So. How fake is it?

So. How fake is it?

Is the art new? If it is it suggests it's real

I think they're all real art.

The collector's number makes me say fake, unless there's a fuckload of gold cards in the set


oh boy more recurring characters we fucking hate

i like bolas...
and i enjoy the fact this boardclear exists.
2/3 aint bad

>Manish looking
>sexually unattractive
>sjw approved
>nigger in Egypt
>We Waz

I actually got so made my eye sight went blurry

>nigger in Egypt
There were presumably some, used as slaves or lower-class folk. We waz is right though in this case. Fuck.

marvel has a new target boys.

You now have 10 seconds to name something about Samut's personality except that she's black, egyptian or a speedster

Why would there be english cards on a non-english version of the website. Seems fake for only that reason

Samut was written as a man but called a women, Samut drawn as a man an added very little feminine features. Wont be surprised if they make her part of the main cast, at least that fat black BITCH will be happy, oh wait no she won't cause daddy walked out on her fat nigger ass when she was 5.

The first art file is in English, latter other languages get added, its clear this was a test that should have not launched public.

>hey, you know that card everyone hated?
>what if we, made another planeswalker version. Surely people will love that
>but also, lets make sure it grabs two more planeswalkers as soon as it's cast with doubling season
>that way you only need to pay 9 mana total to win

>hey, you know that card that hasn't been released by the time we're working on this set and yet we're expected to know everyone is going to hate?
>, what are you on about

She wanted to fuck a bird.

She is inquisitive, lonely, and Doesn't listen to Ondore's lies

>players complain they print the 15th liliana planeswalker that is still shit compared to one viable one.
>new planeswalker that happens to be black
> complains more

I can't even imagine living such a bitter fucking pathetic life as either of you two

please stroke out by 30 and do the species a favor

>only need to pay 9 mana total to win.
For 9 mana I could just resolve Tooth and Nail and actually win the game on the spot.

There is already a black planeswalker. Introduce a Naga or Aven planeswalker, then we can move to niggers

Stoke out, you me like how you will, you fat fucking sjw. Maybe you should put down the donut sweetie, lose the weight, and get a fucking man in your life. And if you a beta white knight with white guilt, fucking neck yourself.

probably a dickwasher

>dickwashing is bolas' plan all along to create an army of planeswalkers

>forced diversity is good
Creating a fanstasy world with an feel or an ethsetic and world building is hard enough without shoehorning in 'need skin color (x) here'. You can have all flavors of races, colors but it has to make some sense with the feel. MTG is a loosly anchient though midevil setting in all it's plains except mirridon and kalidesh. With western civilization standing on the shoulders of winning/important societies we are bound to pick from those to tell stories and settings, let's be honest, africa didn't get it's shit together.

>aztec mtg plain would be neat

Yes, and it matches the leaked pack art.