Homebrew elves

Homebrew elves
>Physiological dependency on Mana
>Mesopotamian stylings on ancient Egypt in stylings on druid/forest stylings
>Political distant and insular
>Undying, immortal unless violent ends met

>Ingame player caused magical cataclysm breaks magic, cuts off lower half of continent from usual magic flow for extended period
>Many elves tainted by demonic tutors speed the culture of worship to Mana starved dying elves
>Roving bands of demon tainted elves invading kingdom to the north, warlocks abound

Did I accidentally recreate WoW blood elves?

You just created shit elves.

Same thing.


Should have stopped reading here

>Mesopotamian stylings on ancient Egypt in stylings on druid/forest stylings

Did stop reading here.

>reading past "Mana"

I see, we got some professional elf haters contributing nothing to the board in here.

Yeah holy shit

>durr how do I make elves interesting
>I know I'll change the human culture they're based on

I see, we got some brainless elfaboos contributing nothing to the board in here

user, it's simple. Liking a thing, spreading things you like, commenting on things you like, having reasonable thoughts about a thing you like > getting into threads you don't like, telling people how you don't like a thing in these threads that are about the thing you don't like, automatically dismissing everything you don't like because other people have the wrong kind of fun.

What do you even like? I only see you complaining. You are just spreading negativity.

My brother.

To be fair, if you're going to base elves on a human culture, Egypt isn't the worst possible choice.

What is that? A Saint Seiya armour?
Because I may actually do Saint Seiya elves.
Got more?

Sure, but that is a crap description. Like niggas ITT getting butthurt at people being negative, there's a reason people are being negative.

I also think that OP doesn't actually play games but just read some upper/lower nile shit and had an idea which he wrapped in an idea for elves.

The unwritten rule is that you can't enjoy things on Veeky Forums unless you have permission

What the fuck Veeky Forums

What in the blue hell

I ran my game, stuff happened, I thought it was funny I paralelled some WoW lore accidentally

Where the fuck did they touch you that you get this bent now? Can't read the content of a post without decrying "not another elf thread! Fuck you hiroshimoot! /qst/ should never have left!"

Nobody said a few of those things but you are coming on the back of like 6-7 days of nonstop barebones elf threads so yeah, no shit you got a bad reaction.

Some people are just constantly butthurt about elves being a thing, some people just thought your idea wasn't that great, while in general don't have a problem with elves. These two collided, and people that defend your elves were nowhere to be seen.

Serqet from SMITE.

True, true

I'm tired of all these anti-elf racists! Elfs are a proud people with an ancient culture!

Elves are not real, stop shitting up the board. Concentrate on contributing good elf-based content that is Veeky Forums-related and everything will be fine.

Fuck this thread and fuck Veeky Forums

Can someone fuck my mouth and cum in my throat while I stick things in my butt?

They prefer to be called "brown elves"

Well, I guess I can use a few of those.

I prefer my elves as desert nomads

>a mediocre elf
Go fuck yourself, asshole.

Tolkien elves = only elves.

Other elf like things can and often are good and/or interesting, but call them something else, because they are very un-elven.

>an alien
Good job, another anime "elf" that contributed nothing to the thread.

You're thinking /v/, the board you need to go back to.

>brown meme elf
>fat elf
Go back to wherever you came from. You probably don't care about traditional games anyway.

Well arent you easily triggered

If not Tolkien elves, then at least properly steeped to the folklore he took them from. Not entirely of this world, magical and uncanny, and all that stuff. Trickster nature optional. Glamor near-mandatory.

I for one thought op's elfs were kinda neat. Sue me.

Sounds alright, if somewhat WoW-like. Probably best to detail the culture then give irl parallels right off the bat. As you can see, it makes people sperg