Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1564: Real Eater Edition

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Could Real Eater turn Jumpchain into a good thread?

Well, it can't change powersources and the source of Jumpchain is us. So, no.

What are some neat ideas for uses of Real Eater that you've come up with?

I'm still salty about not being able to have All Fiction in Medaka Box

This is at least the fourth time we've had a Real Eater edition. I demand you use Real Eater and change the title to something more interesting.

Dude, the canon mechs are dogshit. Do you know anything about Chucklefuck development?



Would that create Fake Eater or Real Drinker?

Using it on Enhanced Learning from Worm so that it instead becomes Enhanced Teaching.

Is there even a single jumper who could defeat the Weird Man?

How could anyone beat him? He brought a ham!

Adventure Monarch, Elemental Monarch, change the Element to something different than the default ones. Be the Meat King!

I don't think that works like that?

Alright, I said I'd be back to post the rewritten Symbiote Jump, and the updated Terraria Jump.

Up first, the Terraria mod update:
>Add: Thorium Seeding
>>Effectively adds the Thorium mod to your Jump.
>Add: More Major Modifications
>>Lets you add a selection of other mods to your Jump.
>Add: Notes section explanations and links to the resources for these mods, as sparse as they may be.

Well it's that time again; I am looking for some more suggestions to add to my list of jumps to roll for. Here is a list of jumps I have already taken pastebin.com/u26SLK0X
Thanks in advance.

8. Free Choice

Symbiote Jump Rewrite:
>Change: Rewrote the backgrounds and their perks
>>They're not Human and the Symbiote types anymore, so it's no longer a , "one background," Jump
>Change: Added a section for Symbiote abilities as perks
>>They allow you to do everything that the prior perks for the backgrounds in the previous background allowed for
>Change: Moved Bio-Injector to the Companions section
>>It allows anyone you turn into a Symbiote, and that reaches synergy with their host before you have to leave, the choice of becoming a Companion
>Add: Human, Gray-Matter Transfer, and Imprisoned as Drawbacks
>>These are a slightly better fit as drawbacks, since they gimp one or more of your abilities and limit what you're able to do and take from the Jump itself

Kill La Kill

Terraria and Symbiote just updated. May as well, Rave.

Star Wars OT, or KotOR.

>100 CP Backgrounds for all but Drop Ins
You still get a ton of free shit, 100cp isn't going to ruin your build.

>Droid Bonus history has you as an actual droid; no option for Vader style living person with a machine body.
1.) I like having a droid option. 2.) I've said multiple times that you retain your force powers from previous jumps if you pick droid and that you don't need to be a jedi three times to maximize your potential.

>Boba Fett's Arm blaster thing not actually discounted for Bounty Hunters.
Because I've already balanced the discounts and given bounty hunter's a free weapon.

>Cargo holds still don't have the bay door or elevator they would need as real life ship and not a movie prop
Since when has star wars ever cared about realism? Also I'm going off existing examples and and few ships had one. Plus, as I've said before, not everyone is gonna be hauling a bunch of cargo.

>Still trying to charge for Intercoms on ANY ship in a high tech space opera.
Because you obviously just can't yell or use a phone or telepathy.

It's fine as it is. I'm gonna leave it be.

Magical Pokemon Journey. It's in the Uploads folder right now, I think.

K added to the list thank you

>Fake Eater
What would that even do? Change powers you don't have?

>increasing the efficiency of all of your body's physical functions. Alternatively, you
Cuts off.

alright added to the list. Thank you.

Question to Val: Can Ymgarl Adaptability potentially include mutations that enhance your psyker powers? If so what sort of things could a honorary zoanthrope develop?

Mother fucking fuck. It's supposed to read, "Alternatively, you can augment your skeleton with inorganic components like metal, without your body rejecting them, or integrate mechanical parts into your body, such as fabricating a coil gun made from a high-end defibrillator station and mounting it in place of your forearm. Y'know, whichever floats your proverbial boat."

Shit. Gimme a minute.

Why does eventually becoming god make you have to stay if it takes like a decade to pull off?

Been meaning to ask but for Berzerker OS if we choose to split our Symbiote into a companion would we be able to still use it or other Symbiote abilities on our own?

Do shields scale with ship size? The shields that can take one blast from a turbo laser is nice on a light freighter but on a corvette it would be rather pitiful.

Sort of? I could see it mutating your brain to better handle the strain when you're channeling a particularly large amount, which would probably let you do more and withstand more, but it's not going to directly evolve psychic powers specifically. Well, I guess this example already improves them all around.

Kinda. Corvettes are definitely more durable than the other ships but a star destroyer could still easily take one out.

Cool, thanks. Hah, I immediately thought of those ayys from Mars Attacks!

Would Bigger is Better from Tomb Kings assist you in combining energy types using Boosted Tandem Style, or does it only apply to large structures?

