RIP Sky Sentinels

Wiped out TO A MAN in the Dark Imperium book. Pour one out for these guys huh?

Pretty fucked up if you ask me

Literally who?

Should we know who that is?

They're pretty important to the lore guys

Obviously dey didn't 'ave da roit shade o' blue, cuz all dey boyz dead now. JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ORIGINAL IMPERIAL FIST CHAPTER NINE THOUSAND YEARS AGO.

RIP. Another poor minor chapter that had a color scheme and little else, but dammit maybe they were someone's favorite minor chapter, or were included in some Deathwatch squad.

jobbers made up to die.

>implying they won't now be an all-Primaris chapter of flying BA fucks

If this was a videogame they would be pretty badass.

>Magnus personally showed up to fuck up these literal whos

So much for that redemption arc.


>another 'literally who?' Chapter BTFO

yeah, rip.

Learn to rotate pictures retard.

I'll never forget the Sky Sentinels, and their momentous roll of honor. Truly even 1st Foundings would be in awe of such feats of battle as:
1) Exterminatusing a planet you were sent to protect without firing a shot
2) Getting BTFO to the last man.

And by 1st Foundings, I mean the Imperial Fists

>only 12 planets blown up.

Wow Veeky Forums made it sound worse.

That's only a couple chapters down. And given that a shitload of regular worlds have been out of contact then its probably not that bad initially.

Given the complete asspull that Guilliman just pulled with his Primaris secret legions anyways.

>That's only a couple chapters down
At least. It does say that 450-500 chapters, out of 1000, are unaccounted for. Who knows how many hundreds are also dead And replaced by Primaris chapters

Of course manlets would fail so hard like that. When will they ever learn?


Well that's what the Primaris are supposed to do, since they said a lot of chapters were rebuilt with them.

I think a lot of them were absorbed by the Legion of the Damned too, which would explain their increasing appearances on hundreds of worlds.

I'm curious what the Custodes and the other Talons of the Emperors are now up to now that they are back in action all over the galaxy. It makes me wonder if the Emperor is planning loads of deus ex machina superweapons or masterful plans that makes Guilliman's secret legions look like a shitty birthday surprise.

>wonder if the Emperor is planning loads of deus ex machina

I thought he was essentially in a coma and unconscious, if not outright dead but parts of him were only kept alive for that galactic beacon thingy.


He's been waging non-stop psychic war with the chaos gods. And in the one short story Shadow of the Leviathan, bitchslapped the Hive Mind to save Tigurus. He's also intervenes often enough in stories depending on how much you want to read into them, like the novella Armor of Contempt.

Their colour scheme looks awful, so I can't say I'll loose any sleep over them biting the proverbial dust.

I mean, Armour of Faith, not Contempt. Wrong story.

Did they even get a fluff blurb of one event that they participated or were involved in, or a mention as being participants or notable for something.

Hell, Golden Halos just have a patrician black and gold colorscheme, but they have one notable event listed and are mentioned as having done something somewhere once.

>Did they even get a fluff blurb of one event that they participated or were involved in
They were sent to defend a world from Tyranids, but when they got there, they found a world in the clutches of warp bullshit with towers twisting unnaturally and gravity going wonky. Bloodthirsters were duelling biotitans in the street, and zoanthrope broods were having psychic duels with Lords of Change.
They opted to Exterminatus instead of trying to reclaim it.
And then they got annihilated by Magnus.

>The Sky Sentinels were sent to reclaim the Agri World Sondheim V but upon seeing the situation planetside, of turmoil between Hive Fleet Leviathan and the forces of the Daemon Prince M'kar the Reborn, opted to launch Exterminatus against the planet instead.

Cited as from 5th ed Tyranids codex.

They probably saw Leman Russ as their spiritual liege.

As, so there is something. Really scouring the old archives for dudes no one would miss.

user, I get they're a literally who, but some people do like those chapters for the chance they have to flesh them out themselves. And even if you don't give a shit about them dead or alive, they add a little bit to the setting by just being there, so it's not just more famous chapters doing everything in the galaxy with only a thousand marines each.

Well, yeah. I mentioned the Golden Halos because I'm doing up a small Inq28 team of them. Playing with the weirdos and the guys with no background seems more appealing to me, because it's more likely they'll be caught up in their own smaller events and histories than tied up in the constantly epic happenings and destinies of the First and sometimes Second Founding Chapters.

Also means to can cop and name and neat color scheme and fill-in-the-fluff to suit your needs. Maybe the Golden Halos are super weird and have odd occultish practices that involve solar eclipses? I'm running them as Codex-adherents who yell about lions and generally do the Space Marine thing sans featuring hanging out with the major players, filling in shadowy spots where weird things can happen outside the big players and events.

Well, their presence and subsequent reason for getting wiped out adds more to the setting than just them being there indefinitely and "eventlessly".

I can't find the old novel to get the title, but there was one where a Dark Angel was knocked into stasis during a void battle of the Heresy, and left floating through space for 10,000 years. He ends up in the Eye of Terror and fucks up one of Tzneetch's plans, all because the Emperor gave him a 'nudge' in the right direction while he was floating around unconcious.

