So I'm rolling a young nazi soldier who got hit by a trickster god in an ice-cream truck in the middle of the battle of...

So I'm rolling a young nazi soldier who got hit by a trickster god in an ice-cream truck in the middle of the battle of Kursk (1943), and got isekaied to Abeir-Toril by that god. He also got turned into a black (skin color) paladin to save both worlds, along with the rest of the group. How would you rate this character concept?

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6/10 but +2 only if you play the March of the Hanoverian Grenadiers while you explain it to your group

So random XD/10

>I hate fun

Earth soldier who got rused into coming to Faerun is fine
Nazi who got rused into being black is shit

>Fantasy setting has portal to real world

Why? I thought it would spice things up, and a character changing/improving his ideals over the course of the campaign would be interesting. Also my friends don't get offended by nazis and jew jokes.
t. not a stormfag

>Fantasy setting has portal to real world
Correction: an ice-cream van driven by a trickster god

holds up spork/10



>Create LOL SO RANDUMB XD character
>Someone calls you out on it
>Y-you hate fun!
Go fuck yourself. Shit and fun are mutually exclusive unless you're a weirdo scat-fetishist.

What's so random about it? He's not a lolsorandom murderhobo, has set ideals and a straight goal. Yes, his method of arriving to the world is unusual, but it's not as bad as your normal "parents are dead, decided to go adventuring"

> "a trickster god in an ice-cream truck in the middle of the battle of Kursk"
> what's so random about it?

I'm saging at this point.

No, it's definitely worse.

>trickster god having fun at his job
>everything has to be serious and gritty

Pretty good / 10, user.

I like the idea of a soldier from the middle of one of the most vicious wars in history becoming a paladin, and maybe recovering his idealism in the process. Easy character development.

I kind of wonder what ideals he recovers, though. Hitler's ones? I dunno.

Is this about that furry comic?

I can't help but feel OP is trying to reference The Furred Reich.

Knowing nothing about you or your friends I have no recourse but to assume your character is a shitpost concept designed to be a punchline to a bunch of tasteless jokes that nobody would find funny except yourself.

>ice cream truck in the battle of Kursk
>What's so random about it?

I'm kinda going for him realizing that the ideals he used to follow were later taken to the extreme, and that he should follow the earliest concepts of Adolf's vision (strength in unity, protecting the ones in need, fighting for those you hold dear). Also the change of enviroment would force him to change views on racial superiority.

Had a reply half-typed, but then re-read the thread and so now I'm just calling b8 on OP and his shit.

If on the 1/10000 chance that it's in earnest, then I think OP is beyond help anyway.

He's getting isekaied to another world, might as well be an ice-cream truck.
That's not a bait thread

I have no idea what is this even

It's an ice cream truck in the middle of the largest tank battle in history. It's pretty much the definition of LOL SO RANDUM

It's piloted by a person capable of creating that truck out of thin air. It's not driven by some soldier.

I think it's an interesting concept but I'm not playing with you. Will the people in your group be okay with the idea that a nazi is literally not the devil and has standards and morals? It's not out of the realm of possibility for your character to be Lawful Good or even so from the start but it depends on the group or how you want to spin it. Whether your character is just a family man and solider or a... It's just a stupid thing, isn't it? I shouldn't have to feel like I need to explain that xD not all nazis are bad xD or that nazis weren't all white and that the Germans had nonwhite allies. I want to say more words but life is so dumb.

ITT: OP desperately pretends to be retarded for (you)s

Thankfully I have a group of friends that are not clinically retarded. Kinda strange that nazis trigger people so much to the point that most people conside them literal demons and incarnations of evil.

not if i get them first!

stat me!

Im actually playing a Nazi in an Apocalypse World game. She uses fascism as a means of forming order in a post apocalyptic world. Such things as Nazis, while definitely hot button issues, arent necessarily an automatic red flag. But obviously it depends on the group, the nature of the game being played, and the established trust and communication that you have with the group. With no other information besides what OP has given I can only assume he baiting, but its not outside the realm of possibilty that its just how his group rolls.

The biggest things would be culture shock, looking different, "holy shit, magic is real", "oh, god, I miss my family", and so on. The biggest thing doesn't have to be that they were a nazis. The irony doesn't have to be lost on them. Or just make them hardcore about it and fucking hate orcs and shit because they're inferior. Within the context and within some reason they should still be relatively in their alignment if killing evil creatures. It's a workable concept.

And the fact there is a person capable of that present is NOT more random?

>literally a fantasy setting with gods
>a god can't planeshift to grab a guy to do his bidding and make him a better person at the same time

This isn't even a funny bait thread. I just don't get it.

The ice cream van part is really contrived. A trickster god does not have to act like a clown to do what he wants. Beyond that, anything can be played if the context lends itself to it.

In a setting where different races have very real and very impacting differences one would have to be delusional not to be racist.

>my only concept of a trickster god is Sheogorath
>I think race-swapping a Nazi is the height of innovativeness, sure to spur intellectual debate and awe at my creative process
>transfer between the real world and fantasy is an interesting concept
>using weaboo words unironically

This isn't funny, or really shit, or really good, or unfunny, or really good. It's not even generic, but it's not innovative either.

The only way I can describe this idea is with a shrug and a bemused face. My English is too shit to find words to describe how this makes me feel. I guess the closest I can get is just calling it bad. It's just bad, like the pure meaning of that word, if that makes sense to you.

But why? Why an Ice Cream truck? Why the Battle of Kursk? Why a nazi? Why make him black? And don't give me that bullshit "they're a trickster god, they don't need a reason" You are the one creating the story, you are the one making it pointlessly random with very little thought put into it. Justify your creative decisions.

