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Eldar are funny meme!

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Someone explain to me where the name Ynnari comes from. It's just Eldar + Dark Eldar, right? Shouldn't they just be called, like, Eldar? Or Double Eldar?

They worship Ynnaed, user.

I need a reskin of that comic.
You know, that comic.

So what, do they call humans Emperori?

Genestealer groupies are for lewd!

Will they rejoin the Imperium?

Will Robot Gullyman reveal himself to be Alpharius all along???

I see, this meme reached maximum cancer.

So think I might build an army of footslogging large amounts of deathguard marines. What sort of enemy firepower can I expect in the current state of 40k that will table me?

Not until it has direct impact on elected representatives of some major country.

>Alpha Legion warbands slaughter their way through sisters and ultramarines
>"guilliman we are here to join you. we were loyalists all along"

This is what alphafags actually believe

Is that a bolter? Are stalker bolters supposed to have those insanely long barrels?


And also thinking about actually using terminators, as DG makes up for their main drawbacks (fearless, and gives some extra durability with the FnP). Need them or chosen for the warband anyway after all.
Question is, do I run them as standard termicide, or do I footslog them with the rest of the army with a reaper autocannon?

Also, are Plaguemarines even worth it now? Blight grenades, poisoned weapons and 2 special weapons even when under 10-man are their strenghts, but they seem to cost a little too much more than just a MoN marine, now that anything gets FnP. And seems like I can't even take them as part of the main formation unless I go all out on their own special formation.


you could get more models if you took regular suits instead of bodyguards.

Like this?

Those guys are way too clean. Like, I'm fine with AL having cleaner armor, but it needs to still have Chaotic warpings and motifs. They are Chaos Space Marines, and exposure to the Warp and the Eye, well, warps you.

>Flesh Tearers slaughter their way through Sisters of Battle and Imperial Guard
>"Tycho we are here to join you!"

This actually happened.

Looking for a complete list of miniature ranges with lewd ladies (or whatever) in 28mm scale. Anyone able to help me out?

What if 40k world is the real world and we are just in some sort of simulation to make us happy for a while in return for our service at the battlefront?

>holding bolter horizontally like a nigga in ghetto


>We're all dreadnoughts IRL.
Well, that's terrifying.


Not all of the Alpha Legion live in the warp; lots of them are undercover in the Imperium. Some probably have never been to the warp.

>simulation where you can play simulation of real world with tiny plastic dolls AND ALSO simulation of that simulation

>we are just in some sort of simulation to make us happy

It failed.

Is she reenacting some MoJ scene?

He isn't holding it parallel to the ground. Canting your firearm 45 degrees inboard is a legitimate combat practice. It's called Central Axis Relock and it's basically the best stance for close combat gunfighting and accommodates both breaching, melee, and drive-by shootings/seated self defense.

It's so badass even John Wick's directors decided to use it in their movies. Although to be honest the artist probably has no idea what CAR is and it's just coincidence.


He's not firing it, just holding it. Probably because he's getting his knife out.

Also, in real life certain gas masks and sight arrangements make you hold a shouldered weapons tilted to get a sight picture.


Is there an Australian space marine Chapter? Real-world stereotypes, not Veeky Forums shitposters. Desert homeworld full of venomous beasts, drinks a lot, wrassles critters, et cetera.

If there isn't one, what characteristics would it have as a Deathwatch chapter?

Space Wolves

Think about it

Not all Chaos Space Marines are actually in the Warp however.

In fact, it mentions that the Alpha Legion specifically tends to have numerous bases outside of the Warp.

It's also said that they tend not to rely on Daemons as much due to the trouble of keeping them stable when they're so far from the Eye in many of their operations.

>Northern Territory man.
No fair, they're all Ogryns up north by default.

>Snowy hell

The Astralis and Nova Zealandia Astartes Companies?

Has anyone noticed yet that, RAW, the traitor legion detachments are not required to be from the legion they were designed for?

Kingdom death has a lot of lewd stuff

Don't know about chapters, but Catachan is basically Australia.

Catachan mixed with Tallarn, not even memeing.

No, Fenris, but a desert.

It makes more sense than you'd believe.

I'll bring this over to the new thread, too.

