veeky Forums so I doubt that was one of us.

If she's not interested, she's not interested.
Am I supposed to be getting angry about this or something? A thread died for this.

OP, what was the point of posting this? Did you want us to get upset because a girl called a bunch of losers "losers"?

This desu senpai

I assume we're supposed to post pictures of angry frogs.

Well bugger me, I don't save any of those.

This is probably one of of the most innocuous things to come from twoXchromosomes.

>Group of nerds trying to bring uninterested girl to a game
>They even fail

It's not Ree-worthy, they just should have known better. Even if they had succeeded it would've been super awkward to have someone who clearly wasn't into the hobby being dragged through the store.

>cuntpleb not into based ttrpgs
>gets mad at men generously trying to raise her standards
>plays the "muh social skills" card despite clearly not having communicated properly (it takes two to tango, sweetie, so you're at least 50% to blame)
>so useless she has to ask a bunch of femtard ledditors for help

Yeah, no sympathy here. If she doesn't like the game she can give it to charity. Maybe it is boring for her to listen to those guys talking about ttrpgs, but then it's probably boring for them to listen to her yapping on about girl shit, so it evens out.

Flawless delivery.

On one hand that guy is really autistic
On the other, who the fuck needs advise from reddit to deal with nerdy virgin

Some women? It's better than advice from tumbrl.

Advice from high speed lip-locking with the bottom of the grand canyon is better than that.

There aren't even any girls on the internet, I'm trying to figure out how that board works

That's like saying solid shit tastes better than diarrhea.

Does it?

I don't know, ask /pfg/ which is better, Pathfinder or 3.5?

I know right.

Down this path lies only madness.

>he's not even green
That is the worst pepe.

Gotcha covered, angry frog coming up.


I don't see why it bothers her so much. They're just being friendly. Would she rather they say "Eww, icky girl!" or just act like she doesn't exist or what?

Buying people gifts and shit is a bit much, mind and I can see why she would find that off-putting.

What I'm not really sure about is why dipshits like are getting so excited about it.

>Woman in IT is ignored.
>Oh no, the sexism is overwhelming!
>Woman in IT is politely asked to participate in team-building activities.
>How dare they not exclude me!
Someone came into a group from outside, and immediately got annoyed that all the internal social systems weren't altered to fit them. The person was a woman. This is not news.

I bet the post would be radically different if the guys in question were attractive.

100% these autists play Pathfinder

>What I'm not really sure about is why dipshits like # are getting so excited about it.
He's just pretending.

Imagine a group of overweight, unattractive female coworkers decided that they were going to convince you to start hanging out with them and watching a female-oriented TV series you weren't interested in "because you watch TV", and not only have they refused to take no for an answer, but now they're giving you DVDs of the series and complaining that you're still not interested. Can you imagine yourself becoming irritated?

>I bet the post would be radically different if the guys in question were attractive.
Yeah, the guys would have been socialized to the point where they would know how to interact with chicks.

>socially awkward men
>passive aggressive bitch

It excites me to imagine how this situation will unfold, and who will be hurt.

Being dragged into something you have no interest in even after declining is pretty uncomfortable, the fact that it's TT gaming in this situation is completely irrelevant.

Imagine you're in that situation, but instead it's a bunch of Veeky Forums bros trying to get you to come to the gym with them and they go as far as to buy you workout clothes, or sports fanatics trying to get you to come to the game with them and buying you a jersey you didn't ask for.

So you wouldn't react differently to a group of cute girls trying to invite you to something as opposed to awkward tumblrina hambeasts?

They'll all suffer in the end.

Everyone will.

>So you wouldn't react differently to a group of cute girls trying to invite you to something as opposed to awkward tumblrina hambeasts?
That's completely different!

I feel bad for the girl.

How wonderful! How sublime! I can't wait!

Well, yeah, of course.

If a bunch of hambeasts asked me if I wanted to watch movies or whatever with them, I would nope the fuck out. If a bunch of high tier cuties asked, I'd be in.

Everybody likes attractive people, user.

>feeling bad for a passive aggressive person who can't communicate their feelings clearly and succinctly.
>who then turns around and bitches about it on the internet with clear bias and embellishments

Fuck it, I'd give it a try. I'd be pretty happy that they liked me enough to try to get me into their hobbies.

Doesn't sound like the woman in the OP even gave them the time of day.

(she's not asking for advice, she wants reddit users to make fun of the nerdy coworkers)

>a passive aggressive person who can't communicate their feelings clearly and succinctly.
Seems like she's told them directly "I'm not interested" several times. Are you going to knight me for pointing this out?

Rise, and be hereafter known as "Sir Reads-the-post-before-bitching-about-it"

t. buttmad ugly guy

I think we found him boys

Gonna need source on that for research purposes.

Polite sage for off topic.