Veeky Forums is there any actual reason to live or am I lying to myself saying that games will fill this void and make...

Veeky Forums is there any actual reason to live or am I lying to myself saying that games will fill this void and make me happy?

There is a reason to live, but it's not Veeky Forums

You need God. Jesus is the only thing that can make you whole. (This post is not meant to be bait nor irony.)

Go see a good psychiatrist you lazy cunt if tg is not good enough for you.

There is no intrinsic point to life. You don't sound like the kind of person who's content to go through life without a purpose, so you better get out there and find one. I can't tell you what it'll be, but you won't find it on a tabletop image board for damn sure. Try talking to real people.

Shitposting is not a solution, user

>is there any actual reason to live

>am I lying to myself saying that games will fill this void and make me happy

There is no meaning to life and seraching for one is absurd. Accept it and you will be happier. Find what makes you happy and stick to it

Its not lie if you believe it.

As an asshole that finally had a kid, kids are the meaning of life, in the most obvious way.

on a more important note

Anna de Armas?

>Life is a vexatious trap; when a thinking man reaches maturity and attains to full consciousness he cannot help feeling that he is in a trap from which there is no escape. Indeed, he is summoned without his choice by fortuitous circumstances from non-existence into life... >what for? He tries to find out the meaning and object of his existence; he is told nothing, or he is told absurdities; he knocks and it is not opened to him; death comes to him -- also without his choice.
>And so, just as in prison men held together by common misfortune feel more at ease when they
are together, so one does not notice the trap in life when people with a bent for analysis and
generalization meet together and pass their time in the interchange of proud and free ideas.
Anton Chekhov, Ward no.6

honestly this. if you can't find motivation in yourself then listen to higher forces that can find it for you. religion is popular for a reason, as little as bill-nye-worshipping shitters will stand for it.

Games can't fill the void inside you, but faith in God can. Go to the local church and talk to the pastor there, user, you'll be far better off I promise.

Life is what you make of it. There's no reason to live beyond trying to find what you can, and living life every second of the way. It's not that there's no point, but that the point is something you decide, and something you can change and mold and work at as you live.

Live life OP, and enjoy it as you can.

Depends on the setting

even better, go to your local swordsmith, get a sword and go deus vulting, if smiting the unholy and ubelivers wont get you back up than nothing will. I'd suggest going with one of the big three religions or Valhalla

underrated post


Bitch, I am nothing but Void now. I am in a passionless relationship and have no contact with any friends or my few living relatives, I have left my home, I have abandoned my dreams, and I am going nowhere. I am literally just fulfilling a duty to support this person I used to love because it would be unfair to leave her on her own, but I know she will eventually leave me because she actually has a chance to be happy.

I'm not even depressed anymore, I'm in that post suicidal acceptance period. And to top it all off, I can't even participate in escapism because I can't get a game started to save my life and video games just feel like everything 'turns to ash in my mouth' to borrow a line.

Give up hope, homes. No one else will tell you the truth because you're paying them to 'fix you' or you would become an embarrassment for them if your issues got out. The world is as bad as you think it is, your feelings of emptiness ARE the your real feelings, and there is no redeeming value in anything.

Exercise is proven to be an effective antidote to depression. Doesn't have to be hard exercise, just so long as you're getting the blood pumping. Start as lightly as you need to, no more than 15 minutes walking around or aerobics... well, I'm no expert. I'm sure you can find basic exercise regimes online with a bit of googling. Just so long as you really stick with it (and make sure you get enough sleep), you'll soon feel the difference.

Also, religion is no more arbitrary and meaningless than any other human activity. Just because millions of people tell you the activity is special doesn't make it special. Don't let others plot your life's course for you. Find your own purpose, your own meaning.


>Waste what little free time you earn doing shit to 'fix' your realistic outlook about wasting the majority of your life just to earn the right to do something worthless in the remaining small portion of time.

Accept hatred instead. You don't lose hours of your waking time a week by doing that and it'll ultimately fulfill you spiritually just as much.