What the fuck happend with /GURPSGEN/ edition.

Also, opening question: What's your favourite hand-to-hand combat skill?

Other urls found in this thread:

Evil discordians killed general. Although discord is also pretty slow for the most part.

>What's your favourite hand-to-hand combat skill?
I really like Wrestling for "oh shi, I am being grappled, what do I do?" situations and occasional chokes.

>Evil discordians
Literally who?

Judo master race calling. We want to parry the shit out of your grapple

I'm going to second weaseling. It's Average, rather then Hard, and you never eat an encumbrance penalty for it so it's always there for you. It's also faster and safer then striking skills to take a single opponent out of a fight. If you are only going to have one hand to hand it's your best bet.

Discord is a chat service that has become popular. It has somewhat lessened the number of GURPS discussion here.

So, Veeky Forums, how would you do a GURPS: Comfy game?

Just shortsword is fine by me. 100 point character? I can put 100 points into shortsword to have a skill of 35 because GURPS doesnt even hsve soft caps on its skills. That affords me a parry of 20. So I literally cannot be hit in melee except on a critical fail or if I get swarmed by literally 30 people. GG you fucking pissants. Also I can take a couple disadvantages for some peripheral skills, or to get parry missile weapon to make me immune to ranged attacks as well.

Erotic arts.

You don't have to do that to bump the thread.

>not 80
>in guns
>inb4 no guns in the setting.
80p guns man is best gurps man.

I am going to make a neo-medieval game set in the future with power armor, guns and intrigue. which books should I use ?

Social, ultratech for power armor, armor as Dice Reduction from pyramid might be cool.

Only kinda Gurps related, but how do those of you who use a mat for combat draw rooms on it? Do you just draw rectangles and say the hexes that are only partially in the room are off limits? Also do any of you use something besides figures to show characters? I've just used dice for other games but I don't know how I could use them in a way that shows facing clearly.

I agree, but I wanted to be relevant to OPs question. Due to lack of escalating costs that might actually promote versatility over specialization as the developers intended, you are able to dump 80 points into Guns as a basic 100 pt hero and become able to headshot running targets from over 300 yards away. In darkness. Without aiming.

80guns is a martial hand to hand combat, just get into melee, you have 80guns.

Also, while that sounds fucking awesome, I feel it's balanced on 2 regards:
80% of your budget is A thing, outside of that thing you're not that good
How many times 20p on guns or similarly wouldn't have done the exact same as 80fuckingpoints?

How do I create monsters in GURPS? I love the system but it feels too biased to human on human combat. which is probably because those are the rules I'm most familiar with. I have a post-apocalyptic setting which I want to convert into gurps from Savage worlds but it feels like standing up the creatures will be way too difficult especially when they have abilities like swallowing whole enemies. Perhaps the system just doesn't work here?

Draw rooms normally, and any hex that's ~50% "in" can be stood in normally.

You don't need to fully stat monster if you don't want to. Describe what ability does mechanically and be done with it.

GURPS: Powers mostly. It expands on advantages, adding a number of new advantages and a TON of new enhancements and limitations to make the advantage represent exactly what you want. Power-Ups: Enhancements and its sister-book Limitations are collections of published Es/Ls and are also super helpful. If all else fails, crib from existing monsters and bestiaries like in Horror, Dungeon Fantasy, etc.

For eating someone whole, I *think* you want Constricting Attack with the Engulfing enhancement from Powers. On that note, feel free to ask the autists here for help if you need it.

A comfortable/cozy/slice of life game is 40% on the GM's ability, 40% character drama, and 20% mechanics supporting that. For instance, people are rarely seriously injured in a cozy game (although some would argue that STALKER is cozy, so YMMV), which is easy enough to avoid if you just don't have fights or physical dangers worse than falling from a tree. You also need robust social mechanics to represent how different characters influence each other, who are friends of who and how dedicated they are, etc., which boils down to Social Engineering and allies/contacts/etc.

