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Thunder Warrior Purge sub-edition

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So, how's that Marine 2.0 lookin'?

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First for what are effectively true-scale Marines

Based Mk IV helmets.

Or is that Mk IV-based helmets?

Whatever makes it easier to convert my Thunder Warriors.

It's sort of depressing that now HH players are stuck with baby marines.

Everyone has baby-marines in droves user, we'll just have more of them at the end of the day.
I see what you did there

>"thunder warriors" wearing Mk X power armour, which is brand-new in the 41st millennium
I literally can't even. That's far, far sillier than the whole "blood angels in Mk VII because of the siege" malarkey.

Myrmidax cult halp!
Where is overTHEtop Grav myrm man?
awesome grav POWAH brother.

at 2500 how many myrm destructor should i be running?
should i be bothering with secutors?
i LOVE the macrocarid but for every 1 i lose some myrms :(
2 macrocarid filled with myrms doesn't seem like enough myrms at 2500 :(

All I'm saying is they better not be as tall as my Custodes.

They're not that much bigger, I'd estimate they're only about half a head taller than the current marine models. IIRC custodes are bigger than that.

These nuMarines look like what you'd get if you straightened out a normal Marine's legs so they weren't popping a squat, and beefed them up ever so slightly. In total, it's probably only 1-2mm, but it shows.

>new sergeant markings
>old tank designs
Does anyone know how to easily take forgeowlrd resin and scale it by a few factors
Make Moulds of moulds of moulds?
I know when I get around to my game a normal human will be 3 inches at least

*cm, not mm. That's what I get for posting without any sleep

So, with the new marine models, does it mean we can now use MkVII as part of the Heresy?

See It's actually RT era markings for UM Captains

The Horus Heresy didn't magically change dates because of nuMarines 10k years later. The only groups that had access to MkVII during the Heresy were WS, BA, and IF. Everyone else had to make due with MkII-VI, and Sarum-pattern helmets for that iconic angry face.

Don't be daft Frendon, they are truescale marine bits, conversion fodder, food for the cause ect ect.

A larger marine product is the go to for True Scale now.

Those look fantastic, the torsos and legs look easily convertible not to mention the helmets look like mk IV.

Those boltguns have a 30" range though. Jesus.


Why are we mad? Why is 8th a solution?

Truescale is a meme propagated by fuckwits. Look at the battle pictures in the black books, the scale of the marine miniatures used in them looks absolutely fine.

Look, using Mk X bitz in a 30k army is as stupid as using Mk VIII bitz. I mean, it's not like it's an obscure part, everybody playing the game today is going to recognise that bit as numarine legs (or whatever).

Well, turns out I'm pretty darn mad today. Fucking truescale chucklefucks.

You are tunneling on the idea that the bit isn't going to be converted.

The bits will be converted, truescale is cool for making bigger marines, quit implying meaning not expressly stated.

because we're stuck playing on a BBC computer from the fucking 80s and we want a fun HH game. Now fuck off

I'm sorry the games you play in aren't fun.

erm, wut? Truscale refers to the fact that in 28mm guardsmen and astartes look totally out of whack next to each other, one of the scales is 'wrong', so people decided astartes were meant to be bigger and went on to convert them.

don't be sorry, you keep struggling with your abacus like a luddite while frothing at the mouth to all your gaming buddies that it's 'the best', we will move on to the Tianhe-2

Everyone is going nuts about the new Marines and I'm just sitting here mildly disappointed that my Genetors can't steal a Warlord-Sinister so I could model the Goliath device on tracks from Leviathan and mount an actual plasma lamp in it. That would be pretty sweet, but sadly the horrific abomination psyker Titan is locked to Loyalist only, despite that not being the case with Valdor himself.

Thanks for staying comfy, /hhg/. There's not really anywhereto talk 40k with all the forums and my friends going insane over 8e, but HH is remaining chill.

8th edition is more consumer friendly with a stronger core rule set.

It's good for the game, no reason to explode everywhere freaking out about change.

Again: look at the photos and artwork in the black books (which incidentally don't contain any pictures of cadian shock troopers, so I don't see why those overscaled models are relevant to 30k). The scale is fine, there is no need for bigger marines other than snowflakery. If you're just going to ignore the black books then why even play 30k?

Hell, every army in 30k is in the same scale apart from the "truescale" ones some people make. You idiots are the ones fucking the scaling up.

