Boys... Just been searching the SWIFT website to see if I could find any information on Chainlink... And found this Golden nugget of information.


If this isn't the EOY announcement confirming SWIFT PARTNERSHIP then I really don't know what is!!!!!!

[SOURCE] swift.com/standards/standards-releases/mt-release-2018?tl=en#topic-tabs-menu

Other urls found in this thread:


Please hang yourself OP, preferably using your bags as a counter-weight.

We already had our December update, remember? It was yesterday.

That in no way implies that chainlink will be involved in the roadmap

If true, LINK will hit $5 before EOY, and $50 Q1 2018

strong hands, marines. we will get there


am i the only one remembering this

have u guys been wiped?


No one cares about link anymore faggot it was shit coin flavor of like 4 months ago

You know what's funny? New EU aml legislation states that every bank requires open api every tax agency in eu will have free unlimited access to.
It's sick I know, but what does chainlink do? TAMPER PROOF BRIDGE. TAMPER proof.

Imagine government queries and auto reporting using chainlink.

If balance > 50000 usd, then send name, passport number, balance

I bet we won't see anything LINK related on it. Probably just more speculative far reaching "nuggets"
I thought they were announcing the GPI PoC results this month? Even then, no guarantee of Smartcontracts involvement. where is the original source of this, I'm looking but can't find it right now.

Wasn't GPI winner, it was the DLT PoC.

Started in April, ended in October, results in December. Could possibly see Chainlink mentioned/referenced.

Wishful thinking. This coin is dead for 2 more months

>New EU aml legislation states that every bank requires open api
What does this actually mean? What are people going to use this API for? Payments? How is this any different to setting up a direct debit?

Could you give an example of how this would work and how it is different from the current system?

Explain to a brainlet please

Holy want a reach.. sell your bags

speculation mindset joos OUT OUT OUT

banks charge for sending funds from bank to bank Chainlink will make this process drastically cheaper, safer and also provide information on the banks users in an instant to the relevant people, it reduces administration fees for banks incredibly, there's no longer people to "look into it" the information is available at the click of a button, effectively increasing productivity times and efficiency on the banking industry

Are stinky LINKies the most delusional people on the planet?

Just imagine holding that total shitcoin that has fluctuated between 25 and 35 for cents for months while other coins are making huge gains all the time. The opportunity cost is immeasurable, and stinky LINKies know this and it kills them inside so they come on here and post their bullshit to try and justify their decision to hold the biggest dunce of all coins. Enough of the coping, your coin is shit, your decisions are shit, and it will NEVER go above a dollar.

High-value once private APIs will be public. Chainlink nodes can use those APIs (seemingly free) and get paid to provide that data securely. It's a huge move and once the Chainlink network is up and running that will become apparent.

I bought a week ago so I'm still up in sats, but hey, stay deluded yourself :^)

You're fucking dog shit stupid, homeboy. Your brain is literally congealed dairy products.





SWIFT handles about $5 trillion per day, or given about 250 business days per year, about $1.25 quadrillion dollars a year.

GPI isn't a contest, it's a cross-border payments initiative.
And the only crypto involved in GPI (as far as we know) is Hyperledger Fabric in the form of a PoC.
Swift is going to provide an update on whether or not they're going to actually implement Hyperledger Fabric within GPI.

This all has little if nothing to do with Chainlink.

Me? Obessed? No, I couldn't care less about your gay fucking shitcoin, I don't care about it anymore than I care about the shit I just flushed down the toilet.

I'm tired of you tards shilling your gay fucking coin thinking it will EVER be worth more than fucking pennies on the dollar. You are missing out on moon missions DAILY and these are opportunities you will NEVER get back, but you chose the stubborn route and decided to hold on to the virtual equivalent of dogshit.

bank guy1:
>hey let's use ripple or something
bank guy2:
>ok, but let's make this more complicated and expensive by adding a middle link in between for no reason

this is the meme Veeky Forums fell for? lol

Clamp down on tax evasion so your account info at any bank within eu will be able to acquire all data from your account. Government departments for tax revenue and law enforcement.
They won't need a warrant anymore.

If they announce they are implementing Hyperledger that's good news for linkies seeing as how LINK is compatible with hyper ledger.

