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Either I'm much to high, or those instructions are fucked.
How many can I take? Someone please translate into retard speak for me.


Very small typo-fix on page 2. I posted page 1 and then a new thread appeared before I got to page 2, so I'll just repost it here.



>what's this
>w-welcome home, user... I f-found some needles and y-yarn in the basement so I'm knitting a scarf for y-you... it's the first t-time I've knitted so it's pretty b-bad, sorry! ... w-what's wrong, user, are you - no... p-please user, don't be angr-?!

One of each color, or two of each EXCEPT white. Instructions are perfectly ok.



this is starting to scare me and make me feel sad


Thank you.


This one was pretty cool. Depressing stuff is fun.

I know its fucking terrible, but the way I'm making the "REEEE" sound in my head is fucking hilarious.



Serves the dumb Sue right

Shouldn't have been so shy and clumsy

Mystery Box

I'm still butthurt that this CYOA assumes you're a Burger.

Fuck you

Oh I was hoping you'd go for something about her getting beaten up for other anons imaging her as a slut and say how that's practically cucking

I like you.

I'll fucking take the bait.
What the did you guys do while I was gone and how did it lead to this shitty depressing... thing?
Also, have some happy Vignette to counteract the sadness.

Don't respond to the retard. He's been here for a few weeks.
Also made this shit post Just ignore him.


Unsalted Potatoes is a visionary. Please be more respectful.

And as he gazed into the mirror, he realized his flesh had transformed into a Big Mac. He tried to resist, but could not control himself, until he devoured himself, leaving nothing behind but a stain of sauce and the eternal question of how something could be capable of consuming itself.

Update on page 3. Any ideas for city names and descriptions?

Can someone explain this meme to me?


How do I never notice spelling mistakes before I post? Fucks sake.

Someone criticized Beri's writing, saying he could make them less universally positive and cheerful and give them a bit of an edge. The specific example was a typical pure, sweet waifu girl who also had a small selfish streak. The typical belligerent shitposter went off on that, saying that if she was at all selfish that meant everything about her sweet personality was just a lie used to manipulate people and she was actually an awful, irredeemable person. So someone came up with the original post of , where the poor girl just wanted to have less salty potatoes for once in her life, and she gets destroyed for being such an awful, selfish, irredeemable person.

You see the longer you procrastinate the worse the shitposting on this board gets. Heed my warning before it's too late.


Can someone explain Cyclop's spandex in eyeball section? Are those veins? Do muscles actually work that way?

Counteract. With. Happy. Vignette.
If you're not imagining him dropping a steamroller on her and punching her through it. you're doing it wrong.

>Euro apartment is older than everything in the country
>Nurse Erika gives off an old-world vibe




Because you don't read what you post and check word for word.

>city names
Fantasynamegenerator is life, fantasynamegenerator is love.
No clue I don't read WiP's. Gimme a city with lots of taverns so I can get hired in one please? Maybe some festivals too, and there's no wars anywhere near the place?

>Gimme a city with lots of taverns so I can get hired in one please? Maybe some festivals too, and there's no wars anywhere near the place?

You got it m8.

I think he's trying to criticise the way anons are pissed about things that make their waifus less than perfect.


Maybe have something not be a city, make it a rural area or something.

Cause fetish. I'll assume it works with mirrors too.
Don't want to be found out.
Huh that's really short.
Oh shoot second page.
I wanted blue to help criminals become law-abiding citizens but I would really prefer not being a hero.
>No partner

Would run down (non-descript USA city) and mostly abandoned work?
Or did you mean like a small village?
It just gave me "awoville" It knows.

...the fuck are you drinking right now?

I was revising the buld and the CYOA and I realized that since she has rank C in avenger because of luck, she also has the abilities of rank D that increase strenght and endurance.
So if she manages to make more people hate her sucessfully, after certain point she should start to become very strong physically even if she is a caster. Maybe without technique, but enormous amounts of luck may also cover for that.

Of course, this doesn't change the fact that until she manages to make a lot of people hate her she will be extremely weak and have to relie on being descreet.

But the point is that after a certain number of people she wouldn't need to relie on the NP, or magic, or pure luck - her strenght alone should also be enormous.

(That said, nothing in the CYOA says what this number of people would be).

A city that's governed by a bunch of underground gangs and you get the chance to form your own and become the godfather. Alternatively, a city that's governed by a bunch of guilds and by stroke of luck user becomes the assistant of an old guildmaster.

I'm sorry. These aren't really descriptions.

>Conjure Arma is deconstruct
I honestly don't know what it's supposed to say here exactly, but that's not it.

Europoors are upset that America is the only real country.

I gottchya m8. I know what you're gunnin for.

Alright, that makes sense. If it wasn't so fucking depressing it might have been funny.
One more Vignette before I go take a nap.
Also, I'm about to lose any semblance of respect I might have had from you guys, but what has Beri done?
Almost none of the best CYOAs have any kind of signature or author's name so I can't tell who I should be thanking for these masterpieces.
I know Boxwine did Hero Academy (which I love) and SDA is fairly self-explanatory, and I think I can use deductive reason by measuring the trajectory of the sun reflected off a rhino's ass to identify Italics' work, but I have no idea what Beri's made.

Did you see the Netherhine CYOA?

Being a barmaid and listening to adventurer's stories sounds super cozy.

