Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Female primaris marines when?
>See, the lack of any real female representation in the game is a well known issue, but whenever someone tries to bring up that maybe the largest and most pervasive army in the setting should maybe stop being a No Girls Allowed club, everyone will immediately inform them that Space Marines can’t be girls. Trust me, I know. This has happened to me. Repeatedly.

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First for the Archons. Except Chris. He has demonstrated his incompetence for the last time.


Just thinking about this since Undivided CSM got fucked, and i frankly haven't touched Psy stuff since 5ed


Armies that will use the Index rules till 10th?

>warhammertv announcers think you can reroll shadowfield saves

I can guess what the author of that marysue article looks like based on your quote alone

The two lost legions were female, with grill primarchs. They will enter 40k when Cawl finishes his Primaris experiments with the traitor legion and lost legion gene-seed.

Dark Eldar, Orks, and Tyranids.

Dark Eldar
Sisters of Battle
Ad Mech
Your favorite non-space marine faction

imperial agents

Are Flash Gitz still shit in 8th?

Knowing this timeline strong beautiful black female space marines is probably 100% true.

Fucking disgusting.

What army will still be competitive enough in 10th while still using their index rules?

Seems slow

Why Cultists and not Tzaangors? Get dat sweet ++5

Orks, guard, nids

None, because the power creep is going to be instant and steady.

People who think 40k lacks female representation have never read even a single line of 40k fluff. All they ever did was walk into a GW store, notice that not at least half of the models sold had tits on them, and barged out in anger.

It's fucking hilarious.


Maybe if the humans armies in 40k had models from this century it would help a lot more to defuse that meme.

Because i like the fluff of a warband that keeps whispering to the poor of Imperium worlds promises of a fairer life based on will and strength alone
But GW decide that anything from the Big 4 shouldn't be strong, so i came up with "models i think look cool" army

Starting to dislike Duncan.

Sure he's got a nice voice and paints well and all but he's WAACfagging hard with conscript spam and knights.

>AUTHOR’S NOTE: For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise stated, we are assuming that every model’s gender lines up with their sexual characteristics. Obviously, it’s possible that your entire Space Marines Chapter identifies as women, but since we can’t ask the models how they identify, we have to base it on what the model looks like, and how the background is written.

>Female primaris marines when?
>the lack of any real female representation in the game is a well known issue
>Also what are Eldar, almost literally every other organization in the Imperium, and various chaos
>maybe the largest
>what are nids or chaos
>and most pervasive army
>what are nids or chaos
>setting should maybe stop being a No Girls Allowed club
There is literally no good reason for it to do so.
>everyone will immediately inform them that Space Marines can’t be girls.
Because that is correct.
>Trust me, I know.
Apparently fucking not, you twat.

so im thinking that snipers will be pretty useful now and am wondering the best way to run them in guard

veterans with sniper rifles
command squad with sniper rifles

ratlings seem the most sensible but im wondering how viable the other options are as i hate those fuzzy little midgets

>People who think 40k lacks female representation have never read even a single line of 40k fluff. All they ever did was walk into a GW store, notice that not at least half of the models sold had tits on them, and barged out in anger.

Well, it's not like female models are really sold much by GW. The female-only army is special order only these days, not in stores.

Not at all, then they would be complaining that the models were overly sexualized or something.

Probably more usable than they've ever been. The -2 Ap is pretty sweet and loading them up with ammo runts means you essentially get 7e twin linked. Plus the chance to shoot twice could be amusing if it happens.

Still probably too pricey for what they bring though

Check the mathhammer doc, but I think ratlings are the most point efficient sniper in the game.

This is generally the consensus. It still should have some clarification, but otherwise I'd say this is safe to go by.

Oddly people have said this does apply to plasma guns, in that -1 to hit causes overheat on 1/2 says "roll" vs result.

good, shitsters of basshole are garbage

>it's not like female models are really sold much by GW
aside from the entire DE range, sure


How is dreadmob this edition? Thinking 10 killa kanz 3 or 4 dreads 2 gorkanauts one morkanaut and an allied traitor knight.

? Wyches, and their associated HQ, Brides, and what else?

Versus every other HQ, warriors, trueborn, incubi, beastmasters, reavers, helions, and probably all the pilots in the ships.

If there was greater gender representation, how would it affect you?

You're not a big space bug yet many collect them.

You're not a woman, would it kill you to also collect them?

