What is a good game to do street fighter or shonen type games where you scream your attack?

What is a good game to do street fighter or shonen type games where you scream your attack?

Why is screaming your attack important?

D&D 4e / 3.5 with Bo9S

The Street Fighter RPG.

exalted :)

Screaming your attacks is ALWAYS important.

Those fucking legs.
Makes me wonder how much of a hand (or leg) Chun Li had in forming my musclegirl fetish.

Book of weaboo fightan?
Could you tell me more about it?

Have you considered Strike! maybe?

>The Street Fighter RPG.
If you mean the White Wolf one, it's pretty terrible, despite having a few (at the time, as far as I can tell) revolutionary ideas.

Has successor games in the form of Thrash and Fight! though, which massively improve upon it... but are still pretty fiddly. Still, if you want close to fighting game mechanics, they are worth a read.

like two years ago i tried to read strike, didn't understand shit, how would it run a fighting game?

You decide on a setting, then you make characters and fight shit.

Since fighting shit is the main point of both fighting games and Strike! I think it's a good fit.

Legends of the Wulin would be another option. There was a general up a few days ago, chack archives.

There's Also Feng Shui and Wushu maybe.

for me I think all this fat acceptance feel good about mediocrity bullshit is whats making me really thirsty for Veeky Forums girls with abs and muscle definition. like its at the point where I would prefer the muscle girls over the sexy fuck doll types as well.

Legends of the Wulin
Mutants & Masterminds
Fight! the Fighting Game RPG

Listed in order of how I would do it, Fight! is only at the bottom because I find bits of its mechanics somewhat clunky and tedious but it should suffice

Yooo there's a jap rpg called Kamigakari, it's anime as fuck. You have abilities and they have names. It's really neat.


Stop spamming that shit everywhere

You just interested in the screaming the attack part or in emulating the feel of a fighting game? Only games I can think of off the top of my head where fighting styles make a huge difference is exalted and wu lin.

>Those fucking legs.
Pic related.

I prefer Cammy though.

Am I the only one who wishes they would use here Alpha costume more often

Chun Li's sweaty legs

Good taste.
