>bad experiences with online gaming
>that guy
>R20 is shit thread

Other urls found in this thread:


anyway i just got upset with this 3edgy5u fucking lfg app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/77327/rocks-fell

>Played in several Star Wars games, mostly Saga
>Always see a guy called Aaron
>Plays the same fucking thing in each one
>Mandalorian Soldier come Mercenary
>Looking to join a game see one set specific time
>Mandalore does not exist
>Mandalorians do not exist
>Asks to play a Mandalorian
>Uses the same art in every one
>Uses the same name in every one, Alexander Czerka or Cezvka or something like the company from KOTOR.
>Does not say anything except shoot badguy

Seriously, I see him in every god damn Saga game.
Pic related, his entire character background.

>You messed up Aaron

>Asks to play a race that does not exist
>Knows in advance he can not attend game time, asks for it to change and applies anyways

Either of those two things would be an autoreject to me, even if he could make the set time and offered to be an available race.

holy shit i've seen this guy

>That guy who sounds like the manliest man who ever did man.
>'Uhhhhhh, nooooo, I'm actually a womaaaaaaaan'

>tfw I'm playing in a warhammer campaign with Aaron.
>His character is called Cerzak.

Has this ever happened?

I was recounting an experience I've had several times.

'Hi person I've never met or interacted with. My three friends and I would like to offer you the opportunity to be our GM. We'll be playing Pathfinder, starting at at least eighth level and featuring a mixture of combat and political intrigue (though you can include any minor subplots you like). Wednesday evenings, 19:00-23:00 PST. Any questions just PM me back. Thanks!'

jesus who fucking does that

too many people


Any examples to post? More rage is good for the thread.

Just out of curiosity, when exactly do Mandalorians not exist in the Star Wars lore? They're as old as the Old Republic

>r20 is shit

I'm sorry you don't like it user

R20 allowed me to know my current girlfriend and made a bunch of friends all over the country that i play regularly with

But i guess not everyone has the same luck

I always thought the "rogue player wants to steal from fucking every npc ever" meme was just a meme. That was until I tried out Roll20.

Early days of the Jeedai Order? Before the Taung who founded them were kicked off Coruscant?

Didn't the Jedi Order get founded only AFTER the Taung got smacked off Coruscant?

You guys don't know shit about what is bad on R20

calling all the italian guys on this board


You know who i'm talking about

starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Je'daii_Order Nope, they're even older. Or at least their predecessors were.

Almost the entire LFG listing and forum at this point.

I even got an invite by some fag who wanted me to be one of the GMs in some giga-campaign he was planning, but not GMing.

Roll20 is AIDS

Who is that and what did he do?

Hold on, amico, maybe it is because I don't play with other italians on roll20 but I have never heard of this fellow. Care to elaborate?

Isn't that a bit way too early to make a game out of it?
I mean, what should you even play as? are there guns in that time period?

Je'daii, duh. And there are huge-ass pyramid ships, so probably there are guns. They'd probably all be slugthrowers or possibly pulse-wave guns though, no modern blasters.

>I even got an invite by some fag who wanted me to be one of the GMs in some giga-campaign he was planning, but not GMing.
'I have a dream of an enormous campaign. It will be a great and arduous task of herculean proportions. What are you waiting for, get to work on it for me.'
That is the worst cancer I have ever heard of coming from Roll20.


Did anyone actually have GOOD experiences with r20? I'd like to hear about that more to be honest.

Anyone who sets up a game asking for a GM

The Emperor having a text to speech program. Wasn't that a Veeky Forums thing from ages ago?

Had lots of them, but "everything was great and we all had fun" isn't as funny and cringy as stories about people wanting to play serial rapists without a hint of irony.

It ain't that old. It just went completely out of hand nowadays.

Once upon a time we italians had a common group on Roll20 because we wanted to play with fellow countrymen but the amount of americans and generally english-speaking people made it difficult to find eachother

Muraxmax quickly became a legend among this group

Every thread you made, every game you proposed, he'd appear, asking to change it to Pathfinder, more precisely Kingmaker

I warn you, but I never played with him, but heard enough from people who did that it's almost as i played with him myself, so pick what i say with a grain of salt

All he did was pushing to play kingmaker, proposing his OP-pls-nerf custom races and classes (mostly beastfolk or some shit), raising a fuss when someone would not allow him to play his self insert, bogging down every session (because he didn't know the rules, or maybe he knew them too well, depend on what story you listen to)

Generally, all the nuisance and irritating whining you can expect from someone who always had everything in life handed to him

A surprising amount of people, they need to add an option to hide listings that are searching for a DM.