It's actually canonical that Elminster pops over to Earth and hangs with Ed Greenwood from time to time.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. At least hang out with Gygax.

Odium. Hate coupled with disgust.

Odium reigns

>Teaching the Nazi tolerance cliche.

Was good up until this point. 1/10.

>weaboo words

Nazi punks fuck off

The only way to salvage the idea op is to just play it as comedy relief.

Have the Black Nazi double down on his ideals.

>Thick German accent.
>You'd be sorry if I was in my ubermensch body and not dis disgusting ape's.
>Your God lets me cast "Lay on Hands", but does he offer eternal salvation?
>Dese sausages are terrible. Germans make the best sausages. Have I ever told you about Germany?
>Why has no one jailed zis couple? They are clearly mixing of the races. I shall save the local authorities their time and do it myzelf.
>It is good to finally zee anudder proud Aryan man like myzelf again!

Only way to salvage.
Turn it up to 11

Pretty low. The big issue I see is the "nazi" bit for a variety of reasons. Mostly that people don't know much about them outside of "6 million jews" and stereotypes based on propaganda. The skin color change strikes me as utterly pointless and reinforces the impression that you don't know much about nazi's.

Then the "hit with an ice-cream truck in the middle of a bloody battle" is just outright retarded. There are just so many different ways you could explain having a soldier yanked out of a battle that aren't "LOL SO RANDUMB XD!!!!!".

What it looks and sounds like. Furfag fused with stormfag to create a furry stormfag.

Racism isn't necessarily racial superiority.

Dubs of truth. That would actually be hilarious.

Rank-and-file, or SS?

Rank and file
what furfag?

very bad


Considering that Ed Greenwood is the creator of Faerun, Not Gygax, why would Elmister hang out with the latter being that he is an imaginary counterpart to Greenwood?

Isekai is a retarded way to say transported to another world/dimension/universe, we have words for that in English and Isekai is not one of them.

The door's that way/10

Make him a jew or a gypsy at least, have some dignity. Just because blacks are the cliche minority in the USA doesn't mean that nazis gave much of a fuck about them. They even has black troops. They weren't more racist against them than americans of the time.

Trickster doesn't mean retarded.

You don't even have to hate anime to dislike the unnecessary use of japanese words. You don't even need to hate anime to hate weaboos.

>it's a nazis hated other races episode

The SS was made up of slavs and half jews.

Nazi's DID hate other races though, or at least saw them as inferior. Pressganging slavs, "honorary Aryan" Jews and conveniently anti-colonial blacks changes nothing about the ideology of the Nazi party, which specifically desires the domination of the Germanic races over Europe and the dillution, subjugation or extermination of various other races.

T. someone who has never fucking read about the forgotten realms, or Greyhawk for that matter
>Who is Meepo
>How did the Egyptian, Nordic and Greek Pantheons end up there including Gilgamesh's lot
>What is masque of the red Death


0 stealingtheworstjokefromironsky out of 21 icecreams

>we have words for that in English and Isekai is not one of them
single words? lay 'em on me

>it's a /pol/tard escapes his containment board episode


The only time a portal from the real world to fantasy works is when you all play popular TV survivalists like Bear Grylls and Les Stroud who ressurect an undead Steve Irwin and ride a blimp through a portal to a fantasy world of Gor ruled by Raccoon people riding bigger normal raccoons on an chase scene as you lasso them off one by one. Oh and an ice castle guarded by speae wielding penguins in the middle of a field of grain.


>They weren't more racist against them than americans of the time.

I don't see how this is supposed to be an redeeming quality.

Forgotten Realms is called Forgotten Realms based on the idea that it's the worlds that humans on Earth have forgotten about.

Also Earth exists in 2e cosmology.

Also nu-uh it's fun.

>pointing out historical facts unrelated to shitposting is /pol/ now
How low this place has fallen

Only if I get to play an chaotic evil orc/half Minotaur/fae touched half ooze otherkin social justice warrior who's obsessed with punching Nazis.

Le bait xd

That is a historic fact, so if anything it should be Veeky Forums

>he posted, even more wrong than before

juvenile at best. reroll until you have a non-nazi origin. shouldn't be that hard.

Nazi paladins admittedly sound weird, but they can work out. Depends on how you play them and how they deal with their change change. It seems like the direction you want to move him in is less over-the-top kill-happy, and more efficient and introspective, so that's a start.

He might hide his body with heavy armor to hide his skin colour, and be sensitive about removing it it.

I'd say start him off with a goal that isn't necessarily good or bad, to allow development in either direction; for example, a need of money, or desire for revenge against a BBEG group. That BBEG group could be the cause for the death, or some tragedy, rather than the ice cream truck.

If you want to move them into a more empathetic role without the "teaching Nazis tolerance" cliche, maybe have them forced to protect an endangered creature or member of a near-extinct race that gradually grows on them. That could slowly bleed to some regret for genocide attempts. For a humanized side before that, he might idolize some old commander, and name a weapon or object after him; or he may have some strange paranoia, like a fear of dragons.

Of course, part of it is about messing with the other players, I understand - or to make them think a little. I agree with the other anons: making him black isn't enough. Go further. Either at victory or before death, have him pull off his mechanical mask to reveal the face of a woman.

Then, she'd reveal her true name: Samus Aryan. A quiet, efficient paladin in a suit of armor who's driven by revenge and regrets genocidal actions.

This exactly

0/10 are you retarded

That snow leopard's fucking cute, though