After the End 2 has statblocks for mutants you can deconstruct to see how monsters are built. The majority of non-humanoid monsters are built by slapping a morphology meta-trait on them (B263) and some natural offenses and defenses and abilities. For example, quadruped with two extra legs, flight, large piercing striker with follow-up severe pain affliction, and a couple points or so DR gets you giant wasps. You don't have to worry about adding doesn't breathe for insects, although you should probably include injury tolerance (no vitals), since I don't think insects have any particular vital organs?

>I don't think insects have any particular vital organs
Pretty sure they do. Just cause they don't have skeletons doesn't mean they're shells filled with All-Purpose Meat that handles everything. That being said, a giant zombie wasp is a nightmare-tier boss monster, so throw it in anyway.

They do. Even better, since insects have an open circulatory system you only have to poke one good hole in them.

GURPS Traveller.

This is why I love /GURPSGEN/. Learn something new every day. I'm down for giant zombie wasps, but what about the "poke one good hole"? How do you transfer that into mechanics?

Constricting Attack + Engulfing is what you want. Engulfing can be found in Powers Which monster are you trying to convert? I can probably give it a fair shot since I already have Savage Worlds.

Either giant insects are giant because they have internal skeletons and a closed circulatory system, or they've got some serious Hemophilia disadvantages.

hemophilia (B138) would work well enough on its own - with hemophilia, an untreated wound bleeds for its original damage each minute until staunched.
other than that, peek at the bleeding rules at the bottom of B420, and maybe fiddle with them for that one creature.

Is there any book with price for BUILDINGS and other infrastructure? I need a bunch of things for low tech campaign and no, I can't just wing it. I know the supplements to Low Tech had equation for crafts to calculate the price after materials are counted, BUT it doesn't work for construction, since there are no prices for building materials anywhere too.

Low-Tech Companion 1 has some rules for religious buildings and price per square foot using for those. You might be able to use that?

>price for BUILDINGS and other infrastructure?
Get LTC1-3 and calculate them by yourself

What you want is in here, page 33. Be aware that the rules are pretty crunchy.

How do I make an Innate Attack that only harms certain type of creature?
For example, in Final Fantasy 1, there were the Harm spells, which dealt large amounts of damage to undead creatures, and affected nothing else.

If possible, I'd much prefer the effect on the attack, instead of as a weakness or something that has to be noted on every monster.
(this way the monster would just need a keyword 'Undead')

The Accessibility limitation is exactly what you're looking for.

Accessibility (Only on X) would work for this. I'd say -20% for something you will fight about half the time, -10% for something you fight more then half the time, and -30% for something that you only fight rarely.

Thank you

Don't choose wrong types as targets.
Or shake around with accessibility, but i say it is ~ -10% at max.
It is pretty dumbass to limit what targets you can choose when you can choose target, if you don't bombing around with large AoE.

From a purely mechanical standpoint, perhaps, but it sounds like he wants to limit it for fluff/lore reasons.

At the end of the day, it's still just a Burning Attack or whatever, but there's a big difference in-universe between Smite and Combust.

Thanks a bunch. I don't mind crunching it down, because at least I've got something TO crunch down, rather than playing the guessing game

On building design & construction
Where i can find general or so descriptions of buildings: typical dimensions and materials by region/culture?
Like arabic houses are built from mud bricks or stone, 16'*24', walls 7", etc.

Osprey history books

And as the original user asking for construction aide, I do not endorse this post

That looks like it'd be an absolute nightmare to navigate.

Spaceships with no engine, generator, life support, etc. Make heavy use of Vol. 7 for additional low-tech/fantasy systems.

Typical European construction was a wood frame of timbers supporting walls of wattle and daub. Wattle and daub is basically woven panels of thin bits of wood covered in sticky mud, clay, straw and (sometimes, but often) animal dung. Covered with whitewash made from quicklime, this was surprisingly durable, water resistant and windproof.

Roofs were often made from reeds and straw over a wooden frame. Water resistant, rather then water proof.

Floors were packed earth.

The average single family home would be around 200 square feet, with only light internal walls, perhaps a loft.