In saying that I've sat in on a friend DM'ing for a group from one of these listings, it wasn't bad. I'm not sure if the guys were really good players or not but the party cohesion and banter was great.

see here

I met my group through an ad listed in a gamefinder thread. The roll20 players we got are pretty decent. We've had a more or less solid group for a few years now

I thought so. I'm not a 40K fan so don't keep track (it's in my filters). People who bring things from Veeky Forums, especially when they try to pass it off as their own ('I'm playing a bear who has maxxed out bluff-') are the worst human beings.

Pretty much this.

By this point I'm convinced Veeky Forums as a whole is a bunch of autistic that guys or has literally no idea how to choose their games.

I have good experiences with roll20, but only by virtue of the fact that I use it solely as a way to game with people I already know from elsewhere who just happen to be geographically separated.

You guys are aware that this whole thread is a "let's laugh at the bad aspects of a thing we like" thread, right?
You do know there is no way to post the cringe without being roll20 regulars, right?

Anyone remember this shitter?

Anyone ever played one of his shitty games?


>we would rather not have all of the learning to do beforehand
>we also want the game limited to out party of friends
>we will choose the starting time


Not to mention that the guy expects to start the game on the very same day he's posting this shit.

Are you really?

No. He sounds a little tryhard but more likely 13 years old. What's the story?

Years ago, when the Off-Topic forum was still open, he appeared and started looking for "heavy role players" and "heavy role play" systems. People tried giving him a helping hand, but he was insufferably aversive to help. Apparently he wanted a system that handled everything without rolls, without tracked health, without almost anything resembling mechanics. He turned down every rules lite system that got recommended to him and when everyone gave up and told him to go play freeform, he refused and asked for a system again. This went on for two threads. He went for the hat-trick, but mods nuked that one immediately.

Then he took his autism on the LFG, again trying to find a game that operates on 0% mechanics. Once he couldn't find a game, he ran one himself and tagged every single game on the list, his reasoning being that "it's homebrew but has a bit of everything." It lasted one session, with him proceeding with deleting every application and making it a 1-on-1 RP, but he asked for "a female role player." That one also collapsed, but there was a rumor that a dude applied just to troll him.

He is one of the storied fags off roll20, along with some autist that would spam chats and harass GMs until he ruins their games if his character ever died from his retardation and that one mongoloid that always applies with the exact same ex-Marine/DeVGRU character in World of Darkness games, context be damned. (At least these are the ones I have confirmed that other people in roll20 know about.)

>>bad experiences with online gaming
Back when I actually cared about 40k, I joined a game where the GM advertised it as "light on canon." What he really meant was that the setting was nothing short of a deranged turd. It had StarCraft canon exist along with 40k canon, same with Alien Vs Predator, DnD (the Terrasque was there) and some other shit.

The other players where an Eldar, a Werewolf chick, a Beastman and two humans, one of them being his own PC. Yes, an actual honest to God DMPC, not a meme one. His houserules have to be the stupidest fucking shit I've seen in my life. He didn't let you pick Homeworld and Class, you chose one and rolled the other. He wouldn't let anyone start with Ambidextrous unless they opened their webcam and demonstrated actual ambidexterity. Also, he banned Dodge being used in response to ranged attacks because "that's some Matrix bullshit." Meanwhile, if you're lucky in this game, you can run 1.5 times faster than Usain Bolt with a lucky Ag stat.

First "session" was pretty much an intro session. I rolled an Eldar, because fuck it. The intro is that my Eldar vessel along with the other Eldar inside crash in a zombie planet. Cool. Then he does two rolls and concludes that six STALKERs come and fuck my shit. I retreat and attack during the night, because muh honor. I kinda fuck up my stealth and one of the guards notices. He rolls Fellowship to see if his screams are good enough to wake up the sleeping assholes. This motherfucker rolled for everything, one roll to scream, another for the sleeping guys to hear him. After six billion rolls, I have almost killed all of them, stabbing them in their sleep. Then I fuck up with one of them, all of them wake up and fuck my shit up. He tried getting me to burn Fate and stay in his game, but I just excused myself and left.

What a waste if my fucking time.

>and that one mongoloid that always applies with the exact same ex-Marine/DeVGRU character in World of Darkness games
As someone who's been playing WoD on roll20 since the beta, who are you talking about

>along with some autist that would spam chats and harass GMs until he ruins their games if his character ever died from his retardation and that one mongoloid that always applies with the exact same ex-Marine/DeVGRU character in World of Darkness games, context be damned.

