How competent is an average IG commander...

How competent is an average IG commander? Do they just throw men into general direction of enemy or are there some actual tactics involved?

Different regiments have different commanders, each with their own idea of what "tactics" encompass and with different approaches to battlefield situations.

The Valhallans are the one who just throw battalion after battalion until the dead soldiers can be used as sandbags, because they are based on WW2 soviets.

>conveniently forget about kraut Kriegers who use the same tactic
nice try Hans

You win this round Ivan

- valhallans are infantry waves until there are ramps of human corpses over all obstacles
- kriegers are trench warfare/attrition
- elysians are airborne, highly mobile alpha strike
- cadians are bitches also starship troopers
- steel legion are kriegers with metal boxes
- vostroyans don't really talk about their tactics but are pretty versatile
- tallarns are ww2 british
- mordian iron guard are napoleonic
- salvar chem dogs are fuck off why arent they all penal troopers by this point
- catachans are pretty much americans in vietnamese jungles without the air power

imperial guard are good cos you can write what you want for them, you want modern combined arms you can do that you want starship troopers you can do that, you want an army of nothing but Arnies you can do that.

It varies from commander to commander.

The greatest quality to the Imperial Guard will always bee quantity, though.

>Likes Scions aesthetics
>Their rules are shit so when you look for br's with them there is none.

Life as a tempestus fan is suffering.

- salvar chem dogs are fuck off why arent they all penal troopers by this point

Ehm...dude, sit down because im about to blow you mind... They are penal troops. The chem dogs is a penal legion

It's pretty much a roll of the dice, some times you get a Creed, some times you get a Von Strab

Though even in the more tactically lacking commanders like Strab, Chenkov and no end of Kreiger generals, you do at least tend to have no shortage of personal bravery - they tend to be too stubborn (or stupid) to be cowardly

>tfw everybody forgets about you because you are just elysians but better

Even then, it depends on the commander. Ciaphas Cain was a Valhallan, for example.


No, he was an orphan from some random Hive world, raised in the Schola. He just fought with Valhallans.

Cain was from an unknown hive world, and spent much of his career attached to Valhallan Regiments, he was not a Valhallan.

not the case with the 597th.

What's this supposed to be? A commander for the ant Imperial Gaurd?

>Drop Commissar
Forge World is never going to make the missing Elysian units are they?

I used the Arbites model from a Games Day long past.

they realized space marines and generic trenchcoats sell better than paratroops, unfortunately

>tallarns are ww2 british

I thought Tallerns were not!Arabs?

Aren't the Praetorian Guard the not!British?

For the Squats

they're an unsubtle mix of lawrence of arabia and the desert rats

-Tanith 1st are scout and infiltration experts who end up being forced to act as frontline units because they're usually the only competent fighting force on the field.

Well they used to be two seprate regiments you know but you loose half of get one....

But honestly no novel of 40k ive read pictures them as zerg rushing the enemies.
No sisters seem to be so retarded they do that but no gaurd regiments

Sure the name is german, but the aesthetic is french straight up

As competent as the GW writer at any given time wants them to be.

>a fucking frog
that's even worse I only accept proper American regiments

I see steel legion more as ww2 blitzkrieg germans. While dkok are inspired from the soldiers fighting in the trenches during ww1.

>I only accept proper American regiments



Mind you, desert rats were Australian rather than British.

>that's even worse I only accept proper American regiments

That's not what the founding fathers said.

australians are just british people who have gone feral

>Mind you, desert rats were Australian rather than British.

So bong convicts then