Hey Val, it was asked a couple threads ago, but would the Antichrist be accepted as a Servant? What do you think of as an NP? Kosher or no?

>rising and falling as the other does so
Would they fall beyond a base? Like, if you lose your body, will you be rendered psychically impotent? If you lend away your psychic powers or get caught by a Blank, would you be unable to so much as stand?


Because you become a nascent reality warper with an effective range of, "I'm kinda, like, half-way to Mars right now." Kinda outstrips the power cap on most Jumps.

You both keep the abilities you gain as a Symbiote, yes. In addition, like it says after the endings, they gain learned skills(like magic) and purely genetic traits(such as being a Conduit) that you have, as though they'd been in you from before you started your Jump.

The symbiotes granted by default to the jumper/companions still have the Berzerker Protocol in them, right? You need to handle it one way or another unless yours comes from the Bio-Injector?

How about A Super Mario Thing? Might have to go a thread or two back to get the pdf, but it should be right about done.

>Island/World Size:
>Unless you take the Drawback, "Downgrade to the Original Form," the world the world is a fully three-dimensional, mostly circular continent;

in the drawbacks section this one is named "The Original: A Downgrade".

>with the Drawback, it instead has a radius based on its size, measured in

in the drawbacks section this is a different one named "Where's The Rest?"

>You both keep the abilities you gain as a Symbiote

Thank you, it was constantly bothering me whether or not I would keep it. Like the rewrite so far.

That they do. Its why I gave Berzerker OS a discount for baseline synergized pairs.

Assuming it does "outstrip the power cap on most jumps", do you have time to reverse it before your chain ends?

So just interjump balance? Cause most jumps don't offer technology near as bullshit, with or without the cap.

I figured, but wanted to make sure. Looking good.

Sure I'll add it to the list, thanks

Mmm,, don't think it'd work on that. I think it could extend to stuff like maybe creating spells but it'd still need to be creating something, not combining two things through another perk.

As far as I'm aware, the Antichrist is someone that is meant to exist in the future or at least the actual present, not far enough back to count as a potential Servant. I wouldn't think of him as valid if that's true.

As to the NP, depends on what else it can do. The stated effects seem okay for an EX rank but it mentions being able to do more then the example given in the first post, so I'd want confirmation that everything it can do is described in the two posts before okaying it.

Mm, not sure. Probably won't fall below a base level of physical and mental functionality but they will fall to an extent if one does.

Well, whether or not I agree or disagree, it's fine as long as you say it's allowed to happen outside the jump if you find a way how. Other jumps aren't a good reason to add fiat caps to things in any case, people never shut up about that kind of thing and get mad at it just for it being there, whether or not they care about the substance of the ruling.

These are problems from the original that I missed. I'm getting more and more convinced that my brain just plain does not work.

It's not a thing that can be reversed. You and your Symbiote become permanently fused together into a single mind, which is not really a thing you can hit, "undo," on.

Really? Kantai Collection's, "Savage Salvage," along with either Prototype or, "Kinesis," from Marvel(taking it as autokinesis, modified for strength and speed with other perks) gives you basically exactly the same thing, with the limitation of what technology you can find or make.

Hmm... What about something like Conjoined Conjures?

It's a bit grayer than TS, as you're still using your understanding of two systems to "create" something from two components. It's certainly more of a "project" than "enlightenment" or something that just happens.

That's just the same thing with a different cover.

Ah, k.

I don't see a symbiote companion option, much less an import, even though it's mentioned other places in the document.

>You and your Symbiote become permanently fused together
Ah. K, senpai.

Actual Backgrounds in addition to the normal Symbiote abilities was a great idea. Now I might have to be really choosy about the stuff I buy.

But yeah, that's a good question, can the Symbiote fusion happen outside of the jump? I'm already happy with what you do get, but clarification is nice.

So getting a Symbiote is basically a trap option, and doing something that a jumper with a few intelligence perks could do while drunk and sleeping, will end your chain.

Why not just limit it Post-Spark like normal jumps?

I suppose? Kind of? Thanks, anyway.

There are still references to importing a companion as your own symbiote, but it looks like that section of Jolly Cooperation got lost in the shuffle, leaving only the mechanics of importing two companions into a pair. I assume imports to your own symbiote still don't get the 600cp (because they're already using yours), so you probably should add that bit back in.

One of the examples given in Real Eater is changing a skill's output from 'fire' to 'ice', so it should work. The catch with RE is that you can't make a skill run off a different power source (e.g. you can't abuse an infinite stamina perk by RE'ing all your perks to run off stamina instead of mana/ki/whatever).

Fampai, Berserker OS is still discounted fort synergized pair.

>trap option
It's only a 'trap' if you're a dumbass.

