/swg/ Raise the Flag Edition

Previous Thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

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/swg/ Bingo


Is that part of your winnings?

I have a fun Idea for an EotE start-up campaign and would like to ask Veeky Forums a question to help fill it out.

For all those on /swg/ who have played EotE go ahead and list your top 5 party ships from best to worst. So no limitations as far as cost, rarity, or era, just what you think are the 5 best ships for an EotE group. this is completely subjective and I don't expect everyone will list the same 5 ships. Just want your input.

Just shit people are giving out.

I'm 2-1 in IA. Just barely beat Luke and rebel Troopers.

I need maps! Maps for star wars games I can tun online!

I have rewritten the 1d4chan page on Armada, because it was shit, and now it is slightly less shit.

I assume that of the other four people ITT that play Armada approximately nobody cares about 1d4chan, but if not, feel free to give it a once over and lemme know if there's anything that could be better.

I didn't touch any of the ship/upgrade stuff at the bottom because I was worried doing so would give me AIDS, so ignore all that.

There's only one ship to rank. The Wayfarer. Detachable cargo pods that let your pilot and party have all sorts of dumb fun if he can handle piloting a space brick. It's weird, it's goofy, it's unique in a sea of YT-Whatevers, and it's actually cheap enough for an EotE group to start with.

#1 E-9 Explorer
#2 Gozanti
#3 Decimator
#4 HWK-290
#5 Lambda Shuttle

Note, this is all personal experience. I would presume that upgraded versions like a Sentinel, C-ROC and HWK-1000 would possibly rate better than their normal versions but I've never had play with them on the table.

Also the Lambda was specifically in an all AoR game, if that's excluded, sub in the GR-75.

So much Heaver related stuff there?

Also, question- How old is heaver?

In that image on the card, he looks in his late 20's. In the coruscant invitational draft video, he looks like he's 45.

I haven't played EotE enough to have 5 favorite ships (and I usually stay as far from ship rules as I can) but we had a campaign where we piloted two dual seat Y-wings. It was neat znd solved the usual issue of half the party doing nothing during space combat.

#1 Party ship is making your own for the campaign

How big of a party? Playing what kind of game?
My top 5 for privateering would be vastly different from smuggling from exploring from bounty hunting

Try the multi-role ship list.

Personally I'd like to hear all of them.


Not even once.

Can't be her, she's voicing Hera.

Everyone enjoying fake fans day?
Qui-Gon Joe

Whoops, nevermind, Hera voiced her in Outcast, the FMV actress was someone else.


I picked up the vidya collection off of steam. I plan on nostalgia tripping through the jedi knight series


This is our campaigns theme at the moment.

Gotta get to work on fixing our recordings so we can put together the podcast.


This one's my favorite

Yeah I bought a bunch of the good nucanon books, a new Star Wars Tie Fighter Tie and a SH Figarts Vader to go with my Luke.



I prefer this one.

>Not using Space Balls Yogurt.

Looks like shit. Slow as shit. How would you look like a hotshot smuggler when you role up in the ups truck of space ships

I have such a soft spot for both the YT-2400 and the HWK-290/1000.

Ghtroc 720
Loronar E-9
Wayfarer (for parties that the ship is more of a set piece than a vehicle)

>someone laughs at your Wayfarer
>you laugh back
>they ask why you're laughing
>you just detached the module with inertial thrust and a retro-engine
>the heavily reinforced durasteel module
>that's packing a rancor
>and it just slammed into their hull

Hotshot smugglers burn up quick. Let them keep their YT-Shits. Wayfarer crews are a different breed. We're goddamn space trucker outlaws, and you don't want to know what's sitting in this week's module.

Is it a retro-fitted hangerbay holding some fighters? Is it a habitation module for a boring old transport run? Is it a specially converted cargo module that some jackass conservationist sent you schematics for to haul some endangered xenofauna to a game reserve? Is it a reinforced brick of death that you're dropping off mid-flight and in-atmo above backwater Imperial outpost as a suicidal means of shuttling down hot? Is it the abandoned module filled to the brim with spice or some other illicit valuable that was detached in an asteroid belt and never reclaimed?

