What kind of a poster are you?

Puritan posters:
>Amalathians: Think Veeky Forums is the best board, posts quality content to keep it that way
>Monodominants: Reports any content they don't see as Veeky Forums, dislikes crossboarders, never visits other boards.
>Thorians: Figure that Veeky Forums needs more mods.

Radical posters:
>Casophilians: Firmly on the opinion that Veeky Forums used to be way better years ago, try to keep those days alive by means of old memes and topics and the style of humor.
>Horusians: Gotta get quests back.
>Istvaanians: Troll as much as possible, believing it makes Veeky Forums strong and sharp.
>Libricars: They say Veeky Forums has never been better than now, and will keep it that way forever.
>Oblationists: Brings up politics and their political agendas. They're the only ones that can do this right, too, they think – everyone else doing it is just shitposting.
>Ocularians: Veeky Forums's going to go even more to shit. Here's how.
>Polypsykana: Let's keep making Veeky Forums even more to shit. It's going to be better that way.
>Recongregationists: Fuck Veeky Forums. Tear it all down, delete it, salt the earth. Then bring it back up. A hard reset. Then just... don't make the same mistakes again I guess.
>Revivificators: Gotta get Moot back.
>Seculos Attendous: Have you tried not playing D&D?
>Xanthites: Gotta get porn back.
>Xeno Hybris: Phoneposters.


Totally radical

Xeno Hybris

Amalathian, but leaning Casophilian.

I try to post quality content, be a good person, and I still would rather go to Veeky Forums than most other boards, but I don't think Veeky Forums is as great as it used to be anymore. At best I'm aping the old style of humor on occasion - humor that I don't fully understand, being a newfag - and I've come to realize that even if we could bring it back, I don't think anyone would want it now. Times have changed too much. The better days are gone now, all I can do is keep this thing afloat so it won't get worse.

Xs poster reporting

Revivificator leaning Casophilian.
We need to cast out the pretender sitting on the Golden Throne of moot, and restore the age of people being able to enjoy things, no matter how cringe-worthy they seem.
1d4chan isn't half as bad as everyone acts like it is now

Ocularian, blaming the Casophilians. The solution to fixing a burning house isn't to put the drapes back up, it's to put out the fucking fire everyone's ignoring. Also Hiroshimoot, but that's not unique to Veeky Forums.

But you are the fire, Jim


Quest Threads are ten years in the cubes, creep.

Casophilian here. I remember the old days when Veeky Forums didn't have mods. It was a wild and free era when the poster wasn't confined to set ideas of right and wrong, moral and immoral. It was a golden age when fa/tg/uys were tempered by the rage of /b/tard invasions, memes flew fast and free across the board and no one had to self-censor in fear of catching the banhammer.

I'd be a monodominant, but I'm too deviant and I occasionally browse other blue boards as well

Also xeno hybrid tech, I'm posting this from a phone.

So semi-hypocritical puritan type?

>Xenos Hybris: Phoneposters

And accurate.

Seculos Attendous.

40kids and DnD-drones - and all the fucking NARPfag scum they bring - are a plague on this board. MtG and the other non-RPGfags need their own board too.

The culture of /pol/itical anger and badwrongfun are the fire. It can be contained if people who want to see good content can remember that they don't have to post in every thread and reply to every little piece of bait that's dragged in front of them, but it can't be completely destroyed without turning this place into reddit.

Always remember: don't retort, hide and report. If you really must tell the OP how not baited you are, use sage.

Casophilian definitely, but with a splash of the Thorian "A great poster will emerge and lead to the board to a new dawning of good OC" philosophy on top.

Perhaps the spirit of old Veeky Forums does not have a place in the world, but there's only one way to find out. The core of Veeky Forums will remain through any storm, with our posts.

Ocularians with Seculos Attendous leanings and Xeno Hybris sympathies.

>/pol/ boogeyman
Fuck you. The site as a whole has shifted in political climate. Blaming /pol/ is pretending that Veeky Forums is immune to that, and it's not. If /pol/ upsets you, you are not in good company, try reddit.


Don't defend /pol/ posting.


Yes, because 500-post threads about gender sidebars are high quality content that should be encouraged.

I certainly do love going into a thread about anything not related to politics, and people suddenly screaming about SJWs and Europe getting overrun with minorities.