Also my headcanon says that he's the reason why the Custodes haven't been whittled down to almost nothing, since he uses his psychic powers to improve them, no further intervention is needed, and the rest of the process can be handled by the existing members. Since it's not that far-fetched of an idea, if he's able to regularly zap potential Astropaths with his mojo.

>Also my headcanon says that he's the reason why the Custodes haven't been whittled down to almost nothing, since he uses his psychic powers to improve them, no further intervention is needed, and the rest of the process can be handled by the existing members.
It's canon that the emprah does some how communicate with the custodes on some level (hence why the custodes have a seat on the council) and I'm looking for the book, an anthology one, where a custode shows up and tells the Dark Angels to give him a squad because the asshole he's hunting is a fallen. Then after the spaghetti gets picked up off the floor he goes yeah bitch, you think the bug E doesn't know what goes on in his own imperium?
Which kinda invalidates the whole "keeping the secret shame secret AT ANY COST" thing but whatever. Fuck the DA.

Is he wearing a Kanohi Hau?

He also guides guardsmen to do near impossible feats. Like how in Storm of Iron, ONE guardsman was able to:
>Survive an Iron Warriors assault.
>Find out that the Mechanicus was weakening the guardsmen with radiation pills.
>KILLS a chaos termy.
>Sets off a nuke.
>Last to survive a massive chaos incursion.
>Is now probably an Imperial Fist marine.

That guy got given to the Mechanicum as a thrall and was last seen being the fixer for a tech-heretic.

Naw he was busy being an asshole to Guilliman when they chatted after his return. Emperor's been said to have been in some aspects even more powerful from all the psychic power he's absorbed too, but lost his humanity.

Hence why Roubute now has some serious daddy issues now.

kek, if he's a major character I'd definitely like to read that one, I'm on a 'Custodes kick' since they're my new army. Though aside from Master of Mankind I obviously don't expect to see them as the main character.

As suggested by the cover, they do show up in the new novel, The Carrion Throne, which is quite good. Most of it is about the Inquisitor and his new Acolyte, and it improved my opinion of the Ordo Hereticus significantly.

PDF: the chapter

Besides, the color scheme doesn't go away; if there's already someone out there playing as them (doubtful, but you never know), they can fluff their force as the last remaining members easy enough - especially since Munitorium records aren't what I'd call reliable. And going forward, it's easy enough for a new Chapter of Marines to take on the name and colors. (Yes, yes, primaris, but let's remember that in like three years all marines will be truescale and we'll barely remember Cawl's mad genius!)

What? Fuck, source?

>So much for that redemption arc.
Magnus can still be redeemed. It's revealed in The Crimson King that he was fractured after Prospero and it was the evil shard of him that joined the traitors. (seriously) I believe it's still theoretically possible for him to be made whole.

This is what Imperials actually believe.

RIP Sky Sentinels, we hardly knew ya. Speaking of fucked over chapters, are there any news about Lamenters?

Priests of Mars by Graham Mcneil

They had like 5 guys left 100 years ago so I imagine they got

Cheers, I gotta read that someday.

Should just say "PRIMED," which could also be a good way to make puns in the WIP thread, especially on models primed in black.

Any news on whether Black Consuls got PRIMED?

They did I think. Dark Imperium confirms Scythes of the Emperor are getting replenished (the fact that it is L J Goulding's favorite chapter is nothing bit a coincidence I'm sure), and I think the Black Consuls as well.

>evil shard

What, is he a fucking C'Tan now?

holy shit guys I just ordered over 1000 dollars in models for my sky sentinels army, I might kill myself now

Can we have a quick recount on what's going on with the Primarchs right now in the fluff?

Nope, he was remade in the Ahriman 3rd book.
The Magnus we know in m42 is 100% Magnus.

Lamenters and and Celestial Lions baby, rise of the losers. DON'T CALL IT A COMBACK

Seeing as how the High Lords are dead now, the Celestial Lions being a thing again isn't too far fetched.

What? I thought Guidoman was co-ruling with them

Besides it's the Inquisition that had beef with the Celestian kangs

I thought it was the high lords though their inquisition contacts among the orks that killed the lions?

>Seeing as how the High Lords are dead now
Guilliman had a few of them removed and replaced. Stop spreading retarded false info you learned from memes.

Also it was the Inquisition who had a feud with the Celestial Lions, not the High Lords.

Wtf I love Guilliman now

The Ahriman books were retconned by The Crimson King.


>Author doing bitch moves to each other

That's low.

Lay it on me user. What were the retcons?

Not him I haven't read the crimson king but Magnus was still missing parts of himself at the end of the Ahriman books.

That's also the typical GW IP author modus operandi.

Was he? Shit my memory must be terrible.
Shame we didn't get any more on Ahriman's small success in foxing the Rubric, last we've seen him, he was going after "resurrected" TS that were brought back from the Rubric by Yvraine.