A 12' high, 12 wide, 18 foot long house made from wattle and daub with a thatch roof 2" thick and a partion factor of .4 would cost $1534 GURPS bucks, and could be knocked up by basic laborers in a few weeks. The material value would, in theory, be about $500. In general this would just be collected by the workers during building.

GMs of GURPSgen, how much "rewriting" do you do for your players? When using variant rules or restricted equipment lists or whatever, do you give your players the original versions and tell them "by the way, these things are different" or "these things don't exist/work this way in the setting"? Do you consolidate all the relevant things into one doc and give them that instead to avoid confusion and miscommunication?

I've always fallen in the latter group for one reason or another, but it's becoming exhausting.

I tend to go on the easier path here. I'll give players the TL, their point values and special restrictions.

For house rules, I tend to put things together and give books that are in use, with exceptions, and note any optional rules with page references.

I just provide a list of need-to-know rules with references (bleeding and tactical combat are assumed in a realistic game, but situational awareness may not be - that would be listed) and houserules up front, and give general TL restrictions (No medical tech past TL9 except bio-tech up to TL11, transportation is TL6, etc.) for gear, or just tell them that gear needs GM approval.

Short Grimwyld game this week, with two people out with unavoidable engagements.

With Ulm the Big Fucking Ogre healed it was time to question him. He provided some useful information that points the group to a castle in a marsh down south where the crazy wife of the guy we killed last week is waiting with obsessed cultist to murder the shit out of us.

We'd stay the fuck away, but they've got a stable (avairy? coop?) of Roc, giant goddamn birds.

I want a giant goddamn bird, so it's time to head south and barrow them from cultist.

Meanwhile Roderick did some negotiating with the locals. Between Ulm apparently being a big man around here and the blessing of the creepy as fuck hag we have enough sway with the pack of refugees, monsters and half elf thieves to get them to agree to join our army.

Picture hopefully unrelated.

Sup, fellow GURPS people.

How do I make a game about boxing as intense as Hajime no Ippo? Does GURPS have all the necessary bits to have several fighters all using the same skill, but still being fully unique, with advantages and disadvantages over other fighters of similar skill?

>How do I make a game about boxing as intense as Hajime no Ippo?
I'm not sure if GURPS is the best system, but it can certainly do the street-fighting version, Holyland, with flying colors. Boxing as a skill is just one component. Skill level, techniques, style familiarity, whether or not one has High Pain Threshold, Enhanced Parry, a higher Move, Code of Honor (Doesn't hit below the belt), etc. are all important factors, especially when you use Tactical Combat. Pick up Martial Arts and marvel at all of the additional rules, including a technique design system. You can get super fancy with that.

Since damage scales off strength, size modifier has no impact on weapon damage, right? One of my players wants to be an ogre and I've never really done a fantasy game before.

Weapons scaled to your SM do different damage from human-sized weapons. LTC2 has in-depth weapon scaling rules, and one of the Dungeon Fantasy books has simpler ones (see image) in Dungeon Fantasy 3 - The Next Level.

And of course that image is only for negative SM. DF does cover SM+1 in Dungeon Fantasy 1 - Adventurers:

Weapons for Giants
An SM +1 fighter, such as a barbarian with Gigantism, may
use an oversized weapon. Multiply the weapon’s listed damage
bonus by 1.5 and round down, but always add at least +1; e.g.,
sw-2 becomes sw-1, while sw+4 becomes sw+6. Also multiply
ST and final weight and cost, after all modifiers, by 1.5!


>size modifier has no impact on weapon damage, right?
Yes. And being big gives you more troubles then pofits -- u need shitton of money for armor and weapon (and hard to find suited for your size), which need much more ST for same level of DR and ~ +1 dmg, also being larger means bonuses for enemy to spot and to hit you, but, well, you get insane -10% per SM to buy ST.
Being Big in less ~200-point level games literraly introduces you to "Spend most of your points for ST or suck coz you too weak for things suited for you, while Paladin with same ST18 have plate armor and owersized sword with Huge Weapons perk (or Fitted Grip +0.5CF)".

