Race building - colorful amphibian edition

Yo, grea/tg/uys.

I'm trying to puzzle out a frog-people race for D&D homebrew, but I don't just wanna re-fluff the bullywugs or grippli. So I figured you guys might be able to lend a hand.

I've got a few ideas already, I'm just not sure how to expand on them.

Appearance-wise, they're based on the Costa Ricna Red-Eyed Tree Frog (pic attached). They are about 2/3 the height of a human, but their slightly hunched posture makes it more like 3/4 (so, roughly dwarf height). Darkvision, and racial bonuses in the form of advantage on swim and climb checks and 50% increase over baseline jump distance/height, but disadvantage on spot/search checks involving smell or hearing.

Their primary habitat is jungle/rainforest in nature, but with some preparation and equipment, they can manage to tough it out in unusually cold or dry locations like desert or mountain areas for a significant period of time with only minor complaints.

As a sort of "racial mount", they domesticated a species of pony-sized rhinoceros beetle, and their homes employ special bioluminescent fungi for nighttime lighting.

Any other ideas for them?

3/4 is bigger than 2/3. So their hunched posture is apparently making them taller

Yeah, I accidentally switched those two numbers around when writing this out. I'm on mobile, so didn't see the error before posting.

So... any suggestions, Veeky Forums?

I never could take frogfolks seriously.

Amphibians neither, until I found pic related.

I could easily see one of these frog-people in the staff-and-robes attire of a sage, scholar, or magic-user, especially if the color of it was a duller or more neutral palette to counterbalance their own naturally vivid hues.

What edition?
Is this for 2e, 3.x, PF, 4e, or 5e?
I ask this because all of those editions already have small frog people stats that you can use (though maybe not 5e yet).


And like I said, I don't want to just copypasta the bullywugs or grippli.

I wanna make something with its own lore and flavor, not just existing creatures given a repaint.

>Segmented body

>segmented body
>clearly nothing segmented about it

Speaking of people who don't know what words mean...

Not that user, but the snek is clearly segmented.

Armour plating =/= segments.

That's osteoderms.

I use the word "amphibious" because it breathes both over and underwater.

It's as related to frogs as krogan are to bats or roaches.

OP here. For what it's worth, here's the stats I've established...

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Age. Under ideal and healthy circumstances [Frog People] can live up to 300 years, though they may occasionally die of natural causes at as young as 75 years if they spend extensive time in hostile environments like extreme cold areas or deserts.

Alignment. Near druid-like in their society, [Frog People] tend towards more neutral alignements.

Size. [Frog People] stand a little bit shorter than humans on average. They stand between 4-6 feet tall, and average about 125 pounds. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 30 and a climbing speed of 20 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dim and dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Dim Senses: You have disadvantage on Perception checks based on sound or smell, due to your primitive nose and ears.

Amphibious. You can hold your breath for 10 minutes.

Standing Leap. Your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.

Jungle Shepard. You have resistance to poison damage. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and [Frog Person]. [Frog Person] is a strange language that is based mostly in croaks and shrill whistles.

I would honestly add one more big flavorful feature to really drive it home, but I can't come up with one, because I want it to tie to lore, but I'm stumped on ideas for more lore.

Heck, just a name and some ideas for lore/culture would be welcome...

Here's an idea:

Languages. They can speak, read, and write Common and their native tongue, Urruk, which is a strange language that is based mostly in croaks, grunts, and shrill whistles, and is written using an alphabet similar to old Elvish dialect (those capable of understanding Elvish writing would be able to read Urruk with only moderate difficulty, and vice-versa).

Should be flexible, but fragile. One of the coolest aspects of IRL frogs is their incredibly reduced skeletons. The reduced weight is part of what helps them jump and climb so well, and can flex more than most vertebrates.

Do they have any relatives? I could see them having cousins like horned toads that are essentially their equivalent to ogres.

Hm, now there's an idea. Maybe make said ogre-toads really rare or semi-mythic, like creatures of nightmare, and nobody is really sure if they actually exist or not outside of the legends.

What do they eat?
What is their culture and society like?
Who is their Leader(s)?
What are their homes or cities look like?
What are their travel areas, any places they would never go?
Do they have God(s)?
Can they use magic?
How does their magic work?
Do they possess skills that other civilisations would seek out to trade with or barter for?

Who are their allies?
Who are their enemies?
What are the goals of their religion or society?
How large is their population?
Are there more than one grouping scattered around the world?
What are their relations with these other groupings?

Whoa, slow down! I haven't even thought of a good name yet!