
Hahahaaaa! What the fuck?!

I've never seen a game fall in to physical confrontation, like that. In my 20 years of running games, I've seen people get mad and leave, I've even seen people cry, but I've never seen someone shove or hit someone.

What's the background on why he was getting upset? I don't understand what they were arguing about before, exactly.

At this point it really does not matter who was in the wrong. All that matters is that asshole raged and shoved the other. At that point the only thing to discuss is permabanning that asshole from the table. You do not result in physical confrontation, no matter how much the other guy was being a douche.

If a player did that to me, I can guarantee you he would never play at my table again. His character gets a humiliating death or fate, and the rest of us move on.

I don't even know the context here, but like I said, that doesn't matter when some insecure manchild is shoving people around.

lol what the fuck

*shuffles behind u*
*shoves u*
*assumes this stance*

y-your always an asshole to me

This is one of those cases when I would put my conceal carry license to good use. That would constitute reason to open fire in my state. That fat asshole would never shove another DM again. No siree.

How is life being a cuck?

Yeah because murder is an appropriate response to displeasure about fat autists who would sooner die of a heart attack trying to fight you than actually hurt you


>Shooting and killing someone because you got pushed at a DnD table


Kaffir, what are you doing on the internet? Mohammed (PBUH) give me patience, but I should have you whipped. Now get back to work paying for my welfare, you racist!

As another responsible gun owner with a concealed carry licence, he does not represent us, and is a complete moron. That is all.

>Dude go

>redddit spacing
>"i'm too much of a pussy to actually use my gun in a legal situation where my life is threatened"

Who's the cuck? If someone tries to hurt you, you put a stop to that shit. We do not tolerate that in our society.


It's not murder. It's self-defense. Don't want to get shot, don't assault people. It's as simple as that. Period.

>Step on niggers shoe
>He shoots you
"It's self defense!"
>He gets off murder charges
This is the kind of behavior you're advocating.

You genuinely do not know the law. Calling people a cuck isn't really helping your argument, here.

yellow jacket dude doesn't give a fuck

What a shit DM. Paladin guy shouldn't have pussied out.

Right now I am imagining a 12 year old on the computer who only knows gun law from the big talk his dad uses on a daily basis to scare him. I see this 12 year old talking big on the internet, because here, here he is a tough guy.

are you a psycho? killing is wrong. society lets people go for killing people when under intense threat because we understand and empathize with their fear in the situation. execution of someone, even if they raped your whole family, is illegal, sorry homesteader

This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

>somebody please help me, I'm clinically retarded and i can't get up

Stepping on a shoe is clearly different than (1) willful and (2) violent physical assault. Your argument is invalid.

Sorry you live in California.

You can't own a handgun under 21, dumbass. I'm 25 and own a Maverick 88 and a Ruger LCP.

Assaulting people is wrong. If you assault someone and they shoot you, YOU killed YOURSELF. You made the choice. it should be considered a suicide.

It is if I step on your shoe on purpose, you fucking retard.

Even in states with Stand Your Ground laws it would be mirder because no one in their right mind would feel like their life was in danger in that situation.

That wouldn't fly in any court case and you know it. Even if the NRA decided to intervene on the case and make it a statement, no judge would fall for it.

Here's how it would have played out:
You got shoved by a guy behind you, and he backs off.
You turn around and pull your gun on him.
He startles back, completely unarmed.
You shoot him.

Nobody would buy that as 'self defense' you retard. It's one thing to threaten him with the gun, but to shoot him because he 'shoved' you is not self defense. The only time it would fly is if the guy had a deadly weapon, like a fucking knife. Especially in a room full of witnesses, so it's not your word against the guy shot (if he survives) it's your word against everyone else in the room.

You would spend some time in jail. I'm not saying this like I'm some liberal disarm america bozo, I am saying this as a responsible gun owner who knows the law in case I ever get caught in a situation I would never want to be in.

But this is all a moot point, because you clearly are a retard.

>he only time it would fly is if the guy had a deadly weapon, like a fucking knife.

It'd be easy to plant a knife on his body afterwards, though.

>responsible gun owner has his god given rights trampled on repeatedly by government regulations and the ATF.
>Every other year more restrictions, more limiting of ownership rights.
>Entire point of the second amendment is so you can revolt against tyranny.
>Still, does nothing. Is too much of a pussy to actually use the guns for what they were intended for, so you go on the internet and create hypothetical situations where you can RP yourself the hero and murder neckbeards. >Threateningly projecting your power fantasies onto strangers via a Jamaican jacket-sewing board
>imagine actually being this cucked

Feeling big, huh kid? It's nice you take it out here rather than getting into your dad's gun case.

Sure thing. Even where I am in Idaho, one of the loosest gun laws in the states, Stand your Ground still requires you to prove you were under life threatening danger. A jerk who shoves your back unarmed is not it.

It's not up to them, Satan. It is up to me, and since he physically assaulted me I can consider my life to be in danger.

Yeah well if you stomped hard on my foot that would constitute assault, yes. You don't fucking do that shit.

Why is that so hard to understand? If you don't want to die, don't assault people. Simple shit that you learn in sixth fucking grade.