I agree with you in principle - if we banned all the kind of talk we disliked, we'd be reddit, downvoting anything we didn't agree with into oblivion so no one would ever see it - but when it's interfering with what is supposed to be the main purpose of Veeky Forums, discussing settings and RPGs and shit, then it needs to at least be damped down. I do not go into a fantasy thread to discuss real world politics.

>The site as a whole has shifted in political climate. Blaming /pol/ is pretending that Veeky Forums is immune to that, and it's not.
Nah, m8.

That's your trashcan.

How can you post using that shitty mobile website? Is there a third-party app or something that makes it better?

>Amalathians: Think Veeky Forums is the best board, posts quality content to keep it that way
I guess this, but I rarely post because i'm a noob on this board. I love Veeky Forums games but don't know how/what to post yet.

>claims they're a Casophilian
>clearly a Xanthite

You are doing the right thing, child. You are lurking moar.

Somethingawful was yours, shitbrain, and you should have stayed there.

I'm a proud Nurgle poster of fecal matter

Nope. Mobile version works well enough for me.

Seculos Attendous / Xeno Hybris

>Stop people coming from other places and changing our culture. Also your board is now our politics pls leave if you don't like it /pol/ dindu nuffin

/pol/ was a mistake. Delete it now.

I always saw porn as correlation rather than causation for making tg great. I've never missed porn itself, but I think porn was the easiest way for anyone to make content and get reactions off of it.

Some sort of Xanthite halfbreed, I guess.

I identify as undead tri-gender attack helicopter. Please respect my religion.


None of your choices fit me.

All i do is joke poke whenever i see a chance.
I think the best thing about anonimity is that anyone can say anything on their mind.

Thorian / Xeno Hybris Hybrid

Clover is a sick app for android, not sure if on iPhone

My gender identity is an ironhands rhino. Post nudes.

epic meme my dude


Tell me if you like my tats babe

Im not a back door man, im a sponson man.

95% of the time I just lurk here to save and post good fantasy art. I rarely venture into actual discussion threads, but when I do I just spectate and save any good art that gets posted. The other 5% of the time I'm telling people their ideas are good and not to fall into the trap of trying too hard to be "original"

So, hmm.. Amalathian I guess, since I don't really have much to complain about, and this is my favorite board. That or perhaps Thorian, because sometimes I do wonder why obvious bait threads stay up.

My progenoid!

Oblationist reporting in

The current state of /pol/ was caused by reddit because /r/t_d flooded that board during the election.

A mix of Amalthian, Thorian, Casophilian, and a little bit of Oblationist when I want to watch autistic manchildren try to defend their manly men marines from "diversity".

Stay away from my marines you filthy doublenigger.

Tried that. Several times. I was here for the creation of /n/ - News and /newpol/ - News and Politics. They went down and people whined and shitposted until they came back. Once the door was opened to sturmfags it could never be closed.

For what its worth, the Veeky Forums staff always despised them. Unfortunately that only encourages them and feeds their victim complex.

>Seculos Attendous


Where does a writefaggot who basically only posts to do writefaggotry belong (this post not included natch)

Amalathian/Thorian/Xeno Hybris combo

I dunno, I first noticed it going down hill around the whole gamegate thing when the focus seem to shift from the role of the state to /feminism/

Amalathians, naturally.

Maybe Amalathians, since you're posting content and not trying to fuck things up.

Right but that means I should think Veeky Forums is the best board whiiiich it's not because you fuckers can't keep your hands off your muhopinons long enough to not go /pol/ over half the fucking threads I almost contribute to.

Don't take it that hard: they go on to talk about /pol/ everywhere, not just on Veeky Forums.

Amalathian, with some Casophilian leanings.

Casophilian that secretly harbors Revivificator sympathies.

Amalathian striving to hold the darkness at bay while wondering if he isn't just a deluded Ocularian and holds Casophilian sympathies.

>>Istvaanians: Troll as much as possible, believing it makes Veeky Forums strong and sharp.

This one. It keeps out the normalfags and helps sharpen anons' argumentation skills. The last thing we need is the gentrification of Veeky Forums.

I guess there's no real Inquisitorial faction for 'I don't really like it here but there's no where really better to go.' That smells of heresy.