Tell us about these ones, we don't all use Roll20 here.

>all these shit players using the exact same character for game after game
>tfw I do the exact same and nobody's called me out on it

Hey, that might mean that your character is just the right amount of fun or is flexible enough for all systems. Whichever it is, props to you.

I don't know much about the first one. The last guy who told me about him and I had a falling out and the other two have been silent for ages.

The ex-marine guy though... Hoo boy! I had two run-ins with him. The first time he got kicked fairly early in char gen, since he really wanted to have a 16 y.o. character with max firearms and a magic sniper rifle and wouldn't back down when the ST told him no. Seems fairly stupid, nothing out of the ordinary.
Then I met a chick that wanted to run a game who actually played with him. The character had the exact same backstory, only he was grown up and an ex-Navy SEAL. He also had killed Bin Laden in his backstory. No, seriously. I remember nothing else from that one, because when i reached that line I laughed so hard my stomach started having pain cramps.
My second run in with him was years later when I decided to run a game myself. I ask for normal, ordinary people for a WoD ghost story. He comes and gives me the same goddamn character with the same goddamn name and the same goddamn backstory of "trained since age 6 to be a YOO ESS MAHREEN, denounced his parents and now is ready for combat." Skipped him in a heartbeat.

While I did meet quite a few people that have some sort of story from his retarded murderhobo, I haven't seen anything from him on roll20 in a while. I believe that at least Connor and his very edgy backstory has been put to rest once and for all.
Watch as he makes his triumphant return tomorrow with an LFG thread.

>WoD ghost story
See, why can't I find games like that on Roll20. Something street level and introductory sounds cool. It sucks being in a non-US timezone.

What can I say, man? Go to sleep early and play on the AM. Luck just ain't on your side otherwise.

>mfw he got booted out for doing this in a Saga game

Anyone remember the thread with that guy that had really shitty chargen rules for a WoD game and then the entire thread went to tell him how bad it was?
The one where he changed every one of the game's threads into a passive aggressive title?

No, but if you find an archive link hook me up. I bet that's a fun read.

>join an online game from Veeky Forums gamefinder thread
>couple sessions in, just not really having fun
>GM has this really weird elaborate world built up
>TPK and we go to the underworld, where angels live
>describing this giant blue-skinned angel with a thousand eyes
>ask "how many tits ya got"
>completely derails session for an hour
>never log back in

>You guys xxxx, right? xxxx, right?

Cut the crap

I use r20 for gamefinder games.

Most of the time its pretty fun. It's got a lot of functionality.

My archive diving has produced this sexy coral!

>the thread calling him out has been deleted
>the cringiest thread has also been deleted
Welp, half the fun I guess...

>tfw i applied to a bunch of games with the same character concept thinking i wouldn't get into any of them
>mfw I got into every single one of them

Oh man I remember that thread.
Fun times.

There's a reason why I keep a list of shitty GM's and players from Roll20 for the WoD community. They're all mostly awful.

Yeah, right?

>a list of shitty GM's and players from Roll20
And you're not POSTING IT?!

Some posts from 's

Bad GM’s:
Zentha C. (app.roll20.net/users/544195/zentha-c): Vicissitude is a virus a la Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand. And she's a huge cunt.
Cheshire Cat (app.roll20.net/users/20463/cheshire-cat): Terrible at running a story and awful at lore, one of the worst GM’s played with
Apokh (app.roll20.net/users/217376/apokh): Captain snorefest the GM, can't keep a schedule, 3 players fell asleep first session
Yvon R. (app.roll20.net/users/572805/yvon-r): This guy is a huge fucking asshole and has an ego so big that they could be monuments to it.
The Dungeon Mistress (app.roll20.net/users/501592/igari-d): Words can’t describe how bad she is, but she treats her players like they’re 5 years old and acts like a fucking cheerleader. She has to be center of attention and everything you say or do is a matter of opinion. Avoid her and anyone she associates with.
Wade C. (app.roll20.net/users/64637/wade-c): Apparently he’s terrible at running games and min-maxing is a huge problem in his games. He also ends a game and starts a new one every week
Malkav (app.roll20.net/users/878533/a-malkav): Words can’t describe how terrible of a GM this man is. If you could genetically engineer stupid people, this guy would be the result.

Should mention that she changed her name to Lady Lasombra. She's a huge SJW and is known for joining and usurping games with her squad of boy toys. One GM had to stop his game for 2 weeks. She usurped him, gave all her boytoys tens of XP, and caused 10 players to quit within a week.