I'm looking to get into Armada, and I'd like some help with making a list.

I know I want an ISD to be the centerpiece of the list, and then a set of smaller triangles of the same type (Raiders/Victories/Interdictors/etc). I'd also prefer for the list to be 'symmetrical', in that most ships/squadrons would be taken in groups of more than 1.

Does that work as a list? How important are Titles in armada? Since those are unique, I can't run something like 2 gladiators with Demolisher.

so /swg/ can you help me make a purchase list for Armada after core and ISD?

You too?

Yeah buddy.

My Rebel players are still reeling from a major attack from the Imperials and are going for a full scale attack on them soon, setting up a trap within an asteroid belt using ion canons and modified thrusters attached to smaller asteroids.

They basically have to keep the new Grand Moff and his SSD from getting to Endor. Its going to be bloody and long fought.

>Drop the cargo bay in some crazy balls-to-the-walls move
>Succeed at mission but damage the bay
>Production is discontinued because they couldn't get enough cargo companies to use their proprietary crate for their ship

Have fun being half a man after that

TLJ features a casino world.
Nar Shaddaa?

I'm willing to bet it's going to be that world Leia and Ransom went to in Bloodline.

>doesn't see that as the opportunity for another adventure
>backstabbing some rebels who are using it as an assault shuttle, getting your hands dirty and repairing it yourself though after making backroom deals with shady sorts for crucial parts, or tracking down a dead smuggler's legendary module somewhere out in the Tobali system
The module getting busted is nothing more than a chance to do something fresh. Ship's getting busted and needing repairs is a story beat you even find in the movies.

No. It's been named already - Canto Blight - and Nar Shaddaa isn't really a casino world anyway.

>Wayfarer (for parties that the ship is more of a set piece than a vehicle)
This is spot-fucking-on, by the way. And for everyone, have some expanded rules for the Wayfarer for use in FFG, along with some modern deckplans that fix the hilariously incorrect scale in the old WEG pic.

So I just recently got into X-wing and was reading the 1d4chan article on it. It says the T-65 x-wing is overpriced now compared to other shit, which honestly I don't care much about, I'm not going to be playing it competitively. But in the future when I play a little more seriously with friends, would house ruling their cost down a little bit help them? And what would you guys think is a good cost for them?

Keep them at their price. Learn formation flying and nuke anything with your 12-16 red dice

It's hard to fix by just adjusting the price. what needs to happen is the introduction of a title for the T-65b with the same effect of the Chardaan Refit. The problem that arises in any situation that makes the T-65b cheaper is that it makes Biggs better and he's OP as it is.

Please don't.

I mean, if you're just going to play more seriously just git gud.

Flying better will let you beat people using just about any ship, and T-65 has great pilot selection and good upgrade selection - it just suffers from being designed first in a game that didn't know what it was gonna be like like 5 years later.

I fully intend to play them at their current price, I was just curious after reading about it.

Have a better place to read about it? I'd rather not visit reddit.

>Have a better place to read about it? I'd rather not visit reddit.
There's not a ton of great places to read about it in my experience. IMO the meta shifts really fast so a lot of stuff gets outdated fast.
My main resources for learning about stuff are either by playing myself or Youtube.
I've got a podcast focused on helping beginners into rebels, but I don't wanna shill too hard so just scroll up or CTRL+F for "podcast" and you'll find my link.

>le 1d4chan is bad meme
Do us all a favor and jettison yourself out of an airlock

1d4chan is pretty bad. NONE of it's tactics pages are accurate and it gives newfags license to spout shitty memes instead of lurking.

You are wrong asshole. The tactics page for everything bar Scum is fine. And memes what the fuck? Are you seriously getting ass devasted by memes on Veeky Forums of all places!?!?