I don't have it on ebay. I've just been casting the line around here to see if anyone wants them. Off the top of my head, I have:

>metal Lord of change with no wings
>Daemon Prince
5 metal screamers
>one metal horror on a disk aka metal screamer
>20 metal horrors - some painted some primed black
>20 plastic horrors - some primed some not - one or two painted
>3 finecast flamers
>5 old school metal beaked flamers
>20 Bloodletters unprimed
>10 plastic daemonettes mostly in bits
>metal plague bearer command squad - 5 models - icon, musician, leader, and 2 mooks

I think that's it. I have 2 more princes, but I'm probably going to keep them for my CSM, however I only really need the one, so potentially 2 more. I can field 2000 points with it, and I have resin wings I was going to put onto the LoC that I can include as well.

Yeah. I always imagined Catachan guard speaking with thick stralyan accents. Shame you never see those guys around nowadays, haven't seen a catachan army in ages.

I actually really like the look, gives CSM so more variation in their look. Plus they are hardly the most devoted to Chaos by any means.

Reposting from last thread, please rate and possibly hate but I'd prefer the former.

It does make sense when you put it like that, but Fenris is still a snowy hell.

If Space Wolves were Australian they would have a terrain penalty on snow.

>people don't know Boxxy

I've been here too long...

Well technically an ice region IS a desert.

my first list in about a decade, how'd I do? I just really like hammerheads and crisis suits

Catachan are Rambos in spess tho

You don't have to be devoted to Chaos to get mutations. That's just warp exposure, like the Night Lords. Lots of them hate Chaos, yet are also mutated.



Yeah it's fine.

Bullshit, it's alpha legion. it doesn't have to have chaosshit all over it at all...

so, by that logic... everyone in the imperium should look like chaos space marines?

Still looking for suggestions about footslogging DG and what I might face on the table nowadays (haven't played since I think early 5th ed or so).
Not going super fluffy DG; my army is a nurglite cult of Word Bearers, but I realized I was much better off with DG rules as most units had MoN and I didn't get much use of the WB bonuses anyway other than two summoner sorcerers. So I'm not limited when it comes to taking heavy weapons and such, in fact I might run 3 10-man havoc squads (got 30 mk3s for that), as they can walk and fire heavy weapons.

Not bad, but Suits can't be troops unless they are Farsight Enclave and if you're FSE everybody needs to have a bonding knife.

I say drop the Fusion squad and add in a 5 dude FW Strike team with a SMS turret, max out the drones on the one squad, also give the suits target lock, upgrade to SMS on the Hammerhead because it's free. With spare points add a monat or two with either dual fusion or dual missile pod.

>It's CSM, they shouldn't look like CSM at all!

>Alpha Legion sneaks their way to sisters front line
>Celestine explodes out of the warp and murders them from behind

Also, I love the Superior going strait for the champion with her fucking bolter. Meanwhile, that Marine on the right is like "Holy fuck this bitch got a flamer" like he had no idea what he was getting into.

this. embrace the void.

Yes, and now you are within 1850 points.

ah, I was only aware that they could be troops with FSE, but I don't have the supplement yet, so I didn't know about the bonding knives. Also, is a 5 man strike team gonna do anything but die instantly though? Or was that just a way to afford the other upgrades?

>Not playing a trumpet

I've never seen a picture that describe my life and attitude so completely. The difference in attitude when the frog posters started hits the nail on the head and finally we have the current cess pool we find ourselves stuck in.

People that follow Christ are called Christians.

Similar deal.

Where is this from? You

>The most subtle legion
>They can even disguise as xenos
>They have splinters all over the galaxy, warp ones fuck with legions in the warp, non warp ones fuck with dudes outside the warp
>Implying all CSM look the same
>Implying AL doesn't loot shit from the imperium and repaint it

Hey Veeky Forums, I have been exposed mostly only to the Vidya and only now do I feel like I can waste money on tiny plastics to paint on. Though the only issue is that where I live is pretty much in the middle of nowhere resort town.

Should I just buy a codex to tide myself over?

New edition is coming soon, your best bet is to pick an army and buy some models you like and download the codex from the mega archive

>CSM have to look like porcupines with tentacles 100% of the time

Who will be the next Primarch out after Morty?

My bet is Alpharius :^)

>Vehicles will have wounds next edition
>Post yfw Kan Mob and Dreadnaught armies become viable

Fulgrim probably, at least for traitors. I'm worried we won't be seeing undivided traitor primarchs

Who is better, Iron Warriors or Alpha Legion?

