Hey Veeky Forums, long time /v/irgin here...

hey Veeky Forums, long time /v/irgin here. I only started looking into cryptocurrency yesterday and I'm very new to this. So I wanted to ask you guys a couple questions.

1. I bought $600 worth of BTC to trade into Alt coins and $800 worth of ETH. Is this a good start?
2. Where can I learn more about cryptocurrency and the methods to speculate their potential growth?
3. Currently cucked out from buying any alt coins by the 8day processing time by Coinbase. is this the only site I can use my USD to buy coins with?
4. I still don't understand the cryptocurrency very well. What if several bitcoin hoarders suddenly decide to cash out one day? wouldn't people be left with random coins they can't do anything with then?
5. How do you determine whether this whole cryptocurrency thing is a temporary fad or not? I mean does this thing even work when everyone loses interest in it?
6. Friend just said he sold his ETH because he thinks it's going to crash and burn. Thoughts?

I know these are long ass questions. So I would be grateful even if you just answer one of these.

Other urls found in this thread:


your friend's a dumbass, Eth will hit 1.6 in a month or so.

u got more of that THIC?


too many questions. just look at the charts. absorb the charts. spend long cold nights alone with the charts. until you can feel the charts in your heart and see them in your dreams. only then will you be ready

>5. How do you determine whether this whole cryptocurrency thing is a temporary fad or not? I mean does this thing even work when everyone loses interest in it?

I don't care to answer your other questions, maybe someone else will...

But. The technology is here to stay. Cryptocurrency is here to stay. Once you research blockchain tech and digital assets, you'll immediately know this is revolutionary.

It's just a matter of Bitcoin staying "king." If that happens, it will be treated like a gold reserve, where all other coins are weighted to in value. Bitcoin in itself is slow, cumbersome to move, and incurs hefty fees. So there are several "better" coins. It's just a matter of which one wins out. They all could. They could all integrate with each other. But in order to do that, BTC would have to be king to act as the precious metal back.

Then again, banks could make their own crypto and centralize it.

keep the btc.

I declare this woman an Honorary Aryan.

do you have autism?

great, now i can finally breed her and then my children will be half aryan and half honourary aryan



spend some time on here op, read EVERYTHING

Look up videos on tactical analysis, as close as you can get to predicting the market. Make smart investments, do a lot of research before investing in alts, and most importantly:

dont' fucking bail because your coin went down 10%, this market is volatile as fuck and it will most likely come back up unless you have a shitty coin like linkchain

Well I hope so. Now I wish I bought more.

Ah thanks for some terms to look into. I will read up on these.

Like what? the message boards associated with each coins?

Noted. And thanks. I was wondering if I should start shitting my pants cuz BTC was going down since yesterday.

What are some good coins to buy low at the moment?

Not the guy that you replied to but I would reccomend ICX, ZRX, and REQ



Those sites are short reads and explain really well.

Also you can watch:


Once you know the tech, find out what you want to invest in. Research the company by reading the "white paper." Every alt coin should have one. Look at who they partnered with, browse through the subreddit and see if they have Q&A's, look at the employees

or you know you can just not be racist and fuck a black chick

>tfw no qt brown waifu

TFW I've finished on that face.

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

She'll have to call me massa at least until I paint her white.

Not racist, just mindful of statistics. Check out those numbers. STD rates, etc.