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Canoness Lil edition

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first for degeneracy

Pretty sure that's just a frumpy girl. Girls can be ugly too, ya know.

Deathskulls or Blood Axes?

>leman russes get to ignore the move and fire penalty with their turrets
>baneblades don't

How much do you like painting camo?

Speaking as a trans person myself, that's a qt trans girl.


who is that qt in the op

also xth for celestine and acts of faith being really good

Fighting Sisters of Battle, 1K, was told to bring a narrative story army.

His sisters are going to have a stroke when they go up against this army.

>mentally ill degenerate attracted to other mentally ill degenerates
Birds of a feather...

Chaos a shit.

Celestine (2 Geminea Superior) -250
Canononess (Inferno Pistol,Powermaul)-79
Celestian Squad(5)(2 Storm Bolters,Inferno Pistol,Powermaul)-79
Rhino (2x Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile)-87

4x Battle Sisters Squad(5)(2 Storm Bolters, Multi-Melta)-320
2x Rhino (2x Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile)-174

2x Dominion Squad (5)(2 SB, 2 Meltaguns,Inferno Pistol,Powermaul)-216
2x Immolator (Twin Multi-Melta, SB, HunterKM)-264
Seraphim Squad (5)(2x2 Inferno Pistols, Plasma Pistol,Powermaul)-114

Ministorum Priest (Powermaul,Inferno Pistol)-39
Mistress of Repentance-38
Repentia Squad(8)-136

2x Retributor Squad(5)(4x Heavy Bolter)-85
Rhino (2x Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile)-87

2x IG Infantry Platoon (10)(1x Mortar Team, Plasmagun)-96
Heavy Weapons Team(3)(3x Mortar Team)-27

Inquistitor Greyfax-85

Tempestor Prime(Powermaul, Command Rod)-44
2x Scion Command Squad (4xPlasmagun)-64

No thanks. I only date men.

Tips for painting Salamanders marine's skin?

Blood Skulls

Alternatively, she's just a really mediocre girl. Sometimes things are just that simple.


Ah yes. The power of Atrazine indeed.
Good luck getting any mentally sane man to date you.



l o o k i t u p

>who is that qt in the op
she's the girl(male) seen in the latest MWG batrep

There's some real suspicious facial structure going on there.

Also, this is 4 chan so there's no way a boyish looking girl with fake hair isn't a trap.

lol at this comment

fucking btfo


>being this triggered over human beans

wow I think she's cute, you guys are just mean

>yfw he meant sisters of silence

What exactly is the point of the celestians and other stuff? They are pretty underwhelming. Also are those repentia foot slogging? Since they'll die before they ever come into contact with the enemy. MM immolators are pretty meh as well.

Feels very hodgepodgey


well he has a weeb avatar, chances are he is a fat guy wearing a fedora that is jealous of mitchs rockin bod

That is an ugly dude.

The repentia have a rhino.

Celetians are fluffy, though not really that good. At least they can take wounds for the canoness.

MM Immolators are great, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

You sure had to search far down to find that.

MM really want to be in 12 to do 2D6, as rolling a 1 for damage makes them fairly pathetic.
Doing this, mostly, means you moved. and paying 135points for 4+ to hit isn't the most applicable use.

being able to move 12+d6 and fire 2d6 HF hits generally turns out better. Especially when Dominons are still pretty convincingly best used as meltas.

Sisters of Battle, who also hunt down witches, are a choice foe for that list. Are you seriously this new to 40k?

not really, i knew there was gonna be cancer shit in the comments because people were arguing about traps being gay pretty early on

Do Vanguard Veterans have a place in a Blood Angel or Flesh Tearers army in 8e?

I recently came into two sprues of the little buggers (for a total of 10 men) and I honestly have no idea what to do with them right now. They were straight up inferior to Death Company in terms of power and inferior to Assault Squads in terms of points, so I never've taken them in a game before. How would you recommend I build the little guys? I was thinking Storm Shields and bolt pistols on everyone but maybe the Sergeant (who will have something special) but I have no clue. Should I wait until the actual codexes come out and I know what Chapter Tactics and other goodies we'll get before I decide their wargear options? I don't want to magnetize them.

Also, what should I do with 4 meltagun Assault Marines? Plasma pistols and chainswords, flamers, or eviserators?

Missed this thread, so I'm copying my comment over from there.

What's a good Devastator Squad load-out for vanilla Marines in 8th edition? I have a squad of plastic Mk III Marines that I want to use for a custom Chapter, and I'm debating whether I should just use them as something else, or order some heavy weapons for them from Chinabro and build them as Devastators.

>thinking I'd be familiar with the full metal meme army

I haven't played since 5th. Just getting back into it.

I had to do 4 "find more" clicks to find that. Pretty near the bottom.

HB or Missiles seem pretty common from the games I've watched/played so far.

The immolation flamer doesn't seem bad, but just prefer overwhelming anti-vehicle firepower

The Retributors and their heavy bolters fill pretty much the same role with a 36" range.

Don't have to worry about movement penalties if you don't move

Lascannons are great, if you give them a drop pod multimeltas and gravcannons are also good options.

what pathetic bait is this?

Yeah sure you have. If you played 5th or prior then you'd know more about sisters, witch hunters, and so forth. I'm not even the psyker faggot who probably thinks he is cute, but yeah.

lascannon devastators in cover are one of the most legit anti vehicle/monster units in the game
this is true, a baneblade can hit the opposite table edge from its own deployment zone with all(?) of its guns anyway.

The hunter killer missile is the only viable missile launcher. Go Heavy bolter or lascannon.

You know, it barely looks like he did anything in this video because of the primer color, but I'm going to take his word for it when I get into painting my own.

Why so hostile user? I was just making a joke.

Is that because they're worth fielding though, or just because those are the easiest heavy weapon models to get in bulk? If they're actually good, then heavy bolters it is, since I already have 3/4.

Anyone have any pointers? I know I might need more anti-armor but I'm working with what I got (although I am open to suggestions as I normally have some dosh)

heavy bolter devastators are breddy gud since HBs are so cheap now, wound vehicles on a 5+ and have -1 AP. They're not useless against any target.

Custodes in 7th have WS 5. In 8th they hit on 2+

Bezerkers in 7th have WS 5. In 8th they hit on 3+


Just build and paint them as Death Company.

All black, put some red Xs on them.

HB are fairly good in this edition. Maybe not the best Dev option, im not sure. But, they kill MEQ .66MEQ a turn, which is the highest of any weapon from devs. Missiles are mostly for versatility

I cannot deny, however, that their ease to get also means they are used..

Go chaos no payoff

>hyper elite super men
>super angry super men

Probably because Berzerkers gained the ability to fight twice.

I already have like 30 Death Company. While I'm going to get more of course, I do want to make some Vanguard Veterans as they seem semi-decent this edition.

Not all of 'em. The Demolisher and Twin Heavy Bolters are 24" and 36" respectively, and on long edges the lascannons won't do it either.

The Baneblade cannon itself will. Always.

because you got 6 attacks each instead

>someone saved that shitty edit I made months ago
Fuck, even I deleted it. I'm actually glad you saved so I could get it back.

Yeah thats fair. Just stick the baneblade dead center in your deployment zone 12" up and he'll anchor the field for you with no movement required.

Speaking of Custodes. Any word on when the terminators or the gunship will be available?

Well I've only played 4 games so far. But overall Immolations have worked better for me. They make Immolators a big "go ahead, charge me" against any melee force. Nothing can out distance their flamer, so overwatches can hurt pretty hard.

Overall, I trust dominons to do melting over them. But I suppose that could be personal preference. The biggest issue, to me, is figuring out what generally works best for BSS squads. I'm not entirely sold on mech everything

Do you people seriously play with such little terrain that a baneblade can cover the entire field? I rarely play on anything where it could cover half the field

Are GSC abberants any good? I have some from the Overkill box, and would love to be able to field them.

Also, why are our Power Weapons so expensive?

Spess Mehreens may not have dicks, but do they have buttholes? This is important.

FW book, most likely.

They process waste, so...yes?

Is predominately white armour worth the trouble? Is there an easy way to paint it? Should I bother with the white foundation paint or just layer like a motherfucker?

If you play with little to no terrain, the Baneblade can hold down an entire killing field in front of itself. If you play with a bunch, the movement penalty won't likely matter because of shit blocking your shots anyways.

Yes! My gay porn lives.

They have both, and both are equine-like, big and marvels of genecraft.

Hey I know it says Chart user took a break, but why did he assume maximum damage for AdMech weapons?
Whenever a weapon would do D3, he multiplies by 3 instead of 2, which is the average.
Why that decision?

Oh yeah, having a bunch of guns in an area of a map locks down that area of the map, but having at minimum a quarter of your points in one quadrant leaves the rest very exposed. They're surprisingly good this edition as stationary bunkers, especially the shadowsword and stormlord. I feel mech armies have changed from being really fast to essentially immobile though, which is sad for treadheads


I play guard+sisters so I came for the guard/sisters/selestine battle report, and stayed for the qt


>man knees

Are Ravenwing grenade launchers worth taking without the Rad/Stasis debuff grenades?

Frag and Krak don't seem like an upgrade over the Plasma Talon for the most part.

Cute no matter what.
Slaanesh does not care.

Needs more Demon allies.

white looks dope, dont paint white, start with grey, then a off white, then white. thats how my buddy did his tau make sure you use a less white for end base color, so you can use the most white for highlights

Now that fearless is gone I feel like they should have adjusted leadership values to represent it. Going from never having to make moral checks to only having a seven leadership is a pretty hefty blow to the likes of Bezerkers and Noise Marines.

Do we have a twitter/Instagram yet?

>New csm codex is released
>It will be 4th ed csm again with bare minimum representation for the legions
Glad you csmfags enjoyed legions because it'll comeback in the 13th edition

Codexs so m8

I did some test models using white primer, shading with a black wash, then layering with white. But it took me like 3 layers to even get close to white again from the shitty grey the wash left behind.

Don't start out with pure white, otherwise you have nowhere to go for a highlight. I believe the GW method is Celestra Grey -> Ulthuan Grey -> White Scar unless you start with a lighter primer (grey/white) in which case you can skip Celestra Grey.

If your layers are good the main concern is you have to be a lot more careful with your washes.


Should I buy a storm talon or a storm hawk

My preference was Rakarth flesh into Palid Wych Flesh with White scar for highlights. It isn't super crisp, but it turns out nicely.

It's the same kit


Then which should I build it as

This seems more targeted towards trannies than traps. Traps, by definition, only crossdress well, not necessarily want to be a woman. Being a fem gay doesn't make you a tranny.

t. femboy

Does anyone else see Steve Harris?

Well that's depressing.

Grenade launchers weren't worth taking in 7th and they still aren't now.