How much would i have to pay one of you guys to write a campaign based on my ideas and get people to join...

How much would i have to pay one of you guys to write a campaign based on my ideas and get people to join.then run it onece or twice a week around 4pm est?

This would be on dicord, telegram,or a 3rd party program you suggest.

That...that is a picture from a dark & distant it not?

And trump is publicly surprised people call him a dictator hellbent on world domination.

a small loan of a million dollars

I forgot about that dude with the blue lips.

No amount of money would get us to do that. You know why?

1) You're too much of a pussy to man up and run your own campaign as GM.

2) You'll want things to be ran in a specific way because you want your ideas, not ours, and you simply won't be happy with any way we run it.

In short, your post has done little more than prove that you're a terrible player as well as terrible GM, and no monetary payment is worth running something when someone as unpleasant as you is involved.

Depends on how annoying you are. Are you an asshole? Do your ideas suck? Are your friends idiots?

Also depends on the system, setting, and length of the sessions. Shadowrun would take a lot more prep and playtime than Dungeon World.

I work 60+ hours a week and have little time.
I see your point,but you are making rash assumptions

It depends. How much are you willing to pay me, and what are those ideas?

I love how the Saudi king has that "holy shit, what have I gotten myself into" look.

The only way to figure that out is to hear out my ideas,but i assure you i would be ok if you changed things with it as long as i was having fun in an interesting world.

Wayne has ruined another idea, this time by presenting the truth.
Stupid Wayne.

The truth is that writing a campaign on someone's ideas is a doable task.
Getting people to join a campaign and run said campaign once or twice a week at 4pm is a doable task.

The problem lies in getting paid for accomplishing those tasks despite however the consumer feels about the results.
A third party client is generally involved.
You, the Consumer, pay the Client to provide an experience based on your ideas.
The Client pays me, the Provider, to write and run the campaign using the Consumer's ideas and specifications.
If the Consumer complains, bitches, or tries to get their money back, it is from the Client, who may or may not use my services as a provider again.
It is is the best interest of the Provider to keep the Consumer happy, but their payment is not directly dependent on it.
This is how you attempt to keep whiny crybaby bitches from ruining the campaign.

I'll do it.
$5 per 2 hour block per person, minimum four people for 4 hours.

What's your idea OP.

>there's a globe on the orb
>cheeto's hand on the US
>whole room scowling

What is this thing, a fucking dragonball? A palantir? Did we just establish diplomatic relations with Isengard?

The Saudi king definitely bought that thing at a souvenir store five minutes before this picture was taken. "Yeah...come on, Don, we're all gonna put our hands on'll be really cool!"

Bring me the head of John the Baptist!

I have 2 possible ideas
1 is similar is in a world similar to tanya the evil the second is an exagerated version of internet subcultures creating whole worlds for themselves engaging in intergalactic war.(kind of like eve online,but with character development)

We're making a deal with Isengard!
We're making a deal with Isengard!
We're making a deal with Isengard!
We're making a deal with Isengard!

Imagine a world of furries teaming up with nazis to fight gender fluid sjws and super vegan elfs.

>bought that thing at a souvenir store
More like Doctor Doom's ebay account.

Like this is the kind of thing Doom would have sitting his attic leftover from a failed world domination attempt, and would feel the need to get rid of it for spring cleaning.

I am currently waiting for deployment to bootcamp and have money to sit on while waiting and hence don't have a job.

I will GM for 20 dollars an hour for each 4pm session (payment for 3 hours will be minimum, even if you or other players cancel the session. If i choose to cancel then said session is of course free).

I would also need a flat 50 dollars per week for the time spent outside the campaign preparing material.

If at anytime the campaign becomes a distinctly sexual fantasy, triple payment per hour and weekly.

If that is an acceptable framework, i will run a campaign about anything you dream of.

Seems a bit steep
Was thinking i pay for the campaign and pay per month

My discord is @BlueMeesen#2133

>I work 60+ hours a week
maybe you should fix that problem first.

If you want documentation, it'll be $15/page, minimum $1500. I reserve all rights on your IP including but not limited to first print, foreign, electronic, and movie rights.

To run your game I'll charge $35/hr. Scouting players will be charged on an hourly basis at $35. I will use available non-Veeky Forums forums, and a minimum holding fee of $210/week during the player recruitment phase.

I'd want $3200 cash up front, along with your notes and materials. Documents to be drafted upon review. A 100 pg. campaign digest would be generated, and I maintain all rights to that generated material.