>A jerk who shoves your back unarmed is not it.

Actually, people fall and die from being shoved like that all the time. That kind of violent physical assault constitutes a threat to your life.

I think you are the one projecting here, my friend.

>It's not up to them, Satan. It is up to me, and since he physically assaulted me I can consider my life to be in danger.
It doesn't matter if you 'consider it', what matters is proving to the court that it really was. "But I felt that way" does not hold up in court.

>Entire point of the second amendment is so you can revolt against tyranny.
no read Hamilton, the point is to make sure there are semi-decentralized (officers were recommended to be appointed by states) militias to kill revolters:
>In times of insurrection, or invasion, it would be natural and proper that the militia of a neighboring State should be marched into another, to resist a common enemy, or to guard the republic against the violence of faction or sedition.

i'm for gun rights but they aren't constitutionally guaranteed.

Actually no I literally just proved my life was in danger because he could easily have killed me by shoving me over where I could easily strike my head against a hard object and die. If you need me to provide instances of this happening? Because there are thousands and thousands.

Don't want to get shot? Don't fucking assault people. Why are you defending a literal criminal?

It's happened once for me. I forget the reasons why though. The combatants were a player and the GM My brother and I.

Embarrassing in hindsight, to say the least.

>Being so much of a vagina you shoot a guy for pushing you

You're hilarious. Get put in lockers a lot as a kid?

Yeah, go ahead and use that case. It's bullshit and a stretch. Even the courts in texas would call bullshit on it. Enjoy jailtime, kid. Or juvie I guess.

>I literally just proved my life was in danger because he could easily have killed me by shoving me over where I could easily strike my head against a hard object and die
Haha no. Especially after the shoving was complete, and you turn around, pull out your gun. And there was no more shoving.

>Why are you defending a literal criminal?
>literal criminal
Oh man your ignorance is genuinely getting me riled up. If that was your goal, congratulations, you win.

I'm done arguing with this juvenile. You guys take over. There really isn't any better way to explain it.

>redddit spacing
I don't have enough good images of laughing girls for this.

>he fell for the killing is wrong meme

>i'll refute the train tracks with my hyper ego over rationalized brain lol

>It's not murder. It's self-defense

No, it's not. Self-defense does not allow you to escalate a situation, which is what pulling a gun does.

It was just a joke
But anyhow i dont see how killing somebody that quote "raped your entire family" is bad

>fat dnd nerd pushes you
My life is threatened

ordered justice > revenge. civilization bub get with it.

nothing wrong with liking a bronson movie though

I sincerely hope someone shoots you for bumping into them on the street.

"The guy bumped into me! I could have tripped and cracked my head open on the pavement! My life was in danger, I had no choice but to shoot. It was self defense!"

Just going to expand on this a bit and hopefully prevent some moron from shooting someone who, legally, they were not allowed to shoot.

If you or someone else is in imminent danger of physical harm, you are legally allowed to commit assault and battery against your attacker up to the point where you are safe. If they are using lethal force, you can use lethal force in response, sometimes resulting in justifiable homicide - about 400 per year are recorded by civilians in the United States alone. There is a strict line here, though, as they must be presenting an imminent threat to you or someone else - so if someone attacks you, you can legally defend yourself, but if they turn to run or surrender, you cannot continue to attack. Likewise, if someone throws a punch at you, you cannot pull out a gun and shoot them.

Self-defense is an affirmative defense, as you are outright admitting to committing an otherwise illegal act but claiming that it was justified under the law - if your actions are found to be unjustified, then you are guilty of whatever crime you confessed to.

Note also that if you provoke an attack (so-called fighting words), you are not eligible for self-defense, because you started it.

>alignment/morality discussion
>assaulting someone from behind
Wow that was cancer

So you are saying that civilization cant exist with lets say laws that allows the death penalty and thats why killing is bad ?
We know that this is not the case so i will assume that you meant that revenge killings made by civillians arent compatible with civilizations,
So the act of killing isnt necesarely bad for you unless its okay with the law of said civilization or is carried out by this one
Wich would bassically lead to the standart that is legal in that land is good and everything that is illegal wrong
Even tho the law may be inconsistent or arbitrary
Not trying to be a smartass or anything that is what i got from your reply

>So you are saying that civilization cant exist with lets say laws that allows the death penalty and thats why killing is bad ?

Civilization can't exist if any schmuck is allowed to go on a roaring rampage of revenge against people they believed have wrong them.

For example: Mike's entire family is raped and killed. He doesn't know by who. Some evidence points to a guy he's never liked, Lester, as having done it, however. The police find this evidence and use it to build a case. Lester is taken to court, but on several technicalities is acquitted, even though everyone is CERTAIN that he's done it. Mike decides that the law has failed him and so he goes out and kills Lester, getting revenge for his family.

Except the following day, Bob - who Mike's worked with for years and like - after having had a long talk with a priest or something, turns himself in, admitting to having committed the murder/rapes as well as having left behind some evidence incriminating Lester, but has since had a change of heart.

Killing isn't wrong. What's wrong is taking matters into your own hands instead of leaving the matter up to the professions that society has developed for dealing with these kinds of situations: cops, detectives, lawyers, judges, and so on.