>so people decided astartes were meant to be bigger

And those people are retards, because the Marines aren't the models at the wrong scale. It's the Guardsmen that are. Compare a plastic Marine next to the older metal Guard models - the Steel Legion or Valhallans for example. The scale works perfectly there. Making Marines 'truescale' next to the plastic Cadians throws them out of whack with every other model range in the game.

>this projection
I now understand why you can't have fun.

>no reason to explode everywhere freaking out about change

Ohhhh, I get it now. You think 30k is strictly historical war game with as much an emphasis on realism as the WWII era games, I totally get it now.

It definitely isn't about personal preference and "your dudes" its all about YOUR particular perspective on how the rest of us should play with our resin or plastic army men.

You must be a hoot at parties!

click click goes the abacus

guarantee you he's either A. one of the podcast autists in denial, or B. someone who thinks/wants to be playing an RPG and doesn't realise it's a skirmish tabletop war-game

while super space marines aren't suitable / appropriate for the 30k heresy setting for perfectly acceptable historical reasons, they're still BADASS models and piss all over the 90s space marines making them look laughable.
The super marines are much more appropriately scaled and in proportion, they look more agile and much closer to the cool artwork

>every army in 30k is in the same scale apart from the "truescale" ones some people make
It just looks weird to have one army on the table in the scale forgeworld make and the other in whatever mishmash someone's come up with. It's not as bad as facing an unpainted army, but it still slightly spoils the fun of the game. That's why I have an issue with it.

I think it would be amazing to reenact the drop site massacre or have entirely narrative driven campaign, having mix matched suits of armor or true scale shouldn't destroy your erection though.

That's nice.

the helmets are neat

It's nice to see you being more temperate, playing a game against a converted or painted army you dislike shouldn't be enough to "spoil" the game.

People are investing big bucks (Subjective) into these miniatures, you are just as obligated to endorse their hobby as you are to not spam riptides or whatever the flavor of the month of op is.

This is a small highly insular group of autists across the board, with a community this small everyone has a part to play in making it a fun experience.

Its similar to D&D in that respect, if you have a meta gaming power player or a weab who insists on role playing a slut who fucks all the important NPCS, you should object when it crosses the line of impacting gameplay negatively.

These Primarus guys are nothing more than space marines that better fit the fluff for space marines. I don't know why they're making up all this new shit for them.

Kraks are fairly potent. I wonder how meltabombs will be statted.

Well half of them are yelling about how the sky is falling, and half are screaming about how it's the best thing ever. Not much room for the usual chill discussions. I'm fairly neutral, depends what they do with the actual ruleset and whether they gimp my armies or not in their new book.

S9 AP-4, D6 damage but rolls 2 die to see the damage. Grenade 1 also, I'd assume

Because they can't invalidate half the armies in the game. That's it. I'm sure they just started out as truescale marines until somebody had a panicattack when they realized the sheer scale of a shitfit people would throw if they released them as normal marines.

I like the heads, mk4 basically.

I sort of agree, perhaps when the idea of a reboot was first being kicked around they considered squatting the og muhreens in favor of the Primaris concept, similar to how sigmarines where a biproduct of the end of Warhammer fantasy.

I think if the ip was doing worse they might have sigmared the 40k universe as well in favor of lowering cost and protecting the ip with more copy right friendly names.

to be honest I don't like them much, I prefer the more stockier classic look of regular marines

they won't invalidate them.... but you will be able to field full armies of them... soon. Guarantee you.

I'm happy they don't have a S5 T5 stat line though, my Thunder Warriors will still be crushing their skulls. KEK.

>muh thunder warriors
truly the worst hhg meme

I like to think I've carried it relatively well, it isn't going to stop me from that sweet sweet topknot action though.

>even the thunder warriors were ultramarines
GW really doesn't know when to stop do they?

oh sweet summer child


Child, I don't thunder exactly what kind of child warriors you are normally thundering with, child, but you aren't the fag for the job, thunder child. You warriorn't the first child, nor the last, you are but the least thunder warrior fag of all the thunder children faggots.


But to Thunder is to first, for the Warriors of Thunder came first, not second, or third, but primaris firstus of the Thunda Fistas, o great Emprah, gift us ur

Techno Bardbarian gifts of vat grown muscles and secret cancer failsafes,

return unto us the glory of the Legions, the Thuntard Legions of yore.

bequeath to us void proven power armor so that we may Unify the galaxy in your name,

for the Lobotimist Campaign begins.

The Crusadus Firstus MAximus. Begins


>tfw /hhg/ got invaded by sigmarine players
I want my general back.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Low and behold my Blackshields became a meme.

>tee hee I'm a may-may XD

Fuck. Off.

