Creepy Evolution

Any user willing to share PDF's of Man After Man and similar materials? I want to make a setting of a devolved post-human world.

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fuck it, just fuck it. I'll take it, it would fucking fit. They'll be the swamp dwelling nymphods.


This is all you really need OP.


This thing killed me a little the first time i read it, those two hours where worth


Too spacy. I need something more terrestrial and earthbound. Fucking Qu.



> fucking Qu

Bad idea hairless ape.



I hope you evolved an appendix.

Glad to help OP. Here's another, report back with a greentext when you've finished the setting, I'm a real sucker for transhumanism and post-apocalyptic shit.


He'd be one of the people from the quaking plains, evolved to endure the trashing of earthquakes.




am i being seduced

this is somehow sicker than guro and scarier than junji ito's work

The end bit is kinda inspiring. The machines fucking their creations was a bit erotic.

> Post-human
Are ugly cyborgs OK?

I-Is this the shitposting guy?

Our future.

I guess, it take bits from it.

What's the original for this?


Its from Global Frequency, he was a cyborg that destroyed the lab/military base he was created at, he got a buzz fromkillingpeople

This should be a banner

The thing that always annoyed me about this was that it never took any kind of cyberteic development into account? Where are the machine offspring of man in all of this?


The Gravitals did literally nothing wrong.

always found this pic fascinating

Honestly, at a loss here. That was pretty incredible.

This is obviously John Carter of Mars, but is that Lion suppose to be Woola? Only read the first book.

> PDFs

I have links, though. If I can post them despite the fucking spam filter.

Sure, here you go.

Nope, quick research shows it's a "Banth", a Barsoomian lion.

Can't post them due to the spam filter.

put em through pastebin

>it never took any kind of cyberteic development into account? Where are the machine offspring of man in all of this?

Try reading it.

I wish we could have speculative evolution threads without faggots thinking it means body horror mutants and edgy cyborgs made by aliens.

Okay let me rephrase that, Why the fuck did it take so god damn long for anything with that to happen and why is there so little though put into potential machine evolution?

the other extreme would be anthromorphs which are boring so what's in between?

OP explicitly asked for creepy though.

Yeah but what about a planet of lewd musclethicc amazons?

didn't read everything but men lost their intelligence and sentience and lived on shitty worlds for a long time

epic post dude

Any other fucking book by Dougal Dixon.

Because that isn't the thematic focus. Imagine getting this for human evolutions and half of it is. And the Machines built more complex machines, who built more complex machines, who built more complex machines, who built more complex machines, who built more complex machines...
Oh and I guess at some point a consciousness got uploaded so this is totally about human strains, I swear!

How the fuck did you get to "it never took any kind of cyberteic development into account?" if that's what you meant?

Anyway, you're after intentionally designed freaky machines, the author here is more into evolutionary changes to freaky biology.

You imply that machines can't be subject to evolutionary pressures, or develop in interesting directions while still very much being the progeny of man.
But I guess at it's core what I'm saying is
>too much meat

Unfortunately, it's pretty much a one shot. The rest of the run is also pretty good, but it's not all about this dude, or really even this sort of thing, for the most part.

Not a criticism, just a fair warning to those wanting to check it out because of those images. I actually do recommend it.

But they lack some of the related concepts, like vestigial parts, maladaptions or repurposing of the the same anatomical parts for different functions (mostly). They'll always have completely minmaxed forms precisely adjusted for resource availability with little relation to one another except techlevel. That just lacks much of the charm. Evolution with mechanisms cut out.

thread: creepy evolution

you are retarded

>I want to make a setting of a devolved post-human world.
So basically you want modern day Detroit.

Pretty much this. Biological evolution has way more creative freedom.

I don't think so. But mechanic evolution turn foreign far quicker. Biological evolution stays in the uncanny vallay for a while.

IMO a book completely dedicated to machine evolution in the same style of these would be fascinating, but it really would need its own pace, it couldn't just be shoehorned in with fish-people.