So if you want to get rid of 40k, Dnd, and all the card games, what exactly do you want left on the board? That's most of tg right there. You'd be left with infinity and the White wolf games. And the cyoas. Is that really the tg you want?

>taking the b8

This, I just use Clover. Its super rad.

Also a Zeno Hybris Revivificator. Gook m00t is the cancer killing the site. Malignant ads and driving away J-list. It's bad, man.

I just post homebrew, participate and discussions and try to be civil. Where do I fit?

Recongregationist here
If people here see /pol/ in everything, then there's no saving this baord. We should just burn it down.


You have a whole containment board, what more do you want.

>Not realizing that there are in fact people who are just that autistic and can't stand to see whatever they don't like.

Back to your rotting cage.

You make a very compelling argument. Veeky Forums must die and be reborn.

No, we just need to get rid of all the soft newfags who get triggered by casual racism and gore.

Casophilian with Thorian and Revivificator tendencies.

Monodominant, though I do share a good deal with Amalathian. A garden does not grow through weeding alone, but also cultivation and the planting of wholesome seeds.

Comparing poster-types to Inquisitors is a pretty brilliant analogy.

Where do those of us that don't give a shit and browse for the fun le gasp I know of it, and doesn't care one way or another?

A Casophilian xeno hybrid

>casual racism
>people spewing racism and anti-SJW shit either to fit in or derail a thread

I guess I am a bit of Amalathian with a tad of Monodominant since I'll happily report things that are blatant non Veeky Forums shitposting
but am okay with crossboarders.

>The current state of /pol/ was caused by reddit because /r/t_d flooded that board during the election.

/pol/ is /pol/ because /b/ dragged Stormfront back with them during the height of raid culture (rules 1 and 2 never worked.) Some of them liked what they saw and undertook a concerted infiltration and subversion effort that took root pretty strongly in /n/ because many of those natives who weren't already sympathetic felt it was funny to play along.

It's the same process that fucked up most of Veeky Forums, raids raised the notoriety of the board and the targets came to see what all the fuss was about, leading to local trolls imitating the newcomers to annoy other locals. But when all the newest of newfags had to see when and if they chose to lurk was obnoxious newfags and trolls pretending to be exaggerated versions of them many of those traits took hold as the current culture of the site.

tl;dr blame /b/

>many of those natives who weren't already sympathetic felt it was funny to play along.
I was one of those people. I have since come to regret it. It was all bix nood and pool's closed due to aids back then. Every cock was mongled and the negros were happy, but shit just had to get all angsty and serious, and then political.

Fuck it. Burn it all. I'm recongregationist now.


Whatever the most people are, I'm the exact opposite of that. Am I c-cool yet, guys?

Proud Xeno Hybris/Istvaanian. If everyone was less of a little bitch all the time things would be going just swell.

what's so shitty about it? it's clunky but I've seen much worse mobile UI before.


>Xeno Hybris
My computer is for actual important shit.

How is it that when I see that I think of /d/ ?

I probably qualify as Amalathian, although mainly because I just fucking hate Veeky Forums for the most part. I only come here because Veeky Forums is the only decent tabletop board I can find.

Definitive ranking of all anons

God tier

Bro tier

OK tier
>Seculor Attendous

Meh tier
>Xeno Hybrids

Shit tier


Thorian, we need a redeemer to burn the heresy that is /pol/ shit on our board. If this has a cost measured in lives, pay it.

Hmm... Stat Me, Veeky Forums. It's more interesting to see what you'd guys pick than what I'd pick.

Hard Mode: No Istvaanians

>Ordo Sicarius...
> wat do??/

who /casophilian and xanthite but also want to be amalathian/ here

Regongregationist all the way. We can't save this mess to let's burn it to the ground

For some reason I saw /k/ as Veeky Forums and was having a very difficult but amusing time understanding things

What if you don't really care and you're just here because the content amuses you?

You missed one:
>Transcendental mugandans: A hybrid crossboarder who exists only to discuss a niche hobby within a niche hobby, and is completely apathetic to board quality outside of their specific interests, but will vigorously defend said hobby to the point of alienating the very people they discuss things with.

I strive to be amalathian. But I've got no creativity so