>Good Players is empty

Gets me every time before it makes me sad.

I could actually that in with a couple of names but I already am playing with the players.

Just haven't really ran into any other ones.

Found some more. I think posting them here will be good to keep these names from falling into the internet memory hole:

BloodDragon - basically Virtualopium minus the guro and track on a HUGE obsession with dragons. (When I told him I wanted to play a Dragonborn he informed me that I would have to learn some Draconic phrases to say from him. yes, he claimed to speak draconic and would often talk to himself in his wierd gutteral made up language during this game... it was horrible. Also banned a player who wanted to play a bard because he refuses to sing for him

also Janison. true blue powergamer/rules lawyer with zero interest in roleplaying. refuses to participate in anything that wasnt combat. ulitmately the reason my last group agreed to disband and me to stop DMing or playing for 8 months

BloodDragon - app.roll20.net/users/414509/blooddragon

Janison - app.roll20.net/users/408202/janison

I'm still adding names to the list.

It's pretty fucking sad how many bad people there is.

The horror stories make me feel better about my groups just falling apart as people lose interest one by one, dropping out without saying anything and never coming back.

>Vicissitude is a virus a la Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand.


I enjoy that series but I would never make a game in that timeline

desu it's probably the shittiest thing that was ever pushed in old Vampire.

>The nature of Vicissitude is shrouded in mystery, with even the most elder Fiends only speculating as to its origins and true potential. More than just a Discipline, it seems to act as a virus that "infects" others through transmission of blood.

DSotBH was retconned.

A new version was brought back in the V20 line with there being a transmittable version of it.

Can I join the RPG police?

That's no reason to blacklist somebody.
And that's hardly the shittiest thing in WoD: KOTE, the Beast Courts, or Tzimisce and Saulot carpooling in Tremere's body.

Even if it was retconned there's no reason to be a cuck about it. It's like WOTCuck blacklisting somebody who uses 2e's Lawful Evil orcs because NOT MUH CANON

Yeah but you'd have to do it for free.

Good players on roll20 form solid groups with people they know and never leave

Bad players on roll20 get kicked out of groups and wander around looking for other groups

This is why you should never look for players on Roll20, because natural development means that only bad players are looking for groups on roll20

>That's no reason to blacklist somebody.
Trust me, there's a lot of other reasons that she got banned. I'm not even the guy who made the list and I can vouch that she is an absolute cunt. Her satellite manlets are even worse. I once played with one of them and when I stumbled on this list and shared it, he acted like an armless priest watching me piss on the altar.

>Trust me, there's a lot of other reasons that she got banned.
And yet, the first one listed is her using unpopular canon. It reads like a butthurt Tzimisce player with an ax to grind wrote that line.

It wasn't R20, but I played an IRC Only War game with some fuckers from Veeky Forums and it was fucking miserable.

>our squad is on a scouting mission in a city at night
>the GM tells us that we step on mines and need to take a ton of explosive damage
>this is maybe five minutes into the game
>we all say what the fuck, at least let us roll to notice the trap
>he says that's bullshit because we never said we were "looking around carefully"
>lets us roll Perception at a -40
>in a game where a good starting stat is 35
>the mines maim all of us
>we die in the first combat encounter because of it

Lumi is alright, though.

Go to bed, Lumi.

>She's a huge SJW and is known for joining and usurping games with her squad of boy toys. One GM had to stop his game for 2 weeks. She usurped him, gave all her boytoys tens of XP, and caused 10 players to quit within a week.
How the fuck?

What if you're new to RPGs and are an alright player? Are you just fucked, then?

>that guy
Steely Phil
He is new to the site, but he is quickly becoming notorious for no-showing games. Doesn't matter if he is a player or a GM, he isn't going to show up in your game, so you might as well kick him, block him, put a notice about him in your profile and crash his LFG threads informing everyone that he is a no-show.

You go to the gamefinder, find a GM and get vetted by him.

I've had a group for over a year now, took some real filtration to get it this stable.

Hit and miss. I'm close with my very first game group. The 2nd one was alot of fun and only dropped out because of holiday work hours. Then it all goes down hill. Hell I avoid WH40k games in roll20 now.

>Hell I avoid WH40k games in roll20 now
40k is dead anyways.
It died like Slannesh did.

Aw fuck, I think he just no-showed our 13th Age game. I liked his character too.

To change the mood a little, anybody have their eye on any good LFGs?