Entire front page is generals

>Entire front page is generals.


Can we get a /tgg/, please?

What's wrong with Generals? I'm genuinely asking

Nothing. This is shitposting.

Here's proof quests really weren't the problem.

Provided by people who claim quests took the whole front page.

yeah but generals are valuable, unlike quests.

>Front Page
Just use the catalog

Also, why doesn't /quest/ use the MLP DnD system?

>he's posting it again

Questfags are the saltiest there are.

Yes, but when you claim they're quests that are taking up all the front page, it makes you a liar and a hypocrite.

Which means quests weren't the problem.

Well people who want quests know where to find them imo, and some had been going on so long it was just the fans/players who cared about that thread. Better to set it aside for them. Things like Lego quest however don't belong on a quarantine board.

Generals could go to another board... That'd be pretty great actually. Or maybe make a board for magic and 40k? :)

Quests were the problem

Because the problem was that quests were trash, garbage, and most of all, not Veeky Forums in any sense

fucking post shit then. Make threads, put yourself out there, be the change oyu want to see on your board instead of being a whiney shitlicker.

What a shitty idea.
>/qst/ is a thing
>/tgg/ would only dilute the board further

Get 4chanx.

You questfags are pure salt mine

>roleplaying games aren't Veeky Forums related
>commisa wat do is
>statme spam is
>vidya is
>/tv/ is
>/pol/ is
Okay, sure.

Not an argument.

Weren't meant to be faggot, they were insults.

Creating /qst/ was a significant improvement, it didn't "dilute" the board at all. It created more room for actual Veeky Forums related content, improving the board as a whole. Having a /tgg/ would be the same. Both /tgg/ and Veeky Forums would be better off for it.

Getting 4chanx wasn't the argument at all. It's a solution.

Nice Strawman

>not catalog

you're right(fin response to me at least) it's not an argument, it's a solution numbnuts. Just fucking post things. Stop being a baby about it and actually produce the things you want to existT Or are you just gonna whine whine whine that Veeky Forums doesn't do anything any more with out actually trying to fix that yourself? the apathy on display here is somewhat sickening.

Generals are nothing new.

There was always a Warhammer thread. There was always a MtG thread. There was always a D&D/Pathfinder thread. There were always relatively consistent threads for popular games with relatively consistent userbases.

This whole thing is just pointless bullshit on the part of questfags annoyed that their cancerous shit was rightfully kicked off the board.

I bet he doesn't even browse 1d4chan.

Questposts are just proving how shitty they are and how much better the board is without them.

Sage this thread MODS.

Still salty about quests I see

well, the pages let you see if there are any quality replies/derailures worth jumping in for. I say this as a stalwart catalog user

That's literally your argument though.

By the definition of "roleplaying game" quests are roleplaying games.

> implying I'm a questfag
Creating /qst/ made Veeky Forums much better by kicking out quests to make room for more worthwhile content while also giving questfags a place for themselves. Both sides were better off as a result. Creating a /tgg/ would do the same.

Is this board called 'roleplaying games'?

Just become a mod and remove the sticky about quest threads.

Realistically Veeky Forums isn't busy enough to need /tgg/, unlike /v/ and Veeky Forums

Your last thread was deleted, take the hint.

Uh, no? You'd cut a massive amount of constant discussion out, and for what purpose? Because you don't like generals?

Are politics discussions a traditional game?

You have yet to make any argument as to why, just wild assertions.

And you know what would happen if you did make a /tgg/?

Nothing would change. All those threads would still be here. They'd just not be called generals anymore.

Because those threads have always been here. What you're bitching about is a fundamental fucking part of the board you ignorant dipshit.

No, and they should be reported and deleted.

>Creating /qst/ made Veeky Forums much better by kicking out quests to make room for more worthwhile content while also giving questfags a place for themselves. Both sides were better off as a result.
But all the quest runners say that their games have taken a huge player hit, making them less enjoyable to run and less engaging for the few players, and Veeky Forums is just filled with low-quality shitposting since the quests were forced off of Veeky Forums.

Because having a ton of generals constantly taking up room on Veeky Forums isn't necessary when you can just give them their own board. The discussion will still go on just fine, just like quests are still a thing, and they won't be clogging up Veeky Forums anymore. It's a win/win.