Yeah, it's like a semi-endgame ship, it doesn't have any of the Hyperdrive stuff that summons the Unbidden, but it does have particle Lances and stuff
On the matter of Gaia worlds I do see that it's a pretty good advantage, without it there would be many spots you can't really inhabit or utilize but with it you can.

On the matter of Government Ethics. They're not perks, they're how your government runs. It's basically a free form allowance to mold the facets of your government how you wish, there aren't "advantages" outside of the ethics perks and Techs.

On the AI assistant I guess I will change that, you're right that that shouldn't be the wording.

On the personal squad, I knew I forgot to change something. Though if enough people don't find a problem with it it will stay

Finally, the victory conditions will have to stay. They're the only way to win the Stellaris Game, they're like Civilizations Domination Victories.

So basically, it's a trap for him.

The shitposter is the biggest dumbass in the thread.

>As far as I'm aware, the Antichrist is someone that is meant to exist in the future or at least the actual present, not far enough back to count as a potential Servant. I wouldn't think of him as valid if that's true.
The wank that I was going off of was that the Antichrist Servant is based on the idea of, and common belief in the Antichrist throughout history, culminated in someone who was strongly believed to have been him in the past being overrided by the much stronger legend of the Antichrist when they were being summoned.

As for what the NP can do, besides what was in those posts, it could also make things it hits do things 'in the future'. The way it works is that it hits something, and then that thing will eventually make an out of character decision that they would not have otherwise, or 'taking a different path' then the one it would normally.

Don't mind him he is one of those paranoid jumpers talked about at the bottom of the jump.

>I don't think that works like that?
Literally what it does user.

Really, he's doing the multiverse a favor.

Not really. Kantai Collection doesn't even have nanotechnology, let alone femptotech. Savage Salvage doesn't let you get anywhere close to Symbiote tech without going to other clarketech heavy jumps. Same with Prototype. And Marvel, in terms of powerlevels and tech is ludicrously better than most settings.

Yeah, but in Elemental Monarchs case, you'd be stuck with the Element you chose originally because you can't change the source of a power, only the output, and the source of your elemental power is being a monarch of that element. You can't change your element then.

>Yeah, it's like a semi-endgame ship, it doesn't have any of the Hyperdrive stuff that summons the Unbidden, but it does have particle Lances and stuff
Thanks! What about the import?

Is there a way you can put in that thing which shrank our organs while increasing efficiency like the last version, or the skeleton/muscle nanotube stuff?

So, what, do you permanently have this arbitrary warning sequestered in your memory, or will you receive it when you get too close to "fusing"? Or do you receive it once, and it's a trap to anyone who hasn't taken perfect memory perks or takes an amnesia drawback? Or anyone who takes one of those "rival" drawbacks now has an enemy who's a powerful reality warper that they can never hope to defeat?

You know, you remember this stuff right up until you start writing it. I'll be back.

You can, yes, though space is always a concern. It's the size of a skyscraper, which means it has the volume of a skyscraper. That's not going to fit in your Warehouse.

>trap option
I do not have a facepalm reaction image that expresses the intensity I require of one right now. You lack reading comprehension.

The ability to incorporate tech is covered by Savage Salvage and Prototype or Kinesis. Unless you have tech that allows you to make an AI using an image of your own consciousness and then fuse with it, you're not getting close to that.

Enhanced Body under the Symbiote Perks.

Fixed the notes on Terraria's world altering drawbacks.

Yes. Now fuck off, no one cares.

Here are some ideas if you don't mind

>On the AI assistant I guess I will change that, you're right that that shouldn't be the wording.

If it's a companion like entity that doesn't take up a companion slot and can't import it's called a follower

>On the personal squad, I knew I forgot to change something. Though if enough people don't find a problem with it it will stay

I think you should get rid of the "Share all perks at 100%" if imported and then having them take up all of the companion slots isn't very good either. Just change them to standard followers or move them to the companion section

Also race import option when user?

I just read the first chapter of Symbiote, and I have to say, I'm liking it.

Can you give a brief summary of what each mod is about?

>You lack reading comprehension.
How so? It's a fairly limited power-level which you can't return from that immediately ends your chain that can be easily accomplished by any jumper worth their salt, by accident. It's basically a permanent drawback for no points.

Right at the bottom of the doc at the drawbacks there's the "Civilization from Jumps past" option. Thanks for the recommendation on the AI and soldiers.

I think I'll just remove the 100% thing and have them share it all equally.
See above

Fusing with your Symbiote is a conscious choice, and one that takes an absolute shit-ton of biomass to make the structures necessary to; it doesn't come from nowhere. You have to take it in, and even then there's space and heat concerns to worry about; it's the size of a damn skyscraper, and the only two places that they figured could house one is one of the poles, or space.

One hermits himself up in Antarctica, the other buggers off to terraform Mars.

