
You're only doing his work for him by posting his shit.
Every time you ignore them, it's another victory for sanity.

Other urls found in this thread:


Old clickbait is old. We have analyzed and dismissed this dross

Ok, OP, could you just screencap the text next time? Won't click the link for hell.

>posting the actual link to the article



>if you ignore cancer it will go away

You have to find the tumor then cut it out. Ignoring it only let's it grow. People ignoring SJWs is why things got as bad as it did before the pushback became more open.

>expensive, indulgent hobbies are dominated by the class of people who have the most disposable income and time
I mean I thought that was the whole point of creating massive systems of economic inequality in the first place. It's why "geek" or "nerd" culture in general is predominant across the global north.

Please stop trying to force a discussion out of this.

>dragons are for white kids
I hope some chinese people feel insulted.

"Give him publicity and bump the thread please!"
You're clearly either OP or a newfag; either way you obviously don't know how things work around here.
Or for that matter, how things work in the real world either.

Have a (You) on the house, spammer.

Just took a quick peek and it's on the money, though it's not exactly a revelation. Geek culture and gaming has historically been mostly a thing for white dudes for a bunch of reasons, and as a result it can be both thoughtless (not considering people may want to paint there minis with different skin tones) and sensitive to matters that don't apply to the majority.

It also says that things are changing as the demographics change, which they are. I don't see why this would be considered some controversial statement.

Title is dumb. The post is about gaming/related stuff in general.

Jesus christ.

>My identity is purely built around my race and all interactions with other people, and even concepts, is filtered through my lens.
>I am so shallow and devoid of personality that I am a person of color first and everything else second.
>How dare you expect the same things out of me that you expect out of other people, don;t you know I am merely a BLACK???

people are worried that they can no longer make sand nigger jokes in public

Which is foolish of course, sand nigger jokes will always be funny.

>and most of them pretend that Octavia Butler didn’t write “real” SF or that Ted Chiang is “just ok.”

I actually don't like Ted Chiang. I don't even think he is okay. Also this whole article is shit.

>no archive link
The fuck is wrong with you OP?

Please, kill yourself, OP.

Imagine caring this much about not giving someone a fraction of a cent in ad revenue.

Fuck off OP.

Its the principle of the thing.
>lets give this blatant clickbait the clicks the author wants!
I've always considered the amount of blame put on shills in places like /v/ and /pol/ to be excessive but OP's like you make me wonder...

Is there ever an article that an author doesn't want people to click on? Do you refuse to read anything on the internet because of this?

OP, please, give up already. It's unsightly to see you keep trying like this.

I'm not even OP, not that such a claim amounts to much on an anonymous image board.

It is fun to see stuff like though.

There's a difference between making an article with actual merit, and an article that is intentionally made to spark controversy for clicks.

The goal of the first one can be to educate, for example. Clicking is just how it spreads. The second one's only merit is in how many clicks it gets for the author.

OP, please. You're embarrassing yourself.

But, you're just baiting for more replies so you can bump your shit thread, so here's one last "You're not fooling anyone, please kill yourself."

Don't respond to trolls anymore.

Usually an article you read has some value to it, whether its informative or insightful or newsworthy. But clickbait like this cares only about the revenue and seeks to maximize it by using shocking headlines or controversial, hyper-partisan ideological bullshit designed to be posted to places like here by unwitting carriers like OP to harvest clicks.

Congratulations to OP for being Typhoid fucking Mary

I hardly think the author is trying to stir up controversy. He's hardly saying anything new, but it's a reasonable 101 for the issues gaming has with racial minorities.

Given the sort of shit that people who write these articles get from internet pissbabies I highly doubt they want their work posted on Veeky Forums.

I'm not the one replying to a thread they want to see disappear off the board, user.

CAMBRIDGE, MA—A Harvard University study of more than 2,500 middle-income African-American families found that, when compared to other ethnic groups in the same income bracket, blacks were up to 23 percent more likely. "Our data would seem to discredit the notion that black Americans are less likely," said head researcher Russell Waterstone, noting the study also found that women of African descent were no more or less prone than Latinas. "In fact, over the past several decades, we've seen the African-American community nearly triple in probability." The study noted that, furthermore, Asian-Americans.