>implying quests being kicked off made Veeky Forums worse

Questfags actually believe this.

use the catalog ya dunce.

Also generals are almost always Veeky Forums related, therefor belong on Veeky Forums.

If you didn't have generals, there would be 6 - 8 40K threads, 2 - 4 [GURPS] threads, 2-4 historical wargame threads, 6 - 8 Star Wars Threads, a bunch of STALKER threads, etc.

You would just have more threads with less content. Is that really what you want OP?

Generals allow you to concentrate the discussion of one subject to one thread - its the most efficient way to organize popular subjects, rather than having multiple random threads.

I agree. Send /pol/faggots back to their containment board.

but they will still be on Veeky Forums, they just won't be called generals

It'll jsut be called 'Pathfinder thread'

> But all the quest runners say that their games have taken a huge player hit
So? How is that our problem?

> and Veeky Forums is just filled with low-quality shitposting since the quests were forced off of Veeky Forums.
You have to be delusional to think this. Shitposting has noticeably declined since quests were kicked out, if only because a bunch of entirely shit threads were evicted along with some of the whiniest, most infantile people on Veeky Forums.

That's what happens when you drive off groups of people of your board by telling them they're banned forever. Quest people didn't just do quests. Sure, they could come back, but why bother when you clearly hate the kind of fun they like? They're not obligated to be nice and pleasant and provide worthwhile content to someone who shat on them.

It's amazing how you people treat them like you did them a favor and expect them to come back to Veeky Forums.

>clogging up Veeky Forums anymore
generals are Veeky Forums.

everything else is just "why are elves good?" and "what system should I use to run cowboys and robots?" and "stat me" threads

The generals are where the hard core Veeky Forums people discuss their favorite Veeky Forums related stuff with other regulars who they get to know. projects are made, people are kept up to date on news and progress of Veeky Forums projects, people collaborate or give advice, etc.

> use the catalog ya dunce.
Why should I be forced to just to get around threads that would be better off on a different board anyway? You're using the same logic the questfags did, and it's just as worthless now as it was then.

That's the beauty of it. We don't need to argue with you questfags when you bitch and moan. You've already lost.

>I don't actually browse Veeky Forums.

>Veeky Forums is just fine despite the fact no content is made here anymore

but Veeky Forums is better without questfags, significantly.

The generals are actively discussing Veeky Forums games, so whats the issue?

Content is still made here

Yes, its just fine, quests weren't content, they were just fanfiction anyways.

I always found quest threads to be a waste of space. yes you are playing a game, yes its kind of Veeky Forums related, but eh its not interesting to anyone who isn't playing, and its more /forum tg/ than actual Veeky Forums. I want to see minatures and dice and tabletops n shit, not walls of text and people voting on what an imaginary character should do.

>poltards are much better than quests
>shitposts are much better than quests
>the amazing lack of content is much better than quests

>But all the quest runners say that their games have taken a huge player hit, making them less enjoyable to run and less engaging for the few players
If they can't create interesting enough content to stand on their own, then they deserve to fail. Allowing them to leech off of Veeky Forums and drag us down in order to compensate for how worthless they were was never a good solution.

Its a questfag using disingenuous arguments to whine that he can't leech off of Veeky Forums's surperior userbase.

>Wasting time to argue with a buttmad questfag

Stay mad, questfag.

Quests have no influence on any of that, /pol/ and shitposts are on Veeky Forums anyways, and the 'lack of content' is just delusional lies.

>poltards are much better than quests
Yes, they are.
>shitposts are much better than quests
Quests ARE shitposts. There's no difference, and getting rid of them reduced the amount of shitposting on Veeky Forums.
>the amazing lack of content is much better than quests
> implying quests are "content"

It really blows my mind that questfags think they were creating content with their fanfiction.net tier shit.

You guys are gonna be pretty upset when they allow quest threads back on Veeky Forums

I agree 100%. not sure how you got the implication otherwise from my post.

using the catalog is just more efficient. I haven't used pages since 2011. Get with the times.
Make Veeky Forumscatalog your favorite, so as soon as you click on it you're on the catalog. Ctl+F and search for what you want.