I'd say Command Squad is the second to Ratlings since they have no limit to specials unlike normal Veterans. I was thinking of using Catachan snipers to stand in for Ratlings.

I indulge my male power fantasies with this game, so my space marines will remain a boys only club.

Well, Guard have females, Tyranids are matriarchal in a weird kind of way with Norn Queens, Admech are 50/50 but you can barely tell they're human, let alone a particular type of one, same with 'Crons, Tau, etcetera. Knights, Titans, Navy and such all even. As far as I can tell it's only Marines, and personally I don't really think Marines are people rather than weapons at that point.

My Knights worked out as mostly female because Malinax have a thing for scorpions and the scorpion deities in history are mostly female - Serquet, Ishara, etcetera.

People would complain about that regardless.
You can't win the "sexism" with this people.

Then again their main issue is that marines are boy club only. That is absolutely unacceptable.
Hell even the Boy Scout of America got shit for that, made a rather huge shit about it and now it was sexist or some shit. When a boy asked to join the Girl Scouts they told him to fuck off.

The entire issue boils down to: Men can't have nice things only girls can.

Cool, collect that way.

Now how is that incompatible with making half the models on a space marine sprue female?

>taking that bait
Damn it all.

Women are inferior. That's why they can't into into war games or space marines. Stay mad. Also:
>You're not a big space bug yet many collect them.
>Collecting NPC factions
Get out.

It would leave me with half a sprue I have no use for and thus a waste of my money.

>ruining established lore for roasties who won't play the game after their demands are met
t. feminist indie games

Would help if the other entire range female models didn't cost $14 burger money for a single girl with a heavy bolter. Let alone have 10+ Year old sculpt.

>Hell even the Boy Scout of America got shit for that, made a rather huge shit about it and now it was sexist or some shit.

A lot of that part was that boy scouts and girl guides do different things and the boy scout ones are a lot more fun/physical.

Or you can collect both.

I guess losing half would be a sexist tax. How appropriate.

>Asking for female space marines with boobplate

Wow, boobplate is so sexist. What if I want my female space marines to wear proper armor and proper helmets so they don't get objectified, huh?

Lore wise, I understand that right now women can't be space marines.

But why can't that change? Would GW revealing that Cawl made female primaris piss anyone off? Why?

On the other hand, it would eliminate the complaint.

It seems like this is a no-brainer: It probably wouldn't piss reasonable people off, and it would make reasonable people happy.


admit it, we live for bait. how else can we justify procrastinating on our minis?

>directly linking themarysue.
End yourself.

Although I do agree the reason for it being the case is retarded, at least use an archive for that shitty rag.

Female marines are best Veeky Forums bait.

I might have found my color scheme whenever I get a knight.

Explain the part when the boy got told to fuck off when he asked to join the Girl Scouts?

BRB, buying some sslyths.

>changes for changes sake is good

no synapse for the Hive Guard for Exocrine/10

>making people happier
>change for change's sake

Words have meaning user.

Is that the "better" painted version of the shit I make of my "'never going to finish" SoB army?

Why should it change for people who don't play the game or read the fluff?

>Lore wise, I understand that right now women can't be space marines

Lore-wise, there are a dozen ways you could justify having female space marines (most of them Chaos though)

Why should the setting bend over backwards for people who don't play it and clearly haven't read enough of it to realize the details of what they're asking for?

Yeah fuck Chris!


I am going to counter your heresy with heresy of my own.

Tits or gtfo

These people actually do play though. Like that guy with the ocean world based chapter. I play, and I'd like to see female space marines!

Hive guard walk behind the tervigon, does the exocrine really need it?

How many of these warhammer TV games have been decided by someone rolling a 6 for an exploding vehicle right at the end? That's this one and the nid/deathwatch one at least.

These look really awful. Like...cheap is how I would describe it.

Because fuck you it's one faction in a whole goddamn setting that also has an exclusively female faction.
>xD why can't girls be turned into what is literally a boy just for the sake of it xD
>xD why can't brothers be sisters xD
Fuck off.

How would you tell?

Space marine armor doesn't leave any room for dat ass like Spartan armor does.

>t. I don't understand male hero worship and I enable fat lesbians who just want to tear that down to get revenge on their dads vicariously

>does the exocrine really need it
If you want to choose what unit its 12 shots go into, yes.

Shooty units need it the most. With charging units, you can more easily change the default target for IB with movement.

>cheap is how I would describe it.