2-2, lost a really close game to Vinto, Onar, 2x eQuays, eGammorreans, Gideon, and 3PO.

IA tournies are fun.

I just bought both the KOTOR games off Steam for pretty cheap.

What am I in for?

Better luck next time

You did what very few of us could have user.

You have brought DARK GREETINGS to the doorstep of the mouse.

Fun, good story, negative comments from haters

Clear misinterpretation of Lucas's vision of the force, but a somewhat fun story.

Play maleRevan for top tier waifu, play femRevan for nagging but sweet husbando


How does Duty work?

And what is Lucas vision of the force?

Armada Squadron question. Using the squadron shooting/moving ruler thing can a squadron stop BETWEEN numbers or does it have to be on the exact edge of said number? Say I want my tie fighter to move and stay right in the middle of range 2 and 3 can I do that or must I stop at 3?

As I recall you don't have to go the full distance.

There is no light side of the force, there is the Dark side, and there is the force.

Imagine a ton of steel and a ton of feathers on the same scale. This is how the force is at balance. The darkside is a natural thing that on it's own and contained is relatively harmless (see Dathomir Witches).

When you have dickbag sith lords going around and causing pain and suffering throughout the Galaxy, throw on another ton of steel and you throw the force off balance.

KoTOR goes full +100 and -100 points with emphasis on Gray.

>Shovel Knight has sold 1 million copies
>NieR: Automata has sold 1 million copies
Really places those old numbers in perspective.

I am not an expert, but I have never seen anyone play it in any other way than the stop where you want method.

You must stop at 3.

>You must stop at 3.
>stop at 3

KotOR 3 is in the works

>In Bioware's current state
Pls no.

It was a warning from the future come to late.

Lucasfilm was to stop making Star Wars movies after episode 3.

Its going to be made with additional help from the battlefront team :^)

So have we found our Frida Mofette?

Don't be a bigot. Mass Effect Andromeda is a masterpiece. Truly, $40 million and 5 years well-spent!

How would you guys feel about a "KotNR" that is set a few years after RotJ and many years before TFA.
The game is about you generating a create-a-Jedi apprentice to train under, and do odd jobs for, Luke Skywalker?

Well Lucas vision isn't canon anymore my friend.


Actually, a significant portion of it is. They've repeatedly made statements to that effect, that certain things in the new canon are the way they are because that's how George preferred them.

That isn't true user.

And how convenient, we've already got a sidekick for him.

So Jedi Academy with shit lore?

I hope they never get to live this down, it is that much of a fiasco
I've seen SFM lewds with better facial animation done in a virgins moms basement.

If they're going for a western RPG then probably worse combat mechanics, better dialogue options, and more exploration than Jedi Academy.

They need to canonize him.

>great RPG
>top tier choices in waifu and husbando
>great choice in decisions
>excellent villain
>God tier dialogue
>Choice in what ship you use


Rosh must be an unkillable companion who must accompany you on all missions.

Fug Masder Gadarn amirite guise :DDDDD

Only in legends.
So no

It is about the force. There is a definite light side and dark side and now it is possible to wield so there's that.

There is no proof of your statement, only conjecture and fan theory.

Which Bioware? The off brand who made MEA or vanilla team who made ME1-3?

The one that did Inquisition.

You were saying?

>he trusts the Doctor
Oh user. You make me laugh.

>the Bendu
>not a fucking insane darkside user

He's a dark sider with delusions, same as every so-called greysider

Who is the one spouting headcanon now?

Show me where in canon it is clearly stated there is a middle besides from the Bendu, who often plays word games with Kanan and then proceeds to become an envoy of death.

is xwing-builder.co.uk/ down or not working for anyone else?

>becomes one with the force at death
Pick one autists.

Look at what he does the moment he gets crossed. He fucking starts killing everything in his path with lightning and storms and shit. That's not a "light side" thing by any stretch of the imagination.

His idea of balance is to stay the fuck out of conflict. And once he's involved? He goes full dark side.

You think he died?