Review of your IP would require a $250 application fee, non-refundable and not placed before the cash up front.

That's my bare minimum price. If you want artwork and addendums I will need to be supplied with costs and procurement at the $35/hr req, min. $35+cost per lot of content. That would include maps, character pics, etc.

All transactions would be final, and require a minimum 6 months to run the game.

If you're in then we can discuss.

I'd do it.

For a reasonable fee. First game would be free. Second and all others would be charged at 10 bucks per hour.
Prep time ( 1-2 hrs before sessions), would be another 5 bucks.
Via discord or roll20 or Skype.

I have all stream/video rights.

>published author
>20 years of DM experience
>being good enough for what you ask

If you want cheap find someone else.

Plus an additional 2 dollars per person per hour not including you.

Maybe lead with that next time?
Contact me and i may commission you for future work.


Ain't nobody gonnapay that.

Go back to writing furfag fantasy on your blog.


Any objections to the direction of the game will only be discussed after the session. Not during.

I left my discord contact me if you are interested.
If you don't have discord then leave a throwaway email.

If you want a high quality product you pay for it. A copy and content edit is $9/pg US average, recruitment for position bills at $45/hr. It's cheap in comparison.

But hey, there's plenty of people who want to just sorta play a game and not pay for it. I do that for my friends. Not for random people on elegan/tg/entlemen boards.

Will do.

>If you want a high quality product you pay for it. A copy and content edit is $9/pg US average, recruitment for position bills at $45/hr.

And yak shit is 287 per ton in Asia.

Op didn't ask for either tho.

>generating content
>running a game

Yeah, kinda did.

>high quality product
post example of work. gutted or not. most people that claim to produce high quality anything are actually some of the worst.

I can do all of that with a post on roll20, a yellow writing tablet, and the internet.

C'mon man... I Know you want to rape the dude a little..but sheesh.

This is where the user backs down or claims 'copyright' shit.

That's great. Enjoy a shittier player experience.
>if I post I get hassled by publishers
>if I don't post I'm lying
Yeah man. Nah. Good on that.

This, altho I'm betting on happening
gfy lel

Not that user, but my time is worth something and I would expect to get appropriately compensated for it. This is no different than a lawyer billing for phone calls.

>I get hassled by publishers
you get hassled for posting an example of your work? i'm not asking for an entire pdf, just post something you've written that shows quality. your "publishers" aren't going to troll Veeky Forums looking for rogue images of something they've copyrighted.

Make something original, short and sweet just for us. But you won't~

>You'll want things to be ran in a specific way because you want your ideas, not ours, and you simply won't be happy with any way we run it.
This is a legit concern.

If paid, I'd want to ensure that the buyer was happy. Which would limit me somewhat.

I'm certain something could be worked out ahead to avoid confusion or the game flying off in a direction the payer isn't happy with.

>A palantir? Did we just establish diplomatic relations with Isengard?

Lol. It's a Sub-Nucleonic Decay Generator capable of turning any part of the world into goo...and 3 of the world's greatest villains just activated it's 72-hour countdown!

And this is the part where the troll breaks down. Also:
>i'm good enough to do what you're asking because i'm good enough to do what you're asking
Is circular logic.

>but my time is worth something and I would expect to get appropriately compensated for it.
Undoubtedly your time is.
How much it's worth, is set by those willing to pay.

You are of course, free to reject the value they set. In which case your time is free to be spent watching TV, or whatever.

My time is spent filling other contracts, copy/content editing my next book, or just chilling out and spending advance $. It's quite nice. Having limited responsibilities is an amazing way to live.

>He says while browsing Veeky Forums

Then how about a name? Books written? Links to where we can buy them? You know, something more than nothing to back up your claim?

>Having limited responsibilities is an amazing way to live.
Your parents will get sick of you one day.

They're all special order sales to high end clients.

Far beyond you user.

>please out yourself on Veeky Forums
Good on that.
Got a nice little place in the burbs of a major city. Just the right size for me, small nut, can live of my advance and the royalties from prior work are a nice little bonus to tuck away.

fuck you that is Veeky Forums levels of awesome.

i'm jelly i can't do the same thing w' mah bro's

>Published Author

What book?

50 Shades of Cray? It's the most popular crustscean bondage erotica on Amazon? How have you not heard of it.

>fa/tg/uys who believe everyone's life sucks

Feels good to have made it bros. Goodnight.