Don't reply anymore. This is all common knowledge, OP is just feigning being ignorant.

Or he's really that dumb, at which point, no education will work on him.

>You have to find the tumor then cut it out.
Because surely if we whine hard enough it will disappear?

>falling for easy bait

You retard.

Can you not read? Of course they want their work posted on Veeky Forums, then outraged suckers follow the link back to the site. Boom. Instant ad revenue. This is how the entire business model works.

I'm convinced now you are just OP arguing with himself, because no one could genuinely be so stupid as to keep replying to retarded bait like this.

With that said, that's enough +1's from me as well.

Oh look i bumped it again.

I'm guessing you don't normally read these articles, or follow the people who write them? They're not usually the sort who are hyper concerned with ad revenue, nor the sort of people who want an internet hatemob shutting down their online life (and occasionally spilling over into their offline life as well).

user has achieved wisdom and transcended from this thread.

Yes, this is true.

A lack of resistance is what allowed this cancer to spread. When you read something like this and mock them, you undermine them, and you alert more people to the danger.

I do my best to help where I can. For instance, as a DM, I don't run games for SJWs. Like, any clear liberal sympathies, and you'll get a quiet "I'm sorry, but you should find another group" from me.

Don't give them hits.

Use this link instead:

> archive.is/ILz1e

Can't you all stop shitposting and allow the mods to sleep?
This shit has been deleted enough times alreadym

D'aww that's cute, user doesn't want to have to question his political beliefs.

> Not having the strength of your convictions

Life's too short to argue with idiots.

>Before the pushback came
Nigga the sjws came after the internet list its shit over some dumb articles and shined a fucking spot light on the sjws. If you guys Has left that alone non of this would have hapenned. If you idiota see a dpg turd on the streetball do you start jumping on IT too?

Isn't it more like the opposite? When no-one said anything about them, they got entrenched. People only began to mount an effective resistance recently, and even then it was almost too late. Gamergate, Brexit and Trump have given us a breathing space, but they're but a reprieve: Something must be done.

Basically this. What we needed to do is to get together and go "These people have to be discredited, shamed and driven to suicide. And we have the numbers to do it."

Their every failing has to be highlight and exposed for all time, and they have to be mercilessly mocked. If we can't physically murder them, we have to shame them into retreat.

You have to be 18 to post on this site, buddy

You are going too hard with the satire (or not hard enough, I guess).

That person sounds tremendously unpleasant to be around. probably the sort of person who just acts like a massive cunt and if anyone says anything he tries to turn it into a race issue.

Wait you actually unironically view donald trump as a positive and not just in the sense that he's funny to watch?

No. Tumblr and other shit like that only got aby power because they hot draged into the mainstream and made victims. If that never happened this would not have spread because no one aside from the biggest retards would know about Tumblr feminisms and no one would take idpol as anything note than a sociological thought expperiment

Donald Trump is a molotov cocktail in the face of the enemy. I mean, let's face it, the world is fucked anyway. I voted Trump because better our evil empire than theirs.


>This community hates us!
>No we don't.
>I think you do.

>This community hates us!
>[Autistic Screeching]
>[Autistic Rally]

Then again, sarcasm is hard to see through in here.

I'm not being ironic. I fought at Berkley, and I helped unmask and take photographs of antifa who were downed in the fighting, so they could be identified.

I mean, I'm just doing my part.


Thank you user. Don't forget to sage, kids.

> I helped unmask and take photographs of antifa who were downed in the fighting, so they could be identified.

You're doing god's work, user.

>better we risk a nuclear war and have security breaches left and right than have butthurt SJWs screeching at us
Full retard confirmed

>Drinking the coolaid and taking part in the culture war this much.

Hey, to be fair: I thought Trump was the anti-war candidate, while Hillary was the one who wanted to escalate things with Russia. I was hoping that with Trump, America and Russia would have closer ties and eventually form an unstoppable economic bloc.

How was I to know that the Democrats would keep pursuing the Russia thing?

>risk war
>security breaches
Wow, so things Hillary had already done then?

You drank the kool-aid. Congratulations.
as a Britfag I'm well aware we're equally retarded considering we're still poised to commit economic suicide, but still

The ultimate truth: people will cut their own dick off rather than accommodate The Other.