Haha this guy knows. Nothing one bit to do with chainlink. Seriously sergey is just working on a separate product w SWIFT nothing to do with link at all. We got fucked

bank guy 1:
Hey, my customer wants to send money to your customer could you find your customers details and put this money into their fund, then take their details and send them to me?

bank guy 2:

*3 days later

bank guy 2: Yeah i found the details here they are *GenericDetails* and put the money into the guys fund... you can now confirm the transfer is successful

bank guy 1: thanks

Chainlink-- send

>Community: SWIFT partnership would be the best thing ever

>Sergey's EOY Announcement: We are working with SWIFT on their backend and I've literally mentioned them twice, and basically guaranteed that successful deployment will bring SWIFT on as a client

>Community: Oh, what a shit announcement, we wanted a partnership.

You dumb fucks don't deserve to hold any LINK. I hope everyone sells.

yes to illustrate:

You are a citizen of Germany but lives in Netherlands (resident) with a bank account in France.

Since France is in the EU, The Bank in France will, from 2018, have to provide an easy and accessible way for law enforcement and tax revenue services in Netherlands, France and Germany to access your data.

AEOI makes the reporting of your account automated, so now they also know you have an account there and what the balance is.

If they need to investigate you or ujst snoop around on your finances, they can just query the bank directly via the public API ledger with no need for a warrant.

This is where chainlink has a massive use case to automatically report suspicious behaviour on a blockchain that cannot be altered.

>You are missing out on moon missions DAILY and these are opportunities you will NEVER get back

It's called diversifying your portfolio, midwit.

Link is a long term investment. Read up on the technologies and relationships already in place, stop thinking anyone holding a significant amount of Link has any intention of making money off it via speculation, and get over it.

In a way. But Hyperledger is a massive operation with Swift as one of its founding members.
If Swift decided not to use Fabric for GPI (at this time), it doesn't really mean anything at all.

What's to stop anyone sending a query to the API to find someone's bank balance?

>If they need to investigate you or ujst snoop around on your finances, they can just query the bank directly via the public API ledger with no need for a warrant.
>Government departments for tax revenue and law enforcement.
>They won't need a warrant anymore.

This sounds horrible. Yet more 1984 bullshit from the draconian EU. Good for Chainlink though so hopefully it moons in time for me to set up a bank account in some tax haven :)

dont forget to cash in the pump

>I couldn't care less
You could care less enough to ignore the threads. Hating something is caring about something (in a negative manner). Not to mention your paragraph long posts.
>You are missing out on moon missions DAILY and these are opportunities you will NEVER get back
So now you care about "poor LINKies"? People don't always go all in on every token. 5% of your portfolio won't fuck you up log term.

>We got fucked

What's to stop anyone sending a query to the API to find someone's bank balance?

API calls cost money for banks to process... Chainlink is a cheaper alternative


You wont skip AEOI (Automated Exchange Of tax Information) but there will be no public API so if someone needs record of you they would need a warrant approved in the country of the bank.

Only Taiwan, Puerto Rico, United States does not participate on AEOI based on OECD standard. International banking practices.

>What's to stop anyone sending a query to the API to find someone's bank balance?

uhm credentials dumbass

You sure are typing a lot of shit for someone who claims not to care.

You are clueless.
With Chainlink, the banks don't even have to change their APIs.
They get all the benefits of blockchain/DLT/smart contracts and they get to keep their entire system in place.

You need to realize how huge this is to the banks; who are sill running on Cobalt back-ends.



That's what we're talking about, yet.



Bahaha. Its COBOL, not Cobalt. And its awful.

Went to school thinking "mainframes would be cool. comfy, and it sounds p badass". And then I started developing with COBOL/CICS/JCL and wanted to blow my brains out. They're stuck with those systems for the foreseeable future though, so middleware is going to be the winning option.

Chainlink is an enormous deal to these companies because it will work with any JSON API. Many will still run XML services, but parsing those to JSON is easy af so that's not a big deal.

LINK is the first project since Ethereum I heard about and instantly knew was going to transform the blockchain space. I heard of Ethereum from a friend at a bank while it was still < $1 because banks have been researching this space for years, and knowing Chainlink has been working so closely with banks makes LINK a no brainer. They want to work with a project who's going to work with them. The hours Sergey's putting into facetime will pay huge dividends.

>Bahaha. Its COBOL, not Cobalt. And its awful.
Yeah, autocorrect keeps fucking with me, see

That's kind of a strange pov for a crypto holder. Aside from some privacy coins, most blockchains are built on the the trustless nature of a transparent, verifiable, and cryptographically secure ledger.

p r i c e d i n

stop this pathetic shilling nobody's buying your bags pajeet

Hi fellow link speculator. Could you elaborate more the different ways your personal perspective makes you confident in chainlink's ability to cement itself as a fundamental component of the future crypto economy?

Start with