>Claims to be author.
>Supplies no samples.
>Insists doesn't have the time/publishers would be mad.
>Won't supply name or names of work.
>Claims to have own home.

Let me guess, you live in that house with your girlfriend. You know, the one from Canada, who we wouldn't know but is totally real.

I'll do it, but only for twice what this guy is asking plus either two rides in a blimp or half a cow. I have no proof of my abilities but I'm willing to admit it which is more than what they're selling.

Just the wife. Kid on the way.

>jealous neckbeards rage over success

Never change Veeky Forums.

I... I... I... have a hot girlfriend too!

She's a model n stuff. She let's me touch her boobs even.


1/4 cow is standard.

You're trying to pull a fast one.

>He reddit spaces too

>newfag enough to believe in redditspacing ebin maymay

I make 15 an hour so it would have to be at least that. And if you want a more thought out experience would need some weekly/monthly allowance to write out the ideas and connect them with hooks. Got 4 years experience running various games for friends. Published some short stories in middle school and hs. I'm fairly mediocre and focus on story over rules. Usually homebrew a lot of things so if someone is power gaming I can hit them down or homebrew some buffs for the other players. IDK bout the other people though, could possibly recruit from my own friends but if you want consistent players incentivize them with money. It would probably average out at like 400 or so a month to run. Iv actually been considering trying to monetize my DM services.

"A man who would cheat you out of 1/4 cow, would fuck a child."

Jesus said that.

So, not like your friends or something? Just random people we dig up from anywhere?

Also I want to read your idea(s), better than the troll in the thread.

Would you permit RPU?

>Iv actually been considering trying to monetize my DM services.
I had an interesting experience with that a couple years ago.

It doesn't always work out.

plz do tell, was it bad?

It's no cheat, you start a little high to leave room for negotiation. Otherwise once you're done dickering you're left with your dick in one hand and a cargo container of Billy Dee Williams blow-up dolls in the other.

>So, not like your friends or something? Just random people we dig up from anywhere?
I'd assume he'd want semi qualified players...

If I was paying... I'd not want "that guy".

Big question I haven't seen answered, what system are you looking to use? DnD? If so 3.5, 4, or 5e? Pathfinder? Exalted? Shadowrun? Dare I say, Iron Claw?

Contact my discord plz

>cargo container of Billy Dee Williams blow-up dolls in the other.
That's called a "win"!

Yeah this guy probably couldn't even write a Seuss, let alone a session. OP is better off just not being a faggot and running his own game.

Yo Iron Claw's system is pretty good

Why so much hush hush? It's just a game, in the end, right? Who's gonna steal it?

Never said Iron Claw was a bad system. I'm actually running 2 Iron Claw games right now. Just most people take one look at the cover art and nope the system into the trash.

Phone. So no green text.

I ran many games for "friends". Then got bored with it and said I was done for a while. They said "we'll pay 50 per session", ten bucks per player. I accepted.
Then our normal style changed. One player was pissed and wouldn't pay up after his character died. Two sessions in...and none of us are friends now. They felt like they were buying a product, and each had a different idea about what that product should be.

What had worked great for years..was no longer "good enough" once money was involved.

I am familiar with shadow run,3.5,and 5 but it is up to the dm
Still no freind requests on discord yet...

It's not hush hush i just want to have a confirmed contact incase someone goes to sleep


Here I'll crap a poem out for you, I will write more than that guy

Five Double Three Triple Six Eighty Seven
Cheeto stained and a disbeliever in heaven
Should set up a noose
Kick the stool with his shoes
And this post will end with eleven

I will hit you up in the morning.

Would you be interested in a new system?

Maybe don't let him die that early?

Sure, if you can move 'em. The fella's a devil about his likeness though and a man can't subsist on inflatable courtship alone.

That girl behind the dude with the hand on the ball looks pretty good
Who is it?

It happens.
It was never an issue before.

Stupid choices can cause character death.

I would need to be told how it runs,but should be fine.
How long does it take to add a person on discord?

His wife
She has nudes

Don't let it happen
You are litteraly god
You make the rules

No discord on my phone.

K contact me when u can

missed the get AND tried to rhyme noose with shoes.

Even if you HAD written a book, I wouldn't read it.

Currently more than your imaginary set of publications so lyl

Roses are red
This board is blue
user is a faggot
So now fuck you

He is a lucky man.

Sometimes i forget there are people that don't follow current events.

It was probably his idea, too. Like it'd be a cool photo-op thing. Only to actually start doing it and get an

>I regret this immediately