What I've been trying to figure out with conjure Arma is the originals. Copies cost energy, but if it's able to deconstruct originals as part of the armor than I should be able to summon those effectively for free. Then again, that's basically Arma Summon 2's job, but I don;t think it would be so bad for a specialized arma to somewhat step on the niche of one or more abilities, and it still doesn't help you summon the arma itself.

>Page 3
Are there pages 1 and 2?


His signature is a b in the top right corner.

>Or did you mean like a small village?
Yeah something like a small village or small town, a general rural area basically.

Do you love your waifu enough to make cyoa about her?

He's the author version of Vignette. He creates cute, simple and pure cyoas. Just like Vignette he has a penis but it's easy to forget that when you see him because he's adorable.

No. Why?

>Also, I'm about to lose any semblance of respect I might have had from you guys, but what has Beri done?
From the pastebin:

-- Beri --
Google Drive:

>Almost none of the best CYOAs have any kind of signature or author's name
Beri puts a small "b" (I think it's a "b") in the top right corner.
Please post which you think are the "best CYOAs".

It's a "b", I asked a few days ago.

No I don't have neither the tism to do it nor am I capable of loving anything really.

>tfw Vignette gets more comfortable with her sexuality and jumps on your back and whispers "do me do me do me" in your ear

No user. Only page 3 exists. It's like Star Wars.

Oh my. I honestly thought it was a tiny stylized penis.

How about a nice spa town without many tourists?
Got 'em here.
I'll take criticism/suggestions on these too.

Excuse me, I'm almost dying from laughter right now. Been to Cleveland and Manhattan for a week each, and by now I'm happier than ever I'm living in Germany. Higher standard of life, less bullshit laws (beer without booze is 18+ in Cleveland, we give our kids warm alcoholfree beer if they're sick and can't stomach proper food) and if I'm feeling ill I just go see the doctor.

I don't mean to insult anybody, but I'm pretty happy with my country.

On the other hand, I'm not that guy REEEEEing about burgers, so I'm not upset at all. Have a nice evening, or midday!

Beri does terrible, cringe-inducing sugary waifu shit that always has the exact same fonts and formatting. If you've seen one, you've literally seen them all.



It was just bants, don't worry about it,
only an compete jerk would hate all other countries but his own

Ah yes, new thread time to rev up old shitposts. Once successful always successful am I right?

>How about a nice spa town without many tourists?

Would work fine.

See you in Abrumburgh!

Can I augment my penis?

New shitposter, same as the old shitposter.

The only reason why the shitposter does it is because when people legitimately complained everyone had a collective autism fit, and now the shitposter knows how to derail thread.

Glad you took it that way.

It should have been "can deconstruct"

It can "technically" summon the originals for free. Think of it like this: Conjure Arma regenerates X energy/sec. It costs X energy/sec. to summon your weapon. Thus, it does not recharge energy while a weapon is out because X - X = 0. If you summon many duplicates, however, it can quickly drain your energy.

The real question is with drones though. When you have attack drones 2, that's a lot of drones you could have in storage before you have to start duplicating.

I dunno. Is the penis a limb?

Rewritten the Noble Phantasms for the Munchkin Assassin, hopefully making them properly limited this time.

Mine is, baby. Wanna cop a feel?


The originals are lost when deconstructed. You to rely on the conjured ones. However, due to the nature of them, you can just deconstruct a single drone & keep the rest of your drone army, but with the ability to conjure temporary extras as you see fit.

Stuff like Ranger Hat and Suave Haircomb are absolutley badass and are pretty original items.

Why thank you user!
The synergy with hat and blanket could make a killer bounty hunter.

Well, that's not fair, using Cleveland as a point of comparison for the rest of the country. It's shit, here. Our main export is crippling depression. Try one of the nice cities, then judge America. Just, you know, not where I live.

in the first paragraph of description
>Thats the most
should be
>That's the most

should be

In Triforge's description
should be

>Be attractive 2
>Well off 2
>Great cook
>Private tutor
>Help her with her career

I don't know who the fuck this is and I don't really care, but I guess if she wants to teach me Russian for free before helping me network my cute rich gourmet ass right out of her life, that's cool.

>European Historic because of classy.

Penthouse suite because why would you not?

Bar Between Floors because it sounds cozy as heck. Irregular Grocery so I don't have to walk too far to buy groceries. The Apartment Gym for the same reason. Abandoned Store because it fits in with me picking up subjects and dropping them every now and then.

Watchful Moose for safety.
Desiccated Hand because if someone wants to help with my taxes than I'm not going to stop them.
Occupied Mirror because it sounds kinda fun.
Vending Machine because why wouldn't you?
Painter's Memento because the extra money will be handy.
Sentient Microwave because it'll save me time when it comes to cooking.

Veteran Kowallski because I have a thing for military history.
Bearded Chronicler because I like avoiding trouble and I like stories.
Marxist Mice because they sound fun to drink with.
Ancient Witch Irina because I wanna try magic!
Apartment Janitor because of that "fixed things will work too well".
Apartment Gargoyle because I like the whole idea of gargoyles surrounding my penthouse.
Charm-Giving lass because she sounds neat.
Stair standing stones because that sounds really neat!
Changling because I want her to not be sad :(
Delving Adventurer because of trinkets and stories.

Gravity Anomaly because it sounds neat.
High Five Hands because I can get pretty hyped over high fives.
Illustrated Stalls because of the possibilities.
Open Door Day because this sounds fun.
Stairs to the end because that sound dangerously cool.

Here's a waifu with no surprises

You mean

Is that the japanese pronunciation...?