>High Lords are dead now
Wot. Guilliman removed 3 or 4 from office and handpicked their replacements. How the fuck did you read that as "The High Lords are dead."

Yeah, that's why the notion of a true canon in 40k is, in the words of author and game designer Gav Thorpe, a "fallacy." Because the Authors don't do any kind of coordination and contradict each other with every new release; and only the most autistic or hopelessly NEET of souls would be able to put in the time or effort to keep up with the latest and greatest contradiction.
The BL writers have it right when they declare loose canon, but it's pretty much the best way to handle a franchise with so many authors over so many years; and frankly, fits nicely into the setting from a meta-standpoint as well. As ADB puts it, the super loose canon is a feature, not a bug.

Less retconned and more, McNeil doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing and makes more continuity errors than every other BL author combined (minus Abnett).

half the people on tg get most of their lore from threads on here, which can lead to plenty of hearsay.

Some people still think the Pylons destroyed Cadia for example

God, don't remind me of those terrible times.

No shit. I'm all for loose canon, or whatever floats your boat like the guy a couple posts up. But if you're going to state something as a fact, at least get it correct, out of the source whatever source that may be.

He can speak to people who are physically near him through visions. This is why Roboute went to see him.

One thing that confused me, how are the new marines being deployed so quickly, and in such numbers? Doesn't it take a century to produce and train a chapter? How are they suddenly trained and ready for war? Even if there were a million training under Mars, they lack actual combat experience.

Don't quote me on this because it's been a few weeks now, but IIRC they did in fact, throw Primaris Marines into the field with no real combat experience

Why would they suffer losses? Have the Custodes being fighting in the Webway for ten thousand years? I thought the Emperor sealed it.

So they just mass produced new marines without testing them and threw them into combat. Great idea, I'm sure that'll go really well.

Even the Emperor, the most accomplished geneticist of all of creation, was forced to create the Thunder Warriors as prototypes before he attempted to create the Astartes. And if I am remembering right, he had to alter the Astartes shortly after the Crusade started because they took too long to produce and kept dying too easily.

They did. Gathering Storm III confirmed that the Golden Throne was sealed up. Undisputable canon until an author decides that gets in the way of his story.

Roboute being forced to travel to Luna rather than the Palace itself supports this.

>was forced to create the Thunder Warriors as prototypes before he attempted to create the Astartes
you know it took cawl 10,000 years to perfect the chadmarines right?

It did go well in the end though. They adlit they had quite the losses at furst but by thr time the indomitus Crusade is over, they're all proper marines with experience.

Yes, and this is why I assumed they have only been in mass production and underling training for a short time. Far too short to identify any serious issues. Cawl testing them under Mars doesn't compare to actual combat, which will involve exposure to Chaos and the Warp.

I would assume then that the crusade lasts for a few decades in order to train them up right.

Dark Imperium states that the Indominus Crusade lasted about 112 years

Well, that's my concerns put to rest then.

That reminded me. Dark Imperium says, I believe, that Guilliman got done in by Fulgrim about 100 years after the Heresy Which on his side note would make his disbelief about the Ecclisiarchy in GS3 more believe. Imperial Cults would certainly be prevalent by then, but nothing even remotely to the scope and scale of the Ecclisiarchy,. The Great Crusade/Horus Heresy was 200~ years. That means, that Calgar, who's been chapter master of the Ultramarines for 300+, had been Lord of the Ultramarines for longer than Guilliman had been alive upon Guilliman's return.

I wonder how the Codex Imperialis is going to affect the Imperium, especially the Ecclesiarchy.

I'd be willing to bet that Guilliman will become a second Sebastian Thor, a second great reformer of the Ecclisiarchy, once he finally gives in and drinks the Imperial Cult kool-aid. He's so far on the precipice there's no way he doesn't start praisan the Emprah.

Which is strange when you consider that, aside from the Primarchs who were actually killed, all of the others are ten thousand years old.

Dark Imperium has Guiliman stating explicitly that the Ecclesiarchy was overall a force of good.
Furthermore, he may or may not accept the Emperor's divinity.
In any case, the Imperial Creed isn't going anywhere, however the Imperium's doctribes might change, like its relations towards eldars notably, or its callous approach to human life (even though Guiliman admits high and noble principles are a burden more than an asset when dealing on a galactic scale towards the end of the book).

His line of thought may revolve around the Emperor actually being a god now. This is probably why the Emperor hasn't done anything about the Ecclesiarchy, he has probably come to accept it by now. If he was to deny it, he'd lose all the worship energy that keeps him going, and the Imperium would die.

Stream it on /b/ and do it, faggot.

Implying thats the wrong choice when the situation is THAT tits-up

>Lord Guilliman, the Codex Astartes states that the senior officer must be the one in charge of the Chapter. I am afraid I can't take orders from you.
>Brother Leandros will explain it to you later. Dismissed, Roboute.

>like its relations towards eldars notably
Is there anything Bobby made wrong? Best primarch. Best legion.



Dont tqlk shit about Abnett bitch