Hey GURPS GMs. First timer here (though I've gmed and played a lot of dnd) working on making a cyberpunk setting for GURPS as my first foray. Any suggestions what books/rules to use?

Ultra-Tech has a tech guideline for standard cyberpunk somewhere in the front of the book. There's a Cyberpunk Pyramid issue that has detailed hacking rules if you're into that sort of thing. There's GURPS Cyberpunk for 3e, which SJGames got raided by the Secret Service over. It's pretty good, although you'll need to convert the gear using the 4e update guide.

Thanks I shall look at those.

Also, any cool section on using, designing or including mechs? If players weren't too interested in full cyberpunk I was thinking of going mecha anime style instead.

There's, like, four ways to approach mechs in GURPS. There's a modular mecha article ( excellent pyramid index that everyone needs bookmarked) that's fairly lightweight, there's Ultra-Tech which ssssort of has them in the form of battlesuits (but not really), there's spaceships which I have no working knowledge of beyond it having mechs, and then you can build them as characters with the vehicle morphology meta-traight from B263. You could also (don't do this) make them with 3e's vehicles book + spreadsheet and convert to 4e. Building them as characters is the most labor intensive, alongside the vehicles/spreadsheet approach, so I recommend the modular mecha article or spaceships.

GURPS Cyberpunk
GURPS Cyberworld

>. He provided some useful information
By literally tearing a ghost out of a dead elf, interrogating it, then releasing it to be eaten by dark impish sprites.
Important part to skip. Ulm is metal.

How to make Devil May Cry air hanging and gapclosers/pullings?

>user asks about Middle East
>Hey, you know about the imaginary standard for entire Europe...
Also, the thing you described applies only to England and some parts of France in which it stopped applying by Late Med

>size modifier has no impact on weapon damage, right
It's like you never heard about square-cube law

>Where i can find general or so descriptions of buildings: typical dimensions and materials by region/culture?
>by region/culture
user never asked about arabic houses, he merely provided an example of what he wanted.

And that's why you provided him an example that doesn't even fit his question.

>is wrong
>proven wrong
>claims to still be right
>posts smug anime grill #2332-G
In what world does general description of European late-medieval buildings not fall under the header of "general or description of buildings by [...] region/culture"? Is anything less that a comprehensive global/temporal view irrelevant? Either way, quality post there friendo.

>air hanging
Like Dante staying mid-air or enemies kept airborne on a stream of bullets?

Gap closers are any technique that buys off the penalty/cap to Move and Attack, but pullers can be a pain--can you post an example of a pulling attack from the games that we can use as a starting point for the GURPS maneuver?

Wattle and daub was common in most of the world for the last six thousand years or so, and remains very common in Africa. Even if you cut it down to whitewashed, timber framed wattle and daub it was more common in Germany then in England.

It's kind of a hard challenge, as describing an 'average' isn't so easy. Scandinavians showed a preference for longhouses, typically of wood with approximately 4" beams and 5/8th wooden planks for walls and wooden shingled roofs. A common example might be 20' wide by 100' long, with a large stone hearth in the center of the large main room. The walls would be lined with benches and beds with a big ass chair at one end of the hearth. Comparatively sophisticated, given the need to withstand the stresses of a northern winter, these would be extended family, multi-generational dwellings.

You can see the 'cross contamination' from their shipbuilding techniques in these too. There are even stories of Danes using their ships, inverted, as the basis for a simple home.

How would tg stat a Chassepot modèle 1866
i thingk of something like TL 5; 3d+1 pi+ ;acc 3; reach 500 / 2200; 8 lbs; ROF 1; .433 paper cartridge; Reload 1 (15)?; ST 9 or 10; bulk -6 cost 400$?; LC 3

>Wattle and daub was common in most of the world
Not him, and it wasn't used at all in my geographical region. Ever.
Not even in prehistory.

So kindly, stop pushing utter bullshit.

It's statted in High Tech if I recall correctly, basically using stats of generic TL5 single-shot rifle, since, well, it's one of the most mundane TL5 guns ever.

