Verge (xvg)

1300 SATS and still going up! Get in and get /comfy/!


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And Veeky Forums is STILL in fucking denial, you know this is a real moon when Veeky Forums's hate for money is still intact.

Holy shit my first real moon let's go boys

plz post brainlets. I need more

Damn how long is this gonna last? Thinking of selling now to secure profits


Thought about buying this utter shitcoin at 2500 sats but it just pumped. Oh fuck these lost gains

Even Efukt is in on it
What is happening

This is madness!

Sell now. It might dump soon because of McAfee's "recommendations" on shitcoins. This not your average FUD post FYI. Just want you to be cautious.

sold it lads at 1.4k satoshis

When to get out when you've been riding crazy moons?

I just made 3eth off this crazy pump

I'm just laughing because I had 2000 verge bought ATH (in sats), I couldn't sell on bittrex because their SAT value was so low.

Now they re worth 400 bucks. (they were 20)

I should have put 200 bucks on this shit one month ago, I was thinking about it. FML what a dumbass

Someone just shorted like a madman and yet the market fixed itself in literal 10 minutes, this shit is going to 2k.

Sold at 1400. What should I try to buy back in at?

ouch, that sucks

This is goin to at least $5 this year. McAffee thinks $15.

2000 sats

2500 sats

>chasing the pump
Already too late for me, learned the hard way to not do that.

I've never expected to earn most of my money because of a imageboard made for japanese cartoons. Glad i didn't follow the exit meme.

In case you don't know anything about tracking results, this is where it bleeds out for a bit before the next pump. Sell now and buy at the dip in about 5-6 hours, then wait for the next pump.

If Veeky Forums can meme Trump into the whitehouse then we can meme ourselves rich.

> SCAed (satoshi cost averaged) around 40 in August
> up 3500% in USD earlier this week
> sell half
> up 7000%+ now
TFW missed out on a fortune because you finally decided to take profit off the table

15K xvg reporting in, my first real moon and i can already taste my retirement, lets go boys $15 !!!!

I sold my 800k at 100 sats and I have now lost my will to live, what do I do?

I need $30. We should be there by the end of 2019 at the latest.

I caught this moon early and I caught XRP even earlier but as a poorfag I only had $300 to invest into the two of them so I gained a good percentage but didn't make a large sum. I just hope when my seed money grows large enough I can catch the next big moon and potentially hit four digits

you realize that's almost the market cap of BTC right now right? Just for Verge...

buy now after wraith is released it will go up 10x


you do realize by the time it hits $15 the market cap for every coin will not be what it is currently...

lol by next december btc market cap will be 10x as high as it is now and verge in the top 5 coins

How high will this go?

How much cocaine will this afford me?

Yet another launch missed, instead I invested in; do not laugh too hard: IOTA. I thought it could go anytime now.

honestly not to late imho
this coin will be 5 dollars i say by late q3 q4
and total market cap will be in the trillys.

even if you can only afford 5000xvg x dat shit by 5

Xvg Bag Hodlr

How many SATS people think this is going to?

Much moon. Such son.

im thinking 2-3k sats by new years minimum.
with wraith release well fuck man skys the limit.

I bought at 150 sats and sold at 980, I had a better investment to possibly 10x my money so I got out at a good time. I can see it hitting over 2k sats, but do remember it's planning on getting dumped after the huge pump after the announcement for the wraith protocol. That's when you should sell, and then buy the dip. Thank me later.

I...I don't know if I should sell...

>this coin was 1 sat for most of early 2017

I want to cry

100000kg if thats what you're into

...and I went all in on TRX today

>he didnt get out of xvg when he had 4 humps to sell on

You kids don't watch the market that much, do you?

you think theres going to be a massive dump on wraith release?

Verge vs the big boys

lol w/e man ive been iron handed and that shits paid off half a cent to 20cents i could sell now and change my life completely but fuck that i want a lambo and a sexretary too.

It'll get pumped on wraith release and then dumped hard, I see a strong future for XVG but do the smart thing and try to sell at peak and buy the dip.

Verge is a pump and WILL dip. To avoid it, there is only ONE way to avoid being dumped upon after a pump - TRAILING profit. Check out this api, it's made me EXTREME gains with 0 risk

my issue is every time i try to sell at ath, i get fucked. made way more money just hodling.

coming soon edition


add 15 more k to that. FINE NEET
heres what ill do... ill drop half after wraith release and shits looking greasy and hodl the rest. time to split the stack

Verge is a total fraud, so if you made any money, I would sell now. It's as transparent as Bitcoin, uses outdated Tor software and leaks IPs.

Bought in two days ago when the fuck do I sell?

Is it dipping now or what

Fucking hold and ride the waves. We are going to 1$ very soon

I bought at 0.00000815 I sold at 0.00001312 just fucking panicked now

Are you serious

$1 in the next 3 months my friend

I am very serius. and good job selling, just dont forget to buy back in. Do the same thing again after the next ath. this coin is a fucking money making machine. And yes we are going to 1$. Been watching verge for months already

This is going back down to 850, then 550. Learn to TA.


What are you talking about. The eliot waves are looking very healthy

The highest sat it reached was Wave 5 senpai

When to buy back in?

Thanks Verge, biz, McJohn.

I just sold my 5k verge to buy flights to SE-Asia. Spending the winter there trading. I paid like $2 for those 5k so if verge shoots up another 100% im ok with it. Happy holidays

cant tell you that m8

btw 2 days ago VergeDev the founder and lead dev for verge, confirmed that he is ready to push updates to github.

the chart you should follow
trade between the lines and you should be good

>tfw dumped your verge stash to buy tron based on chink shill posts on /biz

Sold at 1350, hopefully I don't get cucked


verge is pretty shitty. get navcoins lads

if the next 2 candles confirm the triangle, we go to 1550 sats

what you mean?

How is it still pumping?


>tfw no money got xmr to buy drugs with

calm down, and follow the chart its diping now like the lines show

When we reach $15
Enjoy the ride

More like 5

When will release be?

i made 100 bucks on this and sold 6600 shares at 912
please end my life right now.
I am fucking sick of making mistakes.

It’s still cheap. Buy back in the next dip.

Nice sucker investment, I sure do love coins where a single person have fuck the entire market in 0.1 hours

>he only made 100 bucks on verge

And I fucking wanted to put 1000 in at 0,009, instead I put in 100, because Coinbase took forever. Fucking hell. That would be 16000 now instead of 1600. Fuck. This was my ticket to retirement. How could I miss that?!

Who cares? Better than losing money ;-)

It seems impossible for a single XVG to be valued at $15... However with McAfee, impossible is not in his vocabulary.

That's true I guess there's some brainlet out there thare that will somehow manage to lose money with verge

Regret only puting $20 few days ago @0.07. Worth chucking another 100 on??

I want it to be the monaco killer

Wauw... How could someone even do such a thing?

Same here haha

50k will I make it?

nocoiners btfo

fucking motherfucker

i forgot about a sell order set at 1111 the other day.

i missed out on thousands of $$

hodl is not a meme i guess


Made 250% off this so far, hodling till it's a dollar then I sell