The DM has gone magical realm and i must resist

/otherboard/ here:

My GM was formerly safe to play with, but i think the next session is gonna be a fuckign vore fest. And, for a player, for a GM to whip out the vore magical realm with 24' tall carnivore women is a very bad thing.
we lost 2 players to giant demon women, and now, i am going to have to track through a utterly cluttered cavern or more to get out alive.
>be ranger, very high stealth, boss dex
>last i leveled, i smelled a rat and put proficiency in escape artist
>lightweight character weighs only 143lbs and carries minimal gear.
> i have oil
the cons:
>GM is a handwaving priss who is a tad narcissistic and almost casual.
>unsure if my favored enemy 'outsider' applies to these ubercunts
>GM likes to plot event things, and the demons have been too 'characterized'

the system: PF with rules modifications by GM, rather narrative.
my plot: solid snake the whole fucking thing. the -whole- thing, i do not feel like being brave.

sad news: this may be the end. i have always preferred games that i feel good sitting down to, even if i get totally KO'd and hammered. If the DM ends up wanking it to a swallowing death at my expense, that puts me over the creep limit.

any sage advice? i have only been RP'ing since November

Question: How is this vore and not just being eaten by giant demon women? Has your GM hinted that it's somehow fetishy/sexual (ie: going into graphic detail about the other two characters being eaten), or are you just making assumptions?

given how much fun he had devouring the other 2 whole, i'd say the possibility is real.

i'm somewhat over-reacting: being eaten is my worst fear, and i'm walking into someone who thinks it's 'cute' at the least...

Talk to the GM before the session. Tell him how uncomfortable you will be if he does go down that route.

Turn up to the session. If he goes down that route, tell the players that this makes you uncomfortable. Then leave.

I think you have been reading too many neckbeard tales on Veeky Forums. Demon women eating players may just be an enemy, a fuck tonne of monsters can swallow players. DM go into a ridicolous amount of detail about the swallowing or something?

Most magical realm stories you read here are just old neckbeard tales that are reposted ad-infinitum. They warn players about things that could happen, but probably won't happen. If you worry too much about them you will see magical realms where they don't exist.

Also, you are playing PF. Entering a magical realm is pretty par for course anyway.

It sounds like you've been reading into it way too much. I'd say talk it over with your DM and tell him that you're uncomfortable about characters being eaten, but it sounds like it's a bit too late for it to make any difference.

Either way, don't drop a game just because the DM had one adventure that made you feel uncomfortable. This sounds like it's a lot more your problem than it is his problem.

>demon eats two characters
>"I bet the GM will masturbate to this when he gets home"
You have a problem.

>being eaten is my worst fear
Does the DM know this? Because if he does he's probably going into excessive detail just to fuck with you.

Also it'd be helpful if you told us more about these demons. Are they sexy, like Succubi? Or are they more like other demons?

Cut the bitch from inside!
Guts and glory!

This is the traditional solution to being swallowed in d&d.

>/otherboard/ here:
I have identified your problem. You clearly need to fuck off Veeky Forums and then kill yourself.

>internet tribalism

Hm. Never see this before. Its like inverse magical realm where the problem is that the players are intrinsically weirded out. What would be a good term for that?

To me it just sounds like he's a good DM that's trying to make his players realize what kind of horror it is to be swallowed. If a character is ever devoured whole by some beastie, you don't just go "Eh, he's eaten". You need to describe it - you need to get under the player's skin.

You're just reading way too much into it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Tribes based on every board, who would be the peacefull, the merchants, the nomads? What alliances would form and what kind of wars? All the cultures, I wouldn't mind reading/reading this.

Veeky Forums is a Confederation of city states

You'd all be spergs.

Or a huge Attack on Titan fan.

Anti-fetish is the one we use around my table. For me it's mind control; I'll play a game with it, sure, but you can bet most if not all of my characters are hardwired to murder you for using it.

That sounds retarded

>OP pic
Top kek.

Quit being a bitch, leave the campaign, and let me take your spot.

What said.
No seriously

Under most circumstances I would say keep calm and enjoy the smut, but this guy sounds like a bad GM, so just leave. Why do so many people on Veeky Forums have trouble walking away from games? A bad GM or player is a drag on the whole group, you'll be much happier in the long run if you sort those problems out early.