No one's forcing you, its for your own good. flick through the pages if you want, but be prepared to miss many interesting threads as they move around between your page changing, and be prepared for the front page to be only the most popular subjects. No matter what's on the front page, people are going to complain about it if its outside their area of interest

I never really cared much for quests, because I got into Veeky Forums as the catalog was already a thing and I could just hide them. But the post-quest whining and screaming, as well as false flag shitposting made me realize what a bunch of entitled faggots they are.

so you don't approve of THATGUY and THATGM and HFY and GREENTEXT and CHARACTER ART and FILENAME threads all the other things that aren't generals and minatures and dice? Because that's most of what /.tg/ is now.

>Would happen regardless, just look at the other boards.
>There's still content creation happening, like in the CYOA general and regular brainstorming threads.


CYOAs aren't Veeky Forums

> implying I'm a questfag
Quests were moved off of Veeky Forums for good reason and everyone is better off for it. /tgg/ would be the same. General threads are just spots on the board that are guaranteed to be used up by a thread that is just remade immediately on death. Better to just put all of those on their own board if they're just going to be a permanent thing. That way you can have a specialized board that is better for generals while making more room on Veeky Forums for unique content instead of the same generals over and over again.

Ironically the greatest fountain of content on Veeky Forums is probably /pfg/ in its current state, which has created numerous settings as well as a ton of pathfinder homebrew.

I agree, CYOAs should be sent to the /qst/ gulag with the rest of them.

>false flag shitposting
You mean like the people who got Quests banned did to everything else they don't like?

nah I dont really approve of those. they're ok. nothing to really click on. Generals are the life and soul of Veeky Forums imo
And the occasional thread about interesting game systems, not just meta shite about that guy or that dm

But they were always a permanent thing, and if you tried to move them the thread would remain, just without 'general' in the title.

Your entire point is redundant and ridiculous.

Not OP but generals kinda go against what Veeky Forums is about. Like moot said, they act like chatrooms more than threads.

> questfag shills for quests
> accuses others of falseflagging
This is why we kicked you fucks out. You are some of the whiniest, most entitled shits on any board.

Neither were quests, but they stick to one or two threads at most.

they're also kind of inevitable though, if people like a topic they want to keep talking about a topic, ad nausem.

>brainstorming threads
>used to get 300+ replies
>get 50 replies at most now
>storytime threads die off constantly
>worldbuildign threads get two or three posters and die off

Uh huh. Lots of content creation nowadays.



>Neither were quests, but they stick to one or two threads at most.
I agree, it was a bad decision to force the /a/nime quests onto Veeky Forums.

Quest threads should be allowed on all boards.

>the same generals over and over again.
you realize that the content changes in the generals right? have you ever even been in one?

Its the same subject, but its always a different thread. systems change, some generals like /hwg/ cover multiple systems and settings.

>anecdotal evidence.

You keep saying generals are stopping Veeky Forums from making "content", but what exactly does that entail? What's "content" to you?

once again, /pfg/ is probably the greatest content fountain on Veeky Forums

that's why people reeeing against /general/ discords are stupid

Yeah but generals that stay up long enough eventually stop being about the topic and just become either circlejerks between the various people there who now have defined personalities instead of being anonymous, or just a haven for shitposting.

So? If it's not Veeky Forums, why should we allow them on Veeky Forums? That's a spot that could be used for a thread that is actually Veeky Forums related. And CYOAs are basically just quests anyway, so everyone would be better off if they got moved to the board that they actually belong on.

>You are some of the whiniest, most entitled shits on any board.
You do realize that the way you kicked us out was by being the whiniest, most entitled shits on the board for 8 years straight right?

Oh, that's right, revisionist history.

He's right about one thing, I barely see story time anymore. Maybe because people post them in their generals.

generals create plenty of content.

Its usually individuals who create content. where they post it is up to them. People probably realized that collaborative 'content' isn't as effective as building something yourself and only 'collaborating' in the sense of feedback for the mostly finished idea, and/or playtesting.

Says the people who claim all sorts of numbers about quests on the board with literally zero proof.