Actually fixed the drop-off under Enhanced Body - there was some fuckery going on with my exporter program that wasn't updating the existing files when saving over them; had to delete them and export again - and added the clause that lets you import a Companion as your own Symbiote.



Seeing as people seem to find the jump about ready to start making builds for, here's what I'm really hoping is the last version of A Super Mario Thing. Please let me know if this works; if everything is a go, I can upload it to the drive.

Your symbiote could probably arrange for that.

Whether they would or /should/ is another matter entirely.

To be honest, while calling it a trap is stupid, having it end your chain if you do it is a load of garbage. If you're going to go that far, then just hardcap it; ending someones chain for trying it and making it an irreversible process is just dickish and stupid.

That said you should probably just say that it's allowed since your only justification in the first place was interjump balance, it isn't even particularly high level for the extreme of measures taken to prevent it happening, and you just shouldn't make rulings that thing which aren't dying would end your chain.


I think you need a Symbiote to help you.

Need some ideas for drawbacks.

That would be too far for the NP then. It's already got power reduction and the ability to change things with pretty few limits, it also being able to set in commands for the future is just one extra ability too far. I'd be okay with using the existing abilities to simulate that, like changing someone at the time so that they're going to make that decision later on, since that's a lot less utility then being able to time delay these changes/transformations the NP can give.

Anyway, as to that idea, I'm still going to side with no, mostly because of two things. One, you don't have a named figure for the one strongly believed to be the antichrist and two, the legend of the antichrist is still something that would be in the future or present, rather then the past.

>Because I've already balanced the discounts and given bounty hunter's a free weapon.
A free weapon choice of 100 CP weapons, which the bounty hunters iconic arm blaster isn't. If you want to use that excuse, drop its price so it is a valid choice as the bounty hunters free weapon

>Since when has star wars ever cared about realism? Also I'm going off existing examples and and few ships had one. Plus, as I've said before, not everyone is gonna be hauling a bunch of cargo.
And the ones who don't haul cargo don't have cargo holds. You are placing big empty spaces in ships without a way practical way to get things in or out of them. It's like saying front doors don't need to be standard in houses because it is possible to go in and out the window. This is not Star Wars looking stupid, this is YOU looking stupid

Frankly, cargo doors and elevators (and intercoms) should never have been something you listed or charged for at all. It is a level if detail below the type of ships systems the rest of the supplement deals with. Like how many door and rooms there are in the ship. Incidental stuff and fluff details that could have chosen at whim by the jumper when the ship was described. Until you listed it and slapped a CP cost on it

>Because you obviously just can't yell or use a phone or telepathy
using a internal phone system would basically be an intercom system, Einstein. Intercom is short for Internal Communications System. And they are necessary on ships so the person driving the ship can communicate with the rest of the ship without leaving his station. Do non expect voice to carry to every level or room on the millennium falcon, for example. The living room in my house is next door to the kitchen with an opening between the two, and half the time it seems someone talking in one won't be heard in the others because of how the sound travels, and incidental things like noise from televisions, microwaves, ice-makers, & whatnot. Dramatic ship noises are louder

>one that takes an absolute shit-ton of biomass to make the structures necessary to; it doesn't come from nowhere
In-setting. All it takes is one lapse in attention, and you take a perk that makes it happen automatically. And then, suddenly, your chain is ended. No save, go home, even though you're already far beyond the infinitesimal powerlevels of Symbiote. At the very least, it forces everyone's Benefactor to act extremely asinine and arbitrarily. Maybe if it said, "If you're not already beyond Bob and Ayya, then fusing with your Symbiote will end your Chain." But otherwise it makes no sense.

He is shitposting. Please ignore him.

>Berzerker OS [600CP; Discount: Synergized Pair (not Human, Imprisoned, or Gray-Matter Transfer)]

I was laughing at my own incompetence as I posted that, and now I'm laughing even harder at how far you're taking it.

This is why I come to /jcg/. This right here. The feeling of accomplishment, and the fact that some of you are fucking hilarious to be around.

Yes, and?

Seriously, it looks like you forgot to finish writing this post.

Hmm. On the other hand, it is Adventure Time lore that the Elementals' ability to manipulate their respective element depends on how much magic there is in the world, which indicates that their power source is magic. And the perk in the jump uses the picture of the Ice King (the 'Monarch' in 'Elemental Monarch'), who is not an Elemental and whose power over the element of ice is actually granted by a corrupted wish-granting magic crown (it's supposed to grant your deepest wish, but its first wearer's deepest wish was actually to be just like their senpai, the Ice Elemental wizard).

So anyway tldr it's magic that's doing the heavy lifting.

Can you actually justify the limit beyond "it's too OP for other jumps" ?

>One, you don't have a named figure for the one strongly believed to be the antichrist
If you are going with the interpretation of the Antichrist as charismatic demagogue, most people would call actual Hitler a good fit.