Good job on outing yourself as a faggot from now on.

There was another user who picked up the name, it made me kek so I played along.

And I was just talking about how everything was all comfy recently. Omnissiahdammit.
Seriously, where's my Traitor Psitan? At least give me a chaos corrupted one in Angelus I can nick for my giant Tesla Coil Ordinatus that calls in Tunguska Events.

Take the knot.

IF player here and I'm looking into getting a Mastodon. I know it isn't a great LoW but the fact that it turns into a fortress after it blows screams IF should have me.

What units would be good to stick in it other than a deathstar to make most of it's large capacity and it's moving castle like nature?

I don't want to discuss the new 40k UltraUltramarines here, but I do need to point out one thing - their keywords include "Imperium Secundus." I assume they're going to say this was Guilliman's plan to keep marine production going once losing access to Terra and Mars. The mildly interesting part is that he was supposedly embarrassed about the whole Imperium Secundus thing once he found out the Emperor wasn't dead, and tried to pretend it never happened. Are people in M41 going to know that it did?

Thunderhammer/Shield terminators, Breachers, that sort of thing.
Bring the toughest units to where they need to go in a mobile fortification.
And keep in mind, it's a Super Heavy Transport, it can transport multiple units if I recall correctly.

>their keywords include "Imperium Secundus."

no they don't, the 'imperium secundus' thing is a shop.


It's just that the Northern part of the galaxy is cut off from the rest of the galaxy by the Great Rift. It's being ravaged and conquered by daemon, heretic, and xenos. It's now called Imperium Nihilus. A place where Chaos's evil is LAW.

The southern part of the galaxy will be reclaimed and reinforced by Girlyman's crusade. From this sundered half, Girlyman will create new Imperium Secundus. A bulwark of hope against the coming darkness streaming from the north.

So we have a WHFB Norsa/Chaos Wastes situation in 40K with the north being a realm of evil and Chaos while the South is the bastion of good and order.

>source: your arse

It is? Well, I fell for it. Thanks.

>says user to everything from Cadia falling to new marines being developed

When will you guys ever learn?

well if you have some proof you can post?

especially seeing as there's been no metion of Imperius Secundus or Imperium Nihilus yet?

No problem man, it happens, you can see the real one here

>Imperium Nihilus yet?

Look at the northern part of the Imperium. You see in BOLD WHITE LETTER "IMPERIUM NIHILUS".

Locutarus have been built, next paycheck will be buying all the paints. I plan to give the Power Weapons the full Grey Knight treatment

They remind be of 2e Howling Banshees because of load-out.

Since we're talking new stuff, this weapon profile appeared on an article today. I think this is the first weapon we've seen which had the Sniper USR in the old edition. In short: no wounding on a 4+, and no psuedo-rending. Quite the nerf to marksmen veterans, if it carries over into 30k the same, (with the usual disclaimers that it may or may not, we don't know,) they'd basically just be chumps with normal bolters who can target characters. I'd be okay with that, marksmen vets are too much of an auto-include at the moment.

>imperium secundus
It would be imperium tertius, surely?


That is one THICC shaft.

> North
> South

Do you even space?

Nice photoshop.

Yea I can see what you mean user. Now I'm imagining that they all have Pigeon Tits under all that Power Armour

Why is Prospero back in real space againt....


My hacking skills are better.

"Wrath of Magnus"

Prospero never left realspace.
WoM moved Soritarius to the Prospero system.

>the Marines aren't the models at the wrong scale. It's the Guardsmen that are
Because those guardsmen are truescale. They're selected by their combat skill, and their combat skill consists in 6'1" memes :^)


Question: Leviathan shoots a quad mortar with grav flux bombard. It hits 2 crew and the gun itself. Does the unit take 3 strength checks or 2? The gun doesn't have a strength value, but space marines also don't have T7 but get to use it as part of the gun crew, so if the crew can use the gun toughness then the gun should count as a hit to cause a strength check. My opponent was very insistent otherwise.

Is that the complete profile? For real sniper weapons lose any armour penetration but now shoot precision shots all the time?
Could be good, actually...if there was a way to give the rule to other weapons beyond space Remington 700s
>It would be imperium tertius, surely?
Noo noo. That thing never happened, no :^)
He knows

This is the full thing, I trimmed it to avoid exposing people to too much tau.

I guess actually this might also be a hint what the Stealth USR does now, come to think of it. My bad.

He's in.

Well I am confused
>I trimmed it to avoid exposing people to too much tau.
But you're a good Ordo Xenos operative.