>I'm worried we won't be seeing undivided traitor primarchs
I am too, actually. I hope they at least give Lorgar a model.

A dingo got my baby

Oh boy, I can't wait for shit like Fellblades to have 40 wounds and for heavy weapons and anti-tank melee weapons will deal multiple wounds to compensate, meaning characters and the like will get fucked this edition.

Shown here:A Khornate Kitten


Perturabo needs to come out. Why are Iron Warriors so ignored :(

>kan mob
>leadership 5
>4+ save
>melee race

Imagine if they gave Ork trukks wounds and saves only to then give them a special rule to make it so they still explode when wrecked?

What's your favorite scheme of Admech/Skitarii?
Having trouble finding something I like

I'd pay to see Abbaddon the Despoiler Gibbed seconds away from melee by a terrified guardsman with a meltagun.

I'd pay about $25.00 plus shipping!

Alright, I'm between Imperial Guard and Space Marines

Though I am not sure about Space Marines since I don't want to play Ultramarines and the only chapter I really know and like is Blood Ravens.

>Though I am not sure about Space Marines since I don't want to play Ultramarines and the only chapter I really know and like is Blood Ravens.
Space Marines have chapter tactics as part of their codex that lets them change their play style to match whatever fluff chapter you wanna run, minus the chapters with their own codex like Space Wolves of course. Look up some of the other chapters and do a bit of research.

Rules-wise it's a toss up, both decurion benefits are pretty weak, and both their innate bonuses are pretty good (Infiltrating CSM, Chosen and Cultists for AL, Tank Hunters on Havocs, Obliterators and Mutilators for IW)

Both have mostly mediocre relics, but a few gems (Mindveil for AL, Fleshmetal for IW).

I'd say AL but by a tiny bit; they have better staying power and early game they can cripple your opponent.

I cant wait for the previously invulnerable-to-plasma Leman Russ suddenly get wounded on 5s. I bet you my hellhounds that's what they'll do:

>A Leman Russ is 14/13/10, (14+13+10)/3=8.3. Thus we'll make it T8 all-around! This total doesn't miss the point of why guard players love the Russ!

Lorgar should've been the obvious choice of Chaos Primarch actually. Undivided, so could fit in allied to any army, and the Word Bearers seem more popular than ever. And after all, their legion were the original traitors.
Him returning from his meditations on hearing about his brothers return would've been great. Hopefully we'll see him soon, after the god-specific ones I guess as that seems like it's the trend now after magnus and now mortarion.
IW is a little too niche I guess. I'd like to see them get some new stuff as well, my first ever squad of CSM and a pred were painted as IW way back in the day, but Lorgar seems more logical if we get an undivided primarch due to being "more chaos" (or actually "most chaos" of them all)

Make sure to look into the Forge World chapters as well; most aren't that great but the Exorcists chapter can choose whatever main Space Marine Chapter Tactics they want at the start of a game.

They're most likely going to do toughness based on facing, I think sigmar has it.

user... didn't you hear?

>still explodes when wrecked
this is pure #orklife

Without the white parts of the scheme

Is this something we've actually learned from somewhere, or is it something you guys just want?
Personally I'd like to see at least dreads (and those chaos walkers) become MCs, as that seems more fitting for them, but i wouldn't like all vehicles using normal statlines. Maybe just get rid of the instakill mechanics so that hullpoints are more reliable.


Oh god there's no hope is there?

To be fair, watching light vehicles explode is a lot of fun! I think they should make trukks even cheaper so I can pop more of them on the tabletop.

No Vehicle of mine would ever see the table again then.

Someone from GW at Adepticon(?) mentioned hull points are gone, not sure if it's been confirmed.

Vehicle penetration was a good system.

Having to have many wounds on vehicles instead and have heavy weapons deal multiple wounds could seriously fuck the game.

anyone here actually cut scrapes into their models for battle damage?

Monsters like riptides may finally be balanced... but Tyranids will become even more of a joke.

Also, dark eldar basic weaponry will wound any vehicle on a 4+.

Presumably the Tyranids will be getting updated anyways, so they should be brought up to standard.

>Tyranids will be getting updated anyways, so they should be brought up to standard.
Oh, don't worry.

He'll see to that.