I'm pretty sure this is bait but you're either a lard ass or a skinny fag if you respond to that level aggression with a gun.

Either way you fear pain and that makes you weak.

trips confirm

Killing is bad, period. Things that are bad can be excused, ignored, or forgiven. A society lowers the probability of chaotic behavior through regimented justice systems rather than popular calls or individual vigilantism. *burp*

>dude weed lmao

Ah thats what you meant
If thats the case then i would kinda agree
Killing isnt strictly bad in all cases self defence in a really dangerous situation for example
But yes it wouldnt be also beneficial in practical terms as a way to impart law avaliable to civilian population in most cases
There is always gonna be a hypothetical situation where killing for the common citizen is justified but that would just be talking in too specific terms to reach an agreement

Killing is always wrong. If it wasn't you wouldn't have to excuse or rationalize why it would be right.

Can someone tell me the context of what happened here? I don't watch their stream.

By that logic we wouldnt be able to question anything never
Killing is just ceasing the body functions of another being
Killing becomes bad when you do it with a reason that it isnt justify by an ultimate good in the aftermath
There are no good actions or bad ones
The phrase "the end doesn't justify the means" its only true because we cant see the future


man your life is really sad isn't it

I was born with glass bones and paper skin. when someone pushes me it threatens my life

>this isn't a democracy!

>why doesn't my input matter?

You know they have penis enlargement surgery now so you don't have to worry about carrying around a heavy gun to make up for your obviously tiny cock and pathetic lack of confidence you fear-mongering fuck.

>Killing is always wrong. If it wasn't you wouldn't have to excuse or rationalize why it would be right.

Properly, I think what you meant to say is "killing is always presumed to be wrong". If it was ALWAYS wrong, then it would be impossible to rationalize as being right.

So you're a cowardly little bitch that can't take being shoved.
That's all you really explained.

Wasn't this about D&D? Who are these people?

>It is up to me, and since he physically assaulted me I can consider my life to be in danger.

i'm assuming you're a cop

>If they are using lethal force, you can use lethal force in response

shoving someone IS lethal force jackass, stop defending a literal attempted murderer

ITT: Veeky Forums gets baited by low-quality /k/ trolling.

I guess you don't go outside much. never been out drinking or to a club. never wrestled with friends as a kid. never played any sports.
wow, what a sad, sad life you lead. at least you have a gun to end it all when it gets too much. Man, gun laws in the US really do work!

>be me
>playing d&d with fellow sovereign citizens in my seastead
>player violates the NAP by taking the last Pepsi
>politely request he respect my property rights and stop instigating violence
>he informs me that if i am unable to.defend my property i do not deserve to rule it, shoves me out the way
>i pull out my concealed carry naval cannon for self defence and deescalate the situation by shooting him
>restate sovreignty over my pepsi

feels good to be an ancap

>I guess you don't go outside much. never been out drinking or to a club

while you wasted your life, I was mastering the blockchain

sometimes taking the bait is fun


if I take the bait here it gets the shit outta my system so I don;t take the bait from a dumbass relative or friend on facebook.
Rather keep my autism contained in Veeky Forums then out in the real world


The DM wanted to force in-game drama by telling the paladin that he had to make a certain choice, then immediately not allowing him to do it. He also tries to be a player as well as a DM, which is always bad.

The paladin has anger management issues and he couldn't handle some simple opposition. He should have taken care of it in-game and talked to the DM afterward.

The man in yellow was a smug prick who didn't bother taking the paladin's suggestion into account. He was clearly abusing his status as the leader of the group, giving himself all the power.

The women, just by being there, made the three men who were already insecure in their masculinity act even more irrationally.

Shit group, they should disband.

What about the pupper?

there's 2 puppers

You're right, the puppers did nothing wrong.

I get it. There's douchebaggery on all fronts, moreso with the DM. The fat manchild was somewhat justified in ragequitting.

But all that means jack all when one reacts physically to it. At that point it does not matter who is at fault, all that matters is one reacted physically, and that is not ok. I see no justification for that.

To be honest, I am rather impressed with the DM's restraint in not reacting in kind. I can't honestly say I wouldn't have shoved him back or decked him.

I agree that the paladin was in the wrong if we're talking about whether or not a physical confrontation was justified.

But I thought we were talking about who was in the wrong within the group dynamic.

I lost my shit
Damn the ancap meme is good

As someone who fully supports the second amendment and Castle Doctrine: Jesus dude, get a fucking grip.

As a responsible gun owner, unfortunately, people like him DO represent you.

Because when it comes to situations where owning an item that can easily allow one to kill somebody, you have to judge ownership of these items by the worst people who are going to own them.

Jesus.. is this what it is like to live in america? No wonder you guys are an international laughing stock.

It's not. He is an internet tough guy. His 'experiences' and knowledge are based on zero reality.


>fat guy pushes you with insufficient force to topple you to the ground
>life threatening

hahaha, oh wow.

How much of a fucking snowflake do you have to be to even consider that life threatening. Like seriously are just looking for the tiniest excuse ever to just shoot someone to make you feel good?