Without Slaanesh, do elves in AoS still need waystones?

Without Slaanesh, do elves in AoS still need waystones?

>elves in AoS
ill let you know when they actually have some lore for elves in AOS.

There's lore in AOS?

>There's no lore for elves in AOS?

Teclis, Tyrion, Alarielle, and Malekith survived the world being sucked into a warp rift and appear in the new setting. They look around and find no elves anywhere. Malekith, Tyrion, and Teclis team up and "capture" Slaanesh while he/she was taking a nap in a cave. Later a few elves are noticed in some of the human cities but no explanation for how they got there is ever provided.

That is the sum total of all AOS elf related lore.

wew, that's worse then shitty naruto fanfictions with author inserted characters.

yep not even going to try to defend it or argue with you on that. It is utter garbage. I consider myself something of a warhammer elves lore aficionado and the state of things in AOS is just heart-breaking.

So the elves are gone as a faction? Did the rest of them get eaten by the Warp?

Did Slaanesh fucking win? I mean, being kidnapped and all, but eating all those elf souls seems like a great deal.

>So the elves are gone as a faction?
in the lore there is no explanation for their existence. However, they have rules for all the old models and you can use them in AOS.
>Did the rest of them get eaten by the Warp?
no information is provided to answer this question
>Did Slaanesh fucking win?
no information is provided to answer this question

I'm more of a 40k casual and only barely know of WHF. . .but that sounds like total garbage

Like how can you have a setting but literally have NO story about a major faction

"They just exist because its cool" is literally children level of worldbuilding

Can you at least tell me how Rhana Dandra played out in End Times?

There is a legitimate reason all the fantasy fags were so assblasted about AoS. I say that as someone who enjoys it's gameplay, but to be quite frank the lore is incredibly anorexic shit, and it really is a shame that they killed fantasy for it rather than keep most of fantasy and just push a new event and some new rules kinda like 8th ed. For all it's flaws at least 8th ed hasn't completely gutted and destroyed a much loved setting.

I hate what AoS did to the Lizardmen.

Teclis bound the magical wind of shadow to Malekith, Light to Tyrion, and Life to Alarielle. The wind of beasts landed on an Orc Warboss and the wind of metal landed on a human wizard and the lore of heaven went to Sigmar and the lore of fire went to a dwarf slayer king. These individuals, empowered by the winds of magic are known as incarnates. Archaeon destroyed the world by screwing with an piece of Old Ones technology that was buried in a cave since forever ago. The incarnates tried and failed to stop him. The world got sucked into a warp rift and everyone pretty much died. The last elf god, the moon god, used the last of her strength to make a pocket dimension to hide the elves but it failed and was corrupted by chaos. The moon god died. Everyone died.

Malekith was for a while the incarnate of Asura and Tyrion was the incarnate of Khaine and they battled it out with Malekith taking a narrow win. Tyrion pulled the Widdow-maker sword and the rest of the elves united behind Malekith to put him down even though it wiped out most of the strength of the elves in the process. The entire continent of the Elves, Atlantis or whatever, literally sank under the ocean when the winds of magic vortex was un-done. Some small part of the elves still alive took the world roots to the wood elf lands and that's where the rest of them died when the world got swallowed by a warp rift.

Oh and the warp-stone moon crashed into the planet too, and the Lizardmen flew into space in their spaceship pyramids and got away.

>The last elf god, the moon god, used the last of her strength to make a pocket dimension to hide the elves but it failed and was corrupted by chaos.
>The moon god died.
>Everyone died.

Fucking Eldar can't even get this prophecy shit right in Fantasy.

Every time, just like 40k.

At this point I'm just expecting Ynnead to be Slaanesh in disguise while Cegorach laughs his ass off.

I think Malekith, Alarielle, and Tyrion are the "elf gods" of the next cycle since they survived. Its unclear but I think that's what they tried to do with the cosmology.

Personally I am of the opinion that all the surviving Eldar deities are in fact portions of the Chaos gods. Khaine and Khorne are damn similar. You can't tell me Cegorach doesn't feel a bit like Tzeentch, and Ynnead is clearly Slannesh light. Fuck I wouldn't be suprised if Isha is tied to nurgle in some way (besides the obvious). They all be foils or fragments or some shit like that.

Being an eldar xenos is truly a cursed existence.

Nurgle is about killing things, to promote the growth of new life.
Isha is also about promoting new life.

Interesting side notes from the Warhammer End times:

While screwing around in the warp trying to save Isha from Nurgle some elves ran into Kaldor Draigo who helped them out for a while.

While looting a Lizardman Pyramid that was built by the Old Ones some Skavin found a satellite telephone that connected to Eldar off world.

not making this shit up.

You have got to be shitting me. Reallly? Fucking really? Can you tell me where to find these bits? I must know the horror for myself.

It was implied that who the Skaven contacted may have been Old Ones instead. It says 'elf like speach', the Old Ones taught the Elves language.

they're both in here somewhere, its been a couple years since I read it.