Just like the hookers he can afford, heyooo

Why I'm glad Orks are asexual fungus people.

>Written by a man
>Daughters of Persephone were created by a man
Could you fags stop being fags and stick with sisters like the neckbeards you are?

>Why should it change for people who don't play the game or read the fluff?
Lmao, no better proof that someone is autistic as when they post this argument.

>People have different likes and dislikes than me? No, they're just trolls.

Malinax are Traitorous bastards, though, if that's a problem. They did make a habit of hunting giant monster bears, wrestling them and making their bones into their armour, though, which is why it's that colour. I almost feel MORE heretical not going all melee all the time with them. Then they charged into the Rangdan Xenocides, which wiped out at least one of the Lost Legions apparently, and won great glory for Xana, THEN participated in the Titandeath and are still alive in the Eye of Terror. Good combat record.

Also have a Forge World transfer sheet, which I need to order to kit out Selket now she's fully magnetized.

Nah, I wouldn't. I'd put any new potential acquisitions on hold until it can be determined whether the female kit was a financial success (and thus more will be on the way, ergo, the end of me buying kits from GW) or as I predict, it will flop, no more will be produced, and we can get on with enjoying the game.

I'd pay attention to how female Sigmarines are received in AOS. If they are successful, maybe equal representation of both sexes really matters to millennials and we will see something similar headed for 40k.

I'm only sexist in wargaming btw, and even then only in spess muhreens

I wouldn't mind as long as it was a separate kit from the regular primaris marines.

The people who play and read the lore should realize that there's nothing stopping you already though.

Like every other weird thing in the game, it's simply a matter of fluffing out your dudes in a way that people will accept.

I've got a female Chaos Lord, sorcerer, and squad of chosen. Fluffwise they're veteran cultists with boons in power armor.

You want this? Just do it and stop derailing threads because you lack creativity.

Not for long you sexist cis gender able bodied white male. It's HER turn now.

>besmirching sisters by equaling them to those fags

Go back to tumblr. Or better yet, kill yourself and your immediate family. Make the world a better place.

No, it's quite obvious really. Somebody who actually plays the game and reads the lore would realize that there's no need or point to beg GW for female space marine models.

Kek. I doubt many of us here would be considered "able bodied"

Is the GW site normally this sold out of stuff or is this a new edition thing? Like half the stuff has e-mail me next to it.

I want female imperial guard minis.


Ratlings can infiltrate but I also like running a command squad with a platoon commander actions as a "spotter".


Gotcha, I'll see about getting warriors in there somewhere

Knees so fucked I have to do leg day in a pool.

A note on Smoke Launchers.

It's obvious from the rule that they modify the hit result of the attack against the targeted vehicle by 1. This makes any attacks against that vehicle at least 16.67% more likely to miss.

What's NOT so obvious is that the modified die can never roll a 6 now because a natural result of 6 is actually a 5.

For rules or abilities that trigger on a roll of 6, like overwatch, this doesn't do anything, because the rule is asking about the die ROLL, not the RESULT. But for abilities that trigger on '6+', like the mortal wound of a sniper rifle or the necrons' tesla effect, it DOES matter, because those rules are looking at the die RESULT (since a die can never roll a 7 but positive result modifiers are a thing, rules that ask for 6+ must be looking at the result instead of the roll).

This means triggering smoke makes the '6+' effects impossible unless your attacker has a positive hit modifier of their own.

Smoke blocks Tesla.

I am six foot two and in peak physical condition. you can't prove otherwise

>Nah, I wouldn't. I'd put any new potential acquisitions on hold until it can be determined whether the female kit was a financial success
This. Whether or not i want female space marines doesnt matter. Because they would require GW to make an entire new set of molds. As you would need to have distinct things to show that they are female. Which GW has to then put the cost of producing those to the profit they would make off them.

New edition thing.

They've been selling out across the board more often the past couple weeks.

Why would having female space marines prevent you from experiencing male hero worship for the male heroes in the game?

Does the presence of wonder woman or super girl prevent you from looking up to super man?

If Sisters of Battle were as represented, and supported as space marines, I think I would accept this counter argument. But they're not. Sisters are basically forgotten, unsupported with recent sculpts, and are continually rolled into larger factions instead of having real codexes devoted exclusively to them. Meanwhile, Space Marines get dozens of codexes every edition.

Sent :)

Sadly yes, all though technically they are not hookers, but college girls