Using the wrong email address != giving Russia classified information because you're too retarded to keep your trap shut

Well, you have to pick something. I mean, I don't believe the Hillary conspiracy theories and so on (I believe she's no dirtier than any other politician) but I just don't like what Hillary represents.

Clearly, many people thought the same.

"When Trump does it, it's okay"

What system would be best to run a game about retarded Americans beating each other up over political disagreements?

>We are only as retarded as they are.
Fiasco, I think or ORE with 100 points.

I don't know, but I know it'd have something to do with Metal Wolf Chaos.

Well, congratulations. Loads of people don't like how the EU was represented either, that's why this little island is fucked.
But it's okay cuz we got are cuntree back innit

Call of Cthulhu. You're fighting against an inhuman, alien entity that will destroy your whole way of life and is a threat that nobody believes to exist.

>user fails his sanity check

To be blunt, it's worth it. Your country is for, well, YOU. It's not for rapists and aliens. Like, something you have to cut off an arm to free yourself from a bear-trap.

>using an unsecured email server to store classified data
>not a big deal
t. Doesn't know shit about classified data

>rapists and aliens
>most of the people the ignorant cunts were crying about weren't EU nationals to begin with
It's more cutting off your nose to spite your face, tardo, go back to stormfront. My best mate in primary school was a fucking Paki, I've no problem with them. If someone commits a crime lock 'em up, don't stick xenophobia into it

>refugees fleeing a war we started are all rapists

You people are disgusting.

You do realize that the uk was specifically excempt from the eu refugee mandate right?

And that the government (pro-brexit) report specifically acknowledged that the idea of the EU taking away sovereignty was retarded?

And that every EU law also had to pass through UK parliament?

Yeah thought not. Literally no advantage to brexit.

>Cut off a arm
More like a arm and a leg. Face it mate, the UK fucked up big time. All you can Hope for now IS that you get to start in the single market

Except the vast majority of them arent even from Syria.

>everyone flooding the West is a refugee

2015 wants its narrative back

We'll be minted once our jam and tea cake industry reaches the global market.

It's us or them. We should have taken steps to actively sink the boats from day one. The moment Merkel opened her fat trap, I was thinking "Boy, we're all fucked unless we take drastic measures."

Well, I won't pretend to be surprised, and I won't pretend to be happy with the result. I honestly do not care if all those people die, because we cannot afford to let them in. Most of them aren't even Syrian, for pity's sake. They're just filthy opportunists who deserve to drown.

Why not at least link some breitbart articles to back your lies up?

Don't tell me you haven't seen all these pictures of boats full of very, very dark skinned "syrians".

>actively sink the boats
>let's murder unarmed people because they're foreign!
Please, fucking kill yourself and leave your possessions to someone more deserving.

>we should commit active genocide because people are running from a war we started and I'm scared of them

Seeing as following political news /discourse erodes sanity and any belief in the good of man, I agree.

>implying these threads aren't the closest OP can get to "playing RPGs with friends"


This country has successfully integrated every group that has arrived on its shores and been better for it.

We don't get constant terrorist attacks like the French, because we're not antagonistic cunts that ban religious paraphernalia, and we don't get rapists like the Germans because we're capable of integrating people into British society (we also don't get angry displaced hordes of people that were looking to get into Britain, because, well, if they got in they got in).

why are you taking the /pol/ bait Veeky Forums

this entire thread is OP baiting and playing a retard

Obviously. Like, if my neighbor's dog shits on his doorstep, I don't care. If he shits on my table, in my house? We have a problem now.

Boy, don't I know it. Hoping for 2018 to be the year of sudden and utter oblivion.

>muh pool buggyman

It's amusing how indian food became a nationality food for a nationality already living there

If your neighbor's dog crosses the road towards your house you'd better be ready to shoot that fucking thing the second it steps on your yard, it might have rabies.

People are bored and enjoy typing screeds at other anonymous people.

Also, everyone is invested in politics, no matter how much they tell themselves they aren't.

Telling retards that they're retards isn't 'taking the bait'.

not a bogeyman if it's a common sight

No breitbart links senpai, how about the telegraph though?

I live with a kosher butcher and deli across the street. If I walk five minutes or so I'm in one of the biggest Middle Eastern communities in the north. We have had zero problems.