I need hefty and muscular warrior women art

I need hefty and muscular warrior women art.




So that you can jack off?









At least you're honest.



Muscle girls are best, prove me wrong

>No qt Oni girlfriend who like to get drunk and molest you

Why even live?

Goddamn it I wanna wrassle 'em

>Slaanesh approves this thread

Slaanesh doesn't even know about musclegirls


I would be much happier not knowing where the one comes from...

Just get a super Veeky Forums girl who's into body modification, booze and role play

are you sure about that?

jesus christ go back to deviantart.

>super Veeky Forums
>into body modification
pick one
injecting Synthol doesn't count as true Veeky Forums

More talking horns and skin pigment

>you'll never get your pelvis crushed under the sheer lust of a Japanese, buffed ogre girl

Now I'm sad

Did... did she just crush their spines?

Horns as a body mod are rather extreme, you can get the look with a proper headwear/cosplay prop. They won't be very sturdy, but assuming she doms you're never gonna use them as handlebars either way, so it works. (And if they were a real body mod you shouldn't use them as handlebars either, dislodging gets nasty)
As for the skin color, they make "spray tan", and they make similar stuff for the other colors.
So you really just need a fit girl that you can talk into cosplaying for you. Still a long shot but hey...

It looked liked she crushed them accidently with the exertion it took to try and save them?

We need some context

>posts a fat nerd with a club

Aren't we all fat nerds with clubs?

Get rid of clubs and you have most of Veeky Forums




Kinetic energy from the car got transferred through the oni and into the vampire lolis, who survived.




Fuckin' mongols and their crazy cartoons.

>No Oni Hospitality
>No meals fit for a giant after you've spent the last week adventuring in the mountains on rations
>No utterly massive yet very comfy bed made from the various pelts of mountain monsters
>No borderline blatant offering of their bodies that your character doesn't pick up on cause they're oblivious

It is a damn shame.

Also sauce.

>Momotaro goes to the island of Ogre/ss/

> It's ok to post ugly tits on a blue board because its art if its ugly.
I was born and raised in the USA and even I don't understand us, sometimes.

It will really fuck you up when you are told it is the reincarnated body of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that now commands an army of Zombie/Ghoul Sky-Pirates against an army of mostly Nazi Vampires in a reverse world which is a mix of Hell/Limbo in which the seas are solid land and the space in which the land was is roaring fire.

It's fucking awesome.

read the filename nigga

> Must resist the urge to /b/
>Must resist the

I didn't come to this thread to read you autofellatious cunt! I came to look at images of stronk womans. Now post a spoon feeding link before I out you to your mom of fucking mother's day.

fuck off newfag.

also Hitler is a WMD and Heavy Metal is a literal not psych-warfare weapon....

I need your best noble/gentleman fantasy gunslingers.


>prove me wrong

>This is my fetish
>99.9% of women don't lift
>The other 0.9% are roiders that are basically men with bolted on fake tits
>The mathematically irrelevant minority that doesn't belong in either of the aforementioned categories is still weaker than a male neckbeard whose only form of exercise is jacking off

>99.9% of women
>Other 0.9%
>Mathematically irrelevant

other people have fetishes that are literally impossible at all, so quit crying.

You're looking in the wrong circles man. Try the olympic games

My fetish is girls with fox ears and tails
>125% of women don't have them
>The other 23% are just wearing fake ones that aren't even erogenous zones
>The mathematically irrelevant minority that doesn't belong in either of the aforementioned categories is doesn't even have magic powers

This is what my frogs this is for my frogs, Yep did you do it babe and then we've got that's good baby baby baby where are you can you better get it but up your prep the stacked in the polos of yens grad school Eames got over and then you know you got a swing that meal near that's a cup of coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee how we got to get with a Bubba blah about the band Bam have a big baboon baboon damn Yep's good I am for youwhen 346 and then we add the others with our old boob sucking me know why am speak the talk that way to arsenal stacking cannons going to Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the planes and she will bring velvet when is it time for the Trieu's have rules and Iceland Iceland Finland and it'll sink in

>tfw a dickgirl that is literally a girl only with a dick instead of a vagina doesn't exist and they are always just men no matter what they inject themselves with or how much plastic surgery they get

Are they all into fun sized men with low sex drives?

Wasn't there this one American pornstar who was biologically born a woman but still had a dick for some reason? It was some rare birth defect I think.

True hermaphrodites do exist, they are like one in a million birth defects and get surgically "corrected" to one gender (usually female) in first year of life.

Less discussion. More muscles


>Less discussion
Just to spite you, I'm going to discuss the sexiest musclegroups. Is there anything hotter than tightly cut abs? Good biceps are nice for their functionality (wrassling) and strong thighs can look nice, but nothing beats abs in terms of aesthetics. My broscience tells me it has more to do with low bodyfat than actual strength though.

could a girl theoretically fuck you with her abs?
Like, sticking your dick in between the upways crease and flexing it so it sort of pumps it. Kind of like a throat swallowing something where it's in that pulsing motion.

I acknowledge the legitimacy of your claim however I must counter claim that a strongly defined back is much more seductive.

The top even back muscles powerful and large buttock and leg muscles are of the highest quality.

Congrats you just discovered what is called an ab job

I'm fairly certain she could lubricate her abs and rub them against your groin for your pleasure.

I'm running out of muscle girls all I have are the exact opposite of muscle girls

>all I have are the exact opposite of muscle girls
Skinny shotas? Well, opposites do attract!


That's a big booty

I'd say thighs and ass just beat out abs, but abs are still great

If it's skinny shotas with musclegirls I'm all for it






i like HUGE muscle.





She clutched the kids too hard and accidentally gave them massive internal injuries.

the kids are actually fine. They're vampires, so massive internal hemorrhaging does not actually kill them, and they would have been fine even without her help

is it wrong that this thread makes me wanna have babies?
like, big ol babies with giant ass mothers?

>Horn comes out when she gets angry
But where is it stored?


...it's not a horn, that is an inter-dimensional undead infernal cock coming from the opposite direction...

That is shigoki from for honor btw.

I present the tg designed TESSAGOG!

I mean, where is it stored in the skull? She obviously has a brain




Her hair resembles a helmet


Is it still ongoing and if so, where can I read it?