Where is that? Saying "not it MY area" is kind of impossible to argue against.

nope at least not in the 4. edition
the 4. has the Dreyse needle gun, Enfield P/1853, Volcanic Repeating Rifle, Spencer M1860 and the Remington Rolling Block

i wouldn't ask if it where in the book

>Chassepot modèle 1866

Given it's exceptional similarity to the Dreyse needle gun I feel like you could make it's reload time 3 if loading from a prepared cartage. Without fixed ammo, you'd need to load it by hand as a breach-loading rifle, following the rules on page 86 of High Tech. In that case, it's 10 seconds, or 8 seconds with a successful fast draw (ammo).

Note that 3 seconds is open, load, close and cock. If you aren't holding a round ready to go you will need to spend a second pulling one out or Fast Draw it.

Wikipedia, I guess? There's a whole lot of ways people have made buildings. Unless you narrow it down to a setting, it feels like generalized examples might not be very helpful.

Gondola land.
When you have fuckload of wood and pop up with human presence when you already have access to tools, you don't need to use anything else than said wood.

Pick Dreyse, remove ONE second from reload, add a bit of range and you are golden.


This looks extremely lewd.

Italian lath-and-plaster constriction developed directly from wattle-and-daub sometime in the 1st century BCE. Congratulations, you are a retard.


>starts talking about Italy
Different user and while I find his "no wattle" questionable, you just went full retard here

>doesn't realise that 'gondola land' could quite easily mean Venice

What the fuck do you think a gondola is?

>Like Dante staying mid-air or enemies kept airborne on a stream of bullets?
Launching enemies in air [0:37 High Roller] and keep them and self in mid-air [consecutive attacks/shots]

>Gap closers
[0:42 Streak, Streak2]

[4:54 Snatch, Snatch 2, Snatch 3]
[5:05 Hell Bound]
[8:59 Ophion Angel Lift]
[9:10 Ophion Demon Pull]

>Being this new to Veeky Forums
I know summer just started, but come on!

I'm going to level with you: Nobody gives a shit about Gondola any more. Spurdo himself is only barely a live meme.

The FUCK Italian construction techniques have to do with this:
And before you go crying "b-but nails and modern tools" - the fully traditional version is build with nothing more but a single axe and wooden stakes.

>Gondola land
And wattle and daub was used by everyone around the world. Stupidity yes.

Original Gondola here and I'll do you a favour - just fucking stop. I get it, you get tangled too deep in this, but just stop.

>Spurdo himself is only barely alive meme
Summer, please...

>Calls people retarded
>Talks about Italy in context of Finland
Let me guess - when you hear "Slavland", you think about Russia or just entire Eastern Europe lumped together, and not, you know, Poland?

i think i stay with 3d+1 and pi+ because the Chassepot had a Minié ball instead of the acorn-shaped bullet of the Dreyse and 3 seconds reload is even standard by newer guns so i wount change that for the cartridges

eastern yurop here
I thought slavland is eastern yurop in general.

It is.

Is just summer and retarded, and trying to cover it up by fingerpointing.

That looks comfy as fuck and was probably the only educational and worthy part of the entire autistic screeching about construction.

It's not. Russia got separate memes, Baltics aren't even Slavs to begin with and there are also different memes for Yugos. In the end you are left with Polandball and Czechs, since even Slovaks and Ukraine have their own memes. And Czechs never say they are from Slavland, but boast about being Czechs, so the loop closes itself.

>Calls people summer
>Can't into memes
Irony is strong in you.

>implying we're not all the same after the USSR shenanigans
National identity is a meme and you know it.

>gets offended by getting called summerfag by some user
beeing this new

If you came to Veeky Forums after 2005, you are a summerfag.

>Confirmed of not being a Slav


Slavs only get butthurt over national identity because they subconsciously realise they're all the same.

>hurr durr how dare you ignore /int/ maymays
Yeah, that's true oldfag here. Totally not underage who just learned his first meme.

>This entire thread right now
At this point I no longer wonder why /gurpsgen